Plane Universe

Chapter 866: Women's bodyguard

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Michelle ...

The daughter of an Earl of Maple Leaf businessman, the desire to become a strong woman since she was a child, is 21 years old and has three levels of fighting strength. When Yanyi came in, she was doing nothing to do things that bothered her before, such as cleaning the room, wiping tables and chairs, and most of all, letting her do some needlework.

After coming to the main house of the city of Black Mist for a month, this kind of life made her worry and even unhappy. She longed for the free sky outside. Only outside was she able to do what she liked to do, such as cultivation!


A light voice interrupted Mitchell, who was constantly and vigorously wiping at a table. She looked up and looked at the person coldly, with a tone of ridicule: "Miya Doria, you If you do n’t serve the lord of the city, what are you doing here? Are you here to ridicule me? "

"Michelle, be careful of your words." The latter looked at her with a blank expression and sharp eyes, and said, "Also, I am not called Miadolliya now, call me to shout!"

"You can't see, you can get me out, and I'll be very happy." Michelle glanced at the latter dismissively, and the corners of her mouth ripped, sneering again and again.

"You ..." Yan Yi's face was angry, and he quickly suppressed his anger and calmly looked at her and said: "Your father sent you over instead of letting you treat you like this negatively, but letting you come over to protect the family's interests, You do n’t have to think about yourself, you have to think about it for your family. What ’s going on with a cold face like this all day? "

"Huh, that's his business, what does it have to do with me? I told him long ago, don't let him earn this wicked money. Sooner or later, there will be retribution, but he can't. Now that retribution is coming, but I want to try Also, it ’s better to punish his family property. ”Mitchell said coldly, and then smiled:“ Yeah, I have n’t congratulated you, and finally took off the prison cage and removed that. Field 'interest marriage', congratulations! "

Michelle ’s father, Peter Smith, as the largest businessman in Maple County, the capital businessman ... The wealth earned is always full of blood, especially under the rule of Jess and others, he contracted a large mine Fields, land, and even living materials such as weapons, armor, and food were purchased from other imperial areas and shipped back to Maple County for sale.

The business is very large, but he is extremely poor to the ordinary workers, and the wages are squeezed to the minimum, but when the living supplies and other things are sold, they are sold to Maple County at a price of dozens or even dozens of times. People, such as grain, the grain he acquired from the Roo Empire, O'Brien Empire, or Magnolia Empire, shipped back, and after deducting the cost, he can earn more than ten copper coins per kilogram of grain from it.

Let the people have a hungry meal and never have a hard time.

Cheng Buyun used to think that even if the food of the chaotic leader was expensive, it would not be too ridiculously expensive, but he was wrong. The chaotic territory was small and there were too many people. Every year, hundreds of millions of tons of food must be transported from other regions to the chaotic leader to keep people from starvation.

Just eating food without meat will naturally consume more.

The average price of grain for the chaotic leader is about ten times that of 10 copper coins, and the price of grain for Maple Leaf County is nearly twenty times.

Of course, the entire chaos is not limited to Maple Leaf County. It is also true in many places. Only in some other principalities with great power behind them, the food price is cheaper and stable.

"Is it?" Yan Yi looked at Michelle with a sneer, and said, "How about your elder brother? Do you also want him to become an ordinary civilian and work hard for his daily livelihood?"

"Humph." Michelle frowned, and looked down for a moment before raising her head and said: "Your hypothesis does not exist. The lord of the city has forgiven them. Even if he has contributed most of the property, he can be a small businessman later. There is no problem, and life will be worry-free. "

"You are naive." Yan Yi looked at her and shook her head. "Jess has fallen, and your father has no backer. There were many people who offended when doing business in the past, but those people can't fall now. Your father in the future. If you ca n’t find a backer, you will definitely be suppressed by the many enemies who hated him before. Think about it, may it be stable in the future? Your father sent you to the city ’s palace, hoping that you can rely on your ability to pull the family. Put. "

Silence, Michelle did n’t speak anymore. Of course, many of her Mia Doria were telling the truth. A month ago, the family had a very difficult time. The father also told her about this in particular. Hope I can sacrifice a little to be this maid, so she came and came to this cage.

"Just doing this, keeping a cold face all day long, if not for me to speak for you, to help you hide, if it is reported to the adults, it is estimated that he will let you go back." Yiyi grumbled his mouth very unhappy Looking at Michelle said.

It can be seen that the two girls knew each other in the past, and it is likely that they were friendships such as close friends.

"Then I really want to thank you." Mitchell glanced at her, then wiped the table carelessly.

"You ..." Yan Yi didn't know how many times such a conversation had happened, every time, and he was half angry.

This abominable woman ... this is fearless!

If it were not for the name of the adult to manage the inner house, and change the person to manage, it is estimated that this abominable woman has been kicked out.

hateful! hateful!

It's really abominable.


Mitchell was strange, stopped the wiping of the table, and looked up and asked, "Why didn't you leave today? Is something wrong?"

"I'm here to see you, of course, but I'm angry at you. I forgot what the lord told me, **** ..." Yan Yi raised his hand in anger and slapped it on Michelle's hips.


"Oh, **** you, you hit me here." Michelle glared and said, "Do you believe me or not, catch you and beat you?"

Michelle looked at Yan's hips maliciously.

"You dare." Yan Yi glared, then woke up and shouted: "Damn, don't say anything, I have something to do with you, listen to me ..."

Watching Michelle rush to prepare to catch himself, he said quickly: "I just said that I would set up a maid's **** team to protect the lady. The adult asked me the leader, I recommended you."


Mitchell grabbed the shoulders of the clothed face in amazement, and said with disbelief, "What are you talking about?"

"Are you deaf?" Yan Yi said with a smile: "Come with me, damn, time has passed."

Mitchell was dragged along by the clothes, and then went to find eight maids, all the way back to the garden.

"grown ups."

Michelle and the nine maidservants respectfully presented the ceremony.

"Adult, the person has been selected. This is Mitchell, this is Doria, this is ..." Yan Yi saluted respectfully, then pointed at Michelle.

Cheng Buyun waved his hand to stop the introduction of Yanyi. He had met all the maids before, remembering all of them, and avoiding any introduction.

After all, this is where he lives, plus the little girl is small, and they still need their care. Of course, they have to distinguish whether there is a spy.

He scanned the faces of the maids one by one, and then stopped on one of the heroic, muscular girls, Michelle.

The woman is about one meter seven or six meters tall, with short blond hair, a delicate blue headdress, blue eyes, a typical Western race, dressed in a maid costume, and a semi-skirt from the bottom, looking from the edge of the skirt Go, this pair of thighs is very strong and strong, wearing a pair of exquisite transparent long socks under the knees, and a pair of blue cloth shoes under the feet.

Basically, all the maids are dressed around.

The whole body has more than 1500 gold coins. The transparent stockings alone will get 1200 gold coins. They are hand-wound with a very flexible spider silk. They are very expensive and can only be worn by noble ladies.

"Since Yanyi is looking for you as the team leader, I don't ask why. If you can come here, it means you are willing to be the leader. Then ..." Cheng Buyun looked at the maids and said gently: "I The ugly words are at the front, no matter who you have served before, or what kind of care you have, I will remind you here, from now on ... you are my people, come to you, you should know what is the matter Is that right? "

"Yes, sir."

The maids turned pale, and then bowed carefully and respectfully.

"I am usually very gentle, as long as you don't violate the rules, you can do anything, but ... what I teach, it is strictly forbidden to leak it out, even if you are close to you." Cheng Buyun looked coldly. The dozen of maids said, including knocking clothes.

"Yes, sir."

The maids continued to bend over with respect.

"Very well, now I will teach you a breathing method, meditate with me, and remember it well." Cheng Buyun's voice: "Five hearts and heavens, keep one meditation, like the sky ..."

Cheng Buyun's words fell, and there was a voice in the ears of the maids.

This secret code with breathing technique as the core and the guidance technique for reborn is the forging technique decided before, focusing on developing physical potential and increasing physical strength.

The full text is more than six thousand words.

He taught only the first three hundred words, focusing on the energy of the universe around him.

"Have you remembered?" Cheng Buyun meditated several times, and waited for all the maids to wait before continuing: "Sit cross-legged, put your hands flat on your thighs, with your fingers pointed up, and open all the veins, The gray aerosols guided into the body by consciousness. Note that if you only absorb the gray aerosols, no matter what color light spots you feel around you, you cannot absorb them. Then drive this energy through the body and limbs. "

"Be careful, don't be too fierce when energy flows through your heart, pass at a slow speed. When the body reminds you that you have a sense of fullness, it's like feeling after eating ... To stop the operation of the heart formula immediately, only in twelve Only after hours can I try to practice again. If the body is still full, can't you practice clearly? "Cheng Buyun reminded.

Don't think that practicing breathing method is not dangerous. The breathing method reformed by Cheng Buyun is still very dangerous. One who is not right can hurt himself.

"Okay, now you can practice with injury and feel the energy around you," Cheng Buyun said.

He stood aside, reminding the maids from time to time to pay attention to the matters in cultivation.

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