Plane Universe

Chapter 1217: Got it

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The hysterical cry of Hyjens attracted everyone's eyes. While talking about the topic of leaves and others, he quickly looked over and felt strange.

What is this for?

Does Cheng Buyun also study the soul together?

It was really not easy to invade a cleric with a firm mind such as Hyjens.

The more they get along, it also makes them sigh!

"Isn't it the legendary soul-searcher!" Hisa said a little unexpectedly: "But it looks a little bit different!"

"I have seen Soul Soul, which is completely different from Bu Yun's brother at this time." Under everyone's strange eyes, he explained: "I have seen an undead holy spirit guide Soul Soul, with one hand on the top of the opponent's head, the body of death power Full open, while being searched for souls, the eyes are dull, the nose is crooked, the mouth is slanted, the spitting foam is spitting, and the body shakes like a sieve. In the end ... after the man was searched for soul, the man also became an idiot! "

Listening to O'Brien's story, some people who have never seen the soul-searcher of the Necromancer imagined that look, and they were shocked with cold sweat. If they changed to that, it would be better to die.

"Look, now Hyjens doesn't have that kind of state, but he said that Bu Yun's brother glanced at the grace given by the Lord of Light." O'Brien laughed: "Obviously, Bu Yun's brother is looking at his Memory, it ’s amazing! "

"Yeah, it's very powerful." Di Lin also interjected and said with a look of exclamation, "I've also met a lot of **** domain strongman before, practicing the four rules of the highest rule, and very research person of the soul, if you want to check The words of memory also require physical contact, and the soul searched at the same time is definitely not as easy as Hayens. The scene is exactly the same as O'Brien said, the expression is crazy and the body trembles, and finally becomes an idiot, life can not Take care of yourself, it ’s not as good as an idiot, you just lie on the ground and yell. "

Nima, do you want to be so scary!

A group of powerful saints of the Sanctuary looked so pale that they had cold hands and feet.

Death is not terrible, terrible is that life is better than death!

I will be destroyed!

"Is that true? Cessler?" Lei gently looked at the undead half-god strong man "Cessler", and asked curiously.

"No," Sessler nodded seriously, grinning sullenly: "In the past few years, there have been no more than one thousand and eight hundred members of the Bright Holy See who have been soul-searched with my hands. Each of them has become a fool and can't take care of himself. Fools are not as good. The Light Holy See hates me so much, and it is also related to this matter. "

Lin Lei smiled, and you all turned the members of the Bright Holy See into fools, so shameful, can someone else hate you!

"Lin Lei, you don't know how pleasant this is. Every time I watched them become fools one by one, I was so refreshed." Cessler grinned horrorly, leaving the demigod warriors next to him to leave. He took a few steps.

The hatred of Sessler and the Bright Church is also very deep. Before, he was a practicing water magic, a genius with a very strong soul, but he was noticed by the Bright Church. In the end, the family was destroyed, and he was caught, but he was finally intercepted and rescued by the Dark Alliance. Since then, he has joined the Dark Alliance, and he has been fighting against the Light Holy See all his life. He also avenged his family members and his parents. !

Speaking of hatred, he, like Buck and lei, hated the light of the Holy See very much.

The sins committed by the Bright Holy See on the Magnolia mainland are too difficult to count!


At this time, when everyone did not pay attention, a figure appeared in the Temple of Light. This figure had wings like goose feathers on the back, and there were men with three eyes on his forehead. He flew out of the temple and he dared not return his head. Flew north.

"Hurry up, hurry up, as long as you reach the transmission point, it will be safe." The three-eyed man roared in his heart, daring not to leak any energy, and flew with a terrified look.

"Oh, run?" Hess glanced over and shook his head secretly, trying to escape under the eyes of the powerful gods, thinking too much.

"I'm coming!" O'Brien immediately rose into the air without disturbing anyone, turned into a stream of light and chased past, quickly landed above the three men's heads, and then grabbed with one hand.

The three-eyed man was shocked, and he tried to get back without any rush. O'Brien pulled him back like a chicken, but he was paying attention to everyone who was using Cheng Buyun's secret method. He didn't feel the strangeness around him.

"Thank you, Lord God of War." Ye Chuanyin expressed gratitude.

"Small meaning!" O'Brien chuckled. "You don't blame me for overpowering."

"Damn blasphemer, you will go to hell, the Lord of Light will punish you, seal your soul, and endure hundreds of billions of years of suffering, you will not be happy." The old voice of Hyjens Screaming and cursing over the Holy Island.

The demigod warriors surrounding this place, each looking angry, with the anger that came out of their eyes, could not wait to eat Hyjens raw.

The "God" cursed by Hyjens is the greatest existence of all of them, the "Lord" of all of them. What kind of **** is the Lord of Light?

Adults can see that hairy thing, which is worthy of him, what blasphemy, what kindness, just shit!

"Hyjens, you extinguish the fire. After a while, what are you calling!" Babe floated in front of Hyjens and stretched out a paw. The claw reached under the nostrils of the other person's nostrils and hooked upward. Gently mentioned, Hyjens immediately shouted like a pig, "Ao".

it hurts!


I saw Hyjens's head gently follow Babe's claws, and he lifted it slightly at night, and his body gently teased, trying to stand up.

"Let go, bleeding, you **** mouse, what are you doing? You put my nostrils ..." Hyjens yelled.


Babe's move was so ridiculous, but their gaze to Hyjens was also full of disdain, it was really rubbish, and he could not bear such a little pain.

"What do you call, do you think you are the same as before? You are a prisoner now. If you want to figure out where you are, what's wrong with you?" Babe scolded, spitting saliva at Haiyensi in disdain.

"It's disgusting, Babe will not be allowed to touch me with that claw finger in the future." Xiong Er looked at Babe's behavior and said quickly: "It's too dirty, it's all booger!"


Beibei also reacted, his face changed, he quickly withdrew his paws, but his retraction action caused Hayes to suffer a big crime. I saw that as Bebe pulled a hook hard, a blood fluttered, and Hayens was fierce. Howling miserably.

Looking at the mucus and blood stains on the paws, Babe's face changed drastically, he cursed, and flew to the sea quickly, stretched his paws into the sea, and quickly stirred and scrubbed, his voice also came: "Damn Haiyan I ’m so sick of him-mother-in-law. "

Everyone held up their stomachs, Hyjens's face was ashamed, and he cursed in his heart: Did I let you stick your claws into my nostrils?

Having occupied a high position for many years, when have you suffered such a big crime? At this time, Hyjens felt that life was better than death, even if he died.

Really suffered!

In the shrine, those surviving members of the bright Holy See, seeing the Pope avoid suffering, they were also ashamed.

Starting from today, the Bright Holy See is over!

"Okay." Cheng Buyun withdrew his eyes and said with a sigh: "What the Bright Holy See has done over the years ... the sin is too great, and so is the devil!"

From the day of its establishment, the Light Church is destined to destroy other people ’s families. The God of Light needs pure souls to create angels, and the Light Church needs high-end combat power to expand, so that the angels of the Holy Land can have The carrier came, so ... unfortunately came.

O'Brien sighed softly, not because he didn't want to destroy the Light Holy See, but there was no way!

He couldn't deal with the "Shenjiang" one move. Before him, it wasn't that the strongest of the God Realm wanted to destroy the poisonous tumor of the Bright Holy See, but they all died after the Shenjiang.

From then on, if you want to destroy the God of Power in the Light Holy See, you will have to double your heart. Do you have that ability?

Since then, the Bright Holy See has become unconcerned, and it is even an open secret in the upper layer of the Magnolia Continent.

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