Xu Chu had commanded a large-scale battle in Dongdu, but he was trapped in the city and had no chance to participate. This was the first time he personally joined such a large battlefield and fought with the soldiers.

This was not quite the same scene as he had imagined. He held a knife in his hand and shouted like everyone else, but he could not see the enemy, let alone fight. Looking around, he saw only his own people, crowded together, and his mount was trapped and neighing anxiously.

Xu Chu really wanted to follow Ning Baoguan, but he could not help himself. Not long after, he was squeezed to the other side. He admired those guards who wrapped around King Ning like a rock and did not allow anyone to get close, even if they were their own people. Once Xu Chu left, it would be harder than climbing to the sky to squeeze in again.

Most of the small number of cavalrymen surrounded King Ning. Xu Chu, who was sitting on the horse, finally had a wide view in front of him and could see a little further.

In fact, he was not the only one whose weapons were "idle". The infantry of the Ning Army had no contact with the enemy at all. They all moved forward slowly with shields raised, while the cavalry of He Rong continued to shoot arrows not far away.

Xu Chu was watching the situation, and was suddenly pulled off his horse. He was startled and almost dropped the knife in his hand.

"Stupid, sitting so high, don't you want to live?" someone shouted.

Xu Chu finally stood up, and saw a veteran in his forties or fifties glaring at him like a fool.

"I..." Xu Chu just said a word, and was swept forward by the crowd, and he didn't even remember the old soldier's appearance.

He never saw his mount again.

A person next to him was unfortunately shot by an arrow, screamed and fell down, and was trampled by the people behind him. Xu Chu then noticed that he had no shield, only a knife, which he held high. Even if his arms were sore, he didn't dare to drop it, for fear of hurting his own people.

At this time, it was too late to find a shield, and he could only hope for luck.

The participation of the infantry was not meaningless. He Rong's cavalry was restrained, and the Ning Army cavalry led by Luo Hanqi finally came in handy and was able to rush into the enemy group and exert the power of the long spear.

Like most soldiers, Xu Chu could not see anything and could only follow the crowd.

After walking for an unknown period of time, the front suddenly stopped, and a backward thrust was generated, and the shouting became louder-the Ning Army infantry encountered the Central Plains infantry on the opposite side, and the battle suddenly became fierce. The advantage was that He Rong's cavalry shot fewer arrows.

But Xu Chu still could not see anything. He was pushed forward by the people behind him, and he also pushed the people in front.

Many years ago, when Xu Chu was still a child in his teens, he was taken into the military camp by the general with a dozen brothers of similar age and participated in a drill. Thousands of soldiers were arranged in an orderly manner, advancing and retreating in a reasonable manner, which was not at all similar to the chaotic scene now.

The pressure in front came suddenly and disappeared suddenly. The crowd dispersed suddenly, and a gap appeared in the middle. Everyone rushed forward, as if they would lose something extremely important if they were one step late.

Xu Chu also ran forward, and finally he was able to change his knife to another hand and rest his right arm.

Not long after he ran, Xu Chu tripped and fell forward heavily, and his unused waist knife slipped out of his hand.

At that moment, a thought flashed through Xu Chu's mind: he was going to die, and the soldiers swarming behind him would trample him into a meat pie. Unfortunately, he didn't even have a chance to fight He Rongren.

He was indeed stepped on and kicked hard. His eyes went black, and he had no impression of this battle that would surely shock the world.

Xu Chu was awakened by the cold. He turned over and found that it was already dark. He reached out and touched his body quickly to confirm that his body was intact. There seemed to be sticky bloodstains in some places, but it didn't hurt, and he couldn't tell whose blood it was.

Xu Chu struggled to get up, his feet were numb, and he stomped several times before he slowly eased up.

He didn't know where he was, who would win or lose in this battle, and where to go. He turned around and saw many corpses in the light of the stars. He guessed that he was tripped by one of them.

He turned around again, picked a direction at random, and dragged his stiff body forward.

The cold wind was biting, and the pieces of armor on his body not only did not block the wind, but made him feel even colder. Xu Chu took off the armor and felt a little relieved.

There seemed to be someone screaming in the distance, or it might be the whistling of the wind. Xu Chu's heart was numb, and he only knew to move forward. At this moment, the world situation and heroes were not worth mentioning. He only remembered that he had a warm cloak. Only by finding it could he survive.

After a few miles, Xu Chu suddenly found that he was not alone. Under the cover of night, there were some people walking alone like him. Strangely, no one thought of getting close to each other, but the direction they walked was almost the same.

The dark figures looked like zombies. Xu Chu really suspected that he had become a ghost. It was not until his teeth were chattering with cold that he regained his belief in life.

A moving fire appeared in the distance. All the figures ran towards it, making meaningless calls just to be heard by the "fire". Even if they were enemies, everyone would accept their fate.

It was a team of infantrymen who came. When they met, they asked whose subordinates they were. Everyone answered. Xu Chu was stunned for a moment and was pinned down by two soldiers.

"King Ning, I am a subordinate of King Ning." Xu Chu said immediately, no longer insisting that he was a "guest" wherever he went.

"Nonsense, we are all subordinates of King Ning. I want to ask which general you belong to?"

Hearing this, Xu Chu was completely relieved, "General Chang Yanzhichang."

The soldier let go and pointed casually, "Follow others."

"Did we win?"

"Go, go." The soldier urged impatiently.

This group of soldiers came to clean up the battlefield. When there were more than a dozen survivors, one person holding a torch would be sent to lead the way and send them back to the rear. Those who could walk had to help support or carry the seriously injured.

Xu Chu supported a soldier with an injured left leg.

Slowly, this group of "walking dead" came to life, began to speak, and began to ask questions. The leading soldier shouted: "Victory, victory, the Ning army won a great victory, I will take you to the camp of the He Rong people, there are wine and meat, enough for you to eat."

Everyone cheered.

But the description of the leading soldier made Xu Chu feel that his memory was confused.

"King Ning took the lead and successively defeated five barbarian kings, ten barbarian generals and countless barbarian soldiers. The He Rong people screamed and refused to admit defeat. They wanted to rely on their numbers to besiege King Ning. Guess what? A giant dragon fell from the sky and crushed a thousand enemy soldiers in one go. The He Rong people were really scared this time..."

"Where is the dragon?" Someone asked curiously.

"After crushing the enemy soldiers, it disappeared. Let me tell you, the giant dragon is the Dharma body of King Ning, he is the true dragon emperor..."

An accident happened on the way. The surviving soldiers chatted with each other and found a Qinzhou soldier mixed in. So there was one more prisoner in the team. His hands were tied behind his back. Anyone could hit him twice. Before eating the cattle and sheep of He Rongren, he felt the pleasure.

The camp was extremely chaotic. Many people were fighting for tents and other items, but they did not fight, just quarreling.

Someone pointed in a general direction. Xu Chu walked through the camp to find Chang Yanzhi. For some reason, although he felt relieved, he did not feel much joy, as if he was also an enemy soldier who had sneaked in.

After asking seven or eight people in succession, Xu Chu finally found Chang Yanzhi's territory.

"General Chang died in battle." The soldier guarding the territory replied, and then looked Xu Chu up and down, "Are you from here? Why haven't I seen you before? Who is your boss?"

Xu Chu was stunned for a while, "Where is the body?"

"I don't know. General Tong is in charge now. What's your name? Whose soldier is it?"

"Where is General Song Quzhu?"

"Tell me who you are first."

Xu Chu turned and walked away. The soldier called a few times from behind, but did not catch up.

Chang Yanzhi had been a general in the Ning Army for a short time and had not yet cultivated loyal subordinates. His death was not a big deal.

Xu Chu asked several people again and soon found Song Quzhu's territory, and was also questioned by the soldiers.

"My name is Yu Zhan. I was a classmate of General Song and now I am his staff." Xu Chu did not say his real name.

"Yu Zhan? I haven't heard of you, but you look like a scholar. Go in first and find a place to rest. General Song is having a celebration banquet at the Ning King's place. He can't see you staff until tomorrow."

Xu Chu had nothing else to ask for.

Although the whole camp seemed chaotic, after entering each family's territory, the inspection was very strict. Several officers had never heard of the name "Yu Zhan", so they couldn't help but be alert and sent him to their superiors' tent.

Dai Pohu was drinking with a group of people. When he saw Xu Chu coming in, he was shocked and immediately put down his bowl to greet him.

"Scholar Yu Zhan greets General Dai."

The word "Xu" was on the tip of his tongue, but Dai Pohu swallowed it back, "Ah, Mr. Yu... are you okay?"

Dai Pohu recognized this person, and the officer was relieved and bowed to say goodbye.

Dai Pohu turned around and gave instructions, and immediately took Xu Chu to an empty tent, "I'm sorry that Mr. Xu stayed here for one night. When I checked the number of people, I didn't see Mr. Xu, and I thought... why did Mr. Xu..."

"I don't want others to know that I'm still alive for the time being."

"I understand, I won't leak the secret, I'll go get some wine and meat."

"Thank you, General Dai." Xu Chu was indeed hungry.

Dai Pohu soon personally brought some food, a big bowl of wine with a big piece of meat. After Xu Chu thanked him again, he asked, "Did you bring back Chang Yanzhi's body?"

Dai Pohu said sadly, "General Chang unfortunately died in Chen, and his body was taken away by King Ning, who said that he would bury it with other fallen generals in a grand manner."

Xu Chu sighed, "General Dai, go have a drink. I'm going to sleep for a while after eating."

"Mr. Xu seems injured. Do you want me to ask someone to come and see him?"

"No need. Just sleep."

Dai Pohu bowed and said goodbye.

Xu Chu only ate two pieces of meat and a sip of wine, lay on the bed with his clothes on, and fell asleep quickly. When he woke up again, there was light outside the tent. His heart was still like a pool of stagnant water, without sadness or joy. Although he survived, it seemed that something was left behind in the field and could never be found again.

"Mr. Xu is awake." Song Quzhu lifted the curtain and came in, smiling and said that he was not injured.

"General Song, can you handle it alone?" Xu Chu asked directly, no longer caring about how to win the battle yesterday.

Song Quzhu was slightly stunned, "King Ning allowed me to lead the troops across the river to pacify Xiang and Guangzhou. This is to send me to a barren land."

"General Song must seize Yizhou first." Xu Chu said, at least he had found one thing back - the general situation of the world.

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