Chapter 435 Refining, crossing the chemical【seeking subscription】

With the attitude that one can save one, Ling Bao didn’t choose to adjust the internal breath. Instead, he struck the iron while it was hot and finished the matter in a single effort in a limited time. Ling Bao transformed the wandering souls brought back one by one.

“Now that you and me are the only ones left, help me to reduce it.” Ling Bao finished speaking and began to introduce it to Samsara.

Wandering spirits are originally wandering around. To put it bluntly, they are caused by ghosts, but there are also good and evil points in them. Evil spirits devour the weak to strengthen themselves, and there are also barbaric rules that belong to them here.

Ling Bao raised his hand and turned into two purple auras, one was blue-purple, the other was purple-red, and then the wandering souls were divided into categories according to their essence, and went to accept their catastrophe. Ling Bao can actually do very little. Whether they can re-enter Samsara depends on their own good fortune.

For a time, the blue-purple colored light began to expand, the subconsciousness of the wandering souls began to be gradually awakened, and the memories of previous lives poured into their Divine Sense. The antecedents and consequences, why they appear here, why they become unowned wandering souls, they also have their own clear answer in their consciousness.

But there are also those who are unwilling and unwilling. The wandering souls begin to swallow other unawakened wandering souls to provide their own power. However, at The next moment, at the moment when the consciousness changed, a purple-red beast did not know when it appeared, rushed into the purple light, opened its mouth in the blood basin, and swallowed it in one bite.

The wandering souls were frightened and panicked. Both the conscious and the unconscious all moved closer to the sides, but they could not escape from the blue light.

“Why is this?”

As the so-called authorities are obsessed with the bystander, Ling Bao opens from the perspective of the bystander. Some wandering spirits do it by asking for trouble.

After that, Ling Bao, out of own guilt, shot five colorful light beams between his fingers to drive away the purple-red beast. As soon as the wandering souls saw it, they immediately moved closer to the direction of the colorful light beams. Following Ling Bao’s guidance, they slowly began to climb upwards. During this subtle transformation, Ling Bao gained a certain degree of insight.

The Weak are Prey to the Strong is the most primitive and savage way of survival, but it has indeed improved to a certain extent since it has evolved. It’s just that this kind of competition still occurs in the existing world, it’s just a change of situation.

• o o o o o

Over time, those who were fortunate enough to re-enter Samsara have relieved the current suffering, but unfortunately they are also being swallowed by wild beasts, completely disappearing between the heavens and the earth, turning into a new Spirit Power and returning to nature. .

“Almost, it’s time to rest.” Nuwa said while standing beside Ling Bao.

“I’m fine, it’s you who worked hard.” Ling Bao responded slowly.

It was time for exhaustion. This long-lasting stage was over, but the subsequent introduction of Daoist’s chaotic entry greatly broke Ling Bao’s previous plan, and there was still no way to stop.

Nuwa took out two spirit fruits to supplement Ling Bao, but this is far from enough. After eating flexibly, Ling Bao waited for a breath. I had known that the own garden would be more diverse.

“Take care of me in the next few days. I have to Closed Door Training for two days and digest what happened in the past few days.”

Nuwa nodded, and said nothing.

The situation on the other side, that is, the old gentleman who had just left, did not take Ling Bao’s words into his heart at all, and came completely according to his own wishes. Although the two of them are Sage’s bodies, they have practiced for millions of years before they have the right results.

But in fact, the human heart is separated from the belly, and it is not possible to see through his mind after two days of contact. The relationship between the two is exactly like this. Although at the beginning, there was an inexplicable connection with people of this and that, but it has become more and more rigid today, and the gap between each other is getting bigger and bigger.

It may be that the own heart is at work. People have seven emotions and six desires. Ling Bao is no exception, and they can hardly escape this.

The Zijin pill refining furnace is not in the Bajing Palace, but it is not needed for refining the ghosts. It is to be refined with the fire of Taishang Laojun’s own origin. On the other hand, Ling Bao is to refining it.

One is to put them to death, and the other is to take them to escape. The different results also make them two have different fate.

The crystals of colored glaze beads come with a certain Spiritual Qi, which is also rare in the world, but the most important thing about colored glaze beads is to look at the ingredients inside. Body or the opposite, put it into it.

-0 Seeking flowers…0

At present, the Taishang Laojun did just that. He took out hundreds of colored glaze beads and sorted them into categories. There are good and evil in the wandering soul, and naturally there are also strong and weak points.

The weak are regarded as Impurities by the Supreme Master, and they are stripped away, and the strong, regardless of good and evil, smelt them together for subsequent use.

Just such a process, it took about a day and a night. With the abilities of the old gentleman, facing tens of millions of wandering souls, there is no way to discuss. In order not to make mistakes, I personally screened them one by one, and only got the result after a day.

The strength contained in the colored glaze beads is different in color and shape. dynamic.


“You wandering spirits, who can be called by me, it is your good fortune.” After a busy day, the old man was very tired and consumed his body’s energy and spirit. At this time, he It’s not busy for a while, but just disappears and disappears.

In fact, Laojun Taishang is not taking a rest. The workload at this point is nothing for him. There is no concept of time in front of Sage. However, Laojun Taishang has been waiting for the progress of his brother Yuanshi Tianzun.

The two have a clear division of labor and secretly plan, as if they are planning a terrifying conspiracy, or they have found a way to breakthrough Cultivation Base bottleneck.

Although a few people are taught in the same way, each has its own ideas, and each has its own way to go. In this thousands of changes in the law, everyone feels different, the one of the purple Gold Core furnace Gold Core, whether it can be Dancheng, it can only be seen whether the original Tianzun can grasp this opportunity.

On Kunlun Mountain, although Yuanshi Tianzun did not go out of the mountain, his complexion was not very good.I saw smoke on his head, and the sweat was dripping. Several people sat around the pile refining furnace and observed it with Divine Sense. Every move.


The Gold Core in the furnace suddenly appeared abnormal, and a crack suddenly appeared on the side of the Gold Core. and.

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