Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 115 College Entrance Examination (3)

(There are some questions in this chapter, you can skip if you are not interested)

Although Lu Ze deliberately controlled his speed, he still filled the exam paper in about forty-five minutes

After checking twice and finding nothing to change, I raised my head and looked at the time

"Huh~ There are still five minutes, not bad"

After I breathed a sigh of relief, Lu Ze started to turn the pen. When Lu Ze turned the pen, he would not make any sound, nor would he let the pen fall on the ground

After all, you have 20 years of skill with just turning a pen

Starting from elementary school, turning a pen to fish, to graduating from university, after joining the ranks of social animals, turning a pen to fish, this has already become an action engraved in DNA

"Ring ring ~ ring ring ~ ring ~"

After the bell rang for the end of the exam, Lu Ze sat on his seat and stretched, then waited for the invigilator to collect the exam papers, then got up and walked outside

"Oh, what are you having for lunch?"

Lu Ze scratched his head in distress

"Forget it, I don't want to, I'll see what my parents say later."

Speaking of it, I don't know if it's because of the college entrance examination, Lu Ze didn't feel how nervous the college entrance examination was.

He even felt a little relaxed. Compared with other students who also went out of the school together, Lu Ze had an obvious smile on his face, and his steps were not as heavy as them

After leaving the school gate, Lu Ze quickly ran to Lu's father and mother, Lu Ze and Lu's mother asked at the same time

"How did you do in the exam?"

"Mom, what to eat?"

The two were taken aback at the same time, and Father Lu also laughed out loud.

Mother Lu came back to her senses and asked helplessly

"Are you hungry?"

Lu Ze shook his head: "No, I just asked what to eat."

Mama Lu raised her eyebrows, then calmed herself down, and asked gently

"Okay~ what do you want to eat, let's go, I'll take you to eat"

Lu Ze shook his head again: "I don't know what to eat, just look at it."

Mother Lu took a deep breath, and squeezed out a


Then he hugged Ibrahimovic and walked aggressively to the nearby food street

Lu Ze looked at Mama Lu's appearance, and asked with some puzzlement.

"What's wrong with my mother?"

Father Lu suppressed his smile and said, "It's okay, it's a small problem, just take the exam well, don't worry about her"

He knows the reason why Lu's mother looks like this

It must be that she felt that Lu Ze's attitude towards the college entrance examination was wrong, but she also considered that this was still in the college entrance examination, so she didn't want to be fierce to Lu Ze, that's why it was like this

Father Lu didn't explain to Lu Ze, nor did he enlighten Mother Lu, but followed behind Mother Lu with a smile on his face.

Husband and wife, isn’t it just to make you angry and make you happy~ It’s boring if it doesn’t change

In the end, Lu's father made Lu's mother happy before the food was served. After all, eating with fun is not good

But this process of coaxing is a pain for Lu Ze, Lu's mother doesn't eat with emotion, but Lu Ze does.

Lu Ze ate two bowls of food with anger

In the end, I still considered that there was an exam in the afternoon, so I gave up the urge to have another bowl

After all, if you eat too much, you will get sleepy, and if you eat too much, it will be even more uncomfortable.

There are also two exams in the afternoon, but the exam time in the afternoon is a little longer than in the morning

Mathematics exam from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m., mathematics and geography, a total of two hours, 150 points

Then rest for half an hour, and take the history test from 4:30 to 6:00, a total of one and a half hours, 50 minutes

Plus one hundred and fifty points for the morning elf synthesis and fifty points for ideological politics

The total score of the literary test is 400 points, which is the same as the military test, and the military test is also 400 points

A total of 800 points, and if you want to pass the Shangqing exam, the total score must be at least around 730 points

At that time, if one of the civil and military examinations had a perfect score, the top universities would also admit them at their discretion.

After all, with a full score in the literary test, even if the military test is zero, you can still do other jobs that don't require training and fighting

For example, construction engineers, designers, network engineers, etc. are all available.

What's more, there are elf researchers, scholars, experimenters, etc.

And if the martial arts test is full and the literary test is low, the top universities will also consider whether they can recruit him as a pure combatant

After all, although pure fighters are not very good at learning or even elf knowledge, their combat intuition is against the sky.

The cultivation of elves is not bad, and the fighting consciousness is strong. Although the attributes are not memorized, they can always turn defeat into victory in battle, and the reverse attribute is below the upper limit, etc. (refer to Xiaozhi for details)

Of course, there is still a difference between not studying and not being able to learn. The former will be admitted, and the latter will really have to be discretionary.

After eating and resting for a while, the exam in the afternoon is about to start. Lu Ze and the others prepared their things and walked to the exam room

Still in that position, still waiting for the bell to ring

"Ring ring ring ~ ring ring ring ~"

The bell rang, and the invigilator opened the file bag in front of everyone, and handed out the test papers one by one

Lu Ze picked up the test paper and looked at it. The previous multiple-choice questions were not difficult, but it was a bit laborious.

Lu Ze quickly finished the multiple-choice questions and fill-in-the-blank questions, and then came some big questions

1. Lapras is a Pokémon of water and ice attributes, with a height of 2.5 meters and a weight of 220 kg. It is known that 1 foot is equal to 12 inches, which is about 3 decimeters; 1 kilogram is about 2.2 pounds. Please answer the following questions based on the data given.

①How many pounds does Laplace weigh?

②How many feet and inches is Laplace's height?

2. The Infinity Pokémon Latias and Latios are the patron saints of the city of water and can fly faster than a jet. There is a brother-sister relationship between a Lattias and a Lattios, flying towards each other at a distance of 5,000 meters, moving in a straight line at a constant speed. The siblings met after 12.5 seconds, and when they met, Latios flew 50% more than Latias.

① Find the flying speed of the siblings. ② After meeting, the siblings maintained their original speed, but one of them flew in the opposite direction. Counting from the time they met, ask for the time elapsed when the siblings are 5000 meters apart again.

3. Pokémon Overlay uses one Pokémon to represent an Arabic numeral, where the same Pokémon represents the same Arabic numeral, and different Pokémon represent different Arabic numerals, and each number does not start with the number "0". There is an existing question of face-to-face calculation, as shown in the picture (comment area)

①If each one represents a four-digit number A, find the value of A.

② n! Indicates the factorial of n, n != nX ( n -1)×( n -2)×…X2X1, for example 4!=4X3X2×1=24. Using A in the previous question, ask for A! The last non-zero digit of . (e.g. 10!=3628800, its last non-zero digit is 8)

4. Monocephalosaurus has 1 head and 4 legs; the evolution of Monocephalosaurus Dipterasaurus has 2 heads and 4 legs; the evolution of Dicephalus Tyrannosaurus has 3 heads and 0 legs. There are several single-headed dragons and double-headed tyrannosaurs, with a total of 56 heads and 152 legs. Please answer the following questions.

①How many single-headed dragons and double-headed tyrannosaurs are there?

②If some single-headed tyrannosaurs evolved into double-headed tyrannosaurs, some double-headed tyrannosauruses evolved into three-headed tyrannosaurs. After evolution, the total number of heads and legs is 208. Find the ratio of the number of single-headed tyrannosaurs that evolved into two-headed tyrannosaurs to the number of two-headed tyrannosaurs that evolved into three-headed tyrannosaurs.

5. Xernias is a living Pokémon, and its corresponding Yveltal is a destroying Pokémon. Now Yveltal in the sky uses "Death Wing" at a 37° depression angle towards Xernias, who is 50 meters away.

①Find the height of Yveltal relative to Xerneas. (sin 37° is about 0.6)

② When Yveltal rose vertically, Xerneas approached Yveltal horizontally. When both move the same distance, how many meters do they need to move to make the depression angle 68°? (tan 68° is about 2.5)

Today’s me, I’m a thief on time (proud.jpg)

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