Shaking the trust of all living beings is just the beginning.

Wuji Daozun understood that relying on some unfounded charges would not be able to collapse the faith of the Yuanxu Saints.

Yuanxu Great World is a world that is not inferior to the prehistoric world. If they are determined to calm the storm, they will definitely be able to do it.

The clear will be clear, and the turbid will be turbid. For those with strength, this sentence is not an empty talk.

Therefore, when the goal was achieved, Wuji Daozun immediately issued an order to let all those who participated in the first wave of offensives withdraw to the base camp to avoid unnecessary losses.

Sure enough, as soon as their people withdrew, the major forces in Yuanxu Great World followed the clues and found the source of each incident.

Then, they increased the intensity of the investigation and imposed the most severe punishment on those creatures in Yuanxu Great World who caused the crisis of trust - dispersing their souls and sending them to a place of no return.

When the benefits that can be obtained by repaying kindness with enmity cannot make up for the punishment, the matter of repaying kindness with enmity in Yuanxu Great World was swept away and never appeared again.

In front of the powerful Yuanxu world who can search souls and read memories, empty words are useless.

In this way, Yuanxu world used their powerful courage to disintegrate the first wave of the Wusheng Sect's offensive.

At the same time, in order to fight back against the prehistoric world, Yuanxu world began to sneak into the prehistoric world camp, assassinate people from major forces, and frame them again.

The prehistoric world was well prepared and caught the powerful Yuanxu world in the act.

After a not-so-tragic war, Yuanxu world lost both its wife and its troops. Not only did it fail to alienate the major forces of the prehistoric world again, it also lost a great supernatural power.

Yuanxu world, which suffered losses repeatedly, became angry and launched another war against the prehistoric world.

Until the saint who fought in the heaven returned, Yuanxu world still failed to achieve any results, and fought with the prehistoric world again.

Now, Yuanxu world had to call off the troops, regroup, and discuss the plan to retreat the enemy again.

In the meeting room of the Holy Land of Time, the twelve immortals gathered again.

"Although the last plan achieved some results, it was not complete. Instead, the prehistoric world sneaked into our world and disrupted many of our deployments."

Immortal Lord Liuguang coughed and said first.

"We have obtained new information. Another Taoist master from the prehistoric world has come forward to quell the disputes among the prehistoric saints. Therefore, our future plans should be used on the disciples or subordinates of the prehistoric saints."

His voice was like a clear spring in the mountains, steady and powerful, penetrating the hearts of everyone present.

Immortal Lord Lu Yi heard this and nodded slightly, his eyes flashing with a thoughtful light: "Indeed, the same trick can only be used once. It may not be easy to alienate the disciples or subordinates of the prehistoric saints."

Taoist Tanbing pondered for a moment, tapping his fingers lightly on the table, as if he was considering every word. He carefully thought about the information of the prehistoric world and wanted to find a way out from it.

After a few breaths, his eyes lit up.

"In my opinion, the major forces in the prehistoric world are harmonious on the surface, but in fact they are just a mob. There is nothing that those forces cannot do for the sake of profit. As long as we give them enough benefits, we may be able to bribe them and let them betray the prehistoric world."

"This plan is very good!" Liuguang Xianjun's words were full of praise and affirmation, and his eyes flashed with admiration, as if he had foreseen the effect of this strategy.

Other immortals also nodded in agreement, with a knowing smile on their faces.

Huayin Fairy nodded: "We have always overlooked one point. The situation in the prehistoric world is different from that in my Yuanxu world. There is a dispute over the great way in the prehistoric world. If they want to prove the way to become a saint, they will be blocked by other saints or great powers. If we use the sainthood as a condition to contact those great powers in the prehistoric world, they will definitely not be able to resist the temptation."

She did not think that the great powers in the prehistoric world had the righteousness of the world. How much righteousness could there be for those who would break the world in a fight?

Especially the people in the Demonic Path, who have always been extremely selfish.

If they extend an olive branch to the people in the Demonic Path, the people in the Demonic Path will definitely not refuse.

As the discussion in the meeting gradually deepened, a fairy king who was usually more introverted, Lily Fairy King, frowned slightly and raised a question:

"What you said is very true, but I don't understand one thing. The other party has a Taoist ancestor-level existence. How can we hide it from the other party, secretly and secretly, and instigate the powerful people of the other party in the other party's camp?"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the meeting room suddenly became subtle. The other fairy kings fell into thought, obviously, this was also an aspect they had not considered in depth.

Immortal Lord Liuguang pondered for a moment and replied: "What Fairy Baihe is worried about is very true. We can communicate with Daozu about this matter and let him solve it. As long as Daozu can cover up the eyes and ears of Wusheng Sect Leader, it will only take a moment for us to complete the infiltration."

At this time, another immortal, Immortal Lord Zuiri, also put forward his own suggestion: "I suggest that when we fight with the opponent, at the moment of the collision of magical powers, we can convey our thoughts to the great power of the prehistoric world. In this way, it will be foolproof."


After a fierce discussion and weighing the pros and cons, the twelve immortals reached a consensus. They decided to infiltrate the great power of the prehistoric world.

However, the meeting did not end there. Soon, Immortal Lord Zuiri put forward another suggestion.

Zui Ri Xianjun opened his fat lips slightly, his voice was soft but full of power:

"I think that since the cultivators in the prehistoric world are greedy, they will definitely covet military merits. Why don't we use war to cause conflicts among them?"

"We might as well use this as an opportunity to control the direction of the war, give military merits to the other side, and let the cultivators in the prehistoric world fight each other for military merits, thereby causing conflicts and divisions among them."

Lu Yi Xianjun frowned slightly when he heard this, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, and then asked: "But in this way, there will be a lot of sacrifices on our side."

"It doesn't matter, with Daozu here, wait until the war is over, and then Daozu will take action to resurrect these dead Taoist friends."

Zui Ri Xianjun said indifferently.

Liu Guang Xianjun slowly stood up, his eyes flashing with unprecedented firmness and determination. He looked around and said in a sonorous and powerful voice: "Daoyou, the fate of Yuanxu Great World is in our hands at this moment."

Just like that, a new wave of conspiracy once again hit the prehistoric world. I don’t know if the prehistoric world can resist this time.

But all this has little to do with the Wusheng Sect.

The Wusheng Sect has given up cooperation with other forces. No matter how sweeping the conspiracy is, it can’t involve the Wusheng Sect. (End of this chapter)

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