Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 368 Five Items

The sun was setting, and Chang Yanzhi looked at the huge tent that was about to be completed in the distance. His eyes turned and he saw Tian Jiang walking steadily. Tian Jiang was not very tall, nor was he very strong. He was indifferent and not very enthusiastic to anyone, but he was hard to ignore. Even He Rong's soldiers waved to him, as if they were friends who grew up together on the grassland.

Chang Yanzhi suddenly figured it out and whispered, "He is not an ordinary person. Even if he dies, he must die differently. Why should I get involved?"

Tian Jiang approached, and Chang Yanzhi smiled and said, "Tian Zhuangshi, teach me how to make friends with these people outside the Great Wall?"

Tian Jiang turned his head and took a look, and replied, "It's simple. Riding horses, archery, drinking, and wrestling. If you are good at one, you can get their recognition. If you are good at two, you can get praise. If you are good at three, you can get respect. If you are good at four, you can get awe."

"How many are Tian Zhuangshi good at?"


"Why is there one more?"

Tian Jiang smiled Smiled, "Be willing to spend money, this is applicable everywhere."

Chang Yanzhi laughed, "With this one thing, the other four are icing on the cake. But I didn't see Tian Zhuangshi bring a box here."

"It's troublesome to bring a box, and my money is in other people's hands."

Tian Jiang entered the account. Chang Yanzhi didn't quite understand, but he didn't want to ask anymore. Looking at the people coming and going, thinking about the "five things" that Tian Jiang said, he found that he was not good at any of them. He loved to drink, but his alcohol tolerance was average. He didn't dare to compete with He Rongren, so he smiled at a few servants, thinking that being approachable could also be considered one.

The servants looked away and didn't even smile in response.

In the tent, Tian Jian said to Xu Chu: "Old Shan Yu died of illness, but there are indeed rumors that he was poisoned. It was once very popular, but after the new Shan Yu was selected, fewer people started talking about it."

Xu Chu was a little surprised, "Tian Zhuangshi found out? How come... you have friends in the camp?"

"I guess they are acquaintances." Tian Jian sat down, "I have to thank Madam Feng, she bribed the guards for me in Yecheng, and after she succeeded, she said, 'Since He Rong also loves money, bribe a few more, maybe they will be useful someday', so she bribed many people around He Rong Pingshan and attributed all the credit to me."

Xu Chu smiled and said, "Mrs. Feng is far-sighted."

"Was it Master Xu who gave her the idea?"

"I only said I would bribe the guards, but I didn't know she would do such a big thing - it seems that Mrs. Feng really wants to keep you safe."

Tian Jian did not respond to this, and continued, "It was with the help and acquiescence of these people that I took the princess and fled to Yuyang. I made some arrangements at the time to let He Rongpingshan think that I escaped by my own ability, so he didn't know about it all the time, but just blamed the guards for being lax and whipped a group of people."

"Chanyu and Pingshan must have regarded you as a half-immortal." Xu Chu smiled.

Tian Jiang moved his mouth, "Here, they dare not act familiar with me, let alone let me escape, but they are willing to introduce some new friends to me and bribe them for me."

Xu Chu was stunned, "This is a deep friendship."

"They owe me money, so this is considered repayment."

"Haha, it was obviously Mrs. Feng who bribed, how come they owed you money in the end?"

Tian Jiang made a dice-rolling gesture without further explanation.

"I admire you." Xu Chu smiled and thought for a moment, "After the death of the old Chanyu, He Rong Qiangbi was not suspected too much?"

"If the successors of the old Chanyu were ranked, Qiangbi would probably be ranked seventh or eighth, almost hopeless. After the death of the old Chanyu, everyone pointed their spearheads at the three kings who were most likely to succeed the throne. The three kings also blamed each other and were willing to split up to decide the victory on the battlefield. This is a common thing for He Rong's tribe. It takes six or seven months at least and more than ten years at most. Once the chaos outside the Great Wall is worse than in the Central Plains."

"Someone came out to stop the chaos."

"It was this new Chanyu. He persuaded all parties to stop fighting and work together to go south. Taking advantage of the chaos in the Central Plains, he seized the world. He succeeded. The kings of He Rong unanimously recommended him as the new Chanyu. Only one tribe was dissatisfied. He Rong Qiangbi went there alone, first with courtesy and then with force, to persuade No, he killed the king in public and conquered the whole clan by himself - I doubt this, but He Rong's people did say so, and they also said that when He Rong Qiangbi killed people, lightning fell from the sky and helped him knock down the king's flag. "

Xu Chu nodded and said: "Qiangbi's ability to stand out is by no means a fluke."

"As soon as he took office, he immediately prepared to go south to the border. Everyone was busy and forgot about the old Chanyu and his cause of death. So, it is not easy for Master Xu to take advantage of this matter."

"He Rong's tribe is going smoothly. Once they encounter setbacks, the old Chanyu will be remembered again."

"I hope we can wait until that day. Tomorrow, Emperor Tiancheng will come to the camp in person, and Qiangbi Chanyu's reputation will be at its peak."

Xu Chu smiled and thought about the new news brought by Tian Jiang. He felt that it was very useful, but it was not useful at this moment.

Chang Yanzhi came in, "He Rong Pingshan sent someone to invite you over again - the sun is about to set."

Xu Chu stood up and said to Tian Jiang: "Pingshan is not the best choice, but the situation is urgent, so we have to use him first. Later, please let Tian Zhuangshi let me speak first. If I can't speak, I will use Tian Zhuangshi's method."

Tian Jiang never said that he had other methods, but he did not deny it at this time, and hummed.

Xu Chu said to Chang Yanzhi: "You stay and wait for news."

"Let me do something."

"Well... the Shen family shouldn't just send Zhou Yuanbin here alone. If you have a chance, you can look for him in the camp. You don't have to be deliberate. It's good to find him. If you can't find him, it won't affect the current situation."

"Okay." Chang Yan responded solemnly, thinking about the "five things" Tian Jiang said, hoping to find the "one thing" he was good at.

He Rongpingshan received the two men in his tent. He was still wearing the old robe of a servant. On both sides stood eight real servants in the same attire, holding bows and arrows for him. No one looked at the Tianjiang, beside the master. , they can’t hold others in their eyes.

The two of them still didn't kneel down and didn't even bow their hands.

He Rongpingshan glanced at it, and when he spoke, his tone was gentler than ever before, "There is a saying called 'preconception'. I think this is my problem. I have preconceptions about the two of you, which has caused many misunderstandings. continues to this day.”

Xu Chu smiled and said, "Are you apologizing?"

He Rongpingshan's tone was slightly harsh, "I'm not apologizing, I'm just explaining clearly why we got to this point when we had no grudges."

"Because Shanyu has given you a difficult problem."

"It has nothing to do with Shan Yu." He Rongpingshan became even more stern, "I explained the matter clearly not to make you surrender to me. The matter has reached this point and is irreversible. I understand both of you and know this matter. It can never happen. There is only one thing that makes me regretful. I betrayed Shan Yu's trust and could not satisfy him."

One servant brought a short bow, and another brought arrows.

He Rongpingshan took it in his hand, but did not pull the string immediately and asked: "Who goes first?"

Xu Chu said: "Me, but please allow me to say a few words first."

He Rongpingshan nodded.

"What the Chan Yu said in public must not be violated. After shooting me and two of you, you will be demoted to a soldier. But by fighting bravely, you can gradually regain the throne, but you cannot regain the trust of the Chan Yu. Because the Chan Yu needs He is not a strong general, but..."

Someone broke in and interrupted Xu Chu's words, "Fortunately, I arrived in time."

"Why are you here? I won't listen to your plea." He Rongpingshan said coldly.

Zhou Yuanbin walked past Xu Chu and Tian Jiang, came to the master, and said with a smile: "It's not a plea, it's an exchange."

"Exchange for what?" He Rongpingshan looked confused.

"Exchange these two men for a thousand sheep and a hundred horses."

He Rongpingshan frowned and said, "You should understand how important these two people are to me, and am I short of horses and sheep?"

"There is no shortage, but the more the merrier. And I don't want the lives of these two people. I just want ten more days. The so-called three-day period was set by King Zuo Shenwei himself. Shan Yu didn't force it, right?"

"The deadline I set cannot be violated either."

"Of course, of course." Zhou Yuanbin was very familiar with He Rongpingshan. He pulled him away for a few steps, talked in a low voice, and finally said: "Five days...three days is fine. Just treat it as a favor, okay?"

He Rongpingshan glanced at the two people at the door, and then at the bow and arrow in his hand, "What use do you want them for?"

"Actually, I don't care about their life or death. It's the King of Jin. The King of Jin and Xu Chu are sworn brothers, and they have some friendship with Tian Jiang. When I heard that the two of them were here, I specially sent a letter to ask me to save them first no matter what. For human life, he will come soon and plead with Shanyu in person. "

"Hey, the decision Shanyu makes will never change."

"That's right, but Prince Jin has to give it a try in order to have a clear conscience. In three days, Prince Jin will probably be able to arrive. If it's a day or two late..."

"Even three days, not even one hour more." He Rongpingshan threw away his bow and arrows and strode away, as if this was not his tent, followed closely by many servants.

Zhou Yuanbin turned around and said with a smile: "What a risk. It will continue for three more days. Let's go and celebrate at my place."

Tianjiang knew that he was a "little guy" and said, "Thank you very much. I have something to do, so I won't bother you anymore and I'll take my leave."

Tian Jiang walked out of the tent and Zhou Yuanbin asked, "What's wrong with this man?"

"He doesn't want to interfere with our private conversation."

Zhou Yuanbin's expression changed slightly, "Master Xu didn't tell him..."

Xu Chu shook his head and lied frankly: "Of course not."

"I don't think so." Zhou Yuanbin smiled again, "Go and talk to me."

Zhou Yuanbin's tent is not very big, does not have many blankets, is fully equipped with tables and chairs, and is decorated more like a Central Plains house.

There were no outsiders in the tent, Xu Chu said: "Has the palace figured it out?"

Zhou Yuanbin asked Xu Chu to sit down and said seriously: "The middle palace has nothing to do with this matter, and King Jin did not write a letter. I decided to save Mr. Xu's life."

"Thank you even more."

"There is no need to thank me. Let's talk about the death of old Shanyu first. What does Mr. Xu know?"

"What worries does Zhou Canjun have?"

Zhou Yuanbin stood up, walked to the door and took a look to make sure no one was eavesdropping. He turned back and said, "I have been ordered by King Jin to win the support of the He Rong tribe for the Shen family. All the Shen and Zhou families who married outside the Great Wall My daughters, as well as their children and grandchildren, should help me.”

"Indeed it should."

"Especially Seventh Sister. If the Chanyu obeys her advice and gets her help, great things will happen."

"That's right."

"But I have heard some rumors in the past two days..." Zhou Yuanbin glanced at the door again, "It is said that Seventh Sister actually persuaded Shanyu to accept Yecheng as an ally. There must be something fishy in it, and Mr. Xu must know something."

Xu Chu no longer had any doubts in his heart, and already understood the cause and effect.

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