Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 152 Su Qianyan, Father Lu and Lu Ze

The wind speed dog jumped out in an instant, and rushed towards the forked bat in the air

The cross-word bat was startled, and was about to use the blessing of [Tail Wind] to distance itself, only to realize that the effect of [Tail Wind] had disappeared the moment the wind speed dog jumped up.

And without the blessing of [Shunfeng], although the speed of the forked bat is still very fast, it is not as fast as the wind speed dog of the heavenly king level.

What's more, I still use the wind speed dog of [Superior Speed]

The wind speed dog bumped into the forked bat, and when both sides fell, the wind speed dog opened his mouth and made another shot at the forked bat [crushed]

Looking at the forked bat that rolled its eyes in circles after landing, and the mighty wind speed dog beside it, although it flashed purple light from time to time, Lu Ze twitched the corner of his mouth and complained in his heart.

"This... Nima is here to bully people, it's too much!"

After Su Qianyan sprayed the antidote on the wind speed dog, she laughed and walked towards Lu Ze

"Haha, Ozawa played well, but the details in the battle are too poor, pay attention next time"

Lu Ze complained, "As long as the wind speed dog doesn't beat me, I can drag him to death"

Although he thought so in his heart, Lu Ze had to admit that if he was asked to judge the end time of [Shunfeng], he really couldn't do it

What's more, Su Qianyan was stuck at the end of the [Tail Wind] effect, and then when the wind speed dog launched an attack, it was stuck at the end of [Tail Wind]

This set of operations not only needs to know the end time of [Shunfeng], but also understands the reaction speed of your elf, tacit understanding, etc.

"Brother Su, how do you judge when [Shunfeng] will end?"

Lu Ze humbly asked for advice. You must know that there is a system in his team that is based on [Shunfeng]

Su Qianyan smiled and patted Lu Ze's head and said

"Haha, about a second before the end of [Tail Wind], the wind will stagnate for a moment. This is the precursor to judge that [Tail Wind] is about to end."

Lu Ze nodded thoughtfully. Sure enough, although some game experience can be substituted, but not all of it

For example, we now know the signs before the end of [Sleep Wind], after understanding this, we can completely judge when the skill ends

Thinking about it, it should be more than just [Tail Wind], maybe [Sunny Day] [Pray for Rain], these skills that last for several rounds also have their own little tricks

"Hey, Ozawa, look, I've already told you some tricks about [Shunfeng], shouldn't you tell me how Yula evolves?"

Su Qianyan leaned into Lu Ze's ear and whispered

Lu Ze's face darkened, you didn't want it before the battle started, not to mention you messed with me and wanted me to tell you? no way

So Lu Ze pretended not to hear, and still walked towards the outside of the hotel

Su Qianyan said angrily behind Lu Ze

"Xiao Zezi, you are too much. If you don't tell me, I will ask your dad. He will definitely tell me."

The corners of Lu Ze's mouth rose, and he turned to Su Qianyan with a smile and said

"Brother Su, I used to think that you were more like a child than me. I didn't expect you to be like this now, so I won't tell you. If you ask my dad, he doesn't know. I'm so mad at you, just a little~"

Lu Ze mockingly made a face at Su Qianyan, stuck out his tongue, turned around and ran away

Su Qianyan was impatient behind Lu Ze, but there was nothing she could do

After being incompetent and furious for a while, Su Qianyan suddenly showed a mysterious smile as if thinking of something

In the elf center, Lu Ze and his friends are here to treat and restore the physical strength of the elves with Lu Ze

Sui Yan looked at the empty door, and after seeing that Su Qianyan did not follow, he asked Lu Ze

"Lu Ze, what is your relationship with him? How did you know each other?"

Lu Ze looked at the curious looks of Suiyan and other friends, smiled and said to them

"Do you know the tide of elves in Chang'an City decades ago?"

Everyone nodded and looked at Lu Ze curiously.

"The wave of elves when the secret realm got out of control basically swept across the entire city of Chang'an, and finally, after dispatching most of the heavenly kings and countless trainers in the Dragon Kingdom, the wave of elves ended."

"But Brother Su's father died in that elf tide, and not only that, Brother Su was also caught by a vulture and taken to the sky"

"In the end it was my dad who rescued him from Vulture Na's claws, but that elf wave also made elves a synonym for terror in his heart."

"After all, he was only seven years old at that time, so he had a psychological shadow. He planned to never touch elves for the rest of his life, and then he would be a network engineer with peace of mind."

"But when he went shopping at the age of sixteen, he met my dad who was helping me with the shopping, and he recognized my dad immediately"

"Besides, if you recognize him, brother Su is really, uh, a magical person."

The corners of Lu Ze's mouth twitched when he thought of that scene. He had just remembered Su Qianyan's outrageous behavior.

In the supermarket, in front of everyone, Su Qianyan knelt down to Father Lu under Lu's astonished expression, kowtowed three times to Lu's father, "Bang, bang, bang", and then yelled loudly road

"Thank you benefactor for saving your life. Su Qianyan knelt down again to thank you benefactor. If you have any orders, Su Qianyan will not hesitate to say anything."

This scene made Lu's father, who was still young at the time, blush, and quickly pulled Su Qianyan to run outside

And Su Qianyan's actions left little Lu Ze with a shadow in his heart, because when Lu's father dragged Su Qianyan to run outside

Although little Lu Ze has not forgotten, but little Lu Ze worked so hard to pick up a shopping cart of snacks and toys, but they were left in place, and they were getting farther and farther under the desperate eyes of little Lu Ze.

Seeing the eyes of his friends full of thirst for knowledge, Lu Ze opened his mouth, deciding that it would be better not to tell about Su Qianyan's great deed

"Well, after that, my dad understood the shadow in Brother Su's heart, and then asked Brother Su to do research with him in order to relieve Brother Su."

"In the past two years with my dad, the shadow in Brother Su's heart slowly recovered after being exposed to the elves at home and the elves in the breeding house every day."

"After recovering, my dad was also very happy. Just when it was time to choose an elf, my dad said to prepare an elf for him. After all, he also saw Brother Su's talent. To be honest, Brother Su is better than me. Much stronger at seventeen or eighteen"

"But Brother Su doesn't want it. He thinks he's been bothering my dad for so long. It's better not to bother my dad. But in the end, Dad Lu brought him three elf eggs and asked him to choose one."

"Well, you're not mistaken, it's Brother Su's Double Ax Battle Dragon, which was chosen from the three elf eggs my dad gave me."

Lu Ze looked at the suspicious eyes of his friends and explained helplessly.

"Don't worry, I am my own, and Brother Su is not my father's illegitimate child. After all, my father is not capable of creating a child when he is nine years old."

"As for me at that time, why didn't I prepare elf eggs for me? On the one hand, it was my family's tradition, and on the other hand, my grades were not good at that time. They thought that even after I had elves, I would not be able to stand out from the crowd."

"So, I just wanted to let me pick an elf egg by myself. Anyway, my family is not short of money. I just want to go to a nearby university. I'll be safe and live my whole life carefree."

Lu Ze sighed. He understood Dad Lu's mood at that time. Indeed, accepting the ordinaryness of his child should be the most difficult thing.

But Lu Ze didn't know that his family's tradition of picking elves can actually be manipulated in secret, just like Lu Ze's grandfather

However, Dad Lu himself was also the one who was kept in the dark, so there was no reason, and Lu Ze completely lost the opportunity to be manipulated in the dark.

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