Play the famous scene in the anime, starting with Niu Tau vs Xiao Wu

Play the famous scene in the anime, starting with Niu Tau vs Xiao Wu


230 Chapters Ongoing Status


Chu Xing obtained the Zhutian Comprehensive Manga System. As long as the video is edited and released, all characters in the anime world can be forced to watch it.

Dragon Ball, Naruto, Digimon, Hunter x Hunter, Fairy Tail, and even the world of pure romance anime.

The higher the shock value of the audience, the more rewards they get.

So——【Inventory of the shocking battle scenes of the top 10 powerhouses of the heavens】

no.10: Reaper agent Kurosaki Ichigo (bull head form) vs Ulquiorra, the fourth blade of Xuyegong (second-stage return blade)

no.9: One Piece Frenzy Action, Straw Hat Luffy vs Ghost’s Successor—Douglas Barrett

no.8: Bengyu Aizen vs Mutsuki Ichigo! !

no.7: One Punch Man, Heroes Association c-class hero Saitama vs space overlord Poros

no.6: Dragon Ball, Majin Buu…

Feilu’s exclusive contracted novel: “Play the famous animation scene, start the bull’s head against Xiao Wu”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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