Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 114 College Entrance Examination (2)

(Reminder, there are some questions in Chapter 114 and Chapter 115, if you don’t like it, you can skip it, and you can also read it from Chapter 116)

After completing the fill-in-the-blank questions, the next step is the general knowledge questions. The general knowledge questions are relatively simple, and there is no one that can stump Lu Ze.

These questions are basically to give you a picture, and then let you tell the evolution type of the elf, etc.

For example, in the second question of the common sense question, there is a picture of Master Yuan next to it, and the question is, which of the following options is the evolution of the picture on the right?

A: Master Yuan

B: Tone cricket

C: speaker cricket

D: Le Mage

In fact, the question is very simple, but it is a question of naming, and it is often these simple small questions that are easy to lose points

Another example is the sixth question, the hidden characteristics of Jutan Mountain are

A: steam engine

B: Body of Fire

C: fire

D: white smoke

At first glance, this question is A: steam engine. After all, this feature is the unique feature of the Jutanshan family.

But here lies the problem. Although [Steam Engine] is a unique feature of the Jutanshan family, it is also a regular feature. The hidden feature is [Fire]

Then there are regular fill-in-the-blank questions, a total of five questions, a total of five points

Question 1: The taste of Wuhuaguo is _____.

Question 2: In normal battles, the elf with the most weaknesses is _______.

The third question: ...

Still fill in quickly, continue to the following judgment questions

36. The temperature around Geng Gui's existence test dropped by about 5 degrees.

37. When an elf with the characteristic of [Pastel Screen] enters the field, it will heal the [poisoning] state of our elves

38. In addition to the headgear, the shape of the different-color cream milk fairy also has color differences

39.  …

40.  …

Quick check, right, wrong, right, right, right, end, next big question

After passing all the way, Lu Ze came to the last essay question

If you used more than two legendary Pokémon in an international competition and won the championship, and your opponent Eri Nomura also reported to the official that your Pokémon was illegal, please report to Eri Nomura Write a letter that includes

1. I got my elf by my own ability, don't care what you do

2. I painted the precious balls into red and white balls, if you don’t like it, paint one too

Vocabulary can be added appropriately to make the writing coherent, and the number of words should not be less than 800 words

Lu Ze was taken aback when he saw the question. Why is this question similar to the elf college entrance examination questions from B in his previous life?

However, the elf college entrance examination questions at station B are about Dakdo and Xiaozhi in the Lily of the Valley Conference.

Lu Ze shook his head and threw out the thoughts in his head

"I don't want these things to be gone, it's over when I finish writing"

After speaking, Lu Ze thought about the content and began to write quickly

The 2B pencil stopped and went. After a while, Lu Ze looked at the 800-character composition on the test paper and showed a satisfied smile.

"Stable performance, 800 words, no more, no less, perfect"

I praised myself in my heart, read the composition again to see if it was smooth, and then started to check it from the first question

After the inspection was completed, Lu Ze got up, and under the surprised eyes of everyone in the class, he handed the test paper to the invigilator who was also surprised, and walked out of the classroom

After all, there are not many people who submit papers in advance during the college entrance examination. Most of them check and check again. They always feel that there is not enough time and wish to check more times

After Lu Ze walked out of the classroom, he was thinking

The next exam is ideological and political, and the exam time is one hour, from 10:30 to 11:30, with a half-hour break between the two exams

But it takes about 30 minutes to hand in the papers in advance, so I still have about an hour of free time, but I can't leave the school gate

So Lu Ze had no choice but to wander to the gate, trying to talk to Lu's father and mother through the gate.

But I didn't expect that as soon as Lu Ze arrived at the gate, a group of parents gathered around and asked

"Young man, why did you come out so early? Isn't the question simple?"

"That's right, the question is not difficult, let us get to the bottom of it."

"Yes, young man, is there any particularly tricky topic this year?"

"Young man, what is the topic of this year's college entrance examination composition?"

Everyone asked in a hurry, which startled Lu Ze. If it weren't for the big iron gate, Lu Ze would be afraid that they would drown him

Lu Ze looked at the person who asked the composition questions for the college entrance examination, he was dressed like a reporter

Lu Ze asked the teacher next to him, can you tell me what the essay topic is for the college entrance examination?

The exam shook his head and said: "No, you can only say it after the exam is over. Before the exam is over, you are not allowed to disclose the content of the exam."

Lu Ze had no choice but to spread his hands helplessly, and said to the reporter-looking person

"You heard it too, it's not that I don't help you, it's that people don't let me talk about it"

The person who looked like a reporter was also very kind, he raised the manuscript paper in his hand and said

"It's okay, just wait for the bell to ring, and you can tell me. The article is almost finished. Just wait for the topic of the composition to come out, and I'll fill it in as soon as it's done."

Lu Ze glanced at the manuscript paper in his hand, there were several large and bold characters on it

"Shock! ! The title of this year's college entrance examination is turned out to ——————————————————Whuro, what does this question make this candidate go? ! "

Lu Ze was shocked, good guy, you are a member of UC's shock department, right?

Lu Ze no longer looked at the people crowded outside the gate, he looked for Lu's parents and mothers through the crowd

After searching for a while, I saw Lu's father, Lu's mother and Geng Gui under the big tree not far from the gate.

Geng Gui's attention has been on Lu Ze, and he noticed that after Lu Ze saw them,

Then he grinned happily and waved his short hand to Lu Ze

Lu Ze also smiled and waved at them. Later, seeing that Dad Lu and the others had no intention of coming over, he pointed inside, signaling to Dad Lu and the others to go in first.

Father Lu nodded and pointed to the crowd, meaning that there were too many people, so I will not talk about it

Lu Ze understood, nodded to Lu's father, and then walked to the campus

Anyway, I have nothing to do, instead of being stared at by them at the gate, why not take a stroll around the campus?

Time passed quickly, and when people appeared one after another in the campus, the bell rang for the end of the exam

Everyone frantically poured into the toilet, only Lu Ze sat quietly on the flower bed under the shade of a tree, watching all this quietly

Soon, half an hour passed quietly, and the sunlight passing through the leaves only moved a short distance on Lu Ze's shoulders

Lu Ze got up and went back to the classroom where he was taking the exam. In his seat, he quietly waited for the teacher to take away the test paper.

The subject of this test is ideological and political, and because it is not possible to hand in the papers in advance, Lu Ze did not answer as quickly as he did in the last test.

Instead, read the question twice first, find out the meaning of the question, and then start answering

This subject is not like other subjects, there are standard answers, as long as you write too much in this subject, you will get points

And write a lot at the same time, if the meaning of the question is accurate, then get a high score

If you write a lot and get the meaning of the question right, and write it into the minds of the examiners, you may get full marks

Therefore, it is not only necessary to figure out the meaning of the question, but also to figure out the thoughts of the person who made the test, the thought of the teacher who graded the test, and so on.

PS: Thank you Chen Lingyi for your tip and monthly pass, thank you (¥A¥) Gong Xi Fa Cai

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