Pokemon: God-Level Card Drawing, Starting Champion Riolu

180 The Shame Of The Sakura Royal Family

"Ruka, ruka!"

——Someone is coming!

Lucario is reminding Xu Jing.

Xu Jing was stunned.

I thought it was the Trainer from the Unova country or another country in the secret territory of the Taiping Sea.

It’s okay to come.

Xu Jing’s current strength.

Except for the leaders in the world, no one else should be his Rival!

But he soon realized that he had misunderstood.

It wasn't anyone else who came here.

But it was the people of the Dragon Kingdom led by Long Jun.



The most common Flying Pokémon such as Beidiao, Talonflame, Noivern, etc. have landed from Soaring in the sky.

When these people came with Long Jun.

I also learned about the general situation in the secret territory of Taiping Sea by listening around!

It turns out that Unova is really causing trouble.

It turns out that Long Jun was really in danger in the secret territory of Taiping Sea.

It turns out Xu Jing’s strength......

So powerful!

After everyone lands.

They all took the initiative to say hello to Xu Jing.

Xu Jing also responded.

Immediately everyone focused their attention on the mineral vein behind Xu Jing, and everyone looked extremely excited!

What's more, someone's Pokémon has sensed that there is energy summoning its past.

Before coming, everyone knew that this was the Mega Evolution stone vein.

And now.

Their Pokémon failed to get the corresponding Mega Evolution stone among the Mega Evolution stones harvested in the secret territory of Chihe.


Their Pokémon actually sensed things here.

Does it mean that their Pokémon sensed the corresponding Mega Evolution stone here?




All kinds of emotions filled the hearts of these Elites instantly.

But everyone still knows about it.

I want to ask His Majesty Long Jun.

"My lord, my Swampert seems to be sensing something. I suspect it is Swampert's Mega Evolution stone. Look.

"My Medicham is the same. I sensed something that makes my Medicham a little excited. It's probably that Medicham can also Mega Evolve!"

"My old friend Camerupt has already gone over there to look for it. Your Majesty, this..."

Able to become an Elite level Trainer within these decades.

They are all characters who have never been simple.

Some of these people have never achieved breakthroughs in the strength of their Pokémon partners due to Pokémon talent issues or other reasons.

Now here are Mega Evolution Stones that may have Pokémon companions.

How can I still calm down?

Long Jun knew what they meant.

He subconsciously looked at Xu Jing.

His junior from the National Defense Pokémon Academy had unknowingly acquired strength that he could not ignore.

So Long Jun wanted to hear Xu Jing's opinion.

Long Jun's actions were also noticed by others.

"It's okay, seniors, just go search the veins first. It won't take more than a few minutes." Xu Jing Solaceon smiled, and collecting the Mega Evolution stone didn't take a few minutes.

The Elites were all smiles.

All of them had their faces smeared with honey. Normal.

He quickly took the Pokémon and sensed it in the mineral vein.

Xu Jing looked at these Elites.

But I know it in my heart.

These people are destined to have only a small number of people's Pokémon able to find the Mega Evolution Stone.

After all, only a small number of Pokémon have Mega Evolution forms.

Of course, this is not the Pokémon world.

It’s also possible that every Pokémon here has Mega Evolution, but that’s not necessarily the case.

But at least Xu Jing has not found any Pokémon beyond his knowledge that can perform Mega Evolution.

2 minutes later.

The joy on the faces of several Elites could not be concealed!

These are the Pokémon friends who found the Mega Evolution Stone!

The other Elite level looks like a pity and regret.

No need to ask, this is definitely not found.

When Long Jun saw this, he also stood up and said: "Okay everyone, if you find the Mega Evolution stones, please come to me to register. Now let's collectively search out these Mega Evolution stones and take them away with space backpacks!


Everyone responded loudly.

The number of these Mega Evolution Stones.

Compared to the Mega Evolution stone obtained in the Chihe Secret Realm.

More than twice as much?

It can be seen from this.

for a long time to come.

The Pokémon in the Dragon Kingdom Trainer will not be able to Mega Evolve because there are not enough Mega Evolution stones, and the Pokémon that can Mega Evolution will not be able to Mega Evolve because there are no stones!

not only!

Because now is the era of Mega Evolution from the current Pokémon era.

Which country has more Mega Evolution stones?

Which one has greater say in the international arena!

In addition, they can continue to exchange technological items and technology with the Pokémon world.

This wave of Dragon Kingdom is destined to take off!

There is strength in numbers!

Xu Jing has already collected the Mega Evolution stones on the surface before.

There are so many people.

When commanding Pokémon together.

It only took 30 minutes.

This piece of Mega Evolution stone vein has been almost completely plundered.

More than a dozen three-cubic-meter space backpacks are not used at all, and there are still three space backpacks that are not used and are packed.

After the search is completed.

Long Jun took Xu Jing aside to talk.

"Junior, what are your plans?" Long Jun pointed out something. Although Xu Jing did not go out, through Long Jun, he also understood that the Unova country outside had been targeting the Long country.

Long Jun’s words are of great significance!

"Can you confirm the leader of Unova country?" Xu Jing pondered for a moment, but did not give his opinion immediately, but asked this question.

The country of Unova has been searching for things everywhere these years.

There should be quite a lot of good things in the treasure house of the arrogant Unova country, right?

It would be a lie to say that I am not greedy.

But the leader of Unova country is a problem.

"Obviously they only have one leader, but whether this is actually the case remains to be seen." Long Jun obviously knew what Xu Jing meant.

"If we don't figure out who is the leader over there, there may be problems [if we stay and kill them]." Xu Shi was thinking about how long it would take for him to reach the level of ignoring the leader.

Long Jun didn't think much, just nodded and acknowledged: "I mean the same thing, but now we can start with the Sakura country, and test the reality of the Unova country.

Long Jun had already heard from Xu Jing that he was attacked and killed by Sakura Kunei Tianping Colby on his way over.

They don't know the leader of Unova country.

Still don’t know about Sakura Country?

There are only two champions in Sakura country.

Rong Tianping Colby was also killed by Xu Jing.

The dragon country can definitely take the Sakura country sacrificial sword!

Sakura Country has always sided with Unova Country.

Kill Sakura country and try to see if Unova country has enough confidence!

After all, Unova has lost two champions this time!

I heard that Long Jun was preparing to invade Sakura Country.

Xu Jing was in high spirits this time.

He volunteered: "Senior, count me in."

Inside the treasure house of Sakura Country.

He should also be able to find the pure crystal he needs, right?

With Pure Crystal, Xu Jing can greatly shorten the time it takes for his Pokémon to be promoted to master level!

When the Dragon Kingdom left the secret realm of Taipinghai.

There are still two champions stationed at the Secret Realm Gate of the Taiping Sea Secret Realm. It is obvious who they are guarding against.

Just guard against Unova country.

The country of Unova has sent Trainer into it to find Terfergus and the champion-level old woman who followed Terfergus into it.

It’s just that they are destined to be unable to find it!

As for the Mega Evolution Stone Mine, because of a big war, it was destined to be unable to hide it from the Trainers from other countries.

on the second day.

Other Trainers discovered the traces of the battle at the mine. After comparing the traces of battle skills and guessing, they concluded that these were traces that could only be produced by Song's peak champion-level strength.

That is to say.

They found traces.

It is very likely that there was a battle with a championship-level peak Pokémon.

There’s more than one!

It's a big melee!

For a time, there were many speculations.

Anyone with a discerning eye can directly identify the Dragon Kingdom and the Unova Kingdom.

After all, on Taiping Island, the two parties are in tit-for-tat opposition.

Long Jun and Turfergus also often fight.

It's just that everyone is not sure who won the outcome of this big melee.

Most likely it’s Long Jun!

After all, the person who came out of the Taiping Sea Secret Realm yesterday was Long Jun, but Terfergus was nowhere to be seen.

But no one dared to guess that Turfgus was dead.

After all, both Terfergus and Long Jun represent the peak combat power below the master level.

Trainer at this level.

Falling is not that simple.

Just say it!

Thirty years since the appearance of Pokémon Secret Realm.

Since the birth of the first championship-level Trainer.

Until now.

Not a single champion trainer has fallen!

Not to mention the leader of the parliament who reached the peak level at the championship level like Turfergus.

But what they don’t know in the secret territory of Taiping Sea is.

The champion who fell in the hands of Xu Jing.

There are already three!

As for what is contained within the veins.

They don't know this.

I only know that the energy remaining in the mine makes some Pokémon very excited, but the excitement is useless, this is already an empty mine.

The contents within the veins have long been mined away by someone unknown.

For a while.

Many Trainers have fallen into a new round of speculation.

End of May.

Everyone thought that the friction between the Unova Kingdom and the Dragon Kingdom would further escalate, and even a war over this was not impossible.

Among them, the European Union and Black Africa are the most popular!

They are just waiting for Unova to come to cooperate!

The result surprised everyone!

The country of Unova did not take any further action.

They just keep trying to send a new champion-level Trainer into the secret realm of the Pacific Sea, and the Dragon Kingdom has been blocking it.

The reason is that Unova's Terfergus has entered the secret realm. Before Terfergus leaves the Pacific Sea secret realm, no new champions from the Unova country are allowed to enter it.

Unova country…….…

When did you become so talkative?

Everyone doesn't know why.

But the Dragon Kingdom is already ready to go.

The top management has secretly found a country that is willing to have friendly relations with the Dragon Kingdom. Our country's Mr. Tang and the leader of the Mao Xiong Kingdom have discussed the follow-up actions.

June 1st.

This is a special day.

Children's Day!

But Xu Jing is not in the Dragon Kingdom.

But together with Long Jun, Yan Elite and Fei Elite.

Four people in total!

Left the Dragon Kingdom.

We took the Flying Machine directly to Sakura Country!

Naturally, I came to Sakura Country to get an explanation.

to be honest.

After the Unova country's Turfgus is solved, there is another champion level, and there is also a Sakura country's champion level that is also solved.

Now the high-end combat power of Dragon Kingdom is here.

Already have very obvious advantages


Sakura Country and Han Country have always been at odds with each other.

Now is also the time to clear up a big wave!

Sakura Kuni Shrine Headquarters Airport.

The Sakura royal family——the Yamato clan has already brought the senior officials of Sakura Shrine to receive them, looking a little nervous.

Sakura's current head of the royal family is named Hiroshi Yamato.

This is a short, thin, thin old man.

Xu Jing followed the Dragon Kingdom Trainer team that visited Sakura Kingdom this time and saw Yamato Hiroshi for the first time.

how to say.

It just feels like there's something wrong with it at first glance.

It looks awkward no matter how you look at it.

As expected of the royal family of Sakura country, just be perverted.

It is said that they advocate intermarriage within the clan and so on.

Do not know is not true.

Yamato Hiroshi was nervous, but on the surface he still received Long Jun and his party politely.

Half an hour later.

A place to receive friendly visits in Sakura Country.

Long Jun asked Yamato Hiroshi for an explanation regarding the attack and killing of Xu Jing by Sakura Kunei Tianping Colby.

Hiroshi Yamato's heart was filled with rage, and he wished he could resurrect the dead Colby Shibata Taira and cut him into pieces!

"Baga! Baga Baga!!!" Even though the anger in Yamatohao's heart was as high as ten thousand feet, he did not dare to express the slightest towards Long Jun and others.

Before Long Jun and others came over.

Yamato Hiroshi has already made contact with the Unova country.

The purpose is also very simple!

Just asking what to do!

After all, Snipe Shot Long Yi went to Taipingzhou because you, Unova country, asked us to do it.

Now we are paying so much for it.

What are you going to do next?

You have to communicate with us at 0.8, right?

As a result, the answer Sakura Country received from Unova Country was that they would hold their troops temporarily and wait for further notice?


After hearing the news, Yamato Hiroshi cursed on the spot.

That's not what you said at the beginning!

But Yamato Hiroshi had no other choice.

I could only hold my nose and recognize it.

Sakura country, which originally had two champions, still has a certain say in the international arena.

Now there is only one left.

The right to speak plummeted.

Today, Long Jun brought Dragon Kingdom Trainer over. Yamato Hiroshi could only pray that Dragon Kingdom would not go too far...

The two sides talked down.

Long Jun made several requests on behalf of the Dragon Kingdom.

The main ones are Pokémon resources!

Attribute stones and Attribute secret treasures are only second.

The most important thing is Attribute pure crystal.

Long Jun proposed that Sakura country should pay 10 Attribute pure crystals!

Attribute pure crystal is the top currency in the Trainer circle. It is a priceless treasure that cannot be bought even if you have money.

Even a country like Sakura country.

There are three secret doors in total.

Only one rating reached 3 stars.

There is no telling whether there are 10 copies of Attribute pure crystals in their treasure house.

But this time Long Jun came here to embarrass Sakura Country!

No matter if you have it or not!

No? Better!

Doesn’t that give you an excuse to cause trouble?

Yamato Hiroshi agreed to a series of humiliating contracts, even if it was 10 Attribute pure crystals, he agreed with gritted teeth in his heart.

He even suspected that Long Jun deliberately raised such high conditions, just waiting for him to refuse!

He is still waiting for Unova's counterattack against Dragon Kingdom.

When the time comes, we must get back double what we lost today from the Dragon Kingdom!

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