As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the hall. Feng Yue's face turned ashen in an instant. He widened his eyes in disbelief, and his body was shaky, as if he would fall down at any time.

The disciples of the Asking Sword Sect were also stunned. They stepped forward one after another, wanting to defend Feng Yue, but were stopped by the stern eyes of the city lord.

"Lord City Lord, there are still many doubts in this matter. How can you conclude that Feng Yue is the murderer based on one side of the story?"

An elder of the Asking Sword Sect stood up, with a bit of urgency and unwillingness in his tone.

The city lord snorted coldly, his eyes were like torches, and he swept the whole audience:

"This city lord is handling the case, and he has his own sense of propriety. Feng Yue's behavior, plus the various clues left at the scene, all point to him being the murderer. As for the doubts you mentioned, they are just excuses for you not wanting to accept the truth."

Everyone in the Asking Sword Sect was shocked and puzzled by this result.

How can there be conclusive evidence without any evidence? Their fellow disciples, out of kindness, collected the body for Wang Wu, but were actually regarded as the murderer. This really chilled them.

"City Lord, although your Wendao Sect is a small sect, we are also part of the forces under the jurisdiction of Danqing Tiangong. You judged the case in this way and took human life lightly. I must write to Tiangong to report you!"

The elder of Wendao Sect was enraged, stepped forward and said fiercely.

Unexpectedly, after hearing the words of the elder of Wendao Sect, the city lord's face became gloomy: "Report this city lord? It seems that this matter is not done by Feng Yue alone. You Wendao Sect collectively killed Wang Wu. I am afraid that Wang Wu discovered the secret of Wendao Sect that cannot be seen by others. This city lord knows that your Wendao Sect secretly surrendered to the extraterritorial demons and wanted to cooperate with the extraterritorial demons to overthrow the rule of Tiangong."

This city lord is a puppet of Nüba. "False accusations" among the human race are really common.

Now, she can imitate those corrupt officials and cruel officials with ease and without any difficulty.

Hearing the words of the city lord, all the disciples of the Asking Sword Sect were angry.

They have seen that this city lord is just lying with his eyes open, and he doesn't care about the truth at all.

"All disciples of the Asking Sword Sect, don't care about the orders of this dog city lord. Follow me to kill out of the city lord's mansion and find the sect to make the decision for us."

The elder of the Asking Sword Sect took the lead, and a sword light tore through the void, dominating the world, and killed many city guards of the city lord's mansion on the spot.

During this process, the city lord pretended that there was a problem with his cultivation, and he couldn't resist the elder of the Asking Sword Sect and was repelled by the sword energy.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

In full view of the public, the elder of the Asking Sword Sect and his disciples rushed out of the city lord's mansion.

As soon as they went out, they spread the things in the city lord's mansion throughout the city.

The cultivators in the city were stunned when they learned about the way the city lord solved the case. When encountering the corpse of a fellow practitioner, they would collect it at will, which is seeing injustice and helping others. But according to the city lord, only murderers would collect corpses.

They could not understand what kind of logic this was, which violated the most basic truth. The city lord's words denied the existence of kindness, as if everything in the world should be measured by interests.

Since the "Feng Yue" incident, the originally peaceful and peaceful Yuanxu world has gradually deteriorated, and all kinds of incredible events have emerged one after another.

The reason why this incident has intensified is that some monks are only interested in profit and regard the "Feng Yue" incident as a rare "opportunity". They followed suit and used various insidious means to interpret the bad behavior of "repaying kindness with enmity" vividly.

At first, such dirty things mostly happened between competing sects and forces, but as time went on, this unhealthy trend quietly penetrated into fellow disciples and even the same bloodline, and family affection and morality seemed so fragile in the face of interests.

The act of "doing justice" quietly deteriorated in this world and gradually became a derogatory term. Once someone dared to stand up and practice justice, he would be labeled as "stupid" and regarded as an alien by others.

Many powerful people in the Yuanxu world were busy calculating the major forces in the prehistoric world, so they only made a superficial and light treatment of the "Feng Yue" incident and imposed insignificant punishment on the city lord involved.

Now, facing the chain reaction caused by the incident, they are all heartbroken and regret that they did not impose severe punishment to set an example.

However, when these powerful people finally realized the seriousness of the problem and tried to remedy it, they found it was too late. In the context of "kindness" being marginalized and even regarded as a taboo, the basic trust between people is as vulnerable as a sand castle and quickly collapses.

What is more worrying is that the far-reaching layout of the behind-the-scenes promoters such as Wuji Daozun has just begun.

Just as the powerful people in the Yuanxu world were dealing with the disturbances of the "city lords", a shocking news swept the entire Yuanxu world overnight like a storm, and no corner was spared.

The content of this news is: Yuanxu Daozu and Yuanxu Saints have made a decision. They plan to plunder all the resources of Yuanxu World and lead their huge group of forces to escape into the depths of chaos.

When this news first came to everyone's ears, everyone was shocked and unbelievable.

For a long time, Yuanxu Daozu and the saints have been thinking about the common people, and it seems that they can't do things like abandoning the common people and fleeing alone.

However, the situation took a sharp turn for the worse, and Wuji Daozun and others quickly took action and showed the so-called "conclusive evidence".

Daozu Yuanxu and the saints did intend to evacuate, and their forces were quietly carrying out a large-scale secret evacuation preparation. All this was discovered by Daojun Qingyuan, who had been investigating the whereabouts of the four origins.

With these real evidences, Daozun Wuji and others only needed to fabricate some non-existent evidence and distort the facts, and the fake became true.

As these true and false evidences surfaced one by one, the creatures of Yuanxu seemed to be in a sudden storm, and their hearts suffered an unprecedented shock.

The once unshakable faith, like a sand castle blown away by the wind, quickly collapsed, leaving only a heart full of doubts, anger and despair.

All living beings began to question whether Daozu Yuanxu and the saints, who were once worshipped as gods, were really as selfless and great as they showed.

The legends of the saints seeking the welfare of the people seemed so pale and powerless at this moment, as if they were just a gorgeous coat to cover up the truth.

Wuji Daozun and others took the opportunity to fan the flames, using the negative emotions of all beings to further fabricate various cases and create various evidences. The lies they carefully woven quickly spread amid the panic and anxiety of all beings and became an unshakable "fact".

Faced with such a situation, the great powers of Yuanxu Great World finally realized what a terrible opponent they had encountered.

They quickly held a meeting to deal with this war without gunpowder. (End of this chapter)

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