Pokemon: God-Level Card Drawing, Starting Champion Riolu

179 Was Stunned! Preparing To Mine Mega Evolution Stone

Outside the secret door of Taipinghai Secret Realm.

Taiping Island.

The entire 12-square-kilometer island welcomed many guests today. It was probably only as lively as when the secret door of the Taiping Sea Secret Realm was discovered for the first time.

It's so lively today.

This is the second time in so many years.

And come here.

They are all world-famous Trainers.


The Trainers who were originally stationed here are no longer just the ones who just started.

After a major incident occurred in the secret realm of Taipinghai.

Other countries in the United Nations rushed here to send powerful Trainers.

Upon arrival.

A short but strong garrison team was established.

Although the garrison team is composed of Trainers from various countries, everyone's order is not chaotic.

The first reason is that the strong person leading the respective team is there.


Everyone is watching the fun!

Who to look at?

Of course it’s between the Dragon Kingdom and the Unova Kingdom!

The Unova country has gathered many countries from the European Union, Sakura, Oshu, and Kuroshu.

There are also many in the Dragon Kingdom.

In addition, there are neutrals like the Bear Country that neither side can ignore.

The leader of the Unova team is a white man named Gardner, who is second only to Turfgus among the Unova MPs.

On the Long Kingdom side, Granny Long led the team.

There are four titled Elites behind them: Flame Elite, Fei Elite and so on.

Yes, when Fei Elite and Yan Elite came to Taiping Island and wanted to enter, they happened to meet the Trainer who came from Unova country.

The two sides almost fought directly on Taiping Island.

Therefore, no one from the Dragon Kingdom or the Unova Kingdom could enter the Taiping Sea Secret Realm again.

The two sides have been in a stalemate.

Until the leaders of both teams arrived later.

Later, Trainers from other countries also arrived.

Gardner was sneering at the Dragon Kingdom party headed by Grandma Long. He crossed his arms and said, "In the words of your Dragon Kingdom, your Dragon Kingdom is really making a fuss. Isn't it because your champion Long Jun is here?" In the secret territory of the Taiping Sea, we want to blatantly violate the convention and regulations regarding the secret territory of the Taiping Sea that we established at the beginning."

"No matter what, your Dragon Country Trainers will never allow another championship-level Trainer to enter!"

Taipinghai Secret Realm is the only five-star secret realm in the world.

For sustainable development.

After consultation with the United Nations.

Relevant regulations and policies have been issued!

That is Trainer who has reached championship level.

Only one person in each country is allowed to enter to search for Pokémon resources at the same time.

This can greatly reduce the damage caused to the Pacific Secret Realm by powerful Trainers' Pokémon during battle.

And now.

The Dragon Kingdom is under the leadership of Granny Long.

Plus Long Po Po herself.

Here come two champions!

Everyone wants to enter the secret realm of Taipinghai.

Naturally, everyone in Unova led by Gardner will not allow it!

So the two sides reached a stalemate here.

For Gardner and the others.

Truffles enters it with another championship level presence.

Just to target Long Jun.

And Granny Long and her party came here.

It was to find out what happened in the secret realm of Taipinghai, and also guessed that the target of Unova country was Long Junmian.

They are here to save people!

"Damn it! There will definitely be more than one champion in your Unova country!" He Yan, the most grumpy Elite Elite, looked at the sneer on Gardner's face. At that time, his temper rose and he pointed at Gardner's nose and yelled: "With the strength of Long Junmian, you, Fergus, are not like Rival. There must be more than one person of the same level who dares to mess with you!"

He was pointed at the nose and scolded loudly in public. Although the scolding was not too obvious, Gardner's face darkened at that time.

To know.

Trainer wasn't the only one there.

Some of the world's leading Pokémon news media are like cats that smelled something fishy and have come over a long time ago!

In the distance, high-tech camera equipment is hidden in various places, just waiting to capture the wonderful moments!

"Huh! Don't talk nonsense, Elite Yan." Gardner snorted at He Yan, then grabbed the Poké Ball in one hand, looked at He Yan and Long Po and said: "In short, if you want to enter the Dragon Kingdom today, then It is a blatant violation of the United Nations convention system, and all Trainers have the right to stop your behavior!"

Gardner continued to speak louder and louder.

It seems that if you dare to come up to us, we dare to call out our Pokémon partners to have a fight. Anyway, you are the one who started the war!

"Yan Elite, calm down." Granny Long is the calmer one among the people present. She knows Yan Elite. If she continues to quarrel with the other party, I am afraid that Yan Elite may really call Pokémon here to have a fight.

Although the top combat power of Trainer who arrived from Dragon Kingdom is not afraid of Unova Country, after all, there are so many news media here [the crime of provoking war cannot be easily raised.

"Long Granny, that boy Xu Jing has already entered. If something happens to my Majesty, it means that both of them..." Yan Elite was a little anxious.

He is quite optimistic about Xu Jing.

In the future, he will definitely be able to surpass all Trainers in Dragon Kingdom.

He even thinks that Xu Jing can aspire to the level of leader Tang Lao!

In He Yan's view.

Even if this crime is really launched.

That would be better than both Long Jun and Xu Jing dying in the secret territory of the Taiping Sea. Isn't it just a fight? He Yan is not afraid!

That's right.

Granny Long also knew that what He Yan said was true.

What if something happened to Long Jun?

Xu Jing, who went in to look for Long Jun, was naturally unavoidable.

The country of Unova simply deliberately pinched the point so that they could not rescue them.

"Long Granny, what Lao He said is right." Beside Fei Elite, Lan Fei's views were consistent with He Yan's.

The other two titled Elites said they could wait and see, but they knew Long Jun's strength.

The other champion didn't express his opinion.

He was obviously waiting for Granny Long's decision.

At this time, Trainers from neighboring countries were also expressing their opinions.

Furry Bear Country:

"No matter what, if this fight really breaks out, the strength of both sides should be roughly equal. What should we do?"

"It is better to be on the same side with the Dragon Kingdom now. The Unova Kingdom is too ambitious."

"I don't know the specific situation yet, and I can't say whether it can be fought. Let's see!"

Cold country:

"Axi! Let's fight quickly. The more losses both sides have, the better. It would be best if all the Dragon Kingdom's high-end combat power is wiped out.

"Xu Jing is the bloodline of our cold country living abroad, and the dragon country doesn't even recognize it, Assi!"

"That's right!"

European Union:

"If a fight breaks out later, let our news media focus on publicizing the cause and how to arrange it, right?"

"Oh God, this must be no problem. Damn Long Jun was targeting us in the EU at first, and he should be doing this now. 27

"Keep arguing, and when the Dragon Kingdom takes action, you must go all out!"

Sakura country:

"Dragon Kingdom killed our Sakura Edaira Colby, Mr. Colby, which is unforgivable!"

"That's right! It's best to get Dragon Kingdom to hand over the murderer later!"

"Mr. Eitaira Colby is the only two champion-level warriors in our Sakura Kingdom. He was brutally killed by the Dragon Kingdom. It is simply unjust!"


What many countries do best is to add insult to injury.

On the Dragon Kingdom side, my mother-in-law has made up her mind.

Get ready for everyone to call out your fellow Pokémon.

Forcefully break into the secret realm of Taipinghai!

No matter what, we must ensure the safety of Long Jun and Xu Jing!


A low dragon roar came from the gate of Taipinghai Secret Realm, suppressing all the sounds present!

The sky in the secret hall of Taipinghai suddenly shattered, and a fat orange figure rose into the sky!

It fell quickly and the Ground shook violently!

A cloud of dust flew up.

An unknown Pokémon, under the command of Trainer, waved its wings with a gentle breeze, blowing away the dust mist.

The dust and fog dispersed.

The fat figure that appeared in front of everyone was one of the quasi-god Pokémon that all Trainers must recognize—Dragonite!

"Dragonite? Dragon Jun from the Dragon Kingdom is out?"

"Who else besides Long Jun? There are only a few people in the world who have Dragonite. This Dragonite is very powerful and has a high probability of being a champion. The champion Dragonite that can come out of the secret territory of the Taiping Sea during this time must be Dragonite. It’s a close call!”

"It's Long Jun, yes, I once fought with him. Dragonite left a deep impression on me. This is the right one!"

As soon as Dragonite appears.

Everyone immediately thought of Long Jun from the Dragon Kingdom!

It is very different from Trainers in other countries.

Everyone here in Long Kingdom breathed a sigh of relief. It would be best if Long Jun was fine. The worst outcome they imagined did not happen!

But Yan Elite's expression soon changed.

He didn't know if Long Jun knew that Xu Jing had gone into the secret realm to look for Long Jun!

Long Jun is back, where is Xu Jing?

In the Unova country opposite the Dragon Kingdom, many Trainers from the Unova country headed by Gardner looked like they had seen a ghost.

Gardner even shouted in his heart: "Impossible! Absolutely impossible! Turfergus will definitely be able to deal with Long Jun!"

Long Jun came out, and Fergus failed?

Then wouldn’t it be exposed that two of their Unova national champion trainers entered the secret realm of Taipinghai?

0…Please give me flowers…

The champion who followed Terfergus into the secret realm of the Pacific Sea was a champion-level combat presence hidden in the country of Unova.

This kind of thing can never happen again.

But Xu Jing who didn’t seem to see the other party?

Could it be that although Trefergus didn't kill Long Jun?

But he killed Li Wujing?

if it is like this.

That's not unacceptable.

After all, judging from the Unova country.

Xu Jing of this Dragon Kingdom will be a more terrifying existence than Long Jun in the future.

Can solve Xu Jing in advance.

It’s worth it!

At this thought, Gardner's mood went up and down like a roller coaster several times before he finally calmed down.

"Everyone, I've made you worry." Long Jun came over with Dragonite. Dragonite has recovered a little strength now, and it doesn't look like he has just experienced a big battle.

Long Jun and Dragonite arrive.

Those Pokémon news media just clicked the shutter and took many photos.

Anyway, there are not many photos to worry about.

It would be nice to take more pictures.

"Mian..." Seeing that only Long Jun came out, the outspoken Yan Elite was about to ask for news about Xu Jing, but saw Long Jun give him a look.

Suddenly he could only anxiously shut up what he had not asked.

It seems that the situation is very different from what everyone imagined!

They all knew Long Jun very well.

Long Jun's expression meant that nothing big happened.

In other words, it’s the expression of having everything under control!

"Long Granny, have you brought your backpack?" When he came to the Long Kingdom team, Long Jun suppressed the excitement in his heart.

Let others notice the strangeness and whisper this key question in Long Po Po's ear.


The country of Unova used the Mega Evolution stone vein discovered in the secret realm of the Pacific Sea to get Long Jun to take the bait.

Turfergus's original plan was that after Long Jun was eliminated, the people of Unova would secretly mine the Mega Evolution stone veins.

Who thought they failed?

Terfergus, the leader of the Unova parliamentarians, is dead!


Someone who wants to secretly mine a vein of Mega Evolution stone.

Became Long Jun!

First, stabilize the people of Unova.

Wait until the Mega Evolution stone vein is mined.

Let’s deal with Unova country again!

How to mine unknowingly?

Here I have to mention the materials and technological items exchanged from the Pokémon world!

The space backpack is just one of them!

With a space backpack.

In the Pacific Secret Realm, you can secretly mine those Mega Evolution stone veins without making any big noise.

Everyone present is a human being.

As soon as Long Jun's words came out.

Everyone in the Dragon Kingdom knows that it is not simple anymore!

An ordinary backpack is naturally not worthy of Long Jun's special inquiry.

This is obviously asking about the space backpack!

It seems that Long Junmian discovered something good in the secret territory of Taiping Sea!

Grandma Long nodded.

"Everyone carries the best."

the best?

Among the technological items traded over.

The highest space backpack has a space of three cubic meters!

There are a total of ten people here.

If only the Mega Evolution stone is installed.

It should be enough initially!

The crutch that Long Po was leaning on lightly kicked on the ground.

One of her Ghost-type Pokémon immediately activated its power.

Wrap the Dragon Kingdom’s Trainer side.

No one can hear you if you speak here.

Of course, no one heard what they just said.

If someone eavesdrops, the vigilant Pokémon will have already warned you.

It's just that it's more foolproof.

I don’t know what Long Guo is plotting here.

Trainers from other countries don’t know why.

The same goes for Gardner.

He's waiting for Truffles!

Soon, Longguo's discussion was completed.

Everyone followed Long Jun into the secret realm again.

Granny Long and the other champion are guarding the secret hall of the Taiping Sea Secret Realm.

After all, the current situation is that Unova country has already entered the championship level "in accordance with the United Nations Common Commercial Convention."

Before Terfergus came out.

The country of Unova can no longer send champions into it.

Long Po Po and another champion are guarding this point of Unova country!

Soon, Long Jun took everyone into the secret realm again.

Trainers from other countries saw this.

They also let the Trainers in one after another.

Let’s see what’s going on in the Taipinghai Secret Realm.

The country of Unova also allows Trainers to enter.

But Granny Long is here.

Gardner, the champion, has no way to get in.

As for Long Jun, he took all the Trainers from the Dragon Kingdom to rush to the Mega Evolution stone vein as soon as possible!

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