Plane Universe

Chapter 1995: Handover

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The top-level combat power is very important, but in many cases, we cannot rely on the top-level combat power to fight.

The contribution of the middle-level cornerstone cannot be obliterated.

After all, many of the resources available to the Lord of the universe are not suitable for training future generations.

"Just according to the teacher." Cheng Buyun nodded his head and agreed to the price, which didn't mean to bargain.

One hundred treasure points are one chance of inheritance of ancestral gods and beasts, which is quite cheap.

The Lord of Chaos nodded with satisfaction. Cheng Buyun was his most important disciple and paid for the ethnic group. In many cases, he really did not want the latter to be too computational and could not be discussed only by price.

Although these resources are very precious, they are also important resources for cultivating the descendants, and have little impact on the upper levels.

Of course, the price cannot be too high.

Different status and different things can't be done.

"You can understand it. It will earn you a great reputation within the ethnic group, especially those immortal gods who have broken through your cultivation resources, and they are more grateful to you." Smiled happily.

The great existence like them, the resources that are generally obtained are mainly useless to them, and they are all contributed to the ethnic group for free.

Below the treasure level, such as Chongbao, are free contributions.

"Teacher, I know, but I don't have enough background now, otherwise I don't need a large amount of contribution from the ethnic group." Cheng Buyun smiled, and he was naturally willing to pay to cultivate his own ethnic group.

In the human race, he has gotten a lot.

"Well, I'll arrange it, and I'll let you know then." The Lord of Chaos left with satisfaction, leaving with a smile.


As soon as the Lord of Chaos left, the Palace of Time and Space immediately celebrated.

The banquet was naturally very lively, and even some teachers and brothers were not invited.

After the lively celebration, Alice took time to go to the space mezzanine to build the Kingdom of God.

The location for building the Kingdom of God is of course the deeper and safer it is in the space mezzanine.

The outer space has a mezzanine, and there are many **** kingdoms, which can be detected almost easily.

With the level of power of Alice, the mezzanine of the space that can be reached is of course extremely deep.

It's a pity that Cheng Buyun hasn't made a breakthrough, otherwise Alice doesn't need to find a place in the space mezzanine to build the Kingdom of God.

It can be established directly in Cheng Buyun's internal universe, and can also enhance the strength of Cheng Buyun itself.


Ancestral religion, beside the river on the Bauhinia Island, Cheng Buyun's palace.

"His Royal Highness, I am the King of Jade Tigers, and the Lord of Chaos is my master." The whole body is crystal-like and jade-like, about six meters high in rock-like life. identity of."

Identity verification is of course required.

After all, tens of millions of glory points, Alice did not dare to care.

The Lord of Chaos came out to control the slavery of a third beast of the beast god. Wasn't that something within reach?

After confirming the identity of Jade Tiger King, Alice immediately challenged him without a word.

In the battle between the two, because one of them does not resist, it is extremely quick to win and lose. Each game is about two seconds, one stroke to kill.

It was bitterness Alice, every time the death was annihilated, it was too much test for the soul.

After a while.

Glory World Open Air Plaza.

"Recently, the Glory World has been calm, and nothing has happened."

An alien inheritor opened the leaderboard, first glanced at his rankings, then looked at the glory points he had, and looked dull, and then constantly scanned the name of the leaderboard, trying to find an opponent who could let himself Earn a precious glory point.

"Jade Tiger King, this guy is similar to himself. If he is on the realm, he should be able to beat him steadily. I don't know if he will challenge him, will he be accepted." , Thinking about it.


He saw that the name of the king of tigers jumped a few times, rose a few places, and he was only one place behind, and his face was surprised. "Jade Tiger King actually won once? The winner is Who?"

Scanning the leaderboard, he was very strange.

In less than a minute, the alien's eyes jumped and his face froze.

The ranking of Jade Tiger King actually went up again.

Then, under the shock of his face, the ranking of the Jade Tiger King jumped one after another, and the ranking increased almost every minute.

"What's wrong with this?" Was this stranger's face suspicious of life, did the Jade Tiger King explode?

He stared closely at the name of Jade Tiger King.

Suddenly, a scream came from the side of the open plaza, "Jade Tiger King is so powerful, the ranking has been rising. This time, it has risen by nearly a million places, terrible!"

"What, a rise of millions of places, are you sure?"

"How is this possible, but there was no wind before, I also know this Jade Tiger King, the realm is not too high!"

"Just look at it if you don't believe it. His rank has been rising."

In the uproar of a group of interracial inheritors, many strong men have opened the ranking list to view.

Prepare to see the true and false.

The ranking of the Jade Tiger King, under the watch of countless inheritors, climbed fiercely and was extremely scary.

"No, you see the defeat of the goddess of war." Suddenly, someone exclaimed again.

The hearts of these alien inheritors were shocked, as if they had thought of something. After looking at the negative field of the female warlord, they laughed bitterly.

"The goddess of war should be too many glory points, and now contribute to the ethnic group in exchange for resources."

"Only with this explanation, otherwise the victory of the Jade Tiger King and the negative field of the Goddess of War will not be consistent, and they will change almost at the same time."

"As a result, the Jade Tiger King should be enslaved by the strong man."

"Weak meat and strong food are nothing more than that, less talk about these things." There are alien inheritors reminded.

After all, it is about the precious resource of glory. The existence of the soul enslaved the Jade Tiger King is bound to be terrible.

Belonging to the Hongmeng group, they suddenly knew this, and their eyes were fierce. If the goddess of war were to contribute the glory point to the ethnic group, as those aliens said, then they were the beneficiaries.

It is impossible for ethnic groups to waste these glory points, and they must definitely consider distribution.

"If the ethnic group gives me a chance to inherit, I must have a great chance to break through the realm in front of me." King Roar is very excited, Venerable!

Roaring Venerable-What a noble title!

Now he couldn't help but send a message to his teacher to inquire.

Roaring King is like this, Lishuo King is like this, almost all members of the Hongmeng, who are in the third beast **** heritage, are eagerly inquiring about the news.

It's just that Cheng Buyun didn't say anything about these things, and the Lord of Chaos hasn't arranged it yet. Of course, others will not understand.

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