Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 143 Conspiracy

"Stop! Otherwise we will take violent measures!"

A loudspeaker sounded, and then two big king swallows and an armored bird flew over Lu Ze and the others at high speed, chasing after the Splash team.


The leader looked back and said indifferently

Saying that, the water arrow turtle and the white sea lion dived into the water, and their shadows were no longer on the sea surface

"Heh, as expected of Team Splash, the skill of escaping at sea is really top-notch."

The middle-aged man on the back of the armor bird saw that there was no trace of the splash team on the sea with heavy waves, and said with a little disdain


The middle-aged man snorted coldly, and led his men to fly to the beach

On Lu Ze's side, just as Armor Bird and Da Wang Yan flew over their heads, two more female police officers riding Roentgen cats came.

After going through the process, two policewomen came to Lu Ze and the others and asked

"The Splash Team's main target is you, right?"

"That's right, the reason they attacked us should be because of these two different-colored Charmanders"

"Two different colored Charmanders? No wonder they ran so far"

While Lu Ze was answering the policewoman, the armored bird fell from the sky, and the middle-aged man jumped off the armored bird and said

The policewoman saluted and shouted respectfully

"Sir, it has been confirmed that the two different-colored Charmanders are the main targets of the Splash team this time, but..."

"Team Splash really doesn't need Charmander, but their old rival, Team Flame, is very greedy. If Team Splash gets these two Charmanders of different colors, they can get a lot of good things from Team Flame."

The middle-aged man waved his hand and interrupted her, looked at Lu Ze, as if he was explaining to the policewoman, and at the same time explaining the reason to Lu Ze and others

Afterwards, the middle-aged man glanced at Lu Ze, the Kirby beast behind Lu Ze, and the cross-shaped bat flying beside Lu Ze, smiled and praised:

"However, you guys are also great. You were able to hold on to the Splash team until our arrival. It's not bad, the future can be expected."

"The main reason is that you came very quickly, otherwise we might not be able to hold on, but...the people they sent out don't seem to be very strong, and only three people came, um, they looked very young."

Lu Ze replied modestly, and then revealed the other party's information to the middle-aged man


"Yes, young, but the leader can't tell, but the voice is also very young."

The middle-aged man sneered: "Oh, no wonder"

Then I didn't say anything more, but said something to Lu Ze

"We already know the specific information, thank you for your cooperation, but you still have to be careful, the Splash team is not so easy to let go, call our police number ***** as soon as possible, and we will dispatch the police as soon as possible."


"Well, come on, the future is yours"

The middle-aged man smiled and patted Lu Ze on the shoulder, and after a few words of encouragement, he rode on the armored bird and flew away


After the policemen left, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Lu Ze was a little amused: "Not at all, Suiyan and you, isn't your aunt a policeman, what are you afraid of?"

After everyone rolled their eyes together, Sui Yan said

"We have been good children since we were young. How have we ever seen such a battle, and my aunt doesn't treat me like this?"

Lu Ze smiled when he heard that

"Good boy? At the age of nine, he dragged me to a black Internet cafe, saying that he wanted to see and see, and when he went to the bar at the age of twelve, he also said that he wanted to see and see. The most important thing is to be seven, uh, uh, uh!!"

Before Lu Ze could finish speaking, Sui Yan rushed up and covered his mouth from embarrassment.

Everyone is booing

"Let him finish, why are you covering his mouth?"

A few people made such a fuss, instantly dispelling the tense atmosphere a lot

But after this incident, everyone was a little bit less interested, and after the mood was relaxed, everyone was a little tired, and they didn't have so much fun.

In the end, it was less than five o'clock, and everyone left the hotel early.

After changing back to their daily attire, everyone went back to their rooms after a hasty meal.

After Lu Ze went back, he called Father Lu, and after talking about what happened today, Mother Lu was worried.

"No, you can come back first, anyway, you can go again if you want to go later."

After Lu Ze slightly deflected the camera, he pouted and said

"Oh, Mom~, they may not come again, we have only been here for a day and a half, how bad it is to go back like this"

Lu Ze knows Mama Lu very well. He took him to the park when he was a child. After playing for a while, Mama Lu said

"Oh, it's so close anyway, I can still come if I want to come in the future."

Lu Ze believed her nonsense and went home with her, but on the weekend of the second week, when Lu Ze said he wanted to go to the park, Lu Ma's attitude changed

"Just thinking about playing, have you finished your homework?"


Mother Lu: Angry from embarrassment.jpg

"I don't know how to preview after finishing writing, just look at Suiyan."

So this time, Lu Ze will not listen to what Lu Ma said. Although the time after college is up to him, how can there be a holiday after the college entrance examination, where he can play carefree?

"Mom, look at this, if you pass my father's Geng Gui to me, I will also take him to the beach to play, and you can protect me by the way, right?"

Lu Ze smiled and expressed his thoughts to Lu's mother over there.

When Father Lu heard it, he put his face on the screen and joked

"Good boy, no wonder you called us. It turned out that you were thinking about Geng Gui, the bodyguard."


"Okay, I'll pass it on to you tomorrow morning, the hotel's security should be fine."

"Well, the security of the hotel is okay, it's next to the police station"

"Okay, then I will send it to you tomorrow, Ang, does the hotel have a transmission device?"

Lu Ze chuckled: "Yes, yes."

"Haha, you kid came prepared."

"Hey, for safety's sake"


Nothing to say all night, early the next morning

After Lu Ze received the call from Dad Lu, he walked towards the hotel's elf transmission device



Lu Ze saw Su Tingxi as soon as he entered the door, and the two were taken aback at the same time. Su Tingxi looked at the phone in Lu Ze's hand, then at the phone in his own hand, and said with a wry smile

"Does your family want to pass on elves to you?"

Lu Ze chuckled: "No, I asked my family to pass on the elves to me."

Soon the housekeeper of Su Tingxi's family passed the elf to him, it was a mighty and majestic Emperor Nabo

"My dad thought I was at the seaside, so he sent me a water-type one, and I haven't found a suitable one for the ghost-type."

"My dad passed on his Geng Ghost to me. I thought that Geng Ghost would be enough to protect us. Now that you have another Emperor Nabo, our safety factor will be even higher."

While Lu Ze was talking, You Yuyou and Yin Hanling also pushed the door in

"Looking at each other face to face"

Lu Ze smiled: "Wait a little longer, Tang Yunqin and Suiyan will also come over."

As soon as the words fell, Tang Yunqin pushed the door open and came in

Everyone was happy: "Then there will be Suiyan left"

After a while, just after Lu Ze finished the elf transmission, Sui Yan pushed the door open and entered


Suiyan: Confused.jpg

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