The next day, Xiaozhi and his friends arrived at the Junyu Gym early in the morning. Xiaoyao panted and complained,"No way! Why does Junyu Gym have so many stairs?"

Naqi, who was wearing a flight suit, watched Xiaozhi and his friends climb up and said with a smile,"Xiaozhi has been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Sorry to have kept you waiting, Miss Naqi. I will definitely get the badge this time!" Xiaozhi replied.

"Okay! Follow me!" Nachi brought Xiaozhi and others to the battle site, then asked Xiaozhi to board one of the elevators, and she boarded the opposite elevator! The elevator began to rise to a certain position, and it was obvious that this was the command seat!

In this kind of battlefield, flying Pokémon have an absolute advantage, but this time, although Xiaozhi did not prepare any flying Pokémon, he could still restrict flying Pokémon!

After both parties took their positions, Nachi suddenly knelt on one knee and prayed sincerely,"Great sky! Please give us wings, powerful wings that are not inferior to any gust of wind! Then, guide us to spread our majestic wings in the vast blue world!"

Xiaoyao asked curiously:"What is Miss Nachi doing?"

"I think it should be a ritual before the battle!" Xiaosheng guessed.

Xiaogang sighed:"The sky is like a guardian angel for a Pokémon trainer like Miss Naqi who specializes in flying!"

"So from now on, the gym match between Inyu Gym trainer Naqi and challenger Xiaozhi from Pallet Town is about to begin! There are three Pokémon that can be used. When all the Pokémon of one side lose their combat ability, the match ends! And only the challenger has the right to change Pokémon!"

After a prayer, Miss Naqi's fighting spirit was also ignited,"Come out! Tanabata Bluebird!"

"Longjia flying? Okay, come on! Lalu Lasi!"Lalu~" Lalu Lasi happily appeared on the field with her little hands raised!

【Qixi Bluebird】【Elite Late】

"Tanabata, attack with the wind!"Peck!" Naqi was not polite and launched an attack directly! Tanabata spread its cotton-like wings and attacked Ralts with the wind. Tanabata, as a flying Pokémon, has very few flying moves, but can learn a lot of dragon and fairy moves, so Tanabata has very few moves to use when Ralts' dragon moves are scrapped!

Without Xiaozhi's command, Ralts has already launched a teleportation, and Tanabata reached another position the moment it approached.

Xiaozhi seized the opportunity,"Since you're down, don't go up! Telekinesis control!""Lalu~"

Ralts immediately burst out with a powerful superpower to control Tanabata,"Magic Shine!""Tanabata, use Charming Voice!" Naqi also gave the order without hesitation!

At the same time as the pink light hit Tanabata, Ralts also suffered the attack of Charming Voice, but under the double restraint, Tanabata was more injured!

"Tanabata Bluebird, sing!" Tanabata Bluebird sang a beautiful song, but it was far inferior to Jigglypuff's strength! And Xiaozhi didn't intend to appreciate it,"Ralts, use Mystic Guardian!"

"Lalu~" A colorful shield appears around Lalu Las, making her immune to hypnosis!

"Lalu, teleport with magic flash!"Lalu~" Lalu teleported behind the Tanabata Bluebird, waved her hand, and the pink magic flash took away the Tanabata Bluebird!

"Tanabata Bluebird loses its ability to fight, and Lalu Las wins!"

""Well done! Lalulas!" Xiaozhi praised Lalulas."Pika~""Booey~"

"Lalu~" Lalu Lasi also waved her hands happily and replied

"Great! Xiaozhi takes the first city!" Xiaoyao cheered.

Naqi took back the Tanabata Bluebird,"Xiaozhi, the game just now was really exciting! But I won't give up easily! Go, Gallup!" Then she threw out a Poké Ball!

【Elite Peak】

"Lalulas, continue to use the illusion light!"Lalulas condenses the colorful light!

"Big-billed Gull, air slash to meet the attack!"Big-billed Gull's wings emerged with a cyclone and swung, meeting the illusion beam! Bang!

"Ralts, use Absorbing Kiss!" Ralts blew a kiss and recovered itself!

Nachi decided to show her advantage,"Gallus, take off! Suppress with water cannon!" A huge column of water fell from the sky! Xiaozhi frowned and watched the Gallus take off. If he continued to teleport and pull, Ralts would have no advantage at all, so he could only fight head-on,"Ralts, use telekinesis to control the water cannon!"

"Lalu~" Lalu uses his superpowers to control the water cannon,"Increase the power, whooper gull!" How could Naqi miss this good opportunity!

"Come on! Ralts!"Xiaozhi had no choice but to stack buffs for Ralts,"Ralts~" Ralts, who was controlling the water cannon, burst out with powerful mental power to disperse the water cannon with Xiaozhi's encouragement! At the same time, a blue-white evolutionary light burst out from her body, and she successfully evolved from a little loli into a girl - Kirlia!

"Chirrut~" Chirrutian stared closely at the seagull in the sky!

"Ralts has evolved! So cute!"Xiaoyao exclaimed, and took out the illustrated book and scanned it:



【Strength: Late Elite】

【Moves: Meditation, Mental Strength......】

Xiaozhi nodded with satisfaction. The little cutie has evolved into a big girl!

""Congratulations, Xiaozhi!" Naqi first congratulated, and then said seriously,"I will not lose, Toucan uses Steel Wings!"

Toucan's wings showed a silvery-white metallic luster, and it jumped down,"Kirlia, mental power!" Kirlia burst out with a powerful mental force, bang!!

The two Pokémon turned their backs,"Chiru~" Kirlia fell down first and lost the ability to fight! But Toucan was also seriously injured and was already seriously disabled!!

"Kirlia loses her ability to fight, and the Gullwing wins!"

"Thank you for your hard work, Kirlia! Let the rest be left to other partners!" Xiaozhi took Kirlia back and sent Raiden out,"It's decided to be you, Raiden!"


Raidenmon! Naqi frowned. If nothing unexpected happened, the Otter should be gone. It has four times the restraint even without any status!

"Let's take a gamble, the big-mouthed gull uses the ultimate impact!"Naqi decided to give it a try!

""Raidenmon, 100,000 volts!""Woof~" A blue arc of electricity appeared on Raidenmon's body and condensed into a stream of electricity!

Before the gull could get close to Raidenmon, it was taken away by the four times 100,000 volts!

""The Owl lost its ability to fight, and Raiden won!"

Naqi calmed down and took the Owl back,"Xiaozhi, you have trained all your Pokémon very well!" After praising him, he sent out his trump card,"Go! King Swallow!"

"siba~" A green and gold shiny Rachida appeared! It instantly attracted everyone's attention,"Oh my God! Miss Naqi actually has a shiny Rachida!" This is the third shiny Pokémon Xiaoyao has seen so far. The other two are naturally Xiaozhi's Nightowl and Hunting Swallowtail. You can imagine how rare shiny Pokémon are!

【King Swallow】【Gym Early Stage】

""Raidenmon, electric field!""Woof~" Xiaozhi decided to establish the field advantage first, and the center field of Raidenmon instantly turned into a golden electric field!

To be continued......

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