The King of Liang once sent 10,000 troops to accompany Xu Chu to Xiangyang. Most of them were stationed outside Dongdu City. A few days ago, more than 1,000 troops were left while escorting grain and grass.

Changes occurred in the city of Dongdu, and the morale of the troops outside the city was in chaos. Many people fled among the Jizhou soldiers. There were still six to seven thousand people left. They were in a dilemma: stay for fear of being killed; flee for fear of their families in the city.

Hearing that the first group of Ning troops had arrived and that more than a thousand people had fled, Guo Shifeng suggested to Pan Kai: "The Ning troops have arrived, and General Pan's backing is secure. He can call the Liang troops outside the city into the city to give him some comfort. If he cannot be comforted, he must be punished by military law.”

Pan Kai disagreed, "King Ning was ruthless and ruthless. He burned and killed thousands of Wu soldiers outside Dongdu City. Everyone still remembers it. So when they heard that Ning's army was coming, everyone was afraid. If I call him into the city again, Liang The soldiers must be even more afraid. Alas, at this point, those who wish to stay will stay, and those who wish to go will go. It is better to let them go."

"King Ning had his own reasons for burning and killing Wu soldiers. This time when he came to the east capital, he was only grateful and without any resentment. How could he kill again? General Pan must not let Liang Jun leave outside the city. He really couldn't bear it and just sat back and watched. Just leave it alone, but you must not say anything to let it go, so as not to disturb the morale of the soldiers in the city. "

Pan Kai nodded, "Anyway, I won't interfere."

Guo Shifeng was eager to see Xu Chu and King Ning, and told them to leave the city afterwards, thinking that with Zong Mingyi in charge, there would be no more accidents.

But he underestimated Prince Ning's "prestige".

The news of Prince Ning's personal visit to the Eastern Capital spread like wildfire, both inside and outside the city. More and more people became frightened. Not long after Guo Shifeng left, the Liang army outside the city began to flee on a large scale. The generals were unable to stop it, so they followed suit. Ran away.

When the news came to the city, Pan Kai let out a long sigh. Feeling guilty and regretful, he put Guo Shifeng's instructions behind him and sent an order: "If the officers and soldiers of the Liang Army want to stay, they can stay, and if they want to leave, they can leave. Let them do what they want."

As soon as this order was passed out, Liang Jun in the city was also in chaos, thinking that this was a hint: King Ning was going to go on a killing spree, and General Pan reminded everyone to run away.

First, some people secretly left the city, and soon it turned into a large-scale escape. The city gates were wide open on all sides. Some people were in groups, some were traveling alone, and more people were bringing their wives and children. Some of the people in Dongdu who had finally gathered together, They were about to run away.

Zong Mingyi was good at leading troops to fight, but not good at dealing with such chaotic situations. In desperation, he sent troops to take over the city gate. As a result, as soon as Ning's army took to the streets, it caused even greater chaos. Rumors spread quickly. People all over the city said that Ning Jun was preparing to clear the city. Even Pan Kai heard about it and sent someone to inquire about the truth.

Zong Mingyi could not argue, so he had to order the withdrawal of troops and let the soldiers and people of Dongdu flee.

It was not until after dark that he saw that Ning's army had no intention of killing, and the tide of fleeing gradually stopped. Pan Kai checked the soldiers, closed the city gate again, and returned to his residence to sigh.

Soon after dawn the next day, King Ning rushed to Dongdu. He had heard about the situation in the city on the way and was very angry. The first thing he did when he entered the city was to have Zong Mingyi kidnapped and asked why he failed to stop him. escape.

"What do I want with an empty city?" Ning Baoguan settled in a camp in Beicheng. This was his territory when he was guarding the Eastern Capital.

"I sent troops, but...but the situation became even more chaotic. Everyone said that Ning's army wanted to kill all the soldiers and civilians of Dongdu..." Zong Mingyi knelt on the ground and tried to defend himself.

"so what?"

"I...I don't think King Ning has this plan. King Ning also said that he doesn't want an empty city, so..."

"So you are soft-hearted?" Ning Baoguan was furious, "You are also from the common people. Don't you know that the common people are full of people who bully the weak and fear the strong? Whatever they are afraid of, you do it. They are afraid of massacre, so you show off and massacre the city. After a while, they will be honest. I have always heard that the people are afraid of the soldiers, but when you come here, the soldiers are afraid of the people. Are you worthy of being called a general? "

Zong Mingyi's face turned red and he didn't dare to argue anymore.

Guo Shifeng, who had been following King Ning, persuaded him at this time: "It must be Pan Kai who advocated the release, General Zong was forced to have no choice..."

Zong Mingyi nodded repeatedly.

Ning Baoguan sneered: "Who is Pan Kai? My subordinates have to obey his orders?"

Guo Shifeng did not dare to say anything anymore. He took a step back and winked at Zong Mingyi. Zong Mingyi tied his hands behind his back and kowtowed: "The last general is guilty. Please punish King Ning."

"Let the soldiers and civilians of Dongdu go. What you have committed is a capital crime. However, considering that your merits and demerits are equal to your merits, you will be demoted to a soldier and you will serve your purpose again. Get out of here."

Prince Ning's tone was unkind, but Zong Mingyi breathed a sigh of relief, kowtowed and left.

Ning Baoguan was still angry. What he hated was not his own generals, but the soldiers and civilians of Dongdu. "A group of unscrupulous guys will run away when they see me. Hey, I will make them have no way to escape."

Guo Shifeng observed the words and expressions, stood aside obediently and said nothing, but turned to glance at Xu Chu.

Xu Chu smiled, stepped forward and said, "Does Prince Ning know the importance of 'name' now?"

Ning Baoguan's eyes were cold, "I killed so many Wu soldiers, don't you want to avenge them?"


Ning Baoguan's expression changed, and then he said proudly: "I have no shortage of enemies in my life. It doesn't matter if I have one more. I will sit here and you can take revenge. I will give you a chance to fight you alone without letting the guards interfere."

Xu Chu cupped his hands and said: "I want to take revenge on King Ning, who is above ten thousand people. I will not fight hard with Ning Baoguan, who is as brave as an ordinary man."

Ning Baoguan laughed loudly and said to Guo Shifeng: "You two are both counselors and good friends. They came from the same school. Why do you have completely different styles of persuading people?"

Guo Shifeng smiled and said: "I don't think so. I hope King Ning will explain it in detail."

"Mr. Guo's advice is like a refreshing breath of fresh air, but the more you taste it, the more bitter it becomes. Mr. Xu is just the opposite. Persuasion is like scolding. You have to taste it carefully to understand the taste."

Guo Shifeng's smile continued, "Mr. Xu is indeed better than me."

"No, no, you are better than Mr. Xu. You are a counselor on the outside, but Xu Chu is not the same. He calls himself a counselor, but he still thinks he is a king in his heart. He always means to be superior to others. No matter how powerful he is, if he cannot be used by others, he is useless. ”

Ning Baoguan's face gradually turned cold, while Guo Shifeng smiled and said nothing.

Xu Chu did not refute, and waited for King Ning to "carefully review" it.

After a long silence, Ning Baoguan said: "What name do I have now? If I want to conquer the world, what name do I need?"

Guo Shifeng sighed secretly, Xu Cuzhi's persuasion was actually going to succeed again.

Xu Chu took half a step forward, cupped his hands and said: "There are three kings of Ning at the moment: one is ruthless, he burned and killed Wu soldiers, and his vicious methods are known all over the world; the other is lustful, he abandoned his wife and forcibly married Queen Tiancheng. He has been a lustful person since ancient times. There is no one who can surpass King Ning; thirdly, he is famous for seizing Jiangdong, attacking Jingzhou, and occupying the eastern capital, which has become the trend of dragon prosperity."

"Hey, I told you that persuading people is like cursing, and you went even harder. Come on, what name do I need?"

"Number one is still a ruthless reputation."


"If you don't have a ruthless reputation, how can you attack a city and seize territory and frighten the enemy?"

"I already have this."

"But it's not enough."

"not enough?"

"It's far from enough. The Wu soldiers were originally prisoners, bound and unarmed, so it was easy to kill them. King Ning's reputation for cruelty was that he was cruel in heart and hands, but not in people. Therefore, the soldiers and civilians in Dongdu would rather flee than surrender. , if the people are ruthless, the counties of Wuzhou will have been tamed long ago, and the Xi family of Jingzhou should also surrender the city. "

Ning Baoguan sneered again but said nothing.

Xu Chu continued: "The second is the name of benevolence. Loving one person is lustful, loving others is kindness, King Ning is lustful, and there is another step..."

"Needless to mention this one, it gives me a headache. As for the third one, it must still be prestigious, and it is not enough, right?"

Xu Chu smiled and said: "If everyone had Prince Ning's understanding, it would be much easier for counselors."

Ning Baoguan said to Guo Shifeng: "This question is left to you, how can Mr. Xu say that my 'prestige' is not enough."

"Xiangyang." Guo Shifeng said only two words.

Ning Baoguan laughed and said, "You are indeed my military advisor. Does Mr. Xu have anything to say?"

Xu Chu shook his head, "I'll wait for Prince Ning to 'savour it carefully', but I have a private matter to ask you."

"Yeah." Ning Baoguan put away his smile.

"I have a friend who seems to be imprisoned by General Pan. He is not from Dongdu, nor is he a subordinate of King Liang. I hope King Ning can release him."

Ning Baoguan looked at Guo Shifeng.

Guo Shifeng said: "My name is Chang Yan, and he is Mr. Xu's attendant."

"You consider your entourage to be your friend?" Ning Baoguan asked puzzledly.

"He is a friend who travels with me, not a follower."

"Mr. Xu's friend must also be a counselor. I would like to meet him."

Xu Chu smiled and said: "I am disappointed with King Ning. He is not a counselor. He comes from a military background. He is tired of the battlefield and retired with me, so we became friends."

"Turns out he is a coward, Chang Yan...I have some impressions. Don't worry, Mr. Xu. When I ask, I will return your 'friend' to you. Mr. Guo, should we wait for Pan Kai to come over to see him, or should we go see him?"

"Pan Kai is quite suspicious, but there is no way out and he will never dare to use force against King Ning. Therefore, King Ning should go to see him to comfort him and let the remaining soldiers and civilians in the city not be afraid."

"Okay, then take less guards and I'll go to Pan's Mansion myself."

Ning Baoguan strode out. Guo Shifeng quietly handed over to Xu Chu and whispered: "Only Mr. Xu can persuade King Ning. At least he doesn't want to punish the fugitives now."

Xu Chu smiled.

Ning Baoguan only took more than thirty people to the palace barracks. Pan Kai's remaining subordinates were not many, but there were nearly a thousand. There were four to five hundred people in the barracks alone. They were extremely loyal to him and responded to his call.

Ning Baoguan was not afraid at all, and went straight into the gate. When he saw Pan Kai, he laughed from afar, opened his arms to greet him, gave him a hug, and said loudly: "Farewell in Dongdu, see you in Dongdu, General Pan is so majestic." Less, gratifying.”

Pan Kai had a lot of awkwardness in his heart. Seeing that Prince Ning was so enthusiastic and informal, he felt at ease. As soon as he got out, he immediately knelt down and said, "Forgive me, Prince Ning."

Ning Baoguan stayed for a banquet and invited many relatives and friends of the Pan family to attend. He actually recognized more than half of them, could call them by name, and could even tell some details about the time they met in Dongdu.

In less than half an hour, everyone in the Pan family was convinced. Even Pan Kai got rid of the last bit of regret in his heart and no longer missed Prince Liang.

Xu Chu refused to drink, so he resigned midway and was sent back to the general's mansion.

Xu Chu never heard the order from Ning Baoguan, but Chang Yan had been released. Not long after he came back, he immediately ran to Xu Chu and said repeatedly: "Another escape."

Back in the room, there were no outsiders present, Chang Yan said: "Young master, what do you think when you see Prince Ning? Are you qualified to compete for the title?"

"Prince Ning is the first person who can completely forget my identity as King of Wu."

Chang Yan sighed, having nothing to say and feeling extremely reluctant.

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