"Without rules, there is no square. A new world has been opened up, but we must manage it and develop it well. In the era of the great world of destiny, we once established an order, but the order of the old era is not suitable for the new era. Just like, all of you sitting here were just the church leaders, elders, and protectors in the sect, but in the future, you will be the branch leaders.”

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and Fang Yang's words once again caused a sensation in the palace.

Before they joined the church, they had heard about the position of leader. However, no one has ever been able to get to this point.

Even if Hongxuan Tianzun is the spokesperson of humanity, he can only be a saint and cannot be the leader of the cult. Now, Fang Yang went out of his way and asked them to create a separate sect.

The power of high-ranking officials in the capital was certainly great, but no matter how powerful it was, it was not as powerful as the feudal lords in one of the separate factions.

A powerful man raised his head and looked at Fang Yang, as if he couldn't believe it, but also seemed to be confirming it.

Taoist Lord Sacred Heart nodded and said in agreement: "What the head master said is absolutely true. All the fellow Taoists have worked hard and made great achievements. They should have a place in this great world of no life."

The three of them no longer need to preach in Wusheng Heaven and Earth, because even the heaven and earth belong to Fang Yang. All things in the world originate from Fang Yang's rules, and the fruits produced by these things will eventually belong to Fang Yang.

The three of them no longer need to preach, and the opportunity to preach belongs to the powerful people of Wu Sheng Cult. The stronger the powerful men of the Wusheng Sect are, the stronger the Wusheng Heaven and Earth will be, and the stronger the three of them will be.

For this reason, Fang Yang relaxed.

"In this sect, any being who has cultivated to the realm of great supernatural powers will automatically become the branch leader of this sect. In the future, together with me, the second leader, and the third leader, we will share the foundation of this sect!"

Fang Yang's words completely reassured the seven great supernatural powers, Taoist Wuji, Taoist Taiyuan, Taoist Wuchen, Tianzun Hongxuan, Shenjun Nanyue, Immortal Emperor Juntian, and Immortal Emperor Chixiao.

Who wouldn’t want to establish a branch of a religion and take control of one side? The position of branch leader not only represents status, but also represents the supreme glory.

"Thank you, Master, for your kindness!"

Looking at these seven great supernatural beings, Fang Yang seemed to see the future of the unborn world. When the way of heaven matures, he should also distribute the lifeless purple energy in the Vacuum Palace and hand over the holy throne to these people.

He has no teachings, but he has successors!

Naturally, he had other requirements for his disciples. He didn't expect his disciples to be better than others, but they definitely couldn't be worse than him.

The future Inanimate Sect will not belong to him, but to his disciples. If the disciples don't live up to their expectations, how can they suppress these elders in the sect?

Fang Yang's eyes swept across the crowd, and his voice sounded again, like morning bells and evening drums, shaking the hearts of every powerful person present: "But remember, being assigned the position of leader is not only a reward for your wait, but also a reward for your wait. You must guide all sentient beings and spread the teachings of the Inanimate Religion so that the Inanimate World can prosper."

All the powerful officials were shocked. They understood that the responsibility Fang Yang mentioned was not only external preaching, but also internal education. They need to lead by example, become role models for all congregants, and guide congregants to the right path.

If they were corrupted by power, Fang Yang would definitely not be as easy to talk to as Patriarch Hongjun.

"Master, don't worry, we will definitely live up to your trust, do our best, and contribute everything we have to the prosperity of Wusheng Religion."

Taoist Wuji was the first to express his stance. His voice was sonorous and powerful, indicating his determination.

Other powerful officials also responded, their eyes full of determination and expectation.

Fang Yang nodded slightly, he was satisfied with everyone's attitude. He knew that these people had gone through countless tests before standing at the top of Wusheng Cult. Their loyalty and ability are beyond doubt.

Reincarnation Taoist Master said: "Fellow Taoists, the most important thing at the moment is to move the creatures from the Destiny World to the Inanimate World and let them settle down. This matter will be left to Taoist friends Hongxuan and Nanyue Dao Friends are responsible.”

Hongxuan Tianzun has the most seniority in Wusheng Cult. He also has four Hunyuan Golden Immortal-level disciples under his command, and has countless disciples and grandsons.

Nanyue Shenjun is the master of the Divine Court in the Destiny World, and he knows all the races and forces in the Destiny World. He knows best what kind of living environment each race prefers, and in what environment they can practice fastest.

Together, they will be able to properly arrange everything for the creatures in the Destiny World.

Hongxuan Tianzun and Nanyue Shenjun looked at each other, and both saw the solemnity in the other's eyes. They stood up at the same time, bowed to the Master of Samsara Taoism, and said solemnly: "After receiving the decree of the three sect masters, I will definitely live up to my trust."

Fang Yang nodded slightly, his eyes were deep, as if he could see through time and space: "The matter of migration is related to the fate of hundreds of millions of living beings, so you must not be careless. You need to plan carefully to ensure that every living being can find themselves in the new world. Especially fellow Taoist Nanyue, the world of Wusheng has just been opened, and various natural disasters are inevitable. You must control these disasters. "

"Yes, leader." Hongxuan Tianzun and Nanyue Divine Lord responded in unison.

Taoist Lord Sacred Heart spoke at the right time: "However, in addition to the creatures on the earth, the ghosts in the netherworld must also have a resting place. When we left the world of destiny, we took the ghosts with us. Moreover, things in the netherworld , It’s a matter of authenticity, and we can’t be careless.”

Hearing this, Fang Yang nodded slightly and agreed: "The matter of the underworld is indeed important. People have reincarnation of life and death, and ghosts are also part of the cycle of heaven and earth. Junior Brother Reincarnation, I will leave this matter to you to coordinate."

"This is natural. The construction and maintenance of the Netherworld is related to the order of reincarnation of all living beings and cannot be taken lightly. I will personally supervise the construction of the Netherworld and open five reincarnations to ensure the order of yin and yang and the balance of life and death."

"In this case, thank you for your hard work, Junior Brother."

At this time, Taoist Wuchen stepped forward and bowed, saying: "Master, the affairs of the three paths of heaven, earth and man are indeed important, but we must also carefully protect those innate sacred beings that are being nurtured. Each of them is the future of our sect."

Fang Yang heard this and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes. He expressed his approval of Taoist Wuchen's carefulness: "Your words are very true. The innate sacred beings are the essence of heaven and earth. Gathering is the precious wealth of our Wusheng Sect. When the Taoist friends from the prehistoric world enter, they are likely to pose a threat to those innate sacred beings that are still in the making. I will lay down the power of rules in the places where those innate sacred beings are being nurtured, and will not allow anyone to break in. "

"The leader is wise!"

Fang Yang's eyes swept through the mighty beings again, and his voice revealed firmness and strength: "Everyone, the rise and fall of the Holy Religion depends on the shoulders of each of us. From now on, we must work together to create the glory of the Holy Religion."

"Obey the leader's order!"

The mighty beings in the hall responded in unison, and their voices echoed in the hall like thunder, demonstrating their determination and faith. (End of this chapter)

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