Police Chen Shu

Chapter 551 Zhao Zhiguo

Twenty years ago, an ordinary early summer morning.

A few years ago, he was imprisoned for the crime of picking quarrels and provoking trouble. Zhao Zhiguo, who had just been released last year, took his nephew Zhao Hui, who had just turned 18, to drive a Liberation brand light truck recently bought by his family, and drove from his hometown in Ontario to Fuzhou with a full load of goods. city.

This truck was bought by Zhao Zhiguo's parents in order to allow their son to have a decent career. They not only took out the old-age pension money they had saved from living frugally for many years, but also asked relatives and friends to raise a lot of money to buy it. It can be said that this car truly embodies the last hopes and hard work of the whole family.

Today's transportation was Zhao Zhiguo's first transaction with his own truck, so he was naturally happy.

"Zhiguo, how much money do you think we can make this time?" Zhao Hui, who was in the passenger seat, looked at the scenery flashing backwards through the car window, full of curiosity.

From the moment he could walk, Zhao Hui stumbled around behind Zhao Zhiguo's butt. At that time, Zhao Hui's parents both went to other places to work. Apart from his elderly grandparents, there was only one uncle, Zhao Zhiguo, who was only seven years older than him.

At that time, in a small courtyard in the countryside, you could often see a little kid with a snotty nose and a half-grown boy going to the chicken coop to dig eggs one day, climbing trees to pick fruits the next day, and carrying half a broom the next day tease the goose.

From childhood to adulthood, the relationship between the two of them is naturally very deep. If it weren't for their seniority, outsiders would see them as brothers.

Zhao Zhiguo, who was holding the steering wheel with both hands, smiled heartily: "It's not big or small, it's called Uncle! You kid, you've been thinking about this since you came out of the house. Don't worry! I will buy you a mobile phone when I come back this time, just like last time. The one you mentioned, what kind of mushroom is that?"

"MOTO!" Zhao Hui said as soon as he heard this, he turned his head and stared at his little uncle with bright eyes.

"Yes, it's this mushroom. I'll take you to the county to buy it when I get home." Zhao Zhiguo freed his right hand, and proudly patted his nephew's thin shoulder.

Zhao Hui grinned happily, with a look of anticipation on his face, and immediately reacted and slapped his thin chest loudly: "Uncle Zhao Zhi, just rest assured. I will definitely keep an eye on this road Our fuel tank, we guarantee that not a rat can steal our fuel!"

In the early years, there were more goods and fewer vehicles. It was relatively profitable for individuals to buy a truck for logistics and transportation. At that time, besides the truck, the most expensive barrel of oil was the boss. Calculated at 2 yuan per liter, an ordinary semi-trailer would cost at least 1,000 to 2,000 yuan for a full filling, which was not a small sum at the time.

That's why some people focused on the oil drums of these trucks, and either sneaked into the expressway service area in the middle of the night to pry open the fuel tanks of the trucks and pump them with a pipe, or stopped the trucks halfway on the national highway and robbed them directly.

The truck driver worked hard day and night for several days, but it was not worth the oil geek's stealing of oil in just a few minutes. Tempted by huge profits and low crime costs, in the era of the millennium, the crime of stealing oil was really rampant.

"I want it." Just picked up the new car on the road, Zhao Zhiguo was full of ambition, and waved his hand, "I will pick a mushroom for your aunt later, she, it is not easy to give birth to a baby this time. "

Thinking of his wife's happy face when she received the gift, Zhao Zhiguo couldn't help but smile. He is an ordinary man. After he was released from prison last year, he married his childhood sweetheart who had been waiting for him for many years. At the beginning of this year, he gave birth to a chubby little girl.

Although the family's expenses were much higher all of a sudden, I also borrowed a lot of money from relatives to buy the truck this time. However, as he had expected, this transportation business can pay off the debt after a year, and as long as he saves a little money, he can probably save some money.

The next year will be better and better!

Days, is really looking forward to.

The trust of his parents, the expectation of his wife for several years, and the new life just born last week, all these made Zhao Zhiguo feel the heaviest pressure since he was born, and also made him full of enthusiasm for life And hope, at the same time gave him unlimited motivation.

"I can't be confused anymore." Zhao Zhiguo swore secretly while driving the steering wheel on Sunshine Avenue with both hands.

As soon as he drove onto the provincial highway, Zhao Zhiguo parked his truck at a temporary "SARS" checkpoint, and picked up a little girl who was asked by a friend who drives a taxi in the same county to help him take a ride.

The little girl was Wang Xia, she was pretty, about the same age as Zhang Hui, and she was wearing a floral dress. This time, because he was going to join her sister in Dongzhou City, he and Zhao Zhiguo got on the truck along the way.

After saying goodbye to his friends, Zhao Zhiguo happily drove the truck to his destination while humming a song. Zhao Hui was also very happy because there was an extra girl of the same age on the journey. This unexpected joy made the two of them talk and laugh non-stop along the way.

At about eleven o'clock in the evening, Zhao Zhiguo drove the truck into the service area, originally intending to invite Wang Xia to have some supper together. Maybe it was because the girl was thin-skinned, so Wang Xia didn't follow, so she just sat in the car and ate some dried tofu to deal with it.

Time passed quickly, and they arrived at the Dongzhou West Expressway hub at around two o'clock in the morning that night. Wang Xia borrowed Zhao Zhiguo's mobile phone to call her brother-in-law and asked him to come pick him up, but it happened that her brother-in-law had to work overtime at night, so she asked her to make a call to Dongjiang Sanqiao to meet her sister.

When Zhao Zhiguo heard this, he was worried about a little girl taking a taxi at an unfamiliar and sparsely populated highway in the middle of the night. Out of good intentions, Zhao Zhiguo continued to carry him to the Second Dongjiang Bridge, which was closer to the Third Bridge, and later put Wang Xia down because he was in an urban area where trucks were prohibited.

Then the uncle and nephew turned around and got on the highway from the Second Dongjiang Bridge and continued on their way to Fuzhou.

After Wang Xia separated from Zhao Zhiguo and Zhao Hui, they stopped a taxi by the side of the road.

"Master, please take me to Dongjiang Third Bridge." Wang Xia, who was sitting in the back row, closed the car door and said crisply.

"Okay. Girl, what are you doing alone so late?" The driver turned his head, glanced at the passengers in the back seat, and asked with concern.

The driver was wearing rimless glasses, and looked frail. Although there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and his words were concerned, but his eyes were cold. Even though it was sweltering in early summer, Wang Xia still shuddered.

"Go find my sister"

"Oh, go find my sister. I see you just got off the truck with the Ontario license plate. Are you from Ontario?"

The driver turned his head, stepped on the clutch, and the car shuddered and slowly drove onto the road.

night, very deep.

The road was completely covered by a pure black sky.

The dimly lit tail lights behind the taxi left all the way, and then slowly merged into the darkness until there was no more light.

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