Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 144 Multi-party game


"Same as you, here to receive elves"

Seeing Sui Yan's confused look, Lu Ze said with a smirk

Sui Yan asked, "Geng Gui?"

"Not only that, but also Lucario"



Sui Yan was startled by Geng Gui's sudden appearance

Then, before Suiyan could react, he quickly hid in Lu Ze's shadow

"I'm going, I have a heart attack and I will definitely ask you to lose money" Sui Yan said painfully while covering his chest


There was a lot of laughter in the room, Papa Lu's Geng Gui seemed to have a soft spot for Sui Yan, and every time we met, he would scare him

After a small episode, everyone soon finished receiving the elves

Su Tingxi’s is Emperor Nabo, Lu Ze’s is Geng Gui and Lucario, Tang Yunqin’s is a cunning tengu, You Yuyou and Yin Hanling’s are clay giant and sniper tree owl, and Sui Yan’s is an electric dog. dragon

Except for Lu Ze, the elves of the few people are all of the more restrained water type. Even Tang Yunqin's parents found a cunning tengu from Tang Yunqin's uncle's house


A moment later, in Lu Ze's room

"Do you want to play big"

Lu Ze showed a Shiba Inu-like smile and looked at everyone

"How to say?"

Sui Yan immediately became interested. He knew that every time Lu Ze showed such a smile, it would be either very interesting or very beneficial to him.

"Just take a gamble, the Splash Team will not let it go, they will come again, and this is the opportunity, the elves that our parents gave us, this is the Raiders!"

"In the last attack, they will definitely think that we have played all our cards, and thus bring the power to overwhelm us at once"

"But they won't know that we have many more powerful surprise soldiers, this is the confidence"

"Besides, I already contacted Mo Qiancheng and Mo Tianwang last night. Although he couldn't come due to something, he has asked his friends nearby to come over."

"And I have also contacted the police. The police will be deployed near the beach in the past few days, waiting to catch them all."

Lu Ze said all his plans and ideas in one breath, and then waited for everyone's response

"So? We are bait?"

Su Tingxi reacted quickly, and immediately understood what Lu Ze meant by playing big

"Yes, we are bait"

Lu Ze kept his Shiba Inu smiling and continued

"I remember when we were at the Longtan Waterfall Scenic Area, what was the reason for the first reward Mo Tianwang gave me?"

Tang Yunqin's eyes lit up: "I know, because I helped destroy the church dens."

Lu Ze snapped his fingers

"That's right, I destroyed the church den and gave me one-tenth of the key fragments of the national treasure house. How about we help capture the members of the Splash Team this time?"

"If it succeeds, even if the rewards are distributed among the six of us, although it's not as good as one person getting all of them, everyone will not be too bad."

"What's more, Geng Gui has the ability to hypnotize, and the fighting power of other elves is not bad. The best result is that we break up the splash team before the police arrive, and the police finish. The greater the effort, the better the reward."

"The worst result is that we can't beat the Splash Team, and we can't even resist, but in this way, there will also be a king to give us the bottom line, so that we can support the arrival of the police force, but this kind of reward may wouldn't be as good”

"How to say?"

Lu Ze looked at the crowd like a pyramid scheme leader, trying to encourage them

And everyone was also moved by Lu Ze's words, don't say the best, even if it is the worst scene, don't worry about safety

And the worst scenario is unlikely to happen, not to mention Su Tingxi, the elf used to protect his son in the home of the richest man in the city will not be weak

And Sui Dad and You Mingda, who can play with Lu Dad and Mo Qiancheng Tianwang, can't be just ordinary trainers

So the elves they pass on to their children are basically quasi-kings, not weak at all

What's more, there are Lu Papa's Geng Gui and Lucario, they are the existence of proper kings

Two elves at the level of heavenly kings, four elves at the level of quasi-kings of heaven, and an unknown king of heaven are rushing around, and the police will attack at any time

Is this kind of clear card operation considered gambling?

It can be counted, because you don't know the opponent's cards, but with two kings and four twos in your hand, how big can the opponent be?

The two kings belong to the police force. After all, no matter how powerful he is, he dare not confront the state apparatus

The church is so powerful that they dare not confront the police head-on on the territory of the US emperor, let alone the power that is not as big as the church's splash team?

"Do it!" Sui Yan was moved


Next, Su Tingxi and several people also expressed their views, saying that this matter is feasible, and they did it.

After everyone in the audience decided to participate, Lu Ze's expression immediately became serious

"Okay, since everyone has decided to participate, let's make a plan, and, no matter what, we must first ensure our own safety, okay?"


"no problem"

After seeing everyone nodding in agreement, Lu Ze also nodded and said

"The key point of this lineup is Tang Yunqin, your cunning dog."

"Me?" Tang Yunqin pointed to herself suspiciously and said

"That's right, you, your cunning tengu should have the [chlorophyll] characteristic."

"Well, how do you know?"

"Don't worry about it, the speed of the [Chlorophyll] spirit will double in sunny weather, and [Sun Beam] and [Sun Blade] don't need to be charged."

"Although I don't know whether your cunning tengu is going in a physical attack direction or a special attack direction, but these are not important, as long as it can release skills normally."

"The plan is this. Suiyan's coal tortoise has the characteristic [Sunshine]. When it comes out, it will open a sunny day. After the coal tortoise comes out, the cunning tengu..."

"That's the plan, do you understand?" Lu Ze looked at the crowd and asked after finishing his speech

Everyone's eyes are shining brightly. If it can be done according to Lu Ze's idea, then the scene will be the best one, and everyone can get the best reward

"Yeah, got it"

Everyone nodded immediately, expressing that everything was according to his wishes.

"Okay, let's go to the beach together, remember Ang, have fun, be the same as usual, but show a little care, put all your elves outside, and don't receive them in the elf ball, so that they won't be caught. would be skeptical"



In the distance, the Splash team's base

The person who was the leader of the splash team yesterday was saying respectfully to the person at the top of the steps

"Dad, the people on the beach have called back. He saw that group of people are still playing at the beach and have not gone home."

"Didn't go home? Hmph! It's true that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers."

The man on the stage hid in the shadows, smiled contemptuously and said

"Could it be a trap?" The leader asked hesitantly

"Of course it's a trap. That group of people is probably the bait released by the Huaxia police to catch us."

"Then shall we still go?"

"Of course! Little Charmander, heh heh, one can be exchanged for the super-qualified water jumping fish in their base, and the remaining one has other uses, not to mention, treating me like a fish ? Fish will also swallow the bait and escape! Don’t worry, I will support you behind.”


Of course the leader knew why his father wanted to take a bite even though he knew it was bait, because that water jumping fish was prepared for him in exchange.

In the darkness, the captain of Splash team showed a smug smile

"Team Flames? Still want to tempt me with a leaping fish? After you get the Charmander, the initiative will no longer be in your hands."

"As for the other one, the one from the US emperor..."

PS: Thank you Fan Xin for your reward, thank you (ˊωˋ*)

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