Chang Yan became a general again and commanded three thousand troops, which was not too much, but he had a "privilege". Whenever and for whatever reason, as long as the number of troops was less than three thousand, they would be replenished within two days. Based on this, he was said to be King Ning's "favorite general".

"I'm getting more and more scared day by day." After entering the tent, Chang Yan's expression softened slightly, "It's like borrowing too many foreign debts, which I won't be able to pay back in a few lifetimes, but I didn't want to borrow money, and others forced me to do so. The money was put into my hands and he helped me spend it, which made me confused and lacked the courage to refuse..."

"King Ning once burned and killed thousands of Wu soldiers." Xu Chu reminded.

Chang Yan became more and more dejected, "I know, every night I am frightened awake by the burnt Wu people, and they ask me why I defected to the enemy."

"I brought you to Prince Ning."

"Young Master, please don't say such things. No one thought that Prince Ning would treat me like this. I came to see you, firstly, to reminisce about old times, and secondly, I want to ask him to give me some advice."

“How to ‘pay off debt’?”

Chang Yan nodded, "Now that things have happened, it seems that I can only use my life to repay Prince Ning's 'kindness', but... I still want to live for a few more years. I know that these are troubled times, and I have been robbed and killed by robbers while walking on the road. I accept my fate when heroes from all walks of life are accidentally killed, but it’s a bit difficult to take the initiative to die to repay someone I don’t like.”

Xu Chu smiled and said: "General Chang is worthy of being a Wu man. If you receive favors from others, you must repay them."

"Real Kure people wouldn't be as hesitant as I am."

Xu Chu thought for a while, "Don't be anxious yet."

"Wait a little longer?"

"Haha, that's it, but you don't have to wait too long this time. You have to work hard to save your life tomorrow, and leave the rest to me."

"I have been working hard." After receiving Xu Chu's assurance, Chang Yan felt a little relieved and said with a smile: "I heard that the young master has found the little princess?"

"It's the little princess's maid colorful." Xu Chu told Chang Yan that there was no need to keep it a secret.

"Oh." Chang Yan was a little disappointed.

"Has the news reached here?"

"Yes, we captured some soldiers from the Central Plains on the opposite side, that's what they said."

"Colorful fake princess is now left in Xiangyang City."

"If we really win the battle tomorrow, I will definitely lead my troops to Xiangyang to rescue Binfen. What do you think, Master? Does Prince Ning really have a plan to win? Can we really win?"

"Yes." Xu Chu said firmly, feeling that all explanations were redundant.

Chang Yan felt a little more relaxed and said, "Then I'll be relieved. I'll try my best to save my life tomorrow."

After Chang Yan said goodbye, no one came to visit again. Xu Chu was able to have a good sleep. He was woken up before dawn the next day. The fire was cooking outside again, making final preparations for the upcoming decisive battle.

Xu Chu was not a prisoner here and could walk around as he pleased. He went out for a walk and even walked into the camp and found that morale was much higher than yesterday.

When he returned to his residence, the sky was slightly bright, and the food had been delivered to the tent. A large bowl of brown rice, a large piece of meat and a few pickles. It seemed that Ning Jun really did not intend to leave a grain of food.

Xu Chu was eating when another person came in. This time it was not a general, but a scribe.

Zhang Wenbi was originally a scholar from the countryside. He was pale and frail. He had been following Prince Ning. Now he was one of the important staff members, so he had to ask about some things.

"Mr. Zhang, have you eaten?" Xu Chu raised his bowl and asked with a smile.


Xu Chu moved his place. Zhang Wenbi hesitated for a moment and sat next to him, "Mr. Xu, are you just going to sit back and watch Prince Ning be deceived?"

"Why was Prince Ning deceived? Who was he deceived by?"

"Kou Daogu."

"I think Kou Daogu really wants to join Prince Ning."

"How is that possible? I've heard of his reputation. He has great ambitions but little talent. He has a high vision but a low hand. He thinks too hard and is completely defeated. But he refuses to admit defeat and tries every means to avenge Mr. Xu."

"We do have a personal enmity, but that doesn't mean he is worthless."

There was a clear look of surprise on Zhang Wenbi's face, "Mr. Xu is generous and admirable, but Kou Daogu is obviously uneasy and kind-hearted. Why can't Mr. Xu see it?"

"What did Kou Daogu say to Prince Ning?"

"Well...I didn't hear everything, only a few words."

"A few words will do. At least let me know that he is not lying."

"Kou Daogu assured King Ning that He Rong's army will not attack with all its strength today. As long as King Ning goes forward bravely, he will be able to completely wipe out the enemy army. The remaining He Rong people will retreat, and the soldiers of Ji, Bing, and Qin will be scattered. retreat."

Zhang Wenbi obviously heard more than just a few words occasionally.

Xu Chu nodded, indicating that he understood.

Zhang Wenbi waited for a while and said in surprise: "Mr. Xu still thinks there is no fraud? Kou Daogu clearly wants to lead Ning Jun into a trap. The ones who were 'annihilated' today were not He Rong people, but Ning Jun!"

"Why would Prince Ning believe such an obvious 'lie'?"

"Kou Daogu used sweet words to win the trust of Prince Ning."

"That's troublesome. You and I don't have the 'sweet words' to compete with Kou Daogu."

"When it comes to rhetoric, I can't do it, but Mr. Xu can. When I was thinking about Guogu, didn't you make him speechless?"

"The rumors Mr. Zhang heard are not true. The person who refuted Kou Daogu in Siguo Valley was not me, but a woman."

Zhang Wenbi was stunned, "Isn't it really Mr. Xu?"


Zhang Wenbi was greatly disappointed, "I thought Mr. Xu could expose Kou Daogu."

"Whether Kou Daogu has ulterior motives or not, the Ning army has reached the point where they have to fight a decisive battle. We can't help on the battlefield, but at least we can boost morale in the rear."

Zhang Wenbi was getting more and more disappointed. "This is a trap. The higher the morale, the greater the casualties. Moreover, we all have to go to the battlefield today. There is only one person who can stay in the camp with women and children. Guess who it is?"

Xu Chu smiled. Zhang Wenbi didn't say goodbye and walked away. When he reached the door, he said, "Maybe Mr. Xu is also an accomplice."

Xu Chu didn't argue. At first, he had intended to persuade King Ning to wait a few more days, but after seeing the situation in the camp, he felt more and more that Kou Daogu was right. The sooner the decisive battle, the better. If they waited any longer, it would not be the He Rong people who would collapse first, but the many soldiers who Ning Baoguan had annexed with force.

A soldier came to ask Xu Chu to go to the central army tent. He didn't need to pack anything.

Xu Chu had folded his cloak and put it on the bed.

Ning Baoguan was sitting on the horse, lowering his head and talking in a low voice with Kou Daogu who was seeing him off.

Xu Chu, Zhang Wenbi and more than a dozen other scholars were to follow King Ning into battle. They were given armor and weapons. Most of them looked unhappy. What they held in their hands looked like thorns covered with sharp thorns instead of knives. They occasionally glanced at Kou Daogu with jealousy in their eyes.

Xu Chu got on his horse and heard Kou Daogu say to King Ning: "The decisive battle is my idea. How can I stay alone in the rear camp?"

"I have made up my mind. Mr. Kou does not need to be stubborn. There must be someone in the camp. Mr. Kou and I hit it off at first sight. I believe Mr. Kou is the best choice."

Outside the camp, the cavalry led by Luo Hanqi had already lined up, and some infantry had also deployed their formations in advance. Ning Baoguan, under the protection of the guards, stopped on a high ground and looked ahead.

The opposite side had also set up their formations. The Central Plains infantry guarded the formations, and the main cavalry went in and out to show off their power. The number was more than ten times that of the knights of the Ning army.

Ning Baoguan issued the first order, and Luo Hanqi immediately led his troops forward.

Before the cavalry engaged, Ning Baoguan ordered someone to call Xu Chu over, "Cavalry is precious, what a pity, what a pity."

"There is always a time when you have to do something." Xu Chu said, not understanding what King Ning meant.

Ning Baoguan turned his head and looked over, "I'm surprised that you haven't come to persuade me all this time."

"If there is nothing to persuade, I won't persuade." Xu Chu smiled.

"So you completely believe in Kou Daogu?"

"I don't believe it, but on this matter, I agree with his suggestion that the sooner the decisive battle, the better."

Ning Baoguan looked at the many soldiers lined up neatly, "I think so too, but if the Herong people fight with all their strength, our army will not have much chance of winning."

Shouts came from the battlefield, and the two sides had already come into contact. The Herong people were good at cavalry shooting, and they were unwilling to fight the enemy in close combat. They adopted a fighting style of advancing and retreating from time to time, carefully maintaining a distance of one arrow.

Ning Baoguan looked for a while and gave orders again. The deputy general passed it out with flags and drums, and the infantry began to change their formation, but did not enter the battlefield.

"Kou Daogu told me that the Chanyu's wife wants to return to the frontier, but before withdrawing her troops, she must first eliminate her rival for the throne, the Zuo Xian Wang who led the troops today."

"It is very likely." Xu Chu nodded.

"But he didn't bring any evidence. He said that the Chanyu's wife had a previous experience and that you knew all the hidden secrets."

"Why didn't King Ning ask me earlier?"

"Because I don't think it's necessary. This decisive battle is imperative. If I show any hesitation, the generals will have three points, and the soldiers will have six or seven points. Even now I don't think it's necessary. I don't care what the Chanyu's wife thinks. I just want to fight this battle and do my best. If I win, I win. If I lose, I lose."

Xu Chu bowed and said, "King Ning can keep this heart, and his chances of winning will increase greatly."

Ning Baoguan laughed, issued a few more orders, and sent out the first infantry, "Follow me closely."


"Don't say that Kou Daogu has no evidence. His evidence is you. If I die on the battlefield, the person who dies with me is not him, but you."

"It's an honor, and it's exactly what Kou Daogu wants."

Ning Baoguan laughed again and gave another order. This time he personally led the troops into the battlefield.

A large number of infantrymen walked in front, Ning Baoguan and more than a hundred others rode on horseback to guard the rear, and further back, more infantrymen were ready to go out to join the battle.

"Do you believe in destiny?" Ning Baoguan asked loudly, and everyone around could hear it.

Xu Chu didn't believe it, but he replied loudly: "King Ning is destiny."

Ning Baoguan laughed, "If I win this battle, I will still name the country Wu."

Ning Baoguan used a long spear, raised his right hand high, and let out a long whistle. The guards around him and the soldiers in front responded in unison - although many military tactics have been introduced, this army still retains some habits of the advent army.

The arrows of the He Rong people swept in like a rainstorm, and the infantry raised their shields to protect themselves. Those who were shot by arrows continued to come one after another, and they could only move forward with difficulty.

King Ning and others in the back did not bear the arrows for the time being, but they were not far away, and occasionally cold arrows would be shot. The guards gathered together and protected King Ning with their shields and bodies.

The more intense the battle, the calmer Ning Baoguan became. He shouted to Xu Chu: "All victories are made with piles of corpses!"

Before him were flags and spears. Xu Chu could see almost nothing else but the continuous screams.

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