Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 480 Asking about the situation

Nowadays, when talking about King Ning, many people will add the words "Jiangdong" or "Wuzhou" in front of him, acknowledging that he is a hero.

No matter what others think, Ning Baoguan himself has never been confused. He knows very well that his title of king is still not worthy of his name. In Jiangdong, the only territory he really occupies is Stone City, and half of the remaining counties are ostensibly obeying. They sent some grain, grass and soldiers, but the other half refused to accept even nominal surrender, and sent troops to harass Ning's army from time to time.

Ning Baoguan accepted Guo Shifeng's suggestion and believed that if he was busy pacifying the counties in Jiangdong for a long time, he would miss the opportunity to compete for the throne. It was better to go out to expand the territory.

"King Ning only needs to capture Jiangling City, and he can claim to occupy Jingzhou and be powerful in all directions. He will send an envoy to tell Jiangdong counties and counties. Those who refuse to accept are timid and can spread the message." Guo Shifeng painted a bright prospect.

Many generals did not agree with this plan, thinking it was too risky. King Ning was hesitant at first. Guo Shifeng did not want to see his plan end in vain, so he came to persuade him: "Generals prefer peace to danger, and peace to movement. This is human nature, but if King Ning wants to achieve great things, he needs to do something extraordinary and cannot be trapped in "normal conditions". The longer he stays in Jiangdong and the more comfortable he becomes, the less willing the generals will be to go out to fight. In another year and a half, King Ning will be afraid. There is no general to send."

So Ning Baoguan led the army to the expedition, and Guo Shifeng sent envoys to all parties, using his tactics to relieve Ning's army from worries.

Facts have proved that the generals' concerns were justified.

The Xi family army fled without a fight in the East. Ning Baoguan had always looked down upon them, but he did not expect that these people were half-hearted when protecting the court, but they were quite effective when defending their own home. Although the Ning army won consecutive battles, they suffered many casualties. Seeing that With the cold winter coming, it is no longer easy to capture Jiangling City.

The Sheng family took advantage of the situation and made matters worse. The generals took turns to persuade King Ning to retreat temporarily and make progress next year. Ning Baoguan had to kill one general to silence the entire army.

Ning Baoguan took all the responsibility alone. The "chief culprit" Guo Shifeng was not reprimanded in person, but he knew in his heart that once the situation became clear, Ning's army would have to retreat to Stone City, and even the retreat would be cut off. King Ning would kill him to vent his anger.

Guo Shifeng had to do something, so he came to persuade King Ning: "Going to attack the eastern capital will not only punish King Liang for his betrayal, but also shock the world. You can also borrow the city for the winter, and it won't cost King Ning a single soldier. I will go Persuading Pan Kai to surrender the city, if not, I am willing to die as punishment."

In fact, Guo Shifeng was only 50% sure. On the way, he heard the news that King Liang was going to marry another daughter of the Tiancheng clan in Jizhou. He was overjoyed and shouted several times: "God help me."

King Ning followed with his troops, and Mingzong Mingyi was the vanguard.

When he heard that Dongdu had surrendered, Ning Baoguan just hummed without any joy.

Guo Shifeng came specially to offer his services. At this time, he did not dare to say a word. He was silent for a while and then said: "Xu Chu is waiting for Prince Ning on the road ahead."

"Huh?" Ning Baoguan showed a hint of surprise.

Guo Shifeng briefly explained the matter. Facing King Ning, he did not dare to lie: "In Dongdu City, killing Xu Chu was to strengthen Pan Kai's ambition. It was a last resort. But since he escaped, I think..."

"Okay." Ning Baoguan patted his horse and galloped, with the guards following closely behind.

Guo Shifeng was stunned, and hurriedly ran to his mount, got on his horse, and chased after King Ning.

Ning Baoguan temporarily handed over the army to his trusted generals, and ran ahead with more than a hundred guards. Shortly after dark, he arrived at the place where Xu Chu was waiting.

Hearing the sound of horse hoofbeats, Bao Lang and others came out to check. When they saw Prince Ning himself, they were all shocked and knelt down in the snow.

"Where is Xu Chu?" Ning Baoguan asked.

"I'm... resting in the tent." Bao Langzhong said tremblingly, not sure whether Prince Ning was happy or angry.

Ning Baoguan ordered the guards to stay outside and strode into the tent.

Xu Chu sat on the bed, wrapped in a cloak, and kept a small pot of charcoal fire to keep warm. He looked up and saw Prince Ning and said with a smile: "Prince Ning, please forgive me for being rude..."

"You don't have to get up." Ning Baoguan glanced around, moved the small stool used by the doctor, sat on the edge of the bed, stretched out his hand to warm the fire, and remained silent for a long time.

Xu Chu didn't speak either.

A gust of cold wind swept in, and Guo Shifeng appeared at the door, panting, with red cheeks. He tried his best, but was still left behind by Prince Ning.

"One step too late." Guo Shifeng smiled and put down the curtain. He couldn't find any seats, but he didn't want to stand aside, so he sat sideways on the bunk opposite Xu Chu. "King Ning is thirsty for talents. When he heard that Mr. Xu was here, So, I immediately left my army and came to meet you."

"I think Prince Ning seems to be coming for this charcoal plate." Xu Chu said.

Ning Baoguan's face was expressionless, and Guo Shifeng laughed and said: "It is indeed cold today..."

Ning Baoguan coughed, and Guo Shifeng immediately shut up. As long as he was not kicked out, he would be satisfied.

Ning Baoguan said, "Are you Mr. Xu now?"

"A commoner, I am called Prince Ning."

"Tracing it to the root, all this is Mr. Xu's fault."

"I have made many mistakes. Which one should Prince Ning please remind me of?"

"It was you who suggested that I go to Jiangdong, which put me in this predicament today."

Hearing the word "difficulty", Guo Shifeng lowered his head, and Xu Chu smiled and said: "King Ning is sitting in the three states of Wu, Jing, and Luo. Looking at all the heroes in the world, there is no one who can rival King Ning. Only He Rongbu can compare."

"I didn't come to see you to listen to these nonsense and lies. It was you who sent me to Jiangdong in the first place, and now it's up to you to help me get out of trouble."

Xu Chu looked at Guo Shifeng, and Guo Shifeng also raised his head to look at him. The two looked at each other for a moment, and Xu Chu said: "Thanks to King Ning for his respect, but why does King Ning sacrifice the near and seek the distance? Mr. Guo is right next to King Ning..."

"He can't." Ning Baoguan said coldly.

Guo Shifeng laughed twice and said, "I really can't."

Ning Baoguan said again: "Mr. Guo is a good military advisor, and I have more power than him. Although Ning's army is in trouble, it has nothing to do with Mr. Guo. It's because I am too impatient and underestimate the enemy."

Guo Shifeng felt guilty, but he finally breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly said: "Prince Ning is not wrong. It's all because of my improper tactics and misunderstanding of people..."

Ning Baoguan put down his hand to stop Guo Shifeng from continuing, "But he is a strategist who uses strange tactics to give guidance to the nine states and discuss the general trend. He is not as good as Mr. Xu."

"Prince Ning wants to hear the general trend?"

"Exactly." Even though he was asking for advice, Ning Baoguan didn't show any politeness at all. It was more like giving an order.

Xu Chu picked up the iron chopsticks beside him and gently stirred the charcoal in the basin.

"Mr. Xu doesn't want to say it, doesn't want to say it, or doesn't dare to say it?" Ning Baoguan asked.

"I dare not say."

"Why? Even if you say you're right or wrong, I won't kill you."

Xu Chu raised his head and looked at Guo Shifeng opposite.

Guo Shifeng was startled and hurriedly explained to Ning Baoguan: "I have always admired Mr. Xu for his far-sightedness. Every time we meet, I advise him to seek refuge with Prince Ning..."

Xu Chu smiled and said, "I'm afraid that Prince Ning will think I have ulterior motives."

Guo Shifeng breathed a sigh of relief again, "I see, I understand what Mr. Xu is worried about. He is now a guest of the King of Liang. He is entrusted by the King of Liang to lead his troops to help defend Xiangyang. Earlier, Mr. Xu also made a promise to the heroes of Xiangyang. , he will definitely find more reinforcements. He is worried that when he talks about the general situation, he will inevitably talk about Xiangyang..."

Ning Baoguan said: "Jiangdong is not stable yet and is threatened by the Sheng family; before Jingzhou is conquered, the Xi family's troops and horses are strong; the eastern capital has just been attached and is in a place of four wars, so it is difficult to say that it is stable. Ning's army is in such a situation, you still want me to go there Xiangyang?”

"What is King Ning asking about?"

"The general trend of the world."

"The general trend lies in Xiangyang."

Ning Baoguan sneered.

Xu Chu said: "That's why I dare not tell. When King Ning asks, I don't want to tell lies, but I don't dare to tell the truth and make King Ning angry."

Ning Baoguan took a deep breath, "I'm not angry, you can tell me."

"Even if Jiangdong is stabilized and Jing and Luo Prefectures fall into King Ning's hands, how long does King Ning think he can hold them?"

"Are you talking about the He Rong people? If I can really capture the three states, I will not give up an inch of land..." Ning Baoguan hesitated for a moment, "At most, I will give up Luozhou. The He Rong people are mostly cavalry, and they will be in the south of the Yangtze River." Lost location."

"Xiangyang is also the city of Jingzhou."

"First, Xiangyang is not in the south of the Yangtze River. Second, Jingzhou has not surrendered to me yet, why should I save it?"

"The heroes of the Central Plains are constantly fighting each other. Does King Ning know the reason?"

"For self-protection, to seize territory."

"Then why, as soon as He Rong's army arrived, all the heroes, regardless of distance or strength, surrendered one after another. Those who were near were driven by him, and those who were far away sent letters of surrender?"

"It's for self-protection," said Ning Baoguan, who was one of the first people to send a letter of surrender.

"It's also for self-protection, why are you willing to submit to a foreign race instead of one of the heroes of the Central Plains?"

"Because all the heroes in the Central Plains are equally powerful, and no one is stronger than He Rongbu."

"Prince Ning hit the mark." Xu Chu held up his hand, picked up the iron chopsticks, and continued to fiddle with the charcoal.

Ning Baoguan already understood Xu Chu's meaning and sat on a small stool, meditating silently.

Guo Shifeng waited for a while and then said, "Can I say something?"

Ning Baoguan nodded.

"What Mr. Xu said is true, but he neglected one thing. If you want to show off your power in the world, you must first have a stable footing. Now that the Sheng family army has been forced to the stone city, things are changing day by day. Even if King Ning defends Xiangyang, it will not help, and he will not be respected by the heroes. ”

"The Sheng family army has not just sent troops south. Why didn't Mr. Guo persuade King Ning to return to defense earlier?"

"Being surrounded by enemies on both sides, we are most afraid of retreating in a hurry. Once we turn around, there will be pursuers behind us, and the morale of our army will be severely damaged."

"Of course, what victory can boost morale more than defeating He Rong?"

Guo Shifeng smiled and shook his head, "Let's not talk about whether we can hold Xiangyang. Even if we are lucky enough to succeed, it will not happen in a moment. It can take as short as a few months or as long as a year. Before the morale of the Ning army has been lifted, Jiangdong has been lost."

"What if the Sheng family retreats and even goes to help defend Xiangyang?"

"Haha, if Mr. Xu can persuade the Sheng family army to retreat..." Guo Shifeng looked at Prince Ning, there were some things he was not qualified to say.

Ning Baoguan said: "If the Sheng family is willing to withdraw, I can indeed consider sending troops to Xiangyang, but it will be an advantage to the Xi family."

Guo Shifeng said: "Once the Xi family stands firm, they will definitely attack Jiangdong."

"The Xi family originally intended to help Xiang Xiang, but I will try to persuade them to prevent them from going eastward."

Guo Shifeng looked at King Ning and said with a smile: "Everyone is going to Xiangyang. King Liang will be like a fish in water in Ji and the two states."

Xu Chu said: "If Prince Ning doesn't want any party to benefit, there is no need to think about the general trend."

Ning Baoguan thought for a long time, "To help defend Xiangyang just to gain a reputation? It's inappropriate, it's very inappropriate. Mr. Xu's comments are completely out of standard."

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