Plane Universe

Chapter 1218: The Light of the Holy See

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"Finished?" Beibei, who flew back, heard Cheng Buyun's sigh and quickly rushed over and asked: "Big brother, what secrets did you search in the old guy's mind? Can you tell me what to say?"

"Babe." Lei hurriedly stopped, where can some things be asked indiscriminately?

Although everyone is very curious, why did Cheng Buyun go to search for the soul of Hyjens, but they wouldn't ask, can it be the story of Cheng Buyun.

If anyone can't make Hyjens silly, you can also search for souls!

But do you have that kind of skill?

Hayes didn't seem to know how normal it was now, and stared at Cheng Buyun with resentment.

"There is nothing to say." Cheng Buyun smiled and gestured to Lei, letting him not to blame Babe. After all, Babe is not yet an adult. It is about 13 or 14 years old when converted into humans. It ’s naughty and it ’s normal to ask curiously, so he smiled and said: “I watched the battle array arranged by the Bright Holy See very well before, so I ’m pleased to see it, take it and use it to see if I can create something suitable for us Battle front. "

It turns out so!

Everyone's eyes became very surprised, they did not think of this level.

The power of the Big Six-Man Star Battle Array arranged by the Bright Holy Church was very high-end. Thirty-six holy domains fought together, and even the extreme powers of the holy domains such as Farn and Deris were shocked.

"Cheng Buyun, you **** blasphemer, the Lord of Light will never let you go ... I will ... Ao!" Hyjens shouted loudly, but the next moment, the two and a half of him God Warrior, the one on the left quickly slapped on his mouth, smashed his mouth, shouted and said: "Shut up, **** old guy, daring to scold my lord at death, I will let you good looking."

"Can't you just take it and use it?" Babe ignored Hyjens and asked strangely: "Since you have searched the soul of the old guy, you can't do it like the light of the Holy See, why should you bother? Learn from? "

"Babe, this problem is very simple, it can only be exerted by the strong man who cultivates the energy of the light system." O'Brien interjected: "Presumably, Brother Yun wants to use this secret array for reference to create a suitable for everyone. The battle front came out to achieve the purpose of enhancement. "

"O'Brien said it well." Cheng Buyun laughed: "If only the strong players who practice light power can be formed, it can only be used as a hole card, and there is not much use. And only the strong players who practice light energy play the group. Warfare, the function is too simple, if you can let the battle array change its energy form at will, such as bursting flames, then the attack power is much stronger, and like the strength of the wind system, the speed of the formation members will change faster, understand ?"

With Cheng Buyun's explanation, everyone also secretly said that his heart is really big, but this is the battle array given by the Lord God, can ordinary **** domain powers be changed at will?

O'Brien and others do not think Cheng Buyun can succeed!

"Okay, uncle, Hyjens, you are free." Cheng Buyun looked at Hogg and said: "You don't want to be too angry, we can't do things like others, there is no bottom line."

"I'm self-conscious. I'm not that cruel." Hogg nodded and looked at Hyjens with a terrifying look, frightened by the latter's bloodlessness.

"Oh!" Hog laughed and slipped Hyjesti aside, using the means one after another, causing the endless wailing over the holy island, which made people palpitate!

Looking at the corner, Hyjens was surrounded by several people to violence, especially the five big men, everyone saw the corners of their mouths crooked.

Won't you be ready to turn Hyjens?

"Uncle, this guy was just about to escape." Ye Ye pushed the three-eyed man up. Cheng Buyun looked at it and shook his head without asking. "Kill!"

With his orders, Yeh asked without asking, and just took a palm shot. Before the three-eyed man asked for mercy, he did n’t have time to speak, and his body began to turn into ashes, and the wind on the holy island flew away. .

Killing people, what a big thing, everyone did not mind.

"Master Holy Light, what will happen to those who follow?" Deris looked at the surviving members of the Holy See in the temple with an unbearable look. He wanted to plead for each other, but he did not dare to speak out.

"Lei, what do you think?" Cheng Buyun asked casually, pushing the question to lei.

"These people are all believers of the Lord of Light. It is not possible to change them. I think it is better to kill them cleanly," Di Lin suggested.

Lin Lei, who was willing to let these people go, hesitated and became indifferent. He sneered and said: "Your Emperor Di Lin's words are good. Those who can live in the temple are all high-level officials of the Bright Holy See. Many things are actually planned by them. , What I have done is that my hands are filled with the blood of the victim, and I agree to kill them. "

Seeing that the adults did not object, the **** of war O'Brien and the killer King Hesse did not speak out, saying that they accepted these actions. Michelle and Clayton immediately waved their hands, and the eighty demigods standing behind everyone rushed out immediately.

As a result, it goes without saying that, under this group of fierce demigod warriors, the remaining members of the Light Holy See can't afford to turn any waves at all, except to wait for death.

"This island is quite good, the place is not small, and it can live 100,000 people." Cheng Buyun looked at the surrounding environment and said with satisfaction: "And it can also be used as a natural port to hunt fish in the ocean. Food to provide good seafood for the land. "

"It's not bad, but the Holy Island is more than two thousand miles away from the land. Once the wind is not smooth, it is too slow to push the big blades by hand. It is too slow, and the food consumed halfway is not a small amount." O'Brien shook his head.

"This is a bit troublesome." Cheng Buyun nodded.

"Furthermore, some fish can be hunted in the offshore waters, but it is completely impossible here. Once there is no strongman escort, the powerful Warcraft in the sea, with the ordinary crew, is simply to deliver food to the Warcraft in the ocean." Hesse Also shook his head.

For a long time, everyone has known that the ocean is rich in food, but no one dares to go hunting in the sea, which is too dangerous.

There are many more powerful Warcraft in the ocean than on land. Seventh, eighth and ninth level of Warcraft are everywhere. As far as the Bright Holy See is concerned, every time the resources are transported, there are no more than ten nineth-level strongmen to escort. arrived safely.

Even if there are a lot of nine-level strongmen escort, it will be attacked by the Warcraft in the ocean at any time, and sacrifice many crew members.

The ordinary people off the coast only dare to set up a boat to fish within thirty miles. Once deep, they will become very dangerous.

The ocean is a daunting place.

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