Chapter 436 Lost your success? [Subscribe]

“Not good.” Primordial Tianzun was surprised.

If this Gold Core is destroyed in Own’s hands, he will definitely be scolded to death by Senior Brother Own. From perception to collecting raw materials, until now, the complete time curve is more than 1,000 years.

I saw primitive innocence, stretched out both hands, and slowly closed, two white gas suddenly appeared on the fingertips of the two fingers, the white gas slowly evaporated, wrapped in the Gold Core for 4 weeks, in order to prevent further doubts.

Now that the problem has arisen, what Primordial Tianzun can do is to prevent it from getting worse, and immediately said in a hurry, “Burn Lantern, go and notify your uncle, and tell him to come here as soon as possible.

Burning Lantern Daoist went deeper than the other disciples. He immediately realized something was wrong, and then he nodded and got up and ran away. Moral Xingzun is even more unable to raise his head. At this time, he is already tired, and he is afraid of retaining grandchildren. The only one who can help is just burning the lantern.

“You two will follow me.” Yuanshi Tianzun said again.

With Yuanshi Tianzun as the center, the three people continued to maintain the current state around the pill refining furnace. In order to ensure that the cracks did not worsen, they had to do their best at all costs.

• o o o o o

Taoism originates from nature, and every change in the world will affect the heartstrings of some people. Of course, this time is no exception. Almost at the same time, Ling Bao and Laojun Taishang opened their eyes together and stared at the front. The only difference is that Tai Shang Lao Jun knows exactly what just happened, and Ling Bao can also determine the direction of change.

“It’s really a wave that hasn’t settled, and one after another, Lao Jun, did you not listen to me!” Ling Bao sighed helplessly.

Even if what Ling Bao expected happened before, it’s not about own business now. If the matter is still about own, it can only survive the catastrophe is not over yet, Ling Bao himself is just secretly grateful.

O o o o o

Taishang Laojun had an insight into the opportunities, and had long anticipated where there would be problems with his junior and brothers. Immediately, he walked out of the Eight Kings Palace and galloped away on auspicious clouds.

This time, Taishang Laojun can be said to have gone in a hurry, or the expected thing has been advanced.

An hour later, the two met on the way back and forth.

“Uncle Uncle, I’m going to find you!” Daoist was in a hurry when he saw Uncle Uncle Luan Deng, and the direction of travel was naturally to see the meaning.

“Now is not the time to say more, take me to see your master!”

• o o o o o

The speed of the two people accelerated along the way, and the appearance of the burning lamp has already explained the problem. Then Taishang Laojun stretched his sleeves, and the two of them seemed to have cut through time and space, shuttled through the clouds at a speed invisible to the naked eye, and finally came to the peak of Kunlun.

“Yuanshi, I’ll help you.”

Before the words fell, several purple qi was injected into the pill furnace. The strength of the two people did not want to be the same, but they happened to fit together, protecting the sides of the Gold Core, one left and the other right.

“How can it be done, this little thing can’t be done well?” Lao Jun glanced at Yuan Shi Tianzun with a sullen expression.

Yuan Shi also didn’t understand. This was originally the old man entrusted to him. Now something happened and he complained. This made him very unhappy. Before he could think about it, he shot back: “You say me, this Gold Core was originally yours. , I am kind to help you refining, and now you have to talk about me in turn, I would have helped you if I knew this.

Taishang Laojun likes to make jokes, but now he is really anxious. Seventy-seven and forty-nine Restrictions, now it’s the last one. There was Chi Lian Xiancao as an introduction, and the glass beads were introduced to purify the demon spirit. Now it is good, the Gold Core has cracked, even if there is no problem in the follow-up , It became a pill, and its effect is definitely lower than expected

Thousands of hard work has now become like this, which makes it difficult for Taishang Laojun to accept.

“Don’t complain to me here, then.” The old gentleman knew that the problem was with Owner, and said with a softer voice: “Now the time is just right. Hear my orders later, you and I will be together. Hit the glass beads into it.”

Yuanshi Tianzun didn’t dare to ask more after hearing it, nodded, and then did as instructed.

The colored glaze beads are originally as hard as gold and iron.If this is hit on the Gold Core, it will surely be wiped out in an instant. The old man’s method makes Yuan Shi puzzled, but the thing is already like this, even if it is bad, it doesn’t matter, it’s a big deal. The pot, I remembered Yuanshi Tianzun, and he didn’t dare to do anything to himself.

Yuanshi Tianzun is for the Gold Core in this pill furnace. During this period of time, it can be said that the salt water does not enter, the door does not come out, and what is happening outside is completely unknown. Even when Ling Bao came up with things, he only sensed that there was an evil wind blowing in his ears. It can be said that he looked at the pill furnace with all his attention.

On the other side, the Supreme Master began to hand seals and recite the curse, and the walls of the glass beads began to slowly melt, and the real fire from his fingertips was refining it, preparing for the refining of the wandering soul.

However, Yuanshi Tianzun suddenly lost his tacit understanding with him, and saw the Taishang Laojun shouting again: “What do you think? Do it!”

After that, the two of them merged together, and their gestures were surprisingly consistent. Knowing the final critical time point, the two shot the colored glaze beads before they completely melted.

“It’s now, come in!” Laojun yelled.

I saw two countless beads like drops of water hitting the Gold Core, like raindrops hitting the pebbles. This force slowly penetrated into the cracks in the Gold Core.

Subsequently, Gold Core also began an unprecedented change.

“Weiweiwei.” The cracking sound became denser.

The four walls of Gold Core began to disintegrate, completely forming an irreversible situation, no matter how the two of them controlled, there was no way to stop the fact that the failure was 5.0.

“It’s over, it’s over.” Old Jun slumped back to the side, watching Own’s hard work disappeared, as if his heart was dripping blood.

Yuanshi Tianzun had a dark face and did not dare to say anything, because he knew the old man’s temper very well, and he liked to joke on weekdays, but once it broke out, it was like a river bursting its bank, which was even more terrifying than the Gold Core fragmentation.

“For so many years of hard work, it is indeed like this, huh!” Taishang Laojun suddenly clenched his fists and punched out to vent his anger.

Complaining against the heavens and the earth is actually complaining against his own. Often at this last moment, Taishang Laojun didn’t hold onto the desire for Gold Core in his heart. This little carelessness and haste tragedy also occurred. But at the time when all previous efforts were abandoned, the sound of hope quietly passed into the ears of the old man.

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