The electric field unfolds, the power of electric moves is increased, and you will not enter a sleeping state!

""King Swallow, use Swallow Return!" Miss Naqi took the lead in launching the attack!

King Swallow swooped down at Raiden at high speed. As a must-hit skill, Xiaozhi of course had to face it head-on,"Raiden, run and use Thunder Fang to fight back!""Woof~" Raiden ran as fast as lightning, opened its mouth wide, and golden Thunder Fang emerged to fight King Swallow head-on!

The two Pokémon kept shifting and colliding on the field! Bang! They staggered each other and returned to their respective trainers!

"The King Swallow rises up at high speed! Destructive death ray!"The King Swallow rises up at high speed into the sky, and usually uses its ultimate move to shoot down a huge destructive ray!

""Raidenmon, 100,000 volts!" Boom!! The power of 100,000 volts after being blessed by the electric field is also quite powerful. The two Pokémon are fighting hard and the situation is suddenly frozen!

Seeing that the electric field is about to dissipate, Xiaozhi chooses to use his trump card,"Pray for rain and thunder!"

"What?!"Miss Naqi was shocked. She had never expected that Raidenmon had learned the rain-making technique. It was too late to stop him! Raidenmon raised his hand to pray for rain, and the field was covered with rainy weather again, becoming the perfect field for Raidenmon! Drawing thunder to the sky, boom! A huge thunder fell from the sky and hit the King Swallow!

"Great King Swallow, show your courage and rush forward to meet the thunder! Come back to life!"Siba~" Great King Swallow took the heavy blow of thunder directly, and came in front of Thunder Beast with golden lightning all over his body, and came back to life and killed Thunder Beast with a heavy blow!

"siba~" The King Swallow shouted towards the sky, and the lightning dissipated as it spread its wings!

Naqi also praised sincerely,"Well done, King Swallow!"

"As expected of a gym leader, this guy is really very courageous!" Xiaosheng exclaimed

"Da Wangyan's courage is also very strong, and he is really resistant to electricity! This is a double thunder move after the electrical field is strengthened, but he actually resisted it!"Xiao Gang also analyzed

"Thundermon loses his ability to fight and King Swallow wins!"

"Phew! Raidenmon, you did a great job! I was careless!" Xiaozhi didn't expect that Naqi's King Swallow would be so courageous and defeat Raidenmon directly,"It's decided to be you, Coal Turtle!"

""Woo~" The electrical field disappeared, leaving only rainy weather, but after the coal turtle appeared, it was directly transformed into sunny weather!

"Sunlight characteristics!"Naqi confirmed the characteristics of the coal turtle,"Just go ahead! Destroy the death ray!"

"Block the sunlight and flames, and start the fire-breathing!"Woo~" Under the influence of the sunny day, the coal turtle instantly condensed the energy of the sun and erupted to crush the destructive death light! At the same time, it spewed out a huge orange column of fire!

It would be terrible if it was hit. Naqi shouted:"Big King Swallow, break free quickly, use high-speed movement!" The Big King Swallow relied on its own will to break free from the zombies, and only the afterimage was left under the high-speed movement to be hit by the flames!

"The King Swallow continued to rise into the air, air slash!"The King Swallow was very weak, and it was obvious that Naqi wanted to fight an air battle to consume the coal turtle!

"Coal turtle, retract into your shell to block it!"The head, feet and tail of the coal turtle were all retracted into its shell. The cyclone attacked and hit the shell without causing any damage to the coal turtle!

"The coal turtle covered the entire field! Spraying smoke!"Woo~" A burst of black smoke attacked the entire field,"Let's fight! King Swallow, Swallow returns!""Siba~" Unfortunately, it was still blocked by the turtle shell!

"Take advantage of this moment, Coal Turtle, spray flames!"A wave of flames rushed to the face of the King Swallow,"Siba~" The King Swallow finally fell down!!

"The King Swallow lost its ability to fight, the Coal Turtle won, and the winner was the challenger Xiaozhi!"

"Yay! We win! Good job, Coal Turtle!"Pika~""Booey~"

"Woo~" The coal turtle was so moved that it immediately blew out black smoke!

""Great! Xiaozhi won!" Xiaoyao cheered

"I only need two more badges to participate in the Hoenn League Conference!" Xiaosheng also cheered.

Then, Xiaozhi and Nachi came down from the elevator,"Congratulations, Xiaozhi! This is the proof that you defeated me, the White Feather Badge!" Nachi handed over the White Feather Badge

"Thank you for your advice!" Xiaozhi took the badge and raised it,"Very good! I got the White Feather Badge!""Pikachu~""Boo~""Woo~" Xiaozhi's three Pokémon also celebrated!


After getting the White Feather Badge, Xiaozhi returned to the Pokémon Center to restore the Pokémon and exchanged Pokémon!

Xiaozhi's team: Pikachu, Eevee, Bulbasaur, Charizard, Kodra, Aquaspur, Dragonite, Milotic

Next, Xiaozhi and others planned to go to Green Ridge City to challenge the Green Ridge Gym as Xiaozhi's seventh badge! But before that, Xiaozhi and others decided to take a detour to the well-known high-tech city in the Hoenn region - Larus City, which is also the hometown of Xiaoyao's rival Xiao Shun!

Larus City is a city in the Hoenn region that mainly focuses on research and technology.

The level of technological development in the city ranks first not only in the Hoenn region, but also in the world!

The city is located at the confluence of two rivers, located on an island with a large park, a battle tower, a commercial area, and so on!

You can take the light rail that surrounds the island to get there, and there are also cross-sea bridges on both sides of the island that can also pass through to Larus City!

For Xiaozhi, the Deoxys there is about to begin, and the battle of the mythical beasts is about to begin. How can I, Xiaozhi, be missing the protagonist! This time is different from Nanaya's wishing star. Although there were earth monsters in the last movie, they were not at the level of mythical beasts!

This time, it is a real battle between the two mythical beasts, Rayquaza VS Deoxys!! So no matter what Pokémon Xiaozhi brings out, it will be difficult to fight, so Xiaozhi can do it by himself. The overall situation still depends on his own protagonist aura! However, Xiaozhi still covets Rayquaza with the Emerald Orb and the Master Ball in his hands!!

So Xiaozhi, Xiaogang and the other two took the light rail train from Junyu City to Larus City!!


In Larous City, Xiaozhi and his four friends got off the train,"Great! We have arrived in Larous City!" Xiaosheng cheered as he got off the train. Then, he and Xiaozhi took the elevator from the second floor to the first floor exit!

At this time, a robot composed of five small squares flew over,"Welcome to Larous, WELCOME!"

"What a cute welcoming robot! It really deserves to be a high-tech city!"Xiaoyao exclaimed.

Xiaogang said disappointedly:"I still think it's better to let the beautiful sister do the welcoming!"

The robot suddenly flew in front of Xiaoyao, and a camera popped out of the block above its head,"Come on, smile, eggplant!" A flash flashed, Xiaoyao was startled, and then a frightened expression was photographed!

Then the robot took pictures of Xiaozhi, Xiaosheng and Xiaogang, and uploaded the data to the city's management center! Fortunately, Xiaoyao took the lead, and Xiaozhi and the other two were prepared in advance!

After obtaining permission, the right block of the robot opened, and several magnetic cards representing identity appeared in front of everyone!

The robot introduced,"This is the passport of this city! In this city, please bring your passport. If you buy something, you can use your passport to complete it!"

Everyone hurriedly took their passports! Afterwards, Xiaozhi and others walked out of the transfer station, and Xiaoyao looked at the photo on the passport with tears in her eyes,"Hate it, I really hope I can take another one!"

To be continued......

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