Police Chen Shu

Chapter 552 The Last Chance

In the early morning of the next day, the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Maping District Branch of the Dongzhou Public Security Bureau.

Detective Nie Chaofan made a cup of strong tea as usual, rubbed his forehead swollen from handling the case all night, leaned on the desk and let out a long sigh.

As a person over forty years old, he can't do the job of criminal police anymore.

I have never left work on time. It is normal to handle cases overnight. It is normal to be exposed to rain for a day. No matter how late I get off work, I have to return to work normally the next day. Business trips are also very frequent, it can be said that they must travel every month. It can be as little as a week, as much as half a month, or simply not at home for a whole month or even longer.

But these are all his own.

It is said that the criminal police are busy, especially the criminal police of the Serious Crime Squadron sometimes are really busy and may not be home for a few days or nights, or come and go on a long-distance business day or night.

But no matter how busy you are, you still have free time, even the animals cannot have a rest time.

There are no more cases, and they have everything they need to eat, drink, and catch up on sleep. They can even go to work and just punch in. The leaders generally turn a blind eye.

It is impossible for cases to happen every day; colleagues also work in shifts to help.

But Nie Chaofan was different, he was going crazy thinking about it. First, it doesn't matter, and second, I have no background, so I can only go crazy and work hard. When the case came, he went; when the errand came, he took it.

There is always a small hope in my heart, longing to be a part-time official when I leave the criminal university and go to the grassroots level. Even if I am only the deputy director of the police station, or the deputy squadron leader of the traffic police squadron, I will be satisfied. .

But after a full twenty years, Nie Chaofan, who has solved countless cases, finally made himself the most experienced criminal policeman in the Criminal University. A criminal policeman is, after all, just a criminal policeman.

Seeing that he was too old to be tired from work, the leader advised him to work as a policeman at the police station for the elderly, or to sit in a guard box in the traffic police team. At Nie Chaofan's age, no one would give him a target.

But Nie Chaofan was unwilling. He worked so hard for 20 years and didn't take care of his family. In the end, he could only retire as a small policeman.

There are old people who say that he is not filial, and there are novels that he is not responsible for. Even his wife who was in love with him in the early years now only regards him as a roommate who lives with him. Such a sunk cost is too high.

He gritted his teeth and begged the leader to transfer him to the Serious Case Squadron and give him the last year, hoping to solve a major and serious case with influence, and try his best to be the last way out.

The leader knew his knot in his heart, and after sighing deeply, he agreed to him and made a one-year agreement.

But now more than half a year has passed, and there have been frequent occurrences of property infringement, online fraud, and organized crime in the jurisdiction, but there has not been a single eye-catching murder case.

It looks like the whole team went out to catch a suspect last night,

This made Nie Chaofan, who had worked as a criminal police officer for half his life and was finally transferred to the Serious Case Squadron, feel complicated. He didn't know whether he should be happy about the good law and order, or regret his doomed fate.

"Detective Nie! Something serious happened!" A young man in casual clothes rushed into the office with a nervous expression.

The hand holding the teacup tightened suddenly, and Nie Chaofan's heart palpited for a moment, but his face was still calm: "Little Ma, what happened, you are in a panic, do you still look like a criminal policeman?"

Wiping off the cold sweat on his forehead, Xiao Ma breathed out and said, "Detective Nie, the command center sent a police report, saying that a female body was found on the side of Dongmu Road. The head and neck were covered with a black vest, and the lower body was naked. The fruit is lying in the ditch."

After a pause, the young policeman Pony's tone showed some excitement, or anger: "It's a girl, she looks about fifteen or sixteen years old. Detective Nie, this is a rape and murder!"


last chance!

Nie Chaofan's scalp tingled instantly, his adrenaline soared, his heart was beating like thunder, and his eyes were as big as cow bells, staring at the pony who pushed the door and entered.


With a hoarse voice and suppressed voice, he stood up with his hands on the table and said.

Funeral home, forensic room.

In addition to Ma Ping's own forensic doctor Lao Cao, the Dongzhou Municipal Bureau also sent four forensic doctors.

According to the rules of the Municipal Bureau, major homicide cases, such as cases of multiple corpses, dismemberment, and burning of corpses, can all require the assistance of the Municipal Bureau's forensic doctor, and sometimes the lower-level units will not accept it.

"It seems that there are no major cases in the city this year, otherwise they wouldn't rush over to do this dirty work." As the owner of the dissecting room, Lao Cao was standing idly by the door and making complaints.

"One more person can do more."

Nie Chaofan, who was in a hurry to solve the case, hoped that the four forensic doctors of the Municipal Bureau could really do something, even if they could share some credit later. Now this rape and murder case caused an uproar in the society in just half a day because the victim involved an underage woman.

In addition to arousing the great attention of the director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, the No. 1 senior official in the city also expressed concern about the case, privately suggesting that the bureau should inform him of the progress of the case as soon as possible at any time.

So, in today's dissection room, more than a dozen people were stuffed in one breath.

In addition to the six genuine forensic doctors, there were also four police officers involved in serious cases, a leader of the criminal branch of the city bureau who came to guide the handling of the case, and several officers from the branch bureau who came to coordinate or do propaganda work.

It is said that the city government also sent a liaison officer over, but at this time, he was accompanied by the sub-bureau to entertain him with delicious food and drinks, so he didn't make any trouble when he came. But the pressure on the peak can be seen.

The old air conditioner in the dissecting room creaked, but it still couldn't resist so many people piled up in this small room. If the corpse could talk, they might have to shout "squeeze someone to death".

Seeing that everyone had been frozen for a long time and hadn't started working, Nie Chaofan had to urge the only forensic doctor he knew, Lao Cao, to do it quickly.

Lao Cao curled his lips: "There are so many leaders here, why should I join in the fun?"

Lao Cao is nearly 50 years old, and has worked for 30 years from a rookie forensic doctor who just entered criminal investigation and successfully promoted to a senior forensic doctor. If you want to say what you saw the most, it is probably these messy corpses.

It is no exaggeration to say that I almost vomited.

Besides, at this age, he will retire soon, and he doesn't want to make trouble at all. If it weren't for the fact that there is no independent forensic doctor in the team, he would no longer want to carry the burden of autopsy.

Nie Chaofan had no choice but to coax: "Old Cao, you are the director of the department, and this is all your territory. If you don't speak, how dare they move?"

Lao Cao chuckled: "I've got the credit for grabbing my head, why don't I just lie down for a while?"

Nie Chaofan pointed to the naked female corpse on the dissection bed: "Old Cao, you can't bear to ignore the girl's misery? If it drags on, the suspects will run away! These forensic doctors from the city bureau have delicate skin and tender flesh. Look for the relevant city bureau. I guess I don’t have any actual combat experience. If something happens, you will look at me one by one, and I will look at your consumption here. Lao Cao, you have to go out and take care of this job. live!"

"Okay, don't put a high hat on me, I can't bear it, Lao Cao." Lao Cao, who is nearly fifty years old, rolled up his sleeves and began to put on latex gloves, "But I'm looking at this little girl In terms of face. Hey, I have not started to enjoy life, but I have suffered this crime. If someone is caught, he must be shot."

"You, what's your name, hurry up and carry the corpse!"

"You, the one with the glasses, I'm talking about you, go and get me the camera from that cabinet, and I'll leave the photo to you!"

Lao Cao's eyes widened, and contrary to his previous attitude, he shouted with red eyes: "Work! Work! Get moving! Fuck his grandma!"

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