Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 627: catch

The champion level is the one who really jumps out of the chessboard and has the qualifications to take charge of the chess game. Otherwise, even the top powerhouses among the heavenly kings are subject to various rules and regulations, and they cannot help themselves.

I didn't see the real head of the twin islands, Qianxia, ​​one of the four kings of the alliance, was also pushed out to be an abandoned child.

Although she knew that when she was transferred out, bad things would definitely happen, but this was a naked conspiracy. She could not do it if she didn't go. She could only try her best to take care of the local area and leave some backup for the twin islands.

But these back-hands are too fragile in front of the Rockets who are going all out. That Heavenly King-level messenger bird is simply a marginal role on the battlefield at this time, and it cannot determine the outcome of the battlefield.

In fact, when it appeared in Sakagi, it just sneaked away.

This is Qianxia's order to it, "If you can't do anything, and the enemy that appears is too powerful, then you must give priority to protecting yourself!"

Although Qianxia also has deep feelings for the frozen bird and the island of ice, she also knows, "Leave the green hills, not afraid of running out of firewood." You are right, if it is really like what she thinks, then one more The king-level messenger bird is useless at all, it is better to leave it to the useful body and make plans.

At this time, Qianxia was still commanding the elves to fight in the extreme northern icefield, but suddenly her face turned pale, her heart ached, she cried out "ah", and fell to her knees.

She received the gift of Frozen Bird's favor, in a sense, she has a very close connection with Frozen Bird. If something happens to the Frozen Bird, she can sense it.

And to make her react like this, Frozen Bird is afraid that it has been...

"Frozen Bird!"

She held her hands clenched suddenly, and tears inevitably flowed down.

At this time, the elves who quickly solved a group of long-haired pigs also discovered the abnormality of the trainer and immediately surrounded them.


"Come on~"

What's wrong with you? Chika? Is it okay?

For the concern of her elf, Qianxia immediately showed a kind smile on her face and comforted:

"It's nothing, it's just that I've been blown away by the wind and snow for too long, and my limbs are a little stiff. Okay, let's go on!"

After speaking, she stood up and walked forward.

Ivory Pig and Miss Lips glanced at each other, and both saw the worry in each other's eyes.

They don't believe a word of Qian Xia's words. Although the physical quality of human beings is a little weaker than their peers, no matter what, Qian Xia is also a king-level master and an ice-type superhuman. This coldness is logically not harmful at all. to her.

Something must have happened on the ice island!

But Qianxia didn't say anything, and they didn't ask, just silently followed behind.

On the other side, the island of ice.

Seeing that Athena and Lambda and their elf attacks did not work, Sakagi immediately ordered to the super horn bee beside him in order to prevent accidents.

"Big Needle Bee, the ultimate shock!"

"Buzz~" The giant needle bee who received the order, with a flap of its wings, was enveloped in white light, the two needles merged, and with a "swoosh", it rushed towards the still-falling frozen bird.

I only heard a "click", and the blue barrier that had hindered the heavenly king-level elves directly shattered, but the shape of the super hornet stopped for a moment, and then "puchi", the bird was frozen. Straight down consistently!


It only let out a shrill cry, and with a "bang", it fell heavily to the ground, its eyes were swirling, and it lost its ability to fight.

The once elegant and beautiful feathers are now full of dust.

"Master Frozen Bird!"

"Frozen Bird!"

"Team Rocket, I fought with you!"


Seeing that Frozen Bird was directly defeated by two blows, the trainers of the Ice Bird family who were still slumped on the ground shouted one by one, in disbelief!

Some people even got up desperately and ran in the direction of Team Rocket. Unfortunately, the elves under Lambda's command directly blew it into pieces with a sludge bomb.

"Okay~ so fast! This is Sakagi's strength!"

Not only the people of the Ice Bird family did not recover, but Tianji also felt a little too strong!

Of course, if you think about it, it's actually normal.

Although the frozen bird was already mobilizing the power of the priesthood at that time, it had not yet been fully transformed. Even though it had surpassed the limit of the king, it had not yet reached the championship level.

Sakagi's Big Needle Bee had already evolved mega, and hid on the side. With the strength in the middle of the championship level, he succeeded in sneak attacking the frozen bird that has not yet reached the championship level. This naturally can cause serious damage to it.

In addition, Sakagi's giant bee is different. The super giant needle bee has particularly outstanding attack power. It can be said that it is the representative of high-sensitivity and high-attack assassins, and the best thing is to kill with one blow!

The Frozen Bird can withstand a sneak attack without losing its ability to fight, which is already due to the strong physique of the beast.

Not to mention that Frozen Bird is still a fake champion who relies on the power of the priesthood. Under the blessing of the law of heaven and earth, the energy level naturally breaks through the limit of the heavenly king level, but the physical strength will not suddenly increase by a level.

And Sakagi's Big Needle Bee is a real champion wizard even if it doesn't need mega evolution.

Although it is said that there is no difference between the two when facing elves below the champion level, they can kill those enemies in seconds, but when a fake champion meets a real champion, this gap in physical strength will naturally become a fatal weakness.

Intentional calculation without intention, go all out against arrogance, true strength against false strength, and the rapid defeat of Frozen Bird is a matter of course.

In fact, if it is a really fair fight, even if the Frozen Bird is inferior in physicality, it will never be defeated so quickly. After all, it is not an elves that rely on the physical body to fight.

The battle between champions, even if only one side reached the champion level, normally would not end so quickly.

After all, these are all characters who can use the laws of heaven and earth, so naturally they will not be so weak.

Returning to the topic, after the Frozen Bird was defeated, Sakagi took out a black Poke Ball and smashed it towards the Frozen Bird on the ground.

Soon, a red light "swoosh" and received it into the Poké Ball.



The black elf shook violently immediately, and the subconscious of the frozen bird was frantically resisting.

Gu Xing

It's a pity that this black Poké Ball was specially made by Team Rocket to capture it. The materials used were very precious, and a lot of materials that suppressed the power of the ice element were added. So after shaking for more than ten seconds, the third-level **** was still unwillingly bound in the dark ball.

"The divine beast was captured just like that!"

"Boss Sakagi is mighty!"


Although it was expected, all the Rockets members shouted excitedly.

Chapter 628 Ice Bird Li

This is a beast! Even a powerful alliance has to compromise, a beast of caution!

Don't you see, at the time of the Quartz Conference, the torch used for the opening was given by the flame bird!

But now, the frozen bird, which is as famous as the flame bird, was easily defeated by the leader of their rocket team and caught it!

Is this a side note, our Rockets are going to be happy!

Although Tianji and other members above the gym level who knew the inside story would not think so, but the other members who did not know were excited and shouted:

"Long live Boss Sakagi!"

"Long live the Rockets!"

In this regard, Sakagi smiled, quickly picked up the dark ball on the ground, and then took back the restored large needle bee, and then walked away.

The goal has been achieved, and he still has a wave of reputation in the organization. Naturally, there is no need to stay. He has to take the frozen bird to see Xia Bo, and seize the time to analyze the mystery of the priesthood!

After Sakagi left, the entire Ice Island became a carnival place for the Rockets. Even the totem beasts of faith were captured by the enemy. All the members of the Icebird family present had no will to fight, and ran for their lives frantically. stand up.

Killing, mourning, flames and blood donation are the main themes of Twin Island tonight. Whether it's the light red city secrets or the Rockets' secret guards, they are all searching for property and resources and venting their desires.

Under such circumstances, even Sanfang, who had secretly surrendered, actually suffered some losses. Fortunately, Sanfang had time to prepare and transferred most of the materials, so the loss was not large.

But the wobbly second room was miserable. The Xueyuan Town where they were located was similar to the three places controlled by the big room. Everywhere, Team Rocket members in uniforms with the letter R were burning, killing and looting.

Even if the person in charge of the second room took out the token of contact, the members of Team Rocket only avoided the most important places, and they were still wreaking havoc in other places!

As trainers living on the dark side, the Rockets know what to do and what not to do.

The second room didn't take the token in the early days, but not long after the frozen bird was captured, they took out the token. Even when they wanted to contact the second room before, their attitude was ambiguous and perfunctory.

Isn't this an obvious sloppy behavior?

But being a scumbag, making a choice after the outcome has been divided, naturally you won't get the treatment you surrendered before, and you still have to pay a huge price!

This behavior, even if General Athena or General Lambda, who led the team, knew about it, he would only acquiesce. After all, this is an unspoken rule.

How could there be such a thing as betting and making a fortune after the outcome has been decided!

Of course, since the other party took out the contact token, he still had to leave a little bit of background for him.

Therefore, these Rockets members avoided the most important second-family ancestral house, which is the town's guard house.

On the other hand, after Tianji and the others searched for some resources in the inner layer of Baibing City, they stopped doing it.

As a result, they have self-knowledge, and this time they are completely touched by the light of the two leaders of gold and silver snakes.

Second, after Sakagi left, the top leaders here are not people from the light red city, but the two generals of the Rockets, the poison-type king Lambda and the fire-type king Athena, the spoils of the core part of Baibing City It must be these two people, and they dare not go to search.

In fact, even the two leaders of the gold and silver snakes did not go to the core part of Baibing City, but like Tianji and the others, they searched for resources in the inner layer.

As hitchhikers, Tianzi and others are still very aware of their contribution and status, so after collecting one or two, they took a symbolic amount, and then they didn't take any more.

After that, A-Xing got the beautiful woman Bing Bird Li from the two leaders of Gold and Silver Snakes.

The two leaders were also very satisfied with the actions of the three of Tian Ci's acquaintances, so they were also very happy when they explained the location of Bing Niao Li.

In fact, Bing Niao Li was placed in a cellar in the inner layer by the two of them. The two of them had been to this room, and naturally no one dared to go there again.

The status of honor and inferiority in secret forbearance is very strict.

After getting the location of Bing Niao Li, the three of them quickly came to the room, clicked, and turned on the switch of the cellar. Through the dim candlelight, Tian Chi also saw the woman imprisoned on the pillar.

I saw her snow-white hair was casually draped over her shoulders because she lost her hair tie. Even if her face was stained with a little dust, it was difficult to hide her beautiful face.

The blue-and-white ice bird uniform with gold trim on her body also had a loess color at this time, but even so, the thick ropes tied her up showed her bumpy, gourd-like figure.

It has to be said that one side of the water and soil nurtures the other side, and the cold environment of the Ice Island is the most likely to produce ice beauties.

Seeing this scene, Tian Ci's body, which was originally transformed by "Dianfeng Playing in the Water", immediately reacted.

Although he was temporarily suppressed by the mood that he had been honing for many years, he also let him understand that his recent strength breakthrough was indeed a little too fast, resulting in too much anger!

And Bing Niao Li, who noticed that the cellar was opened, also opened her eyes at this time. She was not killed by the enemy on the battlefield. She knew that she should not die. It is very likely that her sister's identity as the ice king was preserved. She died.

However, she was not at ease, because she couldn't figure out why the members of Team Rocket didn't kill her. If it was to use her to blackmail her sister, then she would rather bite her tongue and commit suicide!

Of course, it hasn't been made clear yet. Naturally, she will not commit suicide directly. If she can live, who wants to die!

To be able to reach the gymnasium level and control the life and death of tens of thousands of people, she still cherishes her life.

"The scum of Team Rocket! What do you want to do with my life? If you want to use me to coerce my sister, then I advise you to die. Even if I die, I won't let my sister be used by you!"

Looking at the three of Tianci, although she wondered why they had changed people, she guessed that these three might be the people who were going to deal with her, so she opened her mouth and scolded her, showing her determination!

In this regard, UU reading www. uukanshu.com Tian Ci laughed dumbly and did not respond. In his opinion, this woman is beautiful, but it is only used to help him get rid of the sequelae, there is no need to talk too much.

"Xiao Ling, please wash her body with clean water."

Of course, he also didn't want to use a dirty tool man, so he asked Xiaoling by the sound transmission.

"Okay!" The girl agreed, raising her hand and a stream of water flew towards the bound Ice Bird Li.


She only felt that her body was cold, and she was startled, only to find out that it was a steady stream of water cleaning her body!


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