Plane Universe

Chapter 1994: Honor point resource contribution

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But Alice is still humble.

To his extent, of course, it is not just the level of ordinary universe hegemony.

Just barely be the top cosmic overlord.

As long as the treasures are complete, top-level powerhouses such as Eclipse Palace Master have great difficulty in killing her.

"Are you sure?" Chaotic City Lord was pleasantly surprised, but he asked in detail, "As far as the cosmic overlord you have seen before, do you think you can play against that cosmic overlord?"

Alice blinked, neither humble nor overbearing, her expression very calmly replied, "Not under any cosmic overlord I have ever seen!"

The chaotic city master was finally shocked, and asked: "Can we still fight against the Zerg Mohseh Lord and other levels without falling down?"

"In the case of the same treasure, if life and death fight, and don't run away, I can drag him to death." Alice said lightly, as if not paying attention to Doufeng Venerable.

"So confident?" The Lord of Chaos was surprised.

Cosmic overlords have been regarded as important fighting forces among various superpowers.

Cheng Buyun smiled and said, "Teacher, Alice is still humble."


The Lord of Chaos smiled and turned his head, "What a saying."

"Alice actually has two main battle **** bodies, and the power multiples are almost the same. They are all at the level of one billion times the power of the gods. If the treasures are all in line with the secrets of the master level of the universe, it is barely the top cosmic power. Cheng Buyun said the most basic situation.

The two main battle **** bodies are all 90,000 kilometers high. With the limit of full opening, the general top cosmic overlord really can't treat Alice.

The endurance is almost the top level. Fighting attrition can kill the enemy alive.

"Reluctantly be the top cosmic overlord!"

The Lord of Chaos was really surprised, and even said anxiously: "How can there be the secret method of the top level of the Lord of the universe?"

The secret law of the Lord of the Universe cannot be learned if there is any. Judging from his long-term contact with Alice, Alice has not yet been so capable.


Chaos City Lord's mind was running, his eyes became extremely deep, and he looked at Cheng Buyun and said: "But what happened?"

Cheng Buyun naturally understood the words of the Lord of Chaos, so he shook his head and explained: "The number is very small, the limit is very large, and I can only practice for my subordinates, even my few wives."

"It's a pity." The Lord of Chaos sighed, but turned his head and thought that he should be content.

It's enough to have a few superpowers in the human race.

No matter what Cheng Buyun said is true or false, the chaotic city lord can only choose to believe.

That is Cheng Buyun's thing. If he doesn't give it, he can't reach out and grab it. No one can do it!

I chatted for a while, and even congratulated Xiao Xiaoqing in the Palace of Time and Space, drank a few glasses of fine wine, and finally sent Alice's high treasure armor out of his pocket.

The ethnic group has an extra comparable to the existence of the top cosmic overlord, what's not satisfied?

However, when the Chaos City mainly went back, Cheng Buyun said: "Teacher, I'm a little poor recently, isn't it ..."

"Come on."

The Lord of Chaos turned his head and glared. He didn't need Cheng Buyun to speak, he knew what the latter was going to say, poor?

Is it reasonable?

"Teacher." Cheng Buyun couldn't help crying and laughing, how afraid he was, and he didn't borrow it or pay it back.

"You still owe the eight thousand treasures of the tribe's contribution value. If you owe it again, it is impossible. The teacher is also a person who wants to face. Some time ago, I helped you. Other great existences have already been quite whispered." Lightly said: "You ask, the strong man in the group can owe so much wealth to the group? You are the first!"

"It's not non-repayment." Cheng Buyun said with a smile: "The so-called debt is not worrying, but you get used to it."

"Go on the side." The Lord of Chaos smiled and scolded: "That is, if your potential is high enough, those people can only open their eyes and close their eyes. If it is to support your cultivation and growth, if you owe it, it is impossible."

"Furthermore, the teacher is embarrassed to open this mouth." The Lord of Chaos glanced at him. "Some things have to take their time, don't always think about it in one step. Only after suffering, can you do it."

Cheng Buyun chuckled softly: "Hey, in the end, the teacher couldn't get out of this face."

The Lord of Chaos had nothing to say, changed his disciple and dared to talk to him like this, and had already slapped it.

Is it fun to reveal the teacher?

With a few laughs, Cheng Buyun said right: "Teacher, be a business, you negotiate with me on behalf of the ethnic group."


The Lord of Chaos said in his eyes, "This is okay, let's say, what business?"

"Honor point."

Cheng Buyun raised his wine glass, but Alice still had a glory point close to hundreds of millions of dollars. This was a huge wealth.

Close to 90 million glory points, the inheritance opportunities that can be exchanged are exaggerated. Nearly 900,000 inheritance opportunities, what a powerful resource?

I am afraid that it is a fool who can also pile up the beast **** heritage to the seventh level in the ancestral religion, even the beast **** level!

"Honor point."

The Lord of Chaos nodded, thinking for a moment and said, "This glory point is a very important cultivation resource in the ancestral religion. No one has ever sold it before. If it is priced ..."

If the glory point is quantified by wealth, it is really not very good pricing.

A little higher, the genius within the family will certainly not be able to afford it. Can be low, Cheng Buyun will not be willing.

Of course, the Lord of Chaos will not pay a high price because Cheng Buyun is his disciple, and then ignore the interests of the ethnic group.

Both parties need a win-win situation.

After considering for a while, the chaotic city lord said: "Honor point this resource, say precious, it is also precious, but you have to be prepared, the price I will not be too high."

"Teacher's valuation is just fine. Anything will do." Cheng Buyun smiled, and Chaos teacher would certainly not let himself suffer.


The Lord of Chaos nodded his head and solemnly said: "I will give you a price of 20 trillion Hundred Yuan for a glorious point. One inheritance opportunity will be exchanged for 100 Zhongbao contribution value. This time, it will be cheaper when the ethnic group takes you.

The inheritance opportunity of 100 Chongbao points once, this price is almost in Cheng Buyun's heart.

After all, it is to contribute to the ethnic group.

If it is sold in the ancestral religion, it is estimated that there will be a higher price, but glory point this precious resource, once taken out and sold to aliens, there must be a voice in the ethnic group, accusing him of ignoring the interests of the ethnic group.

The chance of inheriting 100 treasures once seems to be very expensive, so it depends on the resources.

There are a lot of beast **** inheritors in the human race, and many geniuses are already very close to the venerable level, but they are suffering from the lack of resources to break through.

Such as King Roar, King Chaman, King Lishuo, etc., their ruled realm is only one step away from the Venerable Universe. In the ruled realm, it is very close to the realm of King Yanyan, the invincible king.

There is not much difference.

If there are resources, it is estimated that three or two inheritance opportunities should be able to break through.

Cultivate a Venerable, if you want 1,000 treasures, it is estimated that the four peak groups will be willing to come up.

What the Lord of the Universe can do is much stronger than the immortal state.

If you go to some more advanced secret areas, if you are lucky enough, you will get some important resources, and you will come back with the resources you cultivated.

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