Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 513 Quick Plan

The Tie brothers and Che Quanyi have always been at odds. Tie Yuan led the Yizhou army to seize Han and Qin states, which was mostly the idea of ​​this Shu king's favorite minister.

Tie Wei heard on the way that Che Quanyi refused to release his brother, and immediately realized that if he entered the city, he would also become a prisoner, so he hid his identity and went to the military camp outside the city to seek support.

But he didn't expect one thing. His brother Tie Yuan brought back not only Yizhou soldiers from Hanzhong City, but also several armies of the world. What's more, all the important generals of the Yizhou army were imprisoned with Tie Yuan when he entered the city. Tie Wei entered the camp at night, and after revealing his identity, he was immediately sent to Xu Dashi, the Hundred Eyes Heavenly King.

Xu Dashi surrendered to Tie Yuan when he was desperate. He always wanted to seize the army and establish himself. He immediately imprisoned Tie Wei and hid him in Wang Dian's tent, intending to use him to coerce Yizhou soldiers in the future.

Wang Dian was one of the few subordinates trusted by Xu Dashi. He was ugly after being injured and often took medicine. The tent was always filled with the smell of medicine. No one wanted to come to his place, which was a good place for Tibetans.

When Xu Dashi defeated several kings outside to seize military power, Wang Dian and Tieying were chatting in the tent. At first, there were guards guarding them, but gradually Wang Dian felt that it was unnecessary, so he dismissed the guards, loosened the restraints on Tieying, and asked for wine and meat. The more they chatted, the more they got along.

Tie Ying said something that touched Wang Dian's heart. He said, "For hundreds of years, waves of immigrants have moved to Yizhou. It is easy to find a foothold here, but it is even more difficult to make a big move. The natives are not convinced, and the immigrants are constantly grudged. After the King of Shu entered Yizhou, the real occupants were only a few counties such as Jindu City. He was considered to have a foothold, but not the real master of a state. However, the King of Shu was a contented person and never forced all parties to submit. Therefore, no one opposed him after he became king. As far as Mr. Wang knows, in terms of reconciling the four directions, can the Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King compare with the King of Shu?"

"No." Wang Dian admitted.

"Brave and fearless, he will win in battle. Can the Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King compare to King Ning?"

The wound on Wang Dian's body was caused by Ning Baoguan's fire. Although he hated him to the bone, Wang Dian still had to admit that this man was capable, "I can't compare to him."

"Then what future does the Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King have that Mr. Wang is willing to follow him."

Wang Dian had already understood what the other party meant. Although his smile was difficult and ugly, he still smiled. "To be honest, when Xu Tianwang was defeated in Qinzhou, I had already left him. Before He Rong's people came, Xu Tianwang boasted and refused to listen to good advice. When He Rong's cavalry suddenly came, he panicked and fled, leaving behind a large number of soldiers and food. Compared with General Tie, Xu Tianwang is even more despicable and incompetent. Like many people, I have nowhere to go for a while, so I just stay with him temporarily."

The two talked about it and were discussing how to take back the military power from Xu Dashi later. Someone came from outside to report that Xu Chu was arrested.

As soon as Xu Chu entered the tent, Tie Yi came to greet him and bowed, saying, "I was shocked to hear that Mr. Xu had died. I was very sad. Today, I am very happy to meet you again."

Wang Dian was not so enthusiastic and said coldly, "Mr. Xu is chasing General Tie Er. Is he here to lobby for King Ning?"

Xu Chu was embarrassed at this time. He offended Wang Dian by saying that he was a subordinate of King Ning, and offended Tie Yi by saying that he was a man of Song Quzhu. He could only smile and said, "I am just passing through the north to join the Jiangshi Army in Qinbei. I am not a lobbyist for anyone."

Wang Dian then stood up, walked over and bowed, saying, "With Mr. Xu here, this matter is more certain."

Tie Yi said, "We are discussing how to take back the military power from Xu Dashi."

"Then my coming is superfluous." Xu Chu told his intention and plan to save Tie Yi, and the three of them laughed.

Wang Dian said: "It is absolutely unnecessary. I was just about to ask Mr. Xu to consider it for us."

The three of them sat down, and Wang Dian said: "The Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King has no foresight. He must still rely on plundering to make a living in Yizhou. He will fight for temporary benefits and die sooner or later. It's a pity that I didn't listen to Mr. Xu's advice at the beginning... Alas, now I have come to my senses and plan to take action tonight, contact the officers and soldiers of Yizhou and the Jiangshi Army that opposes the Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King, and push General Tie Er as the leader to regain military power. What do you think, Mr. Xu?"

"It's a sure thing."

Tie Ying said: "I just don't know if the Jiangshi Army is willing to follow me."

Wang Dian said: "General Tie has paved the way. Although we have not known each other for a long time, General Tie loves me. He cherishes his soldiers, rewards and punishes clearly, and acts fairly and selflessly. The whole army is impressed by him, so when the Hundred Eyes Heavenly King tried to seize power again, there were so many people who opposed him. General Tie Er is the younger brother of General Tie Da, and he will be able to command the support of the army. "

Xu Chu also said: "This plan is feasible, but after taking back the military power, how do you plan to rescue General Tie Da?"

Wang Dian and Tie Ying had not discussed this point yet, and they looked at each other. Tie Ying said: "There is no other way, we still have to attack the city. Although the soldiers in the city are also Yizhou immigrants, they are from different places of origin than the Yizhou soldiers outside the city. They have been hostile to each other for a long time and will not listen to my orders, but only obey the orders of Ji Gongche. "

Xu Chu nodded and looked at Wang Dian.

Wang Dian said: "Attack the city is inevitable, but there are two problems with attacking the city now: one is that there is a lack of equipment and it is difficult to break through the wall and climb the city, and the other is that if we force it too hard, the people in the city will definitely attack General Tie, and this is exactly what the Hundred Eyes Heavenly King wants."

Tie Ying immediately said: "I didn't think it through, and we really can't attack the city now."

Wang Dian said: "Che Quanyi summoned the soldiers from the counties to come to the rescue, and General Tie Er should respond tit for tat, claiming that there is the will of the King of Shu, and follow the various places to recruit soldiers and food, and attack those who don't obey. Since Jindu City has not received reinforcements for a long time, Che Quanyi may be willing to negotiate peace."

Tie Zhi nodded and looked at Xu Chu with Wang Dian, both wanting to hear his opinion.

Xu Chu thought for a while, "The plan is a good one, but it takes too long. Yizhou is now ownerless and is highly coveted by heroes from all over. It is easy for things to happen in the process."

Tie Zhi said: "Please give me Mr. Xu's advice. As long as I can save my brother, I can exchange one life for another."

Wang Dian also said: "Mr. Xu must have a clever plan."

Xu Chu thought for a while, "Now that the city gate is closed, there is no access to the inside and outside. To save General Tie, we need to start from King Baimu. Please postpone your plan to seize power for a while, and I will be sent to Baimu later." Where is the King of Heaven, let me give him a few words of advice.”

"What are you persuading him for?" Wang Dian asked in surprise.

"I haven't thought about it yet. I'll just improvise when the time comes."

"The King of Hundred Eyes is quite dissatisfied with Mr. Xu. If he is murderous as soon as he meets him..."

"The two of you don't have to wait any longer. Just stick to the original plan and seize power tonight."

Tie Zhi and Wang Dian looked at each other, both feeling that this plan was not reliable.

Xu Chu smiled and said: "I was sent here publicly. The Hundred-Eyed King will know about it as soon as he comes back. I have to see him before you two act."

"But..." Tie Zhi still felt something was wrong.

"The King of Hundred Eyes will not kill me." Xu Chu said firmly.

The two people across from each other looked at each other again, and Wang Dian said: "Okay, we can delay it for a while, but not for too long. I have to contact others tonight, and the news can't be hidden for too long."

"Before tomorrow night, we will see the results." Xu Chu said.

The three chatted for a while, and news came from outside that Xu Dashi led his troops back to the camp, but there was no progress in the attack on the city. They were just yelling at each other in the city. Xu Dashi took this opportunity to win over the soldiers, observe the trends, and see that they were not obeying his orders. , secretly noted it, and planned to find an opportunity to get rid of it as soon as possible.

Wang Dian ordered people to imprison Xu Chu's two followers, reward Duan Siyong and others, and then took Xu Chu to see the King of Hundred Eyes who had just returned.

Although he did not actually attack the city, Xu Dashi put on the posture of fighting a tough battle, summoning the leaders to his tent, commenting on his merits and demerits, and arranging the tasks for tomorrow.

Seeing Xu Chu come in, Xu Dashi laughed loudly, "Where in life do we not meet? We say goodbye to Qinzhou, but we meet again in Yizhou. You all recognize my descendant, the famous Mr. Xu Cuxu."

Xu Chu handed over to everyone and confirmed that many of them were there. The three kings who had competed with Xu Dashu before were all there. They were all injured but not killed. Du Heimao was the worst, losing one hand and his face was as pale as a Paper, you still have to hold on to come and obey orders.

"I heard that Mr. Xu defected to Prince Ning and was loyal to him on the battlefield. I even shed a few tears for this. Why did he suddenly come to my camp to fake the corpse? Is there a treasure hidden here?"

Xu Chu smiled but did not answer. Wang Dian hurriedly took a few steps to Xu Dashi and whispered to him.

Xu Dashu hummed twice and said to the leaders: "Come down, we will use some snacks to attack the city tomorrow. Only if the people in the city are frightened will they be willing to hand over General Iron."

Everyone retired and passed by Xu Chu one after another without looking at him.

Xu Dashi first asked Wang Dian: "What about that man?"

"Don't worry, King Bai Mu. I pretended to show my goodwill to Tie Zhi. He has completely trusted me and is counting on me to rescue him. He will not act recklessly." Wang Dian first left an escape route for himself to avoid anyone reporting on him and Tie Zhi. Drink and talk.

"Well, Mr. Wang used this trick well. Xu Chu has something important to say to me... Can he still be trusted?"

"People in Xu Chu can't be trusted, but they can choose the good ones and follow them."

"Xu Chu, you can say it, just stand there." Xu Dashi didn't even bother with false politeness.

Xu Chu cupped his hands and said, "This matter is important and we need to talk to the King of Hundred Eyes in private."

Xu Dashi sneered, and Wang Dian said: "After checking, he has no weapons on him, so he can leave two guards behind..."

"What kind of guard do you want? Even if he carries a knife, I'm not afraid. Mr. Wang, please step aside for now. For your sake, I'll listen to his nonsense."

Wang Dian resigned and took away the guards at the door.

Seeing that there were no outsiders, Xu Dashi immediately said: "Is this the news from King Ning?"

"It's Prince Ning, but it's not brought to King Bai Mu."


"King Ning did not have the ability to predict the unknown. He did not know that King Baimu Tian had arrived in Yizhou. He said to me, whoever is the lord of Yizhou, please bring the news to him."

Xu Dashi laughed, "I am not the lord of Yizhou yet, but Yizhou will be mine sooner or later. This is called 'if God doesn't take it, you will suffer the consequences'. I can't let go of the territory that God has given me."

"I think so too."

"What did Prince Ning say?"

"King Ning said: Those who bow their heads and submit to the throne can be the lord of Yizhou, and those who dare to resist will be the ghosts of Yizhou."

Xu Dashi laughed again, a little stiffly, because he believed that these were indeed the words of Prince Ning, "You alone want me to be a ghost?"

"I don't dare. I say this because I believe that Baimu Tianwang is a person who understands current affairs and can be the lord of Yizhou."

"Hey, Prince Ning can defeat the He Rong people, so it's okay to serve him as my master. What benefits can he give me?"

"The first benefit is right in front of the Hundred-Eyed King."


"It's me. The Hundred-Eyed Heavenly King listens to my plan and can capture Jindu City and all the Yizhou soldiers inside and outside the city overnight. He will be crowned King of Shu in ten months."

Xu Dashi was stunned for a moment, half believing it or not, and finally said: "Go on."

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