Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 85 A brilliant plan

(Thanks to readers "heather", "瓴丁灯_冰大生精品", and "A worm is a pig" for their popular tips. Please subscribe.)

The subordinates of the King of Avatar did not accept the "preemptive threats" method. Before Xu Chu could finish his words, someone was angrily scolding and pushing him. As soon as he finished speaking, several fists were thrown at him.

Xu Chu stepped forward without hiding, raised his arms, tried his best to protect his face, and said loudly: "You are still unwilling to open your eyes when death is imminent?"

"Go away! Stop! Are there any more rules? This is my territory! I will give you a 'blessing bag' and a 'warm foot'..."

There were constant ouching sounds in the crowd, and they quickly dispersed, revealing the coming king.

He was a thin man in his fifties, somewhat elegant, more like a fortune teller than a teacher. His head was covered with swastikas, more than anyone else, and he was wearing a brocade robe that was too wide. There was a gold buckle belt, and the collar of the robe was open, revealing half of the breast shield on the left chest.

Xu Chu panted and looked at this person.

"You little pretty boy can't speak. When you came up, you asked me to surrender, saying 'I'm about to die' - do you think I'm about to die? I'm a disciple of Maitreya Buddha, and all the five hundred Arhats are my senior brothers. , who can kill me? Who dares to kill me?"

The King of Avatar has two habits. First, almost every sentence must be preceded by a curse. The various curses are not the same, but he does not seem to notice it. The second is that he likes to swing his stick in sync with swearing, pointing at the sky once, then at the sky, and more often at the nose of the person opposite.

The stick is more than three feet long. One end of the stick held in the hand is tied with gold thread, and the other end is wrapped with a silver ring. The stick is also covered with swastikas.

Xu Chu stood still, trying not to look at the stick, feeling a little nervous. When King Jingshi shut up, he still refused to show weakness and said, "The Five Hundred Arhats are not Maitreya disciples."

King Jingshi was stunned and immediately said: "You know nothing, how many years ago was the Buddhist scripture you read written? Emperors on earth have changed dozens of times, why can't there be some changes in heaven?" King Jingshi pointed at the sky with his stick, " Maitreya Buddha has perfected his practice and has replaced Tathagata in charge of the gods and Buddhas in the sky. He specially sent me to the world to help people. He replaces Tathagata above, and I replace the emperor below. "

This statement was full of loopholes. Even when the King of the World was talking about Maitreya, he had to add a curse word, but he won the whole house's applause, "The emperor worships Tathagata, we worship Maitreya, the old one goes, the new one comes, and everyone makes a fuss in the Golden Palace... …”

After a pause in his voice, Xu Chu stepped forward and said, "Since the king wants to replace the emperor, why not attack Luoyang directly? What's the point of staying here?"

"Who said Yanliu? Aren't we on the way to Luoyang? When I pack up Ning Bao'er and lead millions of people across the river, you say you are from Luoyang. Can Luoyang stop my heavenly soldiers and generals?"

"I don't know about Luoyang, but I know that King Wu Yue can definitely stop it."

This time even King Jingshi was annoyed and raised his stick to strike. Xu Chu hastily added: "But King Wuyue would rather be the vanguard for the king and attack the eastern capital directly."

The King of Avatar put away his stick in time, "Is he willing to be my vanguard?"

"The title of King of Wuyue was given by the king. How could he be an enemy of the king?"

"His grandma, I get angry when you talk about this!" King Jingshi cursed, "I gave you the title of king as a joke. Others are just thinking about it and hand it back obediently. Ning Bao'er, this kid, takes it seriously and dares to talk to me. He claimed to be the king together, took away my men and horses, and said that the He army east of Tongguan belonged to him, and asked me to go back to Qinzhou and kill this kid with a stick. I came with my troops and occupied the He army's camp. If he doesn’t leave, what will he do?”

Xu Chu bowed deeply and said, "Your Majesty's clever plan to bring peace to the world is extraordinary."

The King of Avatar and all his subordinates were stunned, and one of them said: "What a bullshit trick, you... Ouch."

The King of Avatar hit the man on the head with a stick and said angrily: "My wonderful plan was taught by Maitreya. You can't see it. This gentleman has a discerning eye and can see some signs. Sir, please take a seat."

The King of Avatar held a stick in one hand and held the guest's wrist with the other, walking side by side, "What is your name, sir?"

"The surname is Xu and the given name is Chu."

"Ah, Mr. Xu, come and sit down."

All the desks in the courtroom have been emptied, leaving only a chair covered with silk and a few wooden boxes next to it, which serve as stools.

Xu Chu sat on the box and said, "Sir, please tell me the secret of my clever plan?"

"This is a heavenly secret. It can only be discussed with the king alone."

"You all get out of here." King Jingshi said loudly.

"Xue Zu, what if this kid is an assassin?" someone reminded.

The name of the descended king is Xue Liujia, and his close subordinates call him "Xue Zu".

"Ha, look at his body, he can beat one of my fingers? What's more, I still have this 'all-powerful and emperor-killing stick' in my hand. Who can touch me?"

The generals reluctantly left the court, and Gan Zhao walked behind and attacked Xu Cugong.

"There are no outsiders. You tell me. If you speak well, you will be rewarded. If you speak poorly, you will be rewarded with a stick."

Xu Chu smiled and issued a "threat", but the King of Coming to the World was not angry, but dispersed his men. From then on, Xu Chu was confident, knowing that the King of Coming to the World was really afraid of Ning Bao'er, so he used this to As a foundation, the next words will be easy to say.

"Your Majesty, it was a genius plan given by God to enfeoff the kings in Qinzhou. Why did you regret it later?"

"Is it a good idea to make the king a king? But someone told me that after the king is made a king, all the generals will do their own thing, and the descending army will be considered useless."

"As I expected, there is indeed a traitor deliberately sabotaging the king's clever plan."

"Traitor...wait a minute, please tell me the wonderful thing about being crowned king first. I have the Heavenly Eyes given by Maitreya himself. I can tell at a glance whether I am loyal or traitorous."

Xu Chu had already thought about what he was going to say, and said, "Your Majesty, please allow me to ask a few questions first."


"There are nine Zhengzhou and countless miscellaneous states in the world. The king started from Qinzhou in the northwest. Has he ever unified the world now?"

"Of course not. We still need the boss. At least we have to capture Luoyang."

Xu Chu nodded, "Your Majesty has a self-awareness that is unparalleled by others."

Shengshi frowned, "Stop praising me in a roundabout way and continue asking."

"Since the uprising, the king's troops have increased day by day, but has there been any foreign aid?"

"No!" King Jingshi said with an angry look on his face, "I am upholding justice for heaven, but people in the world think that I am a traitor and run away when they see me. I am not polite and will kill you if you catch me."

"So it's a good idea to make the king a king."

"Huh?" This was such a big twist that King Jingshi was completely confused. He stared at Xu Chu and gently weighed the stick in his hand.

"Don't talk about others, just the King of Wuyue. The land east of Jiangdong and the people of Wuzhou are not owned by the king at the moment. The king uses other people's things to seal his subordinates. If he succeeds, he will have more reinforcements, and if he fails, he will not be harmed. Isn't it right? A clever idea?"

King Jingshi was speechless and thought for a while before saying, "That seems to be true, but Ning Bao'er is beating me."

"The king pressed too hard, and the king of Wuyue felt uneasy, so he acted disobediently. However, the king of Wuyue regretted it long ago, so he sent me to sue for peace."

King Jingshi thought for a while, and a smile gradually appeared on his face, "If Ning Bao'er goes to Jiangdong, he won't be my enemy?"

"Your Majesty, think carefully, the title of King of Wuyue is given by the King. The stronger the King is, the more correct the title of King of Wuyue is. If the King declines, who in the world will recognize him as King of Wuyue?"

The King who came to the world laughed and suddenly turned cold, "The person who advised me to take back the title of king is indeed a traitor."

Xu Chu cupped his hand and said, "Your Majesty, Ming Jian."

"According to your statement, I have to restore other people's royal titles one by one? Isn't it like farting to go back on my word?"

Xu Chu smiled and shook his head, "There is indeed something wrong with the enfeoffment of King Qinzhou. Except for King Wu and Yue, all other kings have their enfeoffments nearby. This move is to create enemies, not reinforcements."

"That's what the person who persuaded me said before." The King of Avatar slapped his thigh, but it hit the stick on his knee, which made him grin.

"If you know your mistakes and can correct them, there is no greater good. That person only knows the first one, but does not know the second. Since sealing people nearby will make enemies, why not like the king of Wuyue and sealing them farther away? Order the generals, the one who seizes the land is the king, and the one who loses the land is the king. The generals will be demoted to soldiers. In this way, the generals will fight alone without the king taking any trouble. Even if nothing is achieved, at least it can disperse the imperial troops and give the king a chance to breathe. "

The King who came to the world was afraid of officers and soldiers and Ning Bao'er. Hearing Xu Chu's words, he thought for a long time and suddenly said: "I have the protection of Patriarch Maitreya and the help of heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals. What kind of breathing space do I need?"

"I don't hesitate to say what I say, but your Majesty understands the meaning."

"But I have taken back the title of Nine Kings."

"Now we are not restoring the king's title, but creating a new title, allowing the generals to choose themselves. Those who dare to go far away to open up new territories will be crowned king, and those who dare not will stay."

"Then the rest of me are not cowards?"

"The courage to become a king and the courage to fight are two different things. What the king wants to retain is the courage to fight, right?"

"Nonsense." The King of Avatar picked his teeth with his other hand and made a sound in his mouth.

Xu Chu lowered his gaze and allowed King Jingshi to think slowly.

"When will Ning Baoer go to Jiangdong?"

"As soon as we collect enough troops, we will move eastward."

"Don't talk empty words, give me a date."

"Within a month."

"It's been too long, he's plundered this place, what can I eat?"

"Half a month."

The King of Avatar still shook his head, "Ten days, no, five days, give him five days at most. If he is willing to go to Jiangdong, I will recognize him as the King of Wuyue."

"The king will not pursue you later?"

"He's a poor guy, and he's not a beauty. Why chase him? The faster he goes, the better."

Xu Chu cupped his hands and said: "With these words from your Majesty, the King of Wuyue will be extremely grateful. He will send his troops eastward within five days to echo the King from a distance in the east of the Yangtze River."

"Hey. Go back as soon as it gets light and give me an answer before it gets dark."

"Yes, I only have one thing to ask of you. Please send a trusted confidant to accompany me to see the King of Wuyue. Otherwise, my words will be empty and I am afraid that the King of Wuyue will not believe me."

"Haha, I didn't even doubt that you came here alone... But you are right, Ning Bao'er is suspicious, I will send someone back with you."

For Xu Chu, it was not "going back", but "going". With the support of the Shenshi Army and Yingcheng officers and soldiers, he was more confident in rescuing Ma Wei.

"Mr. Xu, wait a moment, let you see how I teach the traitor." King Jingshi was impatient and shouted loudly outside the hall: "Call the military advisor over!"

Xu Chu didn't want to harm anyone, so he said: "Listen to what the king just said, the military advisor is not a traitor, but he just doesn't think far enough."

"The military advisor is not far-fetched. Why do we need a military advisor? Stop following Ning Bao'er. That kid loves killing people and will attack if we don't get along. Come and be my military advisor."

Xu Chu was about to decline when a man came running in from outside and said, "Your Majesty called me..."

"Why is it you?" Xu Chu stood up and shouted the same sentence as the man at the same time.

The strategist of the King who came to the world turned out to be Huangfu.

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