Xu Chu was dragged to the outside, and Song Wushou and Ma Jin followed closely.

Duan Siyong was originally from the palace of Prince Guangling. He once served Xu Chu, then moved to Qinzhou and joined the World Army. After recognizing Xu Chu, he immediately dragged him out and led him to a secluded place.

"Young master, you are too careless. If the King of Hundred Eyes finds out..." Duan Siyong glanced into the distance and felt relieved to see that Xu Dashi was still speaking generously to a large number of soldiers.

"How did Tie Yuan's Yizhou Army become the Jishi Army?" Xu Chu asked.

"Oh, it's a long story. If I had known what would happen, I might as well have followed the young master."

"It may not be a good thing to follow me. Chang Yan has been killed."

Duan Siyong was startled, sighed, and glanced at Xu Chu's two followers.

"They are all trustworthy people." Xu Chu said.

"Well, not long after the young master left, King Baimu killed King Shenxing and took away all the food and grass from Gong's army. But before he could be happy for a few days, people from He Rong suddenly came and killed us. We were no match, and there were countless casualties, so we had to flee to Hanzhou. , surrendered to General Tie. General Tie was in need of people at that time, and he was also from the World Army, so he took us in and guarded Hanzhong City and Baoxiegu Road together. State, we have to abandon the valley road and defend the city to the death. General Tie is a true hero who values ​​​​love and righteousness. When it comes to defending the city, he will defend to the end and will not even listen to the orders of the King of Shu..."

Duan Siyong continued, Xu Chu actually already understood the general outline.

Lou Yu felt guilty and persuaded Tie Yuan to retreat, and he led the Hanzhou soldiers to attack He Rong's camp at night. Tie Yuan led the Yizhou soldiers and the Jishi Army to escape, but were pursued along the way and suffered heavy casualties. The only good thing was that due to the defeat of Xiangyang, Shan Yu dispatched soldiers and generals, leaving very few people at the pass between Han and Yi, making them vulnerable to attack. Tie Yuan was able to lead his troops into Yi smoothly.

On the first day after returning to Jindu City, Che Quanyi, who was in power in the city, sent someone to deliver the decree from the King of Shu, reprimanding Tie Yuan for his various sins and ordering him to enter the city without restraint.

Tie Yuan did not want to go against the will of the King of Shu anymore, so he ordered his hands to be tied behind his back despite the opposition of the generals. More than a dozen trusted generals also followed his example and went to the city to plead guilty, including the fierce general Tang Weitian.

The leader of the Advent Army did not follow, but he was a guest from afar and did not dare to make any mistakes. He waited in the camp outside the city.

The news of King Shu's murder changed everything.

The Yizhou soldiers outside the city and the Jishi Army both felt that Tie Yuan should be released at this time. Che Quanyi refused and ordered the soldiers outside the city to disperse and set up camps. The generals and leaders went into the city to listen to the orders. If they did not obey, the supply of food and grass would be stopped. .

The Yizhou soldiers were hesitant, but the World Army only trusted Tie Yuan and clamored to break into the city to rescue the general. Jindu City closed its gates and reportedly sent messengers to various places to gather troops.

The situation is getting more and more tense. The Yizhou Army has no generals, and the World Army is in urgent need of a leader. Xu Dashi feels that he has to do his part, but other leaders think that since everyone has surrendered to Tie Yuan, their previous positions are naturally invalid.

After the quarrel came the martial arts competition. Xu Dashi was indeed capable of becoming the feared King of Hundred Eyes. He defeated three kings in a row, the last one being Du Heimao.

Nowadays, the people who support the King of Hundred Eyes are not only the Incarnation Army, but also the Yizhou soldiers who are willing to listen to his orders. While Duan Siyong was speaking, the soldiers who were watching Xu Dashi were running away, preparing their armor and mounts to attack the city together and rescue them. Iron Kite.

"General Tie Er's younger brother, General Tie Er, just arrived the day before yesterday. Where is he now?"

"Haven't you heard?" Duan Siyong said in surprise, "If General Tie Er was here, everyone would definitely listen to him and there would be no need to compete for the leadership position. Did he go directly into the city?"

Xu Chu had been in contact with Tie Zhi and felt that he did not look like the kind of pedantic person who only wanted to save his brother, so he shook his head, "Probably not, there must have been an accident in the middle."

"I'm going to inquire." Duan Siyong volunteered, turned to leave, then turned back immediately, "I have to find a hiding place for the young master first, so that the King of Hundred Eyes cannot find him."

Duan Siyong brought Xu Chu and two attendants to a hay shed, "Young master, I will stay here for a while. I don't dare to go anywhere else. Only the groom here is familiar to me. I know he won't be able to come here for a while." . I'm going to inquire about the whereabouts of General Tie Er. If he has entered the city or something happens to him, I advise you not to stay here for a long time and to leave the camp and run away."

Xu Chu nodded, "Sorry to trouble you."

"Master, please don't say such things. I am very happy to be able to do things for you."

Duan Siyong left in a hurry, and Song Wushou immediately said: "Mr. Xu, is this man trustworthy? He is quite talkative, but he doesn't look like a hero."

Xu Chu smiled and said: "He is an old friend I met in Dongdu. He should be trustworthy. Just wait for him."

Duan Siyong never showed up, and the groom was nowhere to be seen. The three of them sat on the hay pile to rest. Song Wushou was not very familiar with Yizhou and the Jiangshi Army, but it did not affect his judgment of the situation, and he kept talking, thinking that the surrender was The World Army will be defeated. "I know how difficult it is to attack the city. They don't even have a ladder, so why should they climb the city? The city only needs to cut off the supply of food and grass and hold on for a few days, and the World Army will give up. The World Army will also It’s interesting. If you don’t call him a general, why would you call him a ‘King of Heaven’? I think…”

Suddenly there were footsteps outside, approaching quickly, and someone said: "Search everywhere..."

Song Wushou said in shock: "What I said must be a whistleblower named Duan."

"They were searching for people everywhere, and it wasn't Duan Siyong who snitched."

"What should we do? We have nowhere to hide..."

Ma Jin, who had been silent all this time, suddenly stood up and neatly stuffed the two bundles into the haystack. Then he pushed Xu Chu onto the bundles, fetched two wooden forks from nearby, gave one to Song Wushou, bent over and forked the hay, quickly covering the bundles and the man.

Song Wushou was stunned for a while, then followed suit and forked the hay.

Xu Chu lay on the bundles, motionless.

The door was pushed open, and several soldiers came in. Seeing two men without armor forking grass, they thought they were the grooms who were in charge of the hay house. One soldier asked, "Has any stranger come here?"

Ma Jin stopped forking grass, raised his hand to wipe the non-existent sweat on his forehead, and shook his head, "No."

Song Wushou smiled and said, "Who wants to come to a place like this? What are the names of the brothers? Did a spy sneak into the camp? Is there a reward for catching him? When I rest later, I will also look around. What was the shouting outside just now? I thought they were fighting, but it didn't seem like it when I listened carefully. It's really cold this year. It's not like this in Yizhou in previous years..."

Song Wushou kept nagging, and several soldiers didn't like it, so they turned around and left. They were ordered to look for people everywhere, and they didn't have time to stay in one place for too long.

Song Wushou closed the door, listened for a while, let out a long breath, turned to Ma Jin and said, "It was really dangerous, fortunately I was quick-witted and persuaded them to leave."

Ma Jin pushed aside the weeds, Xu Chu nodded to him, and then said, "General Song sent you two to accompany him, he really has foresight."

Song Wushou said, "We can only escape for a while, wait a little longer, everyone in the camp will go to attack the city, we just take the opportunity to escape. It looks like it's impossible to go north again, let's go back to Jingzhou."

"We have to wait for news from Duan Siyong."

Song Wushou pried open the crack of the door and looked out, "If there was news, they would have come back a long time ago, maybe they encountered an accident... Oh, they are going to attack the city, I saw a lot of people, and there were drums, you heard it too, right? The opportunity cannot be missed, Mr. Xu made a decision early, it's not worth dying here for no reason..."

Xu Chu didn't answer, he sat on the haystack with Ma Jin, waiting silently.

Song Wushou just talked a lot, but he didn't insist on his own opinion.

"Here they come." Song Wushou suddenly said.

"Who's here?" Xu Chu stood up and asked.

"Wait, let me see..." Song Wushou took a few steps back and turned around and said, "It's Duan, and he brought a few people with him. This time he came straight to us."

Ma Jin also stood up and picked up the wooden fork again.

Duan Siyong pushed the door open and saw Xu Chu was still there, and he breathed a sigh of relief, "The Yizhou soldiers brought by the young master were not careful and leaked the news. The Hundred Eyes Heavenly King ordered a search of the camp. I thought... Now everything is fine. He is eager to attack the city and thought that the young master had escaped."

"Who are these..." Xu Chu asked.

Duan Siyong slapped his forehead, "These four are the guards of General Tie. I asked them for information and they are willing to help."

A guard stepped forward and bowed, saying, "I am Chen Waer. I met Mr. Xu with General Tie. Mr. Xu must not remember..."

"You look familiar." Xu Chu smiled and stepped forward to bow.

Chen Waer said, "No one has seen General Tie Er enter the camp these days, but there is a small strange thing. If Brother Duan hadn't asked, we wouldn't have taken it seriously. Xu Dashi's adviser is called Wang Dian. Do you know him, Mr. Xu?"

"I know him."

"Since the night before last, there have been a lot of soldiers outside Wang Dian's tent. Outsiders are not allowed to enter casually, and he rarely comes out. Everyone says that Wang Dian's old injury has relapsed and he is about to die. Now I think it may not be the case."

Xu Chu thought for a while, "Where is Xu Dashi?"

"He led the troops to attack the city. I don't think he is really saving people, but forcing the city to kill General Tie."

"How many people are left in the camp?"

" Not many, maybe three or four hundred. We used the excuse that we couldn't leave the camp without the order of General Tie Da, so we stayed. "

"Brother Chen, can you call more people?"

"You can call more than a dozen. If you can really find General Tie Er, it will be different."

"Okay, in that case, I surrender."

Chen Waer, Duan Siyong and others were shocked. Xu Chu smiled and said, "Send me to Wang Dian."

Duan Siyong hurriedly said, "What if General Tie Er is not there? Or he has been killed? After all, there is no definite news."

"Then I will persuade Wang Dian to help. No matter what, we must find General Tie Er." Xu Chu stretched out his hands, indicating that he could be tied.

The five people on the opposite side looked at each other, and Duan Siyong said, "Then I'm sorry, you don't need to tie your hands. These two gentlemen should go quickly. If anything happens, everyone will fight hard."

Duan Siyong and four guards "escorted" Xu Chu and the other three to Wang Dian's residence.

Wang Dian had suffered severe burns and was weak. He did not leave the camp with the army. Outside his tent, there were at least 20 guards, all of whom were subordinates of Xu Dashi, the Hundred Eyes Heavenly King.

"We found Xu Chu!" Duan Siyong shouted.

One person entered the tent to report and came out soon, "Let Xu Chu come in alone."

Xu Chu nodded slightly to a few people and walked towards the tent alone.

The tent was dark, and Xu Chu had to adapt for a while before he could see the situation inside clearly. He was a little surprised.

Tie Yi was indeed here, drinking with Wang Dian opposite, with a smile on his face, and he didn't look trapped at all.

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