Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 625: strength

Although the remaining trainers of the Ice Bird family roared one by one, and the elves under their command were also fighting desperately, the absolute strength suppressed them and made them fall quickly.

On the other side, the messenger bird above the sky also "Boo Li!" With a scream, it suddenly fell from the sky.

Tian Zi looked back suddenly, and it turned out that Athena, who was hiding on the side, had taken action. A fire-breathing dragon in the middle of the heavenly king class suddenly flew out of the woods, and a full-strength spray of flames hit the messenger bird that was too late to dodge. , let it crash directly.

When the messenger bird slammed to the ground, the golden and silver snakes had already severely injured all of Bing Bird Li's elves.

Ice Bird Li was slumped on the ground in despair, as if the dust had settled!

However, at this time, there was another loud bird call from inside the guard house.


A beautiful elf with a blue body and a cold air flew out. The most conspicuous is the crown of three dark blue prismatic feathers on the forehead. This is the carrier of its priesthood. The back is flowing, and the bunting-shaped tail is more It adds a bit of elegance to it.

"Frozen Bird!"

"This is the frozen bird! It's so beautiful!"

"Save us! Freeze the bird!"


Seeing this elf, whether it is from the Ice Bird family or Team Rocket, they are all surprised.

The difference is that the Ice Bird family was overjoyed, while the Rockets were on extreme alert. Except for Lambda and Athena, everyone else slowed down their offensive and quickly retreated.

It's a pity that it's still a bit late. After Frozen Bird came out, I saw that everyone on my side was killed, and the beautiful home was turned into a pile of ruins, and there was a trace of anger in his eyes!


I saw it screamed, its wings flapped, and an extremely cold air-conditioning spread to the people on the Rockets side in an instant.


Some slow-running elves, or elves and trainers who wanted to resist, were directly frozen into ice sculptures.

Even the flame that an elite flame horse just spewed was directly frozen in the air. The horse's face was full of shock, as if he didn't believe that his own flame would be frozen directly.

For the sake of safety, Tianji and the others quickly crushed a one-time amulet that could resist gym-level attacks.

When it opened with a "swoosh", the cold wind just spread over, but in an instant, the protective cover was frozen with a "kaka", and then shattered with a "pop"!

However, taking this opportunity, Tian Ji also teleported to the rear with Xiaoling and A Xing, which was regarded as leaving the battlefield.

But when they were out of danger, when they looked at the original place, they found that the radius of several hundred meters had directly turned into a world of ice and snow. , was directly lost about two-thirds, and all of them became ice sculptures with strange shapes.

Tianji also saw that one of the elfs who used guard was also frozen into a spherical ice sculpture.

This is the so-called defensive magic!

It can only be said that the difference in strength is too great. In the face of absolute crushing, there is no real absolute defense.

He searched for the bug team members on his side, and sadly found that only 5 people were still alive, the middle elite bug Yi, and the three elite low-level squad leaders, the last one was originally on the battlefield. The lucky one on the edge, a female trainer at the high level of ordinary level.

He is still very impressed with this person, after all, he had a close communication last night.

After beckoning, the remaining five people quickly gathered behind Tian Ci with expressions of fear.

And the two gym-level leaders of Gold and Silver Twin Snakes were naturally not killed by Frozen Bird's range move. They also hid on the other side with Bing Bird Li, who had been severely injured long ago.

And above the sky, the expressions of Athena and Lambda were not casual, but solemn.

This frozen bird felt too depressing for them, and it was definitely a divine beast with high-level strength at the Heavenly King level.

With a "swoosh", the two jumped off the backs of their respective flying elves.

Riding on a flying elves and fighting a high-ranking divine beast in the air, they weren't so stupid.

Originally, the strength was only two small realms, and he was still on his back, and he was easily injured by the frozen bird.

"Come out, double-bomb gas, Abo, stinky mud!"

"Come out, too, flame horse, nine tails, wind speed dog, duck-billed fire dragon!"

As soon as the two landed, they immediately dispatched all the Heavenly King-level elves on their bodies.

Among them, the most powerful breath is the duck-billed fire dragon with a red and yellow body, and its body is burning with flames. The breath on its body can vaguely compete with the frozen bird!

However, it can be clearly seen that it seems to be relatively old, and it has a twilight energy on its body. Although its aura is strong, it is still at the mid-level of the Heavenly King.

"Athena, I didn't expect that old man to really lend you his trump card!"

And when Lambda was too lazy to this duck-billed fire dragon, he sounded to Athena with a surprised expression on his face.

"Boss Sakagi opened his mouth to help, and Lord Xia Bo is indispensable.

It's a pity, Xia Bo was still old, and at that time there were more foreign expeditions, and the elves under him also suffered a lot of secret injuries.

Now the strongest trump card has also slipped to the middle of the Tianwang class, otherwise, this duck-billed fire dragon should be able to compete with the frozen bird for one or two! "

Hearing Lambda's voice transmission, Athena immediately replied, and at the same time, she glanced at the duck-billed fire dragon standing alone with a little pity.

Although Xia Bo has already explained that the duck-billed fire dragon will temporarily obey her arrangements, it is naturally impossible for him to obey the orders everywhere, with the pride of the duck-billed fire dragon, so in this battle, the duck-billed fire dragon must be himself The battle, with its battle experience, will definitely work well with Athena and the elves under Lambda.

"Bushi~" Is that you?

The frozen bird, which was still holding its head high, finally looked down at the ground after the duck-billed fire dragon appeared, and the main thing was the duck-billed fire dragon!

Red Lotus Town is closer to Gemini Island, and the gym is famous for the fire element, and the ice element is restrained by the fire element. When Xia Bo was young, he came to Gemini Island more than once to find trouble with the ice element on the island. Frozen birds have also dealt with them naturally.

However, at that time, the duck-billed fire dragon was only at the low level of the heavenly king level. In that encounter, Xia Bo had to use all his methods to escape from the frozen bird, and then he never went to the island again.

Moreover, Xia Bo's symptoms are actually related to the coldness of the frozen bird!


As the saying goes, the enemy is very jealous when they meet, and seeing the frozen bird recognize him, the duck-billed fire dragon is not polite at all, his eyes change, and the "hu" is a big character bursting towards the frozen bird in the air!

The battle begins in an instant!

Chapter 626 Sakagi's Shot!

Regarding the moves of the ants in the past, the frozen bird didn't bother to hide at all, and blue light lit up around the body. The smoke instantly filled the air.

"Sludge bomb!"

Gu Yu

"Spray flames!"

Of course, the smoke could not block the sight of Athena and Lambda at all, and the perception of the Heavenly King-level elves was naturally not limited to the five senses, so after hearing the orders of their respective trainers, all the Heavenly-king-level elves immediately flew towards the air. Frozen bird hit.




One after another flames mixed with vibrating purple spheres shot towards the smoke.

The Frozen Bird naturally found that many moves were coming towards it, and the body's flight energy flashed, and the downwind state blessed itself.

"Bang bang bang~"

"Boom~Boom~" The explosion sounded again.

It's a pity that the moves are too dense, especially the sludge bombs sent by the poison-type elves, which start to explode and splash around when they come into contact with the ice sand, so when the smoke dissipates, no matter how fast the frozen bird hides, it can't be on the body. Avoid being contaminated with a little venom and suffered a little injury.


Seeing that his body became dirty and toxins were drilling into his noble body, Frozen Bird felt that the dignity of his divine beast had been trampled on, and shouted directly, and the three prismatic feathers on his forehead emitted a dazzling light. The light, its already powerful momentum began to rise steadily, and the surrounding suddenly became cold, and the "huhu" cold wind was everywhere!

It is ready to move, mobilizing the power of the priesthood, and the law of ice between heaven and earth has responded to its call and lent it power continuously.

"No, I can't let it mobilize the priesthood!"

"Keep attacking!"

Seeing this scene, Athena and Lambda panicked, and immediately let their elves continue to attack.



One after another flames, all kinds of energies hit the frozen bird wrapped in blue light.

It's a pity that the Frozen Bird, which has already stepped into the championship level, or the law of heaven and earth that it mobilizes the priesthood is too powerful, and the surrounding cold air directly wiped out the attacks of the heavenly king level elves.

This is equivalent to the protection of the transformation time. For the low-level elves of the heavenly king level, it does take some time for them to break the cold air protection cover.

But this time has been completely enough for Frozen Bird to promote himself to the championship level, and I am afraid that he will be instantly killed by that time.

Fortunately, the duck-billed fire dragon in the middle section of the Heavenly King class, spewed out continuous large-character explosions, and after overlapping, it broke through the layer of cold air and came to the front of the frozen bird.

This is the stunt of the Red Lotus Gym. It fires several large-character explosions in a row, and the latter catch up one by one, causing the large-character explosions to overlap and increase their power.

With the strength of the duck-billed fire dragon, 4 large-character explosions can be overlapped, and the outer barrier can be directly broken.

It is a pity that although the frozen bird in the transformed state is not easy to move, it does not mean that it cannot attack.


Feeling the surging energy in its body, it disdainfully glanced at the overlapping big characters that vaguely reached the high level of the Heavenly King level, opened its mouth, and with a "swoosh", a snow-white beam met the overlapping big characters.

With a "bang", they wiped out each other!

With the help of the power of the law of heaven and earth, it has crossed the boundary of the heavenly king level, and even the attack of the high level of the heavenly king level, it seems that it is no good today.

But Frozen Bird hadn't been complacent for long when he felt a sharp pain in his right wing.

With a "puchi" sound, a huge spear penetrated its right wing!


The frozen bird screamed in pain, and the momentum that had been steadily improving could not help but stagnate, and the whole body began to fall.

Looking back, what he saw was a ferocious looking insect face with scarlet eyes.

"咘xi~咘~" Big, big needle bee! How can it be!

It never dreamed that it would be attacked by a large needle bee that reached the middle of the championship level!

It knows about elves like the giant needle bee. In its view, these elves are very weak. They just don't need to move, just flap their wings and drive the cold air on their lower body to instantly kill a large area!

Not to mention, the ice attribute also restrains such insect-type elves.

"How could I, the divine beast mastering the laws of ice, be defeated by a strange bug!"

With such a belief, the pride in the frozen bird made it reluctantly flap its wings, trying to stop the trend of falling, and at the same time, it also mobilized the power of priesthood more forcefully.

"Wow~woo~" The three diamond-shaped feathers on the frozen bird's forehead emitted a more dazzling light, and the ice energy that had stopped condensing gathered again.

This directly blocked the attack of Athena and the elves under Lambda once again.

Originally, the two of them were about to beat the fallen phoenix, but never thought that the frozen bird was still mobilizing the power of the priesthood, and the attack was directly annihilated by the power of the law that was pulled over.

This scene shocked Tian Ji, who was watching the battle from a distance.

"No wonder, the king can only destroy one city, but the champion can dominate a region! This gap is indeed too big!

After so many attacks by Heavenly King-level elves, they couldn't even break the law barrier drawn by Frozen Bird. "

At this moment, he really understood why the league of the Rockets has been chasing and killing the Rockets, and this time they will be willing to cooperate with the Rockets.

This is entirely because of the emergence of champion Sakagi.

No matter how many Heavenly Kings, the great reputation, and the wide distribution of power, the previous Rockets still didn't have a single needle. For an alliance with champion-level masters, if they wanted to destroy them, they could destroy them! The two sides are not on the same level!

So even if the Rockets stopped doing bad things in recent years and instead cultivated some strong human beings, it doesn't matter to the top leaders of the league whether they change the pursuit order or not.

Since there are other bigwigs in the alliance who hate this organization, why do you want to fight with your own people for this black organization!

That's why the Rockets' reputation hasn't changed.

However, when Sakagi showed his championship-level strength in Yuhong, especially through the mouth of Yuhong City, and he knew that he had mastered the mega evolution, the attitude of the league toward the Rockets became controversial.

A champion trainer, this is an existence that has jumped out of geographical restrictions and can be called the backbone of mankind.

And the human alliance, even if it is one more pillar of this kind, can relieve a lot of pressure when it comes to the outside world, and then achieve greater benefits.

So recently the Rockets don't have to hide like mice xz.


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