Plane Universe

Chapter 2424: Robbing the Heavenly Wolf Palace

With this cry from the Queen, the Lord of Sirius was taken aback, and then laughed wildly, and said coldly, "I was fooled? What was the fool, did my Heavenly Wolf Palace prevent you from coming over? Hahahaha, this is the funniest joke I have ever heard!"

"Haha, isn't it?"

Xiao Honghou smiled happily, and said loudly with a mocking look: "Do you really think this palace treasure can stop me?"

"Couldn't it?" The Sirius Lord asked with a teasing look. "If you have the ability, you can stop at my Sirius Hall, but in my opinion, you don't have that ability!"

Many powerful aliens couldn't understand what Xiao Hong was about to do, with a suspicious expression on his face.

"Ha, Empress Xiaohong, this is going to grab the Heavenly Wolf Palace!" The lord of Longxing showed a weird look on his face, and while trying to manipulate the flame map, he said to the soul of the lord of the universe, "Unexpectedly, step forward This kid Yun turned out to be so careful."

"I didn't expect this either."

The Chaos City Lord also let out a laugh, and said with a rare smile when he was worried: "After changing the usual times, the Sirius Lord will never let his Sirius Palace be so far away from him. It can only be under certain circumstances. There are specific results."

"Haha, I am afraid that after today, if you lose the Lord of Sirius Temple, you can't get arrogant." The Lord of Longxing is very happy, and his expression is like the Lord of Sirius has lost control of the Sirius Temple. .

It's like Xiaohong Empress must be able to **** the Heavenly Wolf Palace away.

"At this point, what dumb riddles are you playing!" The Lord of Lieyang was puzzled. He looked at Xiao Hong who was still holding the Heavenly Wolf Palace in the stalemate, and he was puzzled.

Now Xiao Hong Empress was blocked by the Heavenly Wolf Palace, and Long Xing and Chaos could still laugh.

If it hadn't been for the fact that they were both humans, Cheng Buyun was also a disciple of City Lord Chaos, I am afraid he would have been extremely angry.

"Look at it, Xiaohong will probably move." The Lord of Longxing kept blocking everyone's mouth.

Everyone can only work hard to fight against the powerful aliens while carefully watching where the little red queen is.

The next moment, all the strong eyes widened.

After Xiao Hong was in full view, her body enlarged again and became a huge human figure of more than 200 million kilometers.

The terrifying degree... directly shocked countless strong aliens.

It's not terrible to grow bigger. It's almost possible to be a strong person, but it's difficult to achieve the level of Xiaohong.

In general, the strong will be a hundred times bigger at most.

Based on the original height of 10,000 kilometers, it is only 1 million kilometers.

But once the size increased to that level, the defense was too weak to see.

A casual slap can penetrate the body.

What's the use?

But Xiaohong Empress is different. The divine power density of every part of the divine body is the same as when it is not enlarged, which means that the divine power of no place in the entire divine body is thin.

Very tyrannical!


Xiao Honghou laughed wildly and looked at the Lord of Sirius, then hugged the Sirius Palace and shook it a few times and said, "Guzi, you are about to lose the Sirius Palace!"


The Lord of Sirius was so frightened that he could no longer stop Cheng Buyun from taking care of it.

The Heavenly Wolf Palace is his lifeblood. Once he loses this palace treasure, he will never be arrogant in the universe. He understands that he can be arrogant and can ignore the threat of a large number of peak universe masters, relying on this treasure.

He couldn't even imagine how much ridicule he would receive after losing this palace treasure.

He's crazy!

The body shot up instantly, rushing towards Xiao Hong Empress in a rage, and while controlling the power of the Heavenly Wolf Palace, hoping to break away from Xiao Hong Empress's hands.

But how is that possible!

Far water can't save a near fire. The Lord of Sirius is too far away from the Sirius Temple, and his control is too weak.

I want to control the hands of the Heavenly Wolf Palace after breaking free from Xiao Hong, but I don't have that ability!

Although Xiaohong Empress doesn't have the power to seal the seal, she is after all a powerhouse derived from a top-level peak palace treasure. His divine body is also huge, and his power...very strong!

Under the full body, it is not much worse than the big guy!


Xiao Honghou laughed wildly, staring at the Lord of Sirius who was in madness, and ignoring the two universe Lords, the Lord of Banff and the Lord of Order, who provoked her next to him. The voice shook the world and said with contempt. "You two **** things, wait for me to get rid of the treasure of the dog, so that you will look good!"

After being threatened by Xiao Hong, the main face of the two universes suddenly changed color.

A monster with a body of more than 200 million kilometers, the space covered by one palm is incredible. What skills are in front of the other party, but a joke.

Think about the 250 million-height monster, how big can one open palm cover?

It is estimated that it is about tens of millions of kilometers!

No matter how fast you fly, no matter how strong your skills are, can you still dodge tens of millions of kilometers in one go?

There is no way to dodge it with one palm!

After all, under the current upper limit of the rules of the universe, with such a huge divine body, any strong person has a result, and can only carry it hard!

There is no other way!

Before the two hapless men who were threatened reacted, Xiao Hong directly ignored them, and a huge portal was revealed with a move of her abdomen. It was dark inside and it was not clear how big it was.

After Xiao Hong pressed her hands vigorously, it seemed that she wanted to push the Heavenly Wolf Palace into the portal exposed in her abdomen.

The Lord of Sirius roared like crazy, struggling with all his strength.

The Dream Demon Ancestor also furiously operated the Dream Demon Realm to restrain Xiao Hong, and even the masters of the universe of those monster races also tried to block the restraint, but it was useless at all.

The Heavenly Wolf Palace sank a little, and bursts of powerful suction force shot out and covered the Heavenly Wolf Palace, dragging!

"What kind of monster is this, and why is there a space inside?"

The powerhouses of the mechanical clan are also in a daze. It is difficult to understand that they are all mechanical beings. Why can the little red queen be so ‘show’?

It's a show of pedicles, so they are speechless!

At the same time, the Lord of Banff and the Lord of Order looked at each other, and finally ran towards Cheng Buyun in the same direction, wishing to unite with the Lord of Sirius to take advantage of the opportunity to give Cheng Buyun to Xiaohong. Suppress it!

"No, brother, be careful, three shameless guys are going to get you." Xiao Honghou quickly reminded.

Cheng Buyun naturally saw it too, and turned around to flee towards the Lord of Longxing without thinking about it.

"Lord of Sirius, you **** don't stop him!" The Lord of Banff roared anxiously, his expression was too anxious.

The ancestor of the dream demon was also so angry that the actions of the Sirius Lord really made him lose face in front of all the strong, especially the contemptuous eyes of the Zerg Queen and the Mechanical Demon God, and their faces burned. I can't wait to kill it with a palm.

PS: Reply to Shandi’s book friend, this time it’s not the problem of Chaos City Lord. Before the protagonist leaves, he also asked the protagonist to conceal a little bit, which has the concealment effect like the treasure of the dream suit. As long as it is not too violent, it can even be a general level universe. The lord is very difficult to see what identity the protagonist is, only to judge that he is a universe overlord.

The blame can only be blamed on the protagonist himself.

At the same time, it doesn't matter to the author, it is the protagonist who asked to go out and practice!

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