In the long history of the prehistoric world, Yuanshi Tianzun, as the representative of Pangu's orthodox sect, once tried to justify it by distinguishing between legitimate and illegitimate children.

The emergence of the distinction between legitimate and illegitimate children once enhanced the authority of Pangu's orthodox sect and made Pangu's orthodox sect a synonym for orthodoxy.

However, too much is as bad as too little. When the distinction between legitimate and illegitimate children was overemphasized and developed to its peak, it had a negative impact on the status of Pangu's orthodox sect.

The distinction between legitimate and illegitimate children is like an invisible sword, ruthlessly splitting the fate of individuals. Those individuals who share the same ancestral blood and have the same father are destined to be thrown into the abyss of slavery by fate just because their biological mother is not the original wife.

This situation is an unbearable spiritual shackle for anyone, let alone those illegitimate sons and daughters who have excellent cultivation talents and have already cultivated to become Golden Immortals or even Taiyi Golden Immortals.

These beings have long become the overlords of one side in the prehistoric world, and their cultivation is unfathomable, enough to establish a sect. However, it is regrettable that even though they are powerful, they still cannot break free from the shackles of the outdated concept of "the difference between legitimate and illegitimate children", because of the difference between legitimate and illegitimate children, they have lost many rights.

With their strength, it should not be so. However, the Legitimate and illegitimate God Sect pulled in "Pangu Orthodoxy". They have the strength to break the injustice, but they do not have the strength to fight against "Pangu Orthodoxy".

When the Chan Sect proposed the concept of "the difference between legitimate and illegitimate children", it intentionally or unintentionally combined the concept of "the difference between legitimate and illegitimate children" with Pangu Orthodoxy.

Under the careful planning of the Kunpeng Patriarch, the concept of "the difference between legitimate and illegitimate children" is closely linked to the authority of "Pangu Orthodoxy", making the two inseparable.

This strategy makes the concept of "the difference between legitimate and illegitimate children" have a solid umbrella of protection when facing shocks, and further consolidates the position of this concept in the prehistoric world.

However, people's hearts are like a surging river, which can only be dredged.

The ancestor Kunpeng deeply understood that using powerful forces to try to suppress people's hearts could have a temporary effect, but the power of people's hearts would accumulate like a torrent until it became unstoppable.

The stronger the suppression, the stronger the dissatisfaction and anger of people's hearts.

When the idea of ​​the difference between legitimate and illegitimate children was counterattacked by all living beings, the shield of "Pangu Authenticity" suffered the most tyrannical impact.

All living beings are still very respectful of the Three Pure Ones.

The Tuxuan Alliance went against the saints because their relatives, clansmen, and family property were all destroyed by the saints, and hatred was their only motivation for survival.

The current group of living beings have not been forced to the point of not wanting their lives by the saints, and they dare not show their anger to the Three Pure Ones in public.

However, they have resentment in their hearts!

The ancestor Kunpeng was not satisfied with this little bit of resentment. What he wanted was that the resentment of all living beings alarmed the way of heaven.

Only when heaven is angry and people are resentful, the name of Pangu Authenticity will disappear. Otherwise, it is meaningless for all living beings to unilaterally deny the existence of Pangu Authenticity.

The Kunpeng Patriarch passed down his decree again, and countless pamphlets appeared in the prehistoric world. The pamphlets recorded how the Three Pure Ones, relying on their Pangu authentic identities, abused their power and suppressed their dissidents.

"Yuanshi Tianzun once said that although all living beings were transformed by Pangu, the Three Pure Ones transformed by Pangu's primordial spirit were Pangu's legitimate sons and enjoyed the supreme status. The rest of the living beings were just Pangu's illegitimate sons and slaves of Pangu's authentic sect. They could only bow their heads and be subordinate to Pangu's authentic sect forever."

"The gate of Zixiao Palace was open, and the Saint Kunpeng of Beiming entered the Zixiao Palace with a desire for the Great Dao. However, he never expected that this journey of seeking the Dao would be so full of twists and turns."

"In Zixiao Palace, he encountered the joint humiliation of Pangu's Three Pure Ones. The Three Pure Ones regarded themselves as Pangu's legitimate sons, sneered at the Saint Kunpeng, and even spoke rudely, saying that even if he was born sacred, he was just a flat-haired beast in their eyes."

The ancestor Kunpeng was not a person who "did not believe in rumors and did not spread rumors". When he promoted the various deeds of Pangu's authentic sect, he did not forget to exaggerate and discredit Pangu's authentic sect.

It has to be said that the master of spreading rumors is very high. The content he wrote in the booklet is 60% true and 40% false. In the real event, he changed one or two words to make the meaning of the event completely different.

In Zixiao Palace, Yuanshi Tianzun expelled the master of Kunpeng not because he thought the master of Kunpeng was of low status, but because he felt threatened by the master of Kunpeng.

However, the master of Kunpeng just wanted to take out the superficial reasons, add fuel to the fire, and confirm the fact that Yuanshi Tianzun regarded himself as the legitimate son of Pangu.

As soon as the booklet of the master of Kunpeng came out, the resentment of the people towards the Pangu authentic sect deepened.

Before, some legitimate sons and daughters felt that it was none of their business and were high and mighty, but now, these legitimate sons and daughters have also broken their defenses. According to the standards of the Three Pure Ones, these legitimate sons and daughters are actually no different from flat-haired beasts.

"I didn't expect that the distinction between legitimate and illegitimate children was first proposed by the famous Three Pure Ones. Isn't it said that the heaven and earth are unkind, and treat all things as straw dogs, and all living beings are equal?"

"Birds and beasts are all born by the heaven and earth, and transformed by the great god Pangu. In the eyes of the Pangu orthodox, they are so lowly?!"

"It turns out that we in the north almost lost a saint. Only saints are allowed in the east, not in the north. Is this orthodoxy also called orthodoxy?"

"Re-establish earth, fire, wind and water, change the world, hahahaha, change the world."

More and more resentment came out from the hearts of all living beings, boiling up, rising to the sky higher and higher.

Although all these grievances were directed at Pangu Sect, the Heavenly Dao, which supported Pangu Sect, was also affected.

After all, all living beings believed that Heavenly Dao was impartial, but Heavenly Dao favored Pangu Sect again and again, and the grievances in the hearts of all living beings were more or less directed at Heavenly Dao.


The old ancestor Kunpeng did not stop when he saw the good, even if the thirty-three heavens were stained with a layer of resentment, the activities of the Dishu Divine Sect did not stop.

These people were originally the cannon fodder he chose. As long as the demon saints and demon gods were not in trouble, he could bear other losses.

How could it be possible to pull Pangu Sect off the altar without paying some price?

Seeing that the old ancestor Kunpeng had done this, other forces could not help it.

There are too few powerful people in the heavens who have not been oppressed by Pangu Sect. Even the powerful people who are on good terms with the Three Pure Ones can always feel the extraordinary superiority of the Three Pure Ones.

The Three Pure Ones are indeed qualified and capable of being arrogant, but once they are arrogant, they will inevitably offend others.

The Kunpeng Patriarch provided such a good opportunity, and the great powers in the heavens certainly would not miss it. They all came out and began to exclude Pangu Zhengzong.

As long as Pangu Zhengzong disappears from the prehistoric world, the luck condensed on Pangu Zhengzong will also disappear, and then be distributed to them.

They have no choice but to take action. (End of this chapter)

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