Prehistoric: Starting from Foolish Old Man Moving Mountains

Chapter 1018: Kunpeng Patriarch exerts his strength

Emperor Jun surrendered to Fang Yang without any warning, which caught the old ancestor Kunpeng off guard.

In order to avenge the past, the old ancestor Kunpeng even refined the recruiting flag, waiting to collect the true spirit marks of Emperor Jun and Taiyi in it.

When Emperor Jun surrendered to Fang Yang, the old ancestor Kunpeng was immediately in a dilemma.

It is impossible to say that the old ancestor Kunpeng did not dare to offend Fang Yang. In order to prove his way, the old ancestor Kunpeng could sell his body and become the Taoist partner of the Phoenix Emperor.

In terms of ruthlessness, Fang Yang is not as ruthless as the old ancestor Kunpeng.

If he was as ruthless as the old ancestor Kunpeng, he could completely cultivate into a female body in Taihang Mountain to seduce the snake god and become the mountain goddess of Wangwu Mountain and Taihang Mountain.

However, the old ancestor Kunpeng is no longer the lonely man he used to be. He is the ancestor of all monsters, and the rise and fall of the Beiming monster clan depends on him.

There is no need for the Wusheng Sect to take action, and the two of them, Emperor Jun and Taiyi, can sweep the monster clan.

After enjoying the benefits of being the leader of a big power, no one would think too much and choose to restore their lonely status.

"I was still hesitating whether to stand on the side of Fengdu Daoyou and join hands with him to compete for the right to speak in Pangu League. Now it seems that I don't have to hesitate. Fang Yang did this because he was determined to set up his own faction and no longer consider himself a member of Pangu League."

After Fang Yang became the spokesperson for humanity, many powerful people in Pangu League were prepared for this. But they still had illusions, imagining that Fang Yang could stand on the side of Pangu League in everything.

However, Fang Yang's acceptance of Di Jun and Tai Yi's behavior completely shattered the illusions of many powerful people in Pangu League. You know, Di Jun and Tai Yi were once the biggest enemies of Pangu League.

It can only be said that the realm of these powerful people is still not enough.

When it comes to hatred with Di Jun and Tai Yi, who can compare with Di Jiang? Di Jiang died at the hands of Tai Yi, and he and Tai Yi have a murderous hatred.

Dijiang can put aside the grudges of the previous life and join forces with Taiyi. These powerful people who did not die in the hands of Dijun and Taiyi have been trapped in the hatred of the past and cannot pull themselves out. No wonder they have been standing still for so many years.

Ancestor Kunpeng is in a bad mood.

He has many enemies in the prehistoric world, and he no longer cares about most of them. But there are six people he must deal with.

These six people are Jieyin Saint, Bodhi Patriarch, Yuanshi Tianzun, Zhou Qing, Dijun, and Taiyi. They have one thing in common, they are all the people who caused him to lose his holy position.

The hatred of the holy position is more unforgettable to Ancestor Kunpeng than the hatred of the demon flag. After all, if he had not lost his holy position, he would not have suffered the pain of the demon flag.

Jieyin Saint has the Styx Patriarch to deal with, and under the persistence of Moro, the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas of Buddhism has only one left.

Zhunti Saint has fallen from the holy position, and killing him is actually fulfilling him. Patriarch Bodhi is working hard for the Heavenly Dao, and he may not be able to pay off his debts until the end of time.

Zhou Qing is too powerful in this life. If he doesn't go to Beiming to slaughter the demons, Patriarch Kunpeng will burn incense.

Thinking about everything in the past, Patriarch Kunpeng's eyes gradually became sharp, and he whispered: "The sky changes and the earth changes, only I don't change. On the road ahead, even if there are gods and Buddhas blocking me, I will definitely kill them."

A huge Kunpeng phantom rose from behind him, swallowing the sun and the moon, and the huge mouth opened and closed, and all the heavens and worlds were swallowed into it. The phantom of Kunpeng covered the sun and the moon in the sky, and the shadow was like a tide, drowning the entire Kunxu sky.


In the darkness, all Kunpeng roared.

The cries of countless Kunpengs resounded through Kunxutian, shaking the sky and the earth. After echoing thousands of times, the echo gradually disappeared.

An order from Patriarch Kunpeng made the earthly immortal world lively again.

The long-silent Divine Religion finally started to make a big move. They built Sanqing Temples everywhere and spread the story of Pangu creating the world and his primordial spirit becoming Sanqing.

After the Conferred Gods Calamity, the Sanqing Temples in the prehistoric world disappeared, leaving only Laojun Temple and Yuanshi Tianzun Temple. Tongtian Patriarch hurt sentient beings too deeply and has been selectively forgotten by sentient beings.

In the entire prehistoric world, only Jiejiao or the forces of Jiejiao would worship Tongtian Patriarch.

A new generation replaced the old one. Millions of years have passed, and there are many creatures who don't know the existence of Tongtian Patriarch.

Suddenly, the Dishu Divine Religion brought out a forgotten Tongtian Patriarch, which aroused the curiosity of many people. This curiosity made the story of the Dishu Divine Religion spread more and more.

Those old people in the Conferred Gods Calamity period heard the terms "a ray of hope" and "Tongtian Patriarch" again, and couldn't help but recall the sword of Tongtian Patriarch that shattered the prehistoric world. However, because too much time has passed, the hatred in the hearts of sentient beings has long faded.

Time is the biggest enemy of hatred, especially when the hatred is directed at an invincible enemy.

After the terms such as Sanqing and Pangu Zhengzong became popular searches, the Dishu Shenjiao took the opportunity to point out that Sanqing was Pangu's legitimate son, so they were born superior.

With the example of "Pangu Zhengzong", the Dishu Shenjiao suddenly became legitimate.

After all, even the Heavenly Dao believes that Pangu Zhengzong is superior, and anyone who does not recognize the distinction between legitimate and illegitimate is defying the Heaven. Whenever a illegitimate son or daughter wants to rise up in resistance, someone will ask, "Are you going to defy the Heaven?"

Of course, no one dares to defy the Heaven, because the price of defying the Heaven is too high.

At this most critical moment, the Anti-Dishu Shenjiao, which has always been against the Dishu Shenjiao, disappeared in the prehistoric world, as if it had never appeared.

As a result, more and more creatures began to support the concept of the Divinity Religion.

"Although I only have the cultivation of Xuanxian, I am a serious legitimate daughter. You are just a bastard, even if you become a powerful Golden Immortal, you will always be stepped on by me."

"Are you comparing yourself to me? A bastard born in a concubine is even lower than the slaves around me. Even if you become Da Luo, it won't change this fact. The master will always be the master, and the slave will always be a slave."

"Eunuchs born to step wives are also considered direct eunuchs? Only eunuchs born to the first wife are direct eunuchs! Remember, your status can never surpass our family."

"I am the legitimate daughter born of my mother, and I was carried in the belly where you most wanted to be carried. Therefore, my reward is also a punishment for you, and my punishment is also a reward!"

In order to complete the revenge plan, ancestor Kunpeng sent the demon gods of the Beiming Demon Clan into the Concubine God Sect. These demon gods have only one mission, and that is to resolutely safeguard the concept of the Concubine God Religion and eliminate all those who want to violate the "distinct distinction between concubine and concubine".

The powerful demon clan has taken action, and the sentient beings in the ancient wilderness will naturally not be able to resist. The forces that have the ability to deal with the demon clan turn a blind eye to the demon clan's actions in order to avoid chaos in the world.

In this way, the cancer of the Concubine God Sect has penetrated deeply into all living beings.

As more and more living beings were persecuted by the concept of the Concubine God Religion, all living beings began to complain about Tiandao and Pangu Zhengzong. (End of chapter)

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