Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 84 Entering the Camp

(Thanks to the reader "Book Friend 20180317161158511" for becoming a silver ally of this book. Thanks to the readers "The Trouble Is Not Dead Yet", "Kicked to the Stone", "The Flying Dutchman Captain", "Yawujian~" for their red rewards . Please subscribe.)

The woman did not recognize that the group of people opposite were officers and soldiers. She was still moving forward, nagging that other people's husbands had gone home, but her own husband was nowhere to be seen. Her parents-in-law urged her to go out at night...

Xu Chu asked loudly: "Have you ever heard of the 'King of Wuyue'?"

"Alas, I was originally a fool. I don't know why I went crazy. You call me the king, and I also call you the king. Which King of Wuyue are you asking?"

"My surname is Ning, my name is Ning Bao'er."

Upon hearing this name, the woman stopped and asked, "Are you from Qinzhou?"

"I'm not from Qinzhou, but I have some friendship with Ning Bao'er, the king of Wuyue."

"No, he's not here. He may have gone somewhere else to get food..." The woman turned to leave.

Without waiting for Xu Chu's order, three soldiers chased after her and said, "Madam, don't leave. We have seen a group of people, and your husband may be among them."

The woman responded vaguely, walking faster and faster, but eventually she became weak. Soon she was caught up by the three men. Through the moonlight, the woman recognized them as officers and soldiers, and couldn't help being shocked. "My lord, spare your life, I'm not a rebel." The thief was... forced into the camp."

"But you can still leave the camp at will. Haha, there's nothing to say. The officers and soldiers are here to save the people. Come with us."

The woman sat down on the ground and said, "My legs are weak and I can't walk..."

"It's okay, we don't want legs, a human head is enough."

The officers and soldiers shook their guns, and the woman stood up hurriedly, "I will follow you. Even if I crawl, I will stay away from the rebels."

Xu Chu came over and asked again: "You said that the coming king occupied the camp, is it true?"

"Really, it's not far ahead. It's called Linhe Town or something." Seeing that the questioner was young and kind-faced, the woman approached him and tried to stay away from the officers and soldiers holding swords and guns.

"Have you seen the coming King with your own eyes?"

"That's not true, but as soon as those Qinzhou people arrived, everyone no longer dared to call themselves kings and rushed to kowtow in the tent."

It seemed that the woman was not lying about this matter, so Xu Chu asked again: "Where is King Ning Bao'er of Wuyue? Has he also gone to see the King of the World?"

"I really don't know this, but King Ning should not be far from Linhe Town. I heard that he massacred a camp the day before yesterday..." When talking about Ning Bao'er, the woman showed obvious timidity and her voice trembled slightly.

"How many people are there in the town?"

"How many thousands? Tens of thousands? You can't say for sure how many people are coming in and out. The officer showed mercy and let me go back to the camp to call my parents and my youngest son, and we can join the government together."

The soldiers sneered and looked at Xu Chu, wanting to see how the young master would answer.

Of course Xu Chu couldn't let her go like this, nor could he take a group of soldiers who were eager to turn back and take risks. He said to the guide: "Take her back to the city, live, not dead, and give her to Zhou Canjun."

"Yes." The guide responded.

"If I don't return to camp tonight, my parents will die of panic..." The woman also asked for mercy.

Xu Chu couldn't answer, so he simply didn't answer. He asked for the reins, took out the small package containing the jewelry, and threw it to the guide. "Take the promised reward to the captain and tell him that you don't have to wait for me and go back to the city."

The soldiers were all surprised, especially the guide, "Well...I...the captain said that we must take the young master back safely."

"You didn't abandon me, it was me who chose to go to the enemy camp alone. With this lady testifying for you, I won't disbelieve it."

The soldiers looked at each other, and one of them said: "Master, be careful, we will go back."

Xu Chu got on his horse.

The soldiers urged the woman to go on the road. The woman wanted to say a few more words to the young master, but the young master had already galloped away.

"He is going to die." the guide murmured.

"I heard that he assassinated the emperor."

"Bragging, look at his body, it's hard for him to kill a chicken."

"Let's go quickly. If the rebels catch up, we will all die."

The group of people escorted the woman back and discussed how to distribute the reward on the way. The guide refused to take out the package again and had to hand it over to the captain.

They borrowed five hundred troops from Jinyang, but in the end, Xu Chu was still alone.

But at least he had some confidence in his heart and was not very afraid, so he drove his horse straight to Linhe Town.

The rebels were not used to strict discipline. There were signs of burning, killing and looting everywhere along the way, but there were no scouts or outposts. Xu Chu came directly to the camp gate and met several groups of people on the way. He kept riding, He didn't even ask. The other party only looked at him a few times and didn't stop him.

It is said to be a camp, but in fact it does not even have a proper fence. It directly occupies Linhe Town. The original earthen wall in the town has been mostly destroyed.

The woman said she didn't know how many people there were in the camp, which was true. No one could count the number. Everyone grabbed houses to live in. Those who couldn't get it built tents, and even lived on the ground. Each family protected itself, and then met with acquaintances. Families form a group and support each other. The boundaries between groups are clear, and those who cross the boundaries will be besieged.

Xu Chu rode into the camp on horseback. He didn't go far when he made a mistake and broke into a group of people's territory. Immediately, more than ten young men surrounded him, all holding knives, guns or sticks in their hands.

Xu Chu hurriedly turned his horse away and saw an old man staggering along the roadside. He lowered his head and was looking for something. He stepped forward and asked, "Old man, where is King Wu Yue's camp?"

The old man looked up and asked, "Who?"

"Wu Yue Wang Ning Bao'er!" Xu Chu raised his voice.

The old man, who was already hunched over, huddled up and ran away with unexpected speed.

Xu Chu had no choice but to continue moving towards the center of the town. He saw that few houses on both sides were intact. Even if there was only one broken wall left, there were many people gathered next to it, making fires on the spot. Some were sleeping, and some were whispering. Most of them were old, weak, women and children, and only 20% to 30% were young men.

Such rebels were vulnerable. Even if they faced thousands of officers and soldiers, they would be defeated. Xu Chu was puzzled. The court could at least send 80,000 troops to the west and tens of thousands of imperial guards. Why couldn't it quell the rebellion until now?

Soon, he found some reasons.

Several houses in the center of the town were well preserved, and there were people patrolling around. As soon as Xu Chu approached, he was stopped.

Several torches were extended to him, and Xu Chu found himself surrounded.

"Whose family are you from? What are you doing here?" someone asked.

"From the family of King Ning of Wuyue." Xu Chu said casually.

The torch faded slightly, and Xu Chu could see the situation clearly. There were at least thirty people in front and behind, dressed differently, but all of them were wrapped in a scarf with swastikas of different sizes painted on it, which seemed to represent their ranks.

A 30-year-old strong man squeezed over, snatched the torch from the person next to him, and held it in front of Xu Chu, "Ning Baoer sent you?"

"Yes, I came to see the King of the World to discuss how to defeat the officers and soldiers."

The man laughed, and the others laughed too, only Xu Chu didn't laugh.

"The boy surnamed Ning is crazy. He sent a pretty boy to see the King of the World. What are you capable of? How many can you beat?"

"I have a lot of strategies and can fight ten thousand with one."

Everyone laughed even louder. Someone reached out to pull the pretty boy on the horse, "Come on, let me try how to fight ten thousand with one."

Xu Chu was about to ride out of the crowd when someone shouted from a distance, "Why are you gathering together? Have you forgotten the rules you just set?"

"Ning Baoer sent a pretty boy and said he could fight ten thousand with one."

Xu Chu shouted, "The King of the World wants to pacify the world, why does he refuse to see the people of the world?"

The laughter started again, but the man outside scolded everyone and ordered them to return to their original positions.

Xu Chu jumped off his horse and saw a man coming towards him. He was of medium build, slightly fat, about forty years old, wearing armor, no helmet on his head, and also a green scarf with more swastikas painted on it than others. There were five or six people following him, and some of them held torches to light the way for him.

"I am Xu Chu, a scholar from Luoyang. May I ask what your name is?"

"My last name is Gan Zhao. I am from Qinzhou and I am currently the commander of the left wing of the Jiangshi Army."

The two looked at each other for a few times, and Gan Zhao said, "Sir, are you really sent by the King of Wuyue?"

"Well, the situation is complicated now. The King of Wuyue sent me to seek peace. We should be family members and work together to face the outside world." Xu Chu guessed that Ning Baoer must be at odds with the Qinzhou Jiangshi Army, and there would be no military tokens or the like between the rebels.

Gan Zhao showed a happy expression and did not ask any more questions. He bowed and said, "Mr. Xu is here at the right time. Please follow me."

"Thank you, Commander Gan."

Not long after they walked out, before the two had said a few words, another group of people came from the opposite side, each holding a sword drawn from the sheath. The tall and strong man in the lead said, "Ning Baoer sent someone? It's just right, let me cut a knife to vent my anger."

Gan Zhao stepped forward, and his people surrounded Xu Chu as a guard.

"General Liu, when two countries are at war, they don't kill envoys. Besides, Ning Bao'er is one of our own..."

"Bah, is there anyone like him? Everyone went to the king's place, but he refused. He also stole our food. Even if the king of the world forgives him, I won't."

Gan Zhao stopped General Liu and persuaded him in a low voice for a long time. General Liu finally said loudly: "Spare his life first. It's wrong. Let me kill first. My knife hasn't been used for a profit today..."

Gan Zhao came back and said to Xu Chu: "Don't mind it, sir. A bunch of rough people "People don't know how to entertain guests."

"Heroes don't ask where they come from. In this chaotic world, we need bold and powerful people."

Gan Zhao smiled at several followers and said, "Scholars are good at talking. If we want to accomplish great things, we must find a group of scholars. The King of Wu Yue has already walked in front."

An follower said, "Uncle San, don't always say 'King of Wu Yue', be careful of getting into trouble."

"It's just a mouthful."

Xu Chu was taken to a room and squeezed together with a dozen rebel soldiers. Gan Zhao went to report to the King of Jiangshi.

Someone gave Xu Chu a piece of half-burnt meat. He was also hungry, so he took it in his hand and ate half of it.

These people were Gan Zhao's subordinates. The content of their discussion was nothing more than where there was food and where there were soldiers. Food should be seized and soldiers should be avoided. No one cared about longer-term things. They only thought about how to eat tomorrow.

Xu Chu occasionally interrupted and soon found out that Tongguan was still in the hands of the soldiers. The Jiangshi Army built a group of rafts and crossed the river from upstream, intending to surround Tongguan. As a result, they ran into the rebellious river workers, fighting and recruiting them at the same time, and they were getting farther and farther away from Tongguan.

As for Gan Zhao, he was originally a local official in Qinzhou. Because he could not quell the local rebellion, he simply joined the Jiangshi Army and was highly regarded by the Jiangshi King Xue Liujia.

Half an hour later, Gan Zhao came to Xu Chu, "Sir, follow me, the Jiangshi King will see you now."

There was a government office in the town, and the Jiangshi King lived in the court. Only a torch was lit, and the shadows of the soldiers in the room were dimly illuminated. Xu Chu was pressed down as soon as he entered, and he didn't even see the appearance of the Jiangshi King clearly.

"Ning Baoer sent you to ask for peace?" A voice in the hall asked.

Xu Chu refused to surrender, struggled to stand up, and shouted: "Yes, as long as the King of Jiangshi gives up his title and surrenders, the King of Wuyue is willing to forgive the past and spare all of your lives."

The experience of the past few months has taught Xu Chu a truth: sometimes intimidation is more effective than reasoning.

As long as the other party is willing to accept this.

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