Police Chen Shu

Chapter 828 Zhang Yang’s Righteousness (Part 1)

The three of them stood on the street at the entrance of the port. Their eyes glanced at the bustling street scene around them, which was similar to when they came here before, but they had a different feeling in their hearts.

Xiao Zhao, who was arguing hard at the Immigration Bureau office, suddenly felt a little lucky. According to his long-standing thinking, he had resisted Zhang Yang's plan. He might as well not go to that place in northern Myanmar.

Although this way of being stopped made him, a guy who has always claimed to be the uncrowned king since he started working, a little unhappy, the outcome of the matter was still in line with his wishes.

It's hard to say that if the beautiful boss standing next to him wasn't sulking, photographer Xiao Zhao would have already taken out his phone and started frantically refreshing the recent return tickets.

The corner of his mouth was a bit hard to hold back even if he wanted to, so he could only say a few words to relieve it.

"Sister Yang, are we just giving up?" Xiao Zhao turned to look at the port behind him, his tone mixed with reluctance and a hint of happiness hidden inside.

Zhang Yang silently looked at the busy traffic in the distance. Although he still tried to maintain the calmness of a journalist on the surface, he had mixed feelings in his heart.

She understands the difficulties faced by the leadership of the Immigration Bureau and the high risks and uncertainties of this mission, but the sense of unfinished mission in her heart makes it difficult for her to let go.

Zhang Yang stiffened his neck and turned his head to look at the five or six meter high isolation guardrail immediately behind the port building. It stretched continuously with no end in sight.

It's like my heart is blocked by the barrier that blocks the national border, and I can't breathe.

Just like that person said, the country has tried its best to prevent its citizens from traveling to northern Myanmar. The efforts are so strong that people like her who are dedicated to public affairs are blocked from the door.

Maybe he was right. His enthusiasm was just hitting the wall.

At this time, Li Xia stood on the side of the road, his expression became more and more casual, as if everything was under his control, or more accurately, he didn't care.

“Sometimes, taking a step back does not mean giving up, but to move forward better.”

Li Xia followed Zhang Yang's line of sight, pointed to the world outside the guardrail, and chuckled: "Reporter Zhang, this is actually a good thing. That boy named Lin Yu is not one of you. He has no connection with you, so you guys can't do anything wrong. Going to northern Myanmar for someone you don’t know is really not a place for people like you.”

After saying that, Li Xia turned half around and walked in the other direction without thinking of a formal farewell.


Zhang Yang keenly captured the hidden information in Li Xia's words, took a few steps quickly, and grabbed the other person's wrist: "What about you, are you still going?"

"Of course I have to go. My brother is still being held there." Li Xia didn't look back, his tone was calm, and he didn't feel at all disappointed about being refused a visa by the customs just now.

Xiao Zhao was very surprised: "Brother Xia, didn't the customs block us? How did you get there? We've already left a file, so we won't pass it when we cross the border next time."

Along the way, Li Xia had a good impression of this little brother who had a simple personality and admired him. He didn't hide it now, turned his head and smiled.

"Xiao Zhao, have you forgotten what your brother Xia did for a living before?"

"A black boxing fight?" Xiao Zhao recalled, suddenly jumped three feet high and said excitedly, "Brother Xia, you have done smuggling! You have done smuggling before!"

Li Xia raised his eyebrows and smiled a little proudly.

What is smuggling?

It means bypassing customs control and sneaking from one country to another to do business. It doesn't matter what kind of goods they sell, the important thing is that they have channels to sneak across the border.

For these smugglers, crossing the border is as common as eating and drinking. As for whether the customs agrees or not, that is really not their decision.

Zhang Yang's eyes were fixed on Li Xia and he said persistently: "Let's go together."

Li Xia chuckled lightly and raised his hand to point to the harmonious and lively streets of Huaguo on the other side: "It's different from here. It's very chaotic. If you're not careful, you will die. Tsk tsk, especially a beautiful woman like you, I still have a serious job, but if I get into trouble over there, it might be better to die."

After a pause, Li Xia narrowed his eyes and smacked his lips: "You know, what I said is not an exaggeration."

"It's not an exaggeration. I've been there and entered the so-called fraud park. I know what it's like there." After saying that, Zhang Yang thought of someone who had always advised her not to go, not to go, not to go.

He was verbose like an old woman, which was completely different from the brilliant and decisive image he had in the eyes of the people. It was completely different.

Don't go.

Don't go.

Don't go.

Zhang Yang couldn't help but smile. That person gave a lot of advice and gained a great reputation in Dongzhou. I heard that he also frightened the violent terrorists in southern Xinjiang some time ago.

Who would have thought that this man who looked strong and decisive would have such a bitchy temper.

"Then you are still going? Aren't you afraid? Just to save a stranger?" Li Xia asked, his tone gradually becoming rude.

"." That figure became clear for a while in Zhang Yang's mind, and then blurry for a while. It was very close and big for a while, very far and very small for a while. It was very contradictory and very realistic.

Zhang Yang misses him a little, but also dares not to miss him a little.

The development of technology has shortened the distance between people, but for some reason, she just didn't dare to contact him.

When they were in Dongzhou, the two of them were busy with work. They rarely got together, but they always ended in quarrels.

Could it be that that person really didn't trust her?

"I don't believe it anyway." Li Xia said to himself, and pulled away Zhang Yang's hand holding his wrist with a little force, and walked out.

As a result, he took a few steps, paused, and was pulled again.

"Since you have a way, why did you follow us into the port and pass the customs?" Zhang Yang's voice was very calm and direct, "Don't tell me that you just want to watch our farce like those people in the queue."

Finally, Li Xia turned around and let out a long breath: "I admit that I just want to know if you really want to save the stranger named Lin Yu. I know the result, and I am very happy that there are still people like you in this society. But I still can't take you away."


"Why? Do I need to explain this?"

Li Xia widened his eyes and waved his right arm , pointed hard in the direction of northern Myanmar, and shouted: "Zhang Yang! There are thousands of Lin Yu over there. Do you want to rescue them all by yourself? Is it possible? Is it realistic? I see that you are not young anymore. How can you do things without considering the consequences? Oh, do you think this is a movie about a prince saving a princess? As soon as you go over, they will all be rescued by you?"

"Oh, great reporter Zhang, thank you for saving my life!" Li Xia opened his arms with an exaggerated face, then bowed to Zhang Yang to express his gratitude, and lowered his body to a funny degree, as if he was in a stage play.

After getting up, Li Xia turned his face to the side and said coldly: "The reality is that you may not be able to come back after you go."

"I know." Zhang Yang said slowly, his voice was not loud, but he seemed unusually firm in this noisy environment.

She looked directly at the man who didn't trust humanity and whose brother was trapped in northern Myanmar: "I know very well that the problem in northern Myanmar cannot be solved by me saving one or two people."

"Of course not! I tell you! Even if you go there now and rescue all the people there, within a month, there will be thousands of them again! Self-depraved piglets!"

Li Xia couldn't hide his contempt. Although he still admired the female reporter in his heart, his tone of voice and expression on his face were still contemptuous.

Maybe he wanted to stop the other party in this way.

At this point, the atmosphere was tense, but Zhang Yang became the calmest person at the scene, her eyes were as firm as before.

"Li Xia, do you think I'm just going to save people?"

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