Xu Chu smiled, but Chang Yan was confused, "Sir, what Shanyu said was 'kill as you please'."

"But only after He Rongpingshan makes us surrender, so Tian Jiang and I just don't bow our heads."

Chang Yan thought for a while, "Chanyu said that there are two kinds of heroes. What if the Barbarian King chooses the latter? Then there is no need to make anyone surrender, he can just kill him. Anyway, there are many people who are willing to kneel to him, even if Those are the weak ones."

Xu Chu smiled and said: "Then the two of us really have no way to survive."

Chang Yan sighed and stopped talking.

Tian Jiang neither smiled nor was he confused, "Master Xu really has a plan, right? He Rongpingshan has been humiliated one after another. He may not be willing to be a hero who is 'above others' again."

Before Xu Chu could answer, someone came to invite him to a banquet.

Tian Jiang and Chang Yan's status was too low and they were not invited.

The banquet was held in a large tent, with nearly a hundred people attending, mostly men. Several female slaves shuttled between them, but the eldest wife and other ladies did not show up.

He Rong people like banquets, and Strong Arm Shanyu especially likes them. Tonight's banquet has a small purpose, to show the "distinguished guests" to the adults of the tribe - the younger brother of Emperor Tiancheng and the King of Wu.

The emperor's younger brother was a boy in his teens. He had never experienced such a scene. He was so frightened that he sat there blankly, like a guard dog abandoned by his owner.

The more dull he looked, the more curious the He Rong people in the tent became about him. They came over with wine bowls or wine bags to check and said something disdainfully. Some even offered wine to him, but when he saw that he refused to accept it, His expression became more and more disdainful, and occasionally someone would speak the Central Plains dialect and say unceremoniously: "Beyond the Great Wall, children younger than this can also ride horses, shoot arrows, drink wine, and wrestle. What do you know?"

The emperor's younger brother shivered.

Xu Chu sat next to him and accepted the "show" together. He didn't care much and was not afraid. He said to the questioner on behalf of the little emperor brother: "Children in the Central Plains can read and write."

The questioner raised his head and took a big sip of wine, "Reading makes people stupid, writing makes people weak. No wonder you are so weak..."

Xu Chu grabbed the wine bag and took a big gulp, "Although we are weak, we can hold the Central Plains and have never been taken away by outsiders."

"Aren't we here now?"

“It comes and goes, no surprise.”

"We're not leaving this time!"

"The time has not yet come."

"Ha, your tone is harsh. Let's see if you have real ability."

He Rongren's real skill is drinking.

Xu Chu had never drunk so much wine before, and he was finally defeated. He leaned over and vomited, soiling the blanket, and arousing ridicule.

Slowly, no one paid attention to the emperor's brother and King Wu anymore. The two sat in the corner, facing a group of dancing drunkards, silently in a daze.

"Xu... Young Master Xu." The emperor's younger brother spoke for the first time, his voice almost inaudible.

"Huh?" Xu Chu was so drunk that he could barely hear the voices around him.

"Thank you."

The voice was even softer. Xu Chu could only guess the two words by looking at the shape of his mouth. He smiled and said after a while: "We have never met."

The emperor's brother shook his head, "But I've heard of it..."

Another Lord He Rongbu staggered over and picked up the emperor's brother, "Come, follow me to see the Shanyu. As a guest, you must know some etiquette."

The man glanced at Xu Chu, obviously feeling that he was hopeless, and did not force him to "know some etiquette."

The emperor's younger brother knelt down in front of the Chanyu, followed the instructions of the people around him, and muttered a few words in He Rong language that he didn't understand at all. The people in the tent were stimulated by this scene and cheered in unison, as if they had just been on the battlefield. Win a big victory.

The strong-armed Shanyu also enjoyed it very much. He dragged the emperor's younger brother to his side, held his hand, and spoke many impassioned words to the crowd, which also attracted bursts of cheers.

The little emperor brother couldn't understand a word, but gradually he felt at ease, his face became less pale, and he even showed a smile. Without anyone's guidance, he suddenly joined the others in cheering, still using a language he didn't understand at all.

The strong-armed Shanyu was even more happy, and even picked up the little emperor's brother and walked around the tent, pausing in front of some important people to introduce him to him.

In the entire tent, Xu Chu was the only one who was left out. Looking at the increasingly happy little emperor, he felt that he really couldn't blame him for anything.

After returning to his residence, Xu Chu fell asleep, and Tian Jiang and Chang Yan, who had been waiting for him, took a rest afterwards.

After sleeping until three o'clock in the morning, Xu Chu felt sore all over his body. He reluctantly sat up and said to Changyan, "In terms of drinking capacity, I have to give in to He Rong."

"Haha, the young master is not known for his ability to drink. Why are you comparing yourself to this?"

Xu Chu shook his head, "Where is Craftsman Tian?"

"He couldn't stay in the tent and went out for a walk."

"He is free, but I can't move around freely."

"Young master, it's okay too. I specifically asked people outside."

"Has He Rongpingshan changed his tactics?"

"Young master, going for a walk will cure your hangover. The He Rong people are setting up a huge tent, which is worth seeing."

"Are we going to hold another banquet? Is He Rong going to use his drinking capacity to seize the Central Plains?"

"It's really a banquet. It is said that the emperor will come tomorrow and bring the little princess with him." Chang Yan looked at Xu Chu. He used to call him "little princess". After Zhang Shiqing's identity changed, he still called him "little princess".

Xu Chu rubbed his face, stood up and went out of the tent.

Not far away stood a huge palace-like tent, around which hundreds of people were making final adjustments.

Xu Chu watched from a distance for a while and strolled around. Sure enough, he was not blocked, but there was always someone following him not far or near.

There was a lively scene in the camp, and it didn't look like there was going to be a war at all.

Xu Chu couldn't find anyone he knew, so he walked around in a large circle and returned to the tent.

Chang Yan buried his head in sorting the items. After a while, he looked up and said, "You can't blame the young master for this."


"The young master was going to meet the Jin army, but he was killed by the dragon that crossed the river and was taken to the He Rong camp. Accidents often happen, and no one can escape them one by one. The young master has no friendship with the people of He Rong, so he can't help the little princess. It can only be said that it is destined by God." Chang Yan glanced at the door and lowered his voice: "Young master, it is better to escape with me. It will be even more uncomfortable to stay here and watch the little princess get married, or if the barbarian king is angry, tonight... ”

"Before sunset... today is the deadline." Xu Chu seemed to have just remembered.

"That's right." Chang Yan came closer, "I discussed with Tian Jiang and he went to explore the way. Later, the young master exchanged clothes with me. I yelled under the quilt and pretended to be sick to attract the attention of outsiders. The young master took the opportunity and bowed his head out of the tent, and escaped with Tian Jiang. "

Xu Chu smiled and said, "What idea did you come up with?"

"I know this is not a good idea. It is very difficult to get through in broad daylight, but there is no way. The Barbarian King cannot wait until dark. Last night... the young master was very drunk, so he had to wait until daytime to act. Fortunately, the camp was relatively chaotic. Or have a chance.”

Xu Chu thought for a while and shook his head, "I can't escape."

Chang Yan said anxiously: "Young Master can't die here in vain."

"I still have one more trick available to me."

"What are the odds of winning? Are they higher than my escape plan?"

"It can't be compared like that."

Chang Yan sighed: "Young Master, you have to admit that things are different now. When you were king, there were at least hundreds of thousands of people at your disposal. Although they were just a mob, in the hands of the Young Master, they could become a powerful force that could be invincible. . What does the young master have in his hands now? It’s just Tian Jiang and me. Tian Zhuangshi has nothing to say, I am also willing to go through fire and water for the young master..."

Xu Chu said firmly: "I can't let anyone go through fire and water for me anymore."

Chang Yan couldn't persuade Xu Chu, so he sighed. When Tian Jiang came in, he said, "Young Master disagrees."

Tian Jiang was not surprised at all, "I guess this is the result."

"Then you are still going to explore the road?"

"It's my habit to explore the way to a new place first." Tian Jiang took off a wine bag from behind his back, took a sip himself, and handed it to Xu Chu. Xu Chu shook his head, and he handed it to Chang Yan.

Chang Yan took it in his hand and took a big sip without giving it back. He took one sip at a time and kept it to himself.

Tian Jiang didn't want to, and said to Xu Chu: "It's really difficult to escape. The He Rong people's camp looks chaotic, but in fact it has its own rules. It's difficult to escape not only during the day, but also at night."

"It's at least worth a try." Chang Yan interjected and continued drinking.

"Besides Zhou Yuanbin, are there any other Shen family members in the camp?" Xu Chu asked.

"The camp is too big. I haven't visited it all, and I haven't seen any other Central Plains people."

A servant came in, glanced at it, and said coldly: "King Zuo Shenwei, please go there."

Xu Chu and Tian Jiang looked at each other, stood up at the same time and responded.

Chang Yan held the wine bag and murmured: "In that case, I'll drink enough first."

He Rongpingshan was wearing an old robe and was shooting arrows in a relatively secluded open space. There were three targets dozens of steps away. They were held in the arms of servants and walked back and forth. This was a dangerous job. They could only hope that their master would Arrows hit a hundred hits.

He Rongpingshan's archery skills were indeed good. His arrows hit the target. After seeing the two guests, he shot two more arrows before stopping. However, the three targets on the opposite side did not dare to stop and were still wandering around.

Neither Xu Chu nor Tian Jiang saluted. He Rongpingshan knew what this meant, chuckled lightly, suddenly bent his bow and nocked an arrow, first aimed at Tian Jiang, and then slowly moved towards Xu Chu, moving back and forth like this, and said coldly : "How long do you think I can endure?"

Xu Chu said: "How long can Shanyu's favor towards you last?"

He Rongpingshan's face turned red, he pulled the bowstring tighter, and when he aimed it at Xu Chu, he held it a little longer.

Tian Jiang said nothing and watched with cold eyes, no fear on his face.

After moving back and forth five times, He Rongpingshan's face became more and more serious, and his arms were shaking slightly. Suddenly, he turned sideways and let go, and the arrow flew away from the string, hitting a target man in the thigh. The man fell The ground screamed, but he only dared to scream. He endured the pain, crawled away, and handed the target to another person.

He Rongpingshan ignored the injured and said angrily to Xu Chu and Tian Jiang: "Before dark - I would rather be an ordinary soldier!" After that, he strode away and threw the bow to his servant.

All the servants followed their master.

Tian Jiang asked: "He cannot be a hero who is 'above others'. He can only force others to live under him - which is not a good thing for you and me."

Xu Chu said: "Old Shan Yu's death must be unusual. As long as we can use this matter, we still have a glimmer of hope."

Tian Jiang raised his eyebrows, not understanding Xu Chu's intention, and did not ask further questions.

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