Police Chen Shu

Chapter 827: Impossible

As the male and female friends left, the onlookers started talking.

"The high salaries in places like that are earned by people stepping on others. How is it possible that anyone can get money in the past? If you still have a high salary, you have really spent so many years studying in vain."

"Haha, maybe these two young men were paid high salaries by others in the past!"

"Whether you are getting a high salary or being paid a high salary, it is all a matter of putting your head in your waistband, and you may die at some point! Who cares about such a high salary?"

"Hey, bro, that's the truth! Even if you pay me money to go play or travel in a shabby place like that, and beg me on your knees to come over, I won't even go!"

After a pause, the high-pitched voice concluded without saying anything: "Only a fool with a wet brain would really go!"

The customs hall was bustling with people and voices, but it did not affect the immigration officer sitting behind the high platform who was reviewing documents. His tightly furrowed brows suggested that what he was holding was not simple.

"Going to northern Myanmar for interviews?"

The middle-aged policeman held the newly received exit form in his hand, stared at the "Purpose of Departure" column with a pair of medium-sized eyes, and murmured with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Are you going to northern Myanmar for an interview?"

He raised his head and repeated, with a very surprised expression on his face. His voice was a little loud, which caused the crowd who were watching the strange couple to leave, to turn around and continue to watch the fun.

Zhang Yang looked calmly and nodded.

After being surprised, the middle-aged policeman thought for a moment. After all, there had never been such a precedent before, so he asked cautiously: "Reporter Zhang, do you have a letter of introduction from your employer?"

Zhang Yang shook his head and handed over the press pass he had prepared in his hand.

The middle-aged policeman weighed the small notebook in his hand, and for the first time he felt that this kind of social ID was as heavy and serious as his police officer ID card.

A little tricky.

Journalists are professionals who have seen the world. They know the law and know how to deal with it. They also have channels for external communication. It is not easy for him to deal with this matter in the same way as ordinary people.

"Officer, you know. Most people these days"

"Wait a minute." The middle-aged policeman, who had been struggling for a while, stood up quickly, took Zhang Yang's ID card and passport, and got up and went to the office at the back.

As a veteran border man, the middle-aged policeman knew the risks of traveling to northern Myanmar and was very aware of the dangers that the reporter in front of him would face as soon as he let him go.

But obviously, the other party's outing this time is completely different from the previous couple who wanted to get a "high salary". It is 100% impossible for them to do it for personal gain.

Journalists were once a revered profession, regarded as exposers of lies and guardians of the truth. Digging for facts and delivering true information to promote justice and fairness at the public level.

When many children apply for the college entrance examination in journalism, they are not always inspired by journalists who dare to pursue the truth and are not afraid of power and danger.

A few minutes later, the middle-aged policeman came out, with a serious look on his face, let Zhang Yang and his group into the office, then closed the door and left, continuing his task of sitting on the stage.

Sitting by the window in the office was a rather young leader.

After he stood up and motioned for several people to sit down, he looked at the young female reporter and said slowly: "Do you know the risks of going to northern Myanmar for reporting?"

"I know, but we have the responsibility to reveal the truth to the people of the country." Zhang Yang looked back seriously and said, "Police officer, civil servants are not the only ones serving the people."

Li Xia, who was sitting in the corner, smiled coldly: If he could serve the people, his brother would not be trapped in that miserable place in northern Myanmar and unable to come back. However, people like him, who came all the way from the sidelines, are not interested in government-owned things.

The leader nodded slightly, his eyes moving back and forth between Zhang Yang and her companions.

The young man sitting next to Zhang Yang looked very innocent at first glance, with a silly smile without any scheming. He would look at his leader habitually when he had nothing to do. His eyes revealed admiration and excitement and curiosity about this mission. It was very strange. An ordinary person.

The man sitting a little further away is interesting. He chose a chair near the door and sat on it. His eyes kept wandering around the room, and he was very alert, as if he was constantly assessing the surrounding environment and potential threats. He seemed to be indifferent to his surroundings, but in fact, he felt like he would be worried if something went wrong. The feeling of running away immediately.

The faint smile on his face, to use a popular adjective, is really too social.

As an Immigration Bureau police officer who monitors entry and exit personnel for the country all year round, hundreds, if not thousands, of all kinds of people come and go every day.

Screening and identifying who are ordinary travelers and who are potential risks is their daily work, just like eating and drinking.

The leader's judgment on these strangers is keen and accurate.

The manner and aura of this man sitting by the door are completely different from the others, and he does not look like what a reporter should look like in the context of the current stable and developing society.

In other words, this person is similar to the kind of reporter in the early years who specialized in going undercover to expose the dark side of society. Because of his rich experience, he has been on the fringes of society all year round, which has led to the current changes.

Thinking of this, the leader suddenly felt admiration.

"Reporter Zhang, thank you for your candor and cooperation. It's just that in addition to being dangerous, the place in northern Myanmar is actually a bit sensitive at this point in time. Well, the higher-ups have given us special control over this aspect. Documents were distributed and a meeting was held.”

The leader paused and looked at Zhang Yang and her little follower. Both of them looked a little disappointed. Interestingly, the man sitting by the door was calm.

"Why did you ask us to come in? It's a waste of time." Photographer Xiao Zhao muttered unceremoniously. His voice was not loud, but it was still clearly heard in the office.

Zhang Yang remained silent. He was disappointed from the bottom of his heart, so he didn't pay attention to or stop Xiao Zhao's impolite behavior of interrupting.

Li Xia, who was sitting by the door, did not show any disappointment or dissatisfaction.

Hey, still very calm, a character. The leader turned his eyes away from Li Xia and shrugged regretfully: "Please come here, mainly to explain to you in person why you can't pass."

"Explain? What to explain? Why can't we pass?" Xiao Zhao looked confused and asked directly.

The leader smiled awkwardly.

Zhang Yang probably knew what the leader meant. The leader of the Immigration Bureau was very polite to speak to this extent.

She pulled Xiao Zhao, who was still trying to get to the bottom of the matter, out, and Li Xia followed silently. After walking a long way out, he slightly turned his head and glanced behind him.

The leader stood up and saw them out the door. Looking at the three people leaving, he thought to himself that if this national-level action was unsuccessful, it would really hurt these backbone people who were dedicated to the country. (End of this chapter)

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