Plane Universe

Chapter 2423: Calculate each other

When this point was reached, Cheng Buyun had to let go of a cannon, so angry that the Lord of Sirius' face was distorted and ferocious.

"You said... is it because the strong can help me to defeat you?"

The Lord of Sirius laughed with anger, and said with a mocking look: "I don't know who was beaten so embarrassed by me just now. This is so big that I can suppress you with the help of others, hahahaha... Are humans so shameless?"

Cheng Buyun sneered in his heart. Yes, he was suppressed before. It was only because of his lack of experience in fighting. If he keeps fighting, who wins and who loses, he dare to say: He can control the sky The lord of the wolf cries!

After all, in terms of attacking power, he is no worse than the general master of the universe.

Even grinding can grind the opponent to death!

He still has this knowledge.

Who told him to carry the divine power Youhai with him?

He is even more outrageous than Luo Feng, and Luo Feng is just a tyrannical body with high secret magic power.

In terms of battery life, there is no other cosmic master stronger than him in the entire primitive universe.

It means that the strongest in the universe can suppress him in this respect.

Lord of the universe?

On the stock of divine power... the comparison between the river and the ocean!

While the two struggled, they attacked fiercely.


There was a sly gleam in Xiao Hong's eyes, running deliberately in the void, but staring at the Heavenly Wolf Palace in the distance, not knowing what he was doing.

"After stopping Xiao Hong, don't let her have the opportunity to approach the human Cheng Buyun!" The Lord of Dawn looked very anxious, and immediately used all his strength to stop it, preventing Xiao Hong from having the opportunity to support Cheng Buyun.

He knew very clearly that once Xiao Hong got close to it, things would be difficult to handle.

The surface of Xiao Hong's body is unusually strong. If she approaches the past, after Cheng Buyun is put away by her, I am afraid that the Lord of Sirius and the Lords of the Three Universes can only look at it in the end, without any way to stop it.

The result is undoubtedly the most painful.

He certainly didn't want to see this scene, so he reminded him repeatedly.

Layers of ocean-like tides hit one wave after another. Among them, there are countless vines stretching their waists, winding and spreading restraints, and heavy sand and sea overturning, and many powers are combined to suppress Xiaohong. It was tied in place at once.

Can't move!

These powers are all special energies produced by the mimicry of the realm's treasure, either in the shape of a stream, or a little sea, or a vine, or even a swamp!

Although the special energy of the realm's treasure is an ordinary thing of mimicry, the power density is extremely high, and any little dust and gravel are much heavier than the mass of a neutron star.

The shackles are so strong that they are frightening!

"Huh! Broken!"

After Xiao Hong let out a cold snort, her huge body shook slightly, and the vines entwining her body surface suddenly broke and turned into the most primitive energy on the spot, lifting her right foot and stepping forward.


Under her foot, the endless tide covering Xiaohonghou, the overturned sand sea and mud bog, collapsed again and again, retreating millions of kilometers away.

Don't underestimate Xiao Hong, Cheng Buyun understands, she does!

Even the secret magic power displayed by Cheng Buyun was much more powerful than the secret magic power displayed by Cheng Buyun.

"If you want to use the realm's treasure to stop me, don't even think about it." Xiao Honghou shouted, the whole body shone, and the divine light irradiated with the high-level realm's supreme power, and all the threats around it were cleared.


Xiao Honghou glanced contemptuously at the Lord of Banff who was jumping in front of her and hitting her knees, slightly bent over and slapped him, and slapped the opponent beside her to flew away. She did not love to fight, the huge figure flew fast. He rushed to the place where Cheng Buyun was, and shouted: "Guzi, it seems that you really want to die, you will be killed when I pass by!"

"Hmph, who wouldn't say anything big, wait until you have a chance to come over and talk about this." The Sirius Lord said much lazily, concentrating on Cheng Buyun, and must not let this hateful human kid escape.

However... the Lord of Sirius still paid attention to the movement next to him, secretly commanding his Sirius Hall to stop it.

Both sides will now see who is faster, whether Xiaohong reaches the position of Chengbuyun first, or the strongest of the three universes.

But obviously, everyone knows that it is not easy for the three strongest in the universe to get close.

Don't forget, there is a Lord of Dragon Walk beside him.

He is a true master of the universe!

The utterance of the strongest man in the universe is around the real master of the universe and won't work.

Unless the master of the universe is not hostile!

This was also the beginning. The strongest person in the third universe did not expand the scope of the utterance to the extreme. Once it expanded aggressively, it was equal to competing with the Lord of the universe.

The law of the universe's operation does not give face, directly suppresses it!


"Damn it, it's really difficult!"

The Lord of Dreams glanced bitterly at the location of Xiao Hong Empress, his face was full of incredible expression, he could not believe everything he saw, the latter's divine body was a bit too tyrannical.

Many methods affect the restraint, and Qian was easily broken free.

In the end, there is almost no limit.

What reason!

In fact, Empress Xiaohong has high quality and high kinetic energy, and her own grade level is also the top pinnacle treasure, and even knows how to use the secret magic power, but also know how to use the treasure, all combinations, it is a bit abnormal.

Wanting to stop her by relying on the treasure of the domain is basically a delusion!

The Lord of Banff tried hard to chase up, and after bombarding Xiao Hong again and again, he hoped to play a blocking role, but it was a pity... Xiao Hong's queen looked at him directly.

"Damn it!"

The aggrieved Ang Tian Chang sighed, his expression aggrieved to the extreme.

With the passage of time, the three strongest in the universe are getting closer and closer, and Chengbuyun is only a few dozen light years away. Didn't you see that the Lord of Longxing was full of tension at this moment.

On the other side, Empress Xiaohong also approached. It was only more than 300 million kilometers away from each other. Seeing that the plan was about to fail, the Lord of Sirius looked extremely vicious, and he actually did something extremely stupid that made him grieve for life. move.

He actually wanted to use the Heavenly Wolf Palace to stop Xiao Hong Empress!


The Heavenly Wolf Palace quickly slammed towards Xiaohong Empress, Cheng Buyun sneered directly, and said in his heart: "Dogzi, dog! How stupid are you to let Sirius Palace hit Xiaohong Empress?"

Even Xiaohong didn't understand the final details. Isn't it stupid to make such a move?

Looking at the increasing progress of the Heavenly Wolf Palace, Xiao Hong's eyes lit up, and the next moment she did not evade, she hit the Heavenly Wolf Palace with her shoulder, as if she was going to fight with her!

The actions made were full of deception.

"Oh, great!"

The corner of Sirius Lord’s mouth bends slightly, and he secretly said in his heart, I like to carry it hard!

Not only was the Lord of Sirius rejoicing, but other powerful aliens also slapped their eyes, with a look of stunned expression, and did not know what Xiao Hong's behavior represented.


With a loud noise, the whole picture stopped, as if time had been frozen, and countless strong foreigners looked at the point of impact, all with shocked expressions.

Before the impact, Xiao Hong changed her movements, hugged the Heavenly Wolf Palace with her hands, froze in place, motionless.

Suddenly, Xiao Honghou looked at the Lord of Sirius, laughed and shouted: "Dogzi, you are fooled!"

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