Plane Universe

Chapter 865: Sudden thought

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Generally speaking, wars are rarely dispatched to the ninth-level strongmen, and even the eighth-level strongmen are rarely dispatched. Most of the time, it is the war of the ordinary army, and a few elite troops assist.

After all, the ninth-level strongman is only a means of deterrence, and will not survive to death, who wants to fight desperately with another ninth-level strongman?

In particular, the nine-level strongman with the site cherishes his life.

"Five Principalities, Gee, I'm not Jess, I don't count myself, just Xiong Er got their heads big." Cheng Buyun looked at the map spread on the table and smiled unclearly. laugh.

Early the next morning.

The sky just exposed the white fish belly, Cheng Buyun has finished the most basic mental exercise every day, got up and put on his body, under the maid's service in the hall of the residence, after washing his face, he asked: "Servant, fat Has the girl got up? "

The beautiful maid named Yan Yi, the daughter of a businessman in Morrill City, heard Cheng Buyun, the maple leaf county's dozen masters, lacking a clever maid to serve, immediately recommended herself to Leo A rather clever daughter.

As for why someone would hear the lack of a servant maid beside Cheng Buyun, it must be said.

On the bright side, it was a maid of choice. Everyone in the dark knows that this is a woman. Therefore, all the noble businessmen in Maple County took their daughters and passed them in front of Monroe, Leo, etc. The young girls with book appearances, beautiful appearances and good builds were gathered by them one by one and sent to the Black Mist City.

This incident was still in full swing in Maple County. Basically, the people in Maple County knew about it, and let everyone talk about it after dinner. They do n’t think that the lord of the city is arrogant and extravagant. Anyone who has a good-looking maid wants to be sent to the city's mansion. In case his luck is favored by the city's lord, he goes to the city's lord's bed and luckily gives birth to a son and a daughter.

Before Monroe brought hundreds of beautiful maids into the palace, it really made Cheng Buyun funny and angry, and he couldn't blame them too much. He could only say: "Not an example!"

After all, he now has power but no heirs. Monroe and others think it is very inappropriate. What can he say?

"Adult, the lady is still having a temper tantrum. She refuses to say anything." Yan Yi smiled secretly, covering her mouth with her small hand, and answered softly.

Yen Yi was n’t called Yen Yi. Her original name was “Mia Doria-Smith”. Cheng Buyun disliked her long name and screamed, but he did n’t want to call her Mia, so she agreed , And finally got a name for Yan Yi.

It was originally the maid who supported him to live, and the name of the guy dressed up was a perfect match.

The girl was clever and clever, she knew what she was doing, her body was okay, and her appearance was also quite passable. Cheng Buyun took a fancy to her at a glance, letting her take charge of everything in her residence, and usually followed her travels.

"Oh, do you still fall asleep? Let me go and see." Cheng Buyun smiled, turned and walked out of the room, and walked from the hall to another compartment.

After a while, Cheng Buyun came to a beautifully decorated room. The walls of the room were painted pink, and there were many small Warcraft pictures hanging on the walls. There were a few plates of flowers on the windowsill as air fresheners.

Several maids around a large bed, bent over the upper body, from time to time softly said a few words to persuade the little fat girl to get up.

The chubby girl babbled from time to time, but refused to open her eyes. Her small head was pillowed under Celsia's belly, one hand covered her ears, and the other hand covered her eyes, making it funny. I was helpless.

Cheng Buyun came in. The maids heard the footsteps and immediately stood upright, gently bending down, "Sir!"

"Scared, uncle is coming?" The little fat girl suddenly turned over and sat up, wearing a purple orchid pajama sewn with a needle and thread, half opened her eyes, and screamed: "I'm awake, uncle."

"Did you go back to the room last night and played with Xiaobai for a long time before going to sleep? Hmm!" Cheng Buyun put her hands under her arm and raised her up, making her stand up and laugh.

The chubby girl stared at her eyes with an innocent expression.


Sercia opened her eyes, full of helplessness, as if saying to Cheng Buyun: "This is not my fault."

"You forgot what I told you when I ate last night. Are you going to start practicing with me today?" Cheng Buyun asked, pinching her little fat face.

"Remember, but ... Uncle, I have seen those big brothers and sisters practicing, carrying such heavy things, holding sweat, and biting their teeth, staring at the boss and the boss, with a blue face running and twisting, one It would be a tumbling fall to the ground, a swollen nose and a swollen face, so scary, I am afraid. "The little fat girl said timidly.

Looks so pitiful, it looks like Bu Yun is extremely speechless.

"Uncle didn't let you practice that way, but just taught you how to breathe, go wash your face quickly, and rest assured." Cheng Buyun shook his head secretly, and his 50,000 guards had just been transferred to the city's main palace. I must have seen it with curiosity, so I was scared.

The training of the Guards is very intensive, much harder than the ordinary army.

"Can you not practice?" The chubby girl continued to prepare to bargain.

Cheng Buyun put his face on his face and said, "No."

The chubby girl had to whimper along with the maid to walk aside in a small house to wash her face and change clothes.

A few minutes later, the chubby girl wore a blue jersey and walked in front of him with a pair of blue shoes.

She looked like this, and the maids around laughed out loud, and the adult personally taught how glorious this thing was. When she came to the young lady, the adult had to call out in person, and changed to being already happy. Do you know who you are looking at?

Really different lives!

This little chubby girl seems to be well tuned, don't let her heart be too wild, wasting her powerful talent in vain.

Bringing the chubby girl to the garden, facing the morning light, Cheng Buyun taught her to write down the spirit of enlightenment word by word, but after teaching it three times, the chubby girl remembered it completely.

It can be seen that the little fat girl's memory is not bad.

"Come, follow me, and every time you make an action, you have to silently read a corresponding mental formula. You can't make mistakes. If you make a mistake, it won't work. Do you understand?" Cheng Buyun stood up, letting the little fat girl stand in front of herself. At a distance of three meters, people began to raise their hands flat, then put them inwards, and slowly made various difficult movements.

After doing it several times in a row, the chubby girl made a lot of mistakes. Each type of action was not done properly, or the moves were too large, and there was no effect at all.

"Come on slowly, not everyone is a genius with such a high level of understanding, such as Lin Lei." Cheng Buyun comforted himself.

In fact, the guidance technique is the most effective for sitting and practicing, but neither lei nor chubby girl has the body open, so it is best to cooperate with the action, otherwise the body will shape.

Several maidens, several dozens of meters away, etc. looked enviously at this. I heard that adults have a very effective breathing method, which should be the exercise that adults and young ladies practice now.

Cheng Buyun, who was practicing, saw those maids secretly remembering the movements they were practicing without blinking. They shook their heads secretly, without the cooperation of heart and mind, it was useless to practice the movements.

Half a day later, when the chubby girl completely adapted to the Qi-style, he let the chubby girl practice slowly, before beckoning to the girl waiting for the clothes, the maid saw the beckoning of the adult, all eyes lit up, yes With a glance, he immediately came over with joy, "Adult."

Cheng Buyun took a closer look at these maids, and basically all had practiced breathing methods. It was about the second-level soldiers, and the clothes were much worse. Only the level of the first-level soldiers. Not everyone has the secret code of grudge. The secret code of arrogance for gold coins with a market price of more than one million yuan cannot be bought even by some wealthy merchants.

Although the leader of chaos is very chaotic, the secret code of vindictiveness is not everywhere. It is very lacking. Who has a secret code of vindictiveness not to hide it, in case it is taken away by others, to get the weakness of my own practice of the secret code of qi, to Prevent the other party from dealing with itself with these weaknesses?

Not to mention selling cheap to outsiders.

Even if it is too poor to open the pot, people who support the secret code of qi will not think about selling it. Buying the secret code of qi from the chamber of commerce is the way to go. As long as there is a way to get the secret code of grievance, the person who always has the secret Be very strict.

"You just write down the action, it has no effect. Since you have ideas in this regard, then I will give you a chance." Cheng Buyun said with a smile.

"Adult!" The maid's eyes lit up, and she was very pleasantly surprised. She knelt on the ground in joy and thanked, "Thank you, my lord."

"Well, get up!" Cheng Buyun waved his hands and looked at them gently: "Since you have such an idea, that's good, I will now set up a maid's **** team. I will follow the chubby girl to protect She, and obey her orders, needs a leader, twelve members. "

"Thank you, sir." The maids again thank you again. They have the opportunity to become strong, no matter what men and women aspire to. In the chaotic field, if they do not have the strength to protect themselves, then they have to be mermaid, and there is no way to escape in danger. .

Today, the adults are kind and give them this opportunity.

"Yunyi, can there be this person?" Cheng Buyun turned to Yanyi and asked with a smile.

The latter had a look, she thought that the leader would fall on her head, but the adult did not have this idea, and also asked herself who is suitable, which made her unhappy.

However, when I thought about it, I was a little excited. The adult didn't transfer himself, but wanted to continue serving him.

Thinking of this situation, Yan Yi showed a light smile on his face, considered for a moment, and respectfully said: "Adult, Michelle is very suitable, regardless of her background, family composition, or her knowledge, etc., it should be appropriate, that is I do n’t know if her talent is strong or not. "

"Very good, you go to bring her over, and choose eight more maids to make up twelve others." Cheng Buyun ordered.

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