Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 153 Chang'an Hammer King!

"You probably have heard about what happened later. After getting the elves, Brother Su was on the go all the way, and then he entered Shangqing University as the number one scholar in the country. After graduation, he successfully won the title of Heavenly King and became the most famous person in the history of Dragon Kingdom. "The Youngest King"

After Lu Ze finished talking to his friends, the two elves were healed and brought out

So Lu Ze and the others walked back to the hotel while chatting.

After returning to the hotel, Su Qianyan was already gone, and the hotel staff took out a note, saying that Su Qianyan left it for them

"Ozawa, my brother is leaving first, I will spank your ass next time we meet, bye~"

After Lu Ze opened the note, he complained speechlessly.

"Don't we have mobile phones? Why don't we send a message and leave a note?"

At this moment, Su Qianyan on the plane couldn't help but sneezed.

"Huh? The seaside wind is too strong? Are you going to catch a cold? Beauty, give me a cup of cold medicine"

Su Qianyan rubbed his nose, then called the stewardess to help him make a cup of cold medicine


A week later, Lu Ze and the others had returned to Chang'an City

On the second day of the battle against Team Splash, everyone played for another two days before heading back to the voyage.

And it seems that they played too crazy, everyone was a little tired after returning home, so they all lay down at home for a few days

After lying down for a few days, Lu Ze finally succeeded in obtaining an epic skill - Lu Ma's dislike

Helpless, Lu Ze had no choice but to go out for a stroll during the day, so as not to be scolded within Lu Ma's sight

"Oh, when will this day be the end?"

Lu Ze walked down the street dejectedly, wandering aimlessly


Lu Ze looked up, and before he knew it, he came to the elf battle center

Suddenly, Lu Ze's eyes turned

"By the way, Charmander and Lobster Soldier don't seem to have trained systematically yet. Besides, the training room I hired seems to have not expired, why?"

Just do what you say, Lu Ze stepped into the gate of the elf battle center with a smile on his face, and came to the training room he rented out at that time

"Little Charmander, run forward!"

After Lu Ze released the elves, he directed Charmander to run to warm up

But forked bats and squirrels went to their usual training place with ease

After the last battle with Su Qianyan's Wind Speed ​​Dog, it was a big blow to them

After all, it's not just that Lu Ze hasn't lost much, but also the cross-word bat and the squirrel beast, and they were crushed that time.

Although there is indeed a gap in the length of training and fighting between the two sides, but if you lose, you lose, and if you lose, everything is an excuse

Snorlax began to work hard to train the proficiency of the skills it mastered after its own evolution

The cross-bat understands that his speed is still not fast enough. If it is fast enough, he can drag it to the end of the battle without relying on [tailwind], so the cross-bat is also working hard to train his speed and dodge efficiency

Lu Ze looked at the lobster soldier in front of him and fell into deep thought.

"This kid? How should I train him?"

Lu Ze tried his best to think about the information about the lobster soldiers in his head, thinking about the future development direction of the lobster soldiers

The development direction of other elves has basically been determined

For example, Kirby is a heavy tank, high attack and high defense, but slow defensive and counterattack player, and can occasionally counter the opponent's space player, or open space by himself, and act as a space player by himself

Forked bats are high-speed jammers, turrets, enhanced special attackers and counter-strengthened players

The high speed brought him agility and space for self-strengthening, and the special attack end has the strengthening bonus brought by [trick]

Although there are no bonus skills on the physical attack end, there is also the powerful Tobimoto Brave Bird

Moreover, it can also deal with the enemy at high speed, using the sure-hit [Very Poison] to grind the opponent to death

Charmander is even simpler, he is the mage position, after the fork bat activates [Tail Wind], no matter it is X spray or Y spray, it can kill all directions under [Tail Wind]

Now this lobster minion with the eyes full of wisdom has no clue

Lu Ze looked helplessly at the information panel of the lobster soldier, feeling a little headache

But there is no way, my own elf, I have to plan the training method and plan the future development route

"Dance of Dragons? Water Jet? Water Jet? Water Jet? Dragon Dance?"

Lu Ze talked about the skill pool of the lobster soldiers, the more he thought about it, the brighter his eyes

"After the lobster soldier evolved into an iron claw lobster, after learning the sword dance, the double dance of the dragon dance and the sword dance was strengthened, plus the already impressive physical attack, isn't this the strengthened thug I have been looking for?"

Lu Ze looked at the wise lobster soldier with bright eyes

[Adaptability] The characteristic lobster minion can deal huge damage by relying on the skills of this department

Evil Ben's [Shoot Down], [Sneak Attack] and [Crush]

Mizumoto also has [Shell Blade] [Panbu] and the signature [Crab Claw Hammer]

Well, although it's amazing that a lobster's signature skill is [Crab Claw Hammer], but if you think about it, a lobster can inherit [Dragon Dance], so [Crab Claw Hammer] is not unacceptable, right? Bar

What's more, the special attack of the evolved iron claw lobster is not low, and it also has the enhancement of [Trickery], the special attack is directed towards the evil base [Evil Wave], and the special attack is towards the water base [Surfing], [Hot Water], and [Water Wave] are even more powerful. It gave the iron claw lobster the possibility of double knives

Although the speed is a bit embarrassing, [Water Jet] also gave him a powerful capital

All in all, you won't suffer in battle, and you can even catch most people off guard

"It's decided, Lobster Soldier, let's practice your skill proficiency with Snorkel."

After Lu Ze fed the lobster soldier an energy cube, he brought the lobster soldier with a hint of excitement in his eyes to the side of the Snake, pointed at the skill target and said to the lobster soldier

"Lobster minion, use water jet on the target"

The lobster soldier's eyes were fixed, his whole body was covered by the water flow, and he bumped into the skill target

Lu Ze nodded: "Yeah, it's great, just train your skill proficiency like this, I'll give you extra meals tonight"

When the lobster soldier heard it, he released [Water Jet] towards the skill target with even more effort.

The Kirby next to him is also a little more serious

"I must play a leading role for the younger generation, um, I can"

And Lu Ze looked at the four elves who were training hard, nodded and exited the training room

He is going to the battlefield to see if there are any suitable opponents for the lobster minions

He wants to let the lobster minions participate in several battles as soon as possible, so that the lobster minions can quickly evolve into iron claw lobsters

When it evolves into an iron-clawed lobster and learns the [Crab Claw Hammer], the lobster minions will become weak in combat power.

In the future, the battle will be to dance first when meeting each other, and then [Water Jet] to stick to the face, [Shoot Down], [Sneak Attack] or [Crab Claw Hammer] to output

Try to take the opponent away with one wave. If one hammer fails, then two hammers.

Just kidding, even if two hammers are not enough, it is unlikely to die on the spot, after all, the double resistance of the iron claw lobster is barely enough

But the three axes are really just these three signature skills, so Lu Ze wants to make the lobster minion the same as the Snorlax, and the two pincers can use skills at the same time

Don't ask him to use different skills, as long as he can use the [Crab Claw Hammer] at the same time.

When the time comes, one hammer left and one hammer right, who can bear it?

At that time, I will be Chang'an Hammer King! Who agrees? Who is against?

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