At dawn, Fan Jianglong took another special look at the prisoner. After confirming that it was really the "King of Wu", he couldn't help but smile up at the sky, "What good deeds did I do in my previous life? God favored me and gave me such a treasure! Haha."

"Why the previous life?" Xu Chu asked.

Fan Jianglong looked over coldly. The person in front of him was slightly different from the "King Wu" in his memory, but his appearance was correct. "Because I have never done any good things in my life, and I don't plan to do anything, so what does King Wu want to advise me?" , please forgive me. No matter what, I will send you to He Rongbu, get a heavy reward, and then watch you be killed, killing two birds with one stone."

"I have abdicated the throne long ago and am no longer the King of Wu."

"When handed over to He Rongbu, you must be the King of Wu." Fan Jianglong yelled, and he patted his horse and ran to the front. From time to time, he heard a loud laugh.

There was a local man among Fan Jianglong's men. He led the way, bypassing Yuyang City and heading straight to the northern border fortress. After a day and night of rushing, they met the first cavalry outside the fortress.

He Rong's troops had already assembled a large army and waited outside the pass for several days before finally persuading the gatekeepers to let them go. More than a thousand vanguard troops were exploring the way. As soon as they saw the soldiers, they surrounded them. Before they could get close, they released a burst of chaos. arrow.

Fan Jianglong's face changed from joy to fear, and he shouted "surrender", but the other party seemed not to understand - or maybe he really didn't understand - and rushed forward anyway.

Fan Jianglong hurriedly ran back with his men.

Dozens of people could not escape the pursuit of thousands of He Rong cavalry, but within three or four miles, they were surrounded by groups and had no way to escape. The good thing was that the enemy no longer fired arrows, but kept shouting.

Fan Jianglong took the lead, and everyone dismounted one after another and placed their weapons on the ground.

Only Xu Chu and Chang Yan were still sitting on the horse. With their hands tied, they could still hold the reins, but it was difficult to dismount.

He Rong's cavalry galloped closer, and the neighing and stampeding sounds of the horses were like thunder coming from the ground.

Fan Jianglong's face was pale. He was really afraid that these people would shoot him indiscriminately. He knelt down on the ground, pointed at Xu Chu, and said loudly: "King Wu! That's King Wu! I sent King Wu here."

The cavalry yelled and scolded, and although they didn't understand it, Fan Jianglong could roughly understand the meaning. He shut his mouth and fell prone on the ground, and everyone under his command also followed suit.

Xu Chu and Chang Yan still couldn't do it, so they could only raise their hands to let the cavalry see the ropes on their wrists.

Finally, a He Rong man who could speak the Central Plains dialect came. After hearing Jiang Long's words, he came to the middle of the team, looked at Xu Chu carefully, and asked: "Are you the King of Wu?"

Xu Chu shook his head, "No, there is no such person as King Wu in the world."

Fan Jianglong shouted: "He is the King of Wu, abdicated..."

With a whoosh, an arrow shot into the ground next to Fanjianglong. Fanjianglong shut up again and sweated all over. He didn't expect He Rongren to be so difficult to deal with.

The cavalry asked: "Are you the former King of Wu, named Mr. Xu?"

"My name is Xu Chu, and everyone calls me 'Mr. Xu'."

The cavalryman frowned and said, "You don't look like King Wu."

"Have you seen me?" Xu Chu smiled.

The cavalryman shook his head, "King Wu, you shouldn't be like this."

"Maybe it's because I have a rope and no soldiers under my command."

The cavalry frowned even more and turned around to ask for instructions. They came back soon and gave orders to everyone. A group of cavalry dismounted and tied up Fan Jianglong and others, but Xu Chu and Chang Yan were released.

"It's not fair. We caught King Wu and specially came to offer it to He Rongbu..." Fan Jianglong wanted to defend himself, but someone tied a rope around his mouth.

The cavalryman said to Xu Chu: "Whether you are the real King of Wu or the fake King of Wu, you must be more honest. I will loosen your bonds and do not allow you to escape."

Xu Chu shook his head, "If you don't want to run away, take me to see who?"

The nobles of the He Rong tribe collectively addressed him as "Your Excellency," but the cavalry refused to answer, "I'll find out soon, if you are really the King of Wu..." The cavalry laughed twice, swatted away and left.

Chang Yan said in a low voice: "Why is he laughing? He seems to have bad intentions. He won't take us to see He Rongpingshan."

"Maybe that's a good thing."

"A good thing? How could it be a good thing? He Rongpingshan hates the young master and wants to kill you first."

"It would be a good thing if He Rongbu could be persuaded to give up the alliance with Bingzhou. As for He Rong Pingshan, let's talk about it after we see it."

Chang Yan was speechless. Although he admired the young master's calmness, he felt that he was too calm. There are blessings in disguise in this world, but this time he could not see the "blessing".

He Rong's vanguard continued to advance and sent hundreds of people to escort the prisoners back.

Although Xu Chu and Chang Yan were still not free, at least their hands and feet were no longer restrained and they could ride forward normally. Fan Jianglong and others were tied together by ropes and dragged by the cavalry to run. They were miserable along the way.

Two hours later, the team stopped, and the captured Jin soldiers fell down one after another. The remaining strength was used to curse Fan Jianglong in a low voice, blaming him for bringing him into such a situation.

Ahead was a large camp with numerous tents and no fences. Teams of cavalry were galloping freely, seemingly without rules, but without any collisions.

Xu Chu and others were left on the edge of the camp. Half an hour later, when it was getting dark, a group of people came. When he saw the leader, Chang Yan immediately said: "It's broken."

He Rongpingshan only met Xu Chu once, and he was so impressed that he looked at him from a distance, turned around and left again.

"What does this mean?" Chang Yan said.

"The new Chanyu has entered the fortress, we have to go see him."

"Ha." Chang Yan's heart sank a little more. Thinking back to the origin of all this, he said, "Young Master should have asked me to draw the sword at that time."

Another group of people came and ordered Xu Chu to go with them, and he was the only one.

Xu Chu smiled at Chang Yan and said: "Withdrawing your sword can drive back a group of enemies, but opening your mouth can drive back an entire country's army."

Chang Yanzhi smiled bitterly and waited until the young master walked away before he said to Fan Jianglong who was sitting on the ground: "Young Master has this ability."

Fan Jianglong said feebly: "I know how to brag. Believe it or not, I can even persuade the gods in the sky to quit? Bah, he is either the King of Wu or a white-faced scholar with no soldiers and generals. Even I can't persuade him. Why?" Want to persuade He Rongbu? Just watch, he will be publicly executed later."

Chang Yan's heart was in a state of confusion. When Fan Jianglong said this, he felt very confident, "Young master is a knife for killing cattle. I won't use it on you."

Fan Jianglong licked his dry lips, "I can see King Wu being killed, so this trip is worth it."

The good luck of the dragon was not over yet. A richly dressed Lord He Rongbu came and ordered to be loosened, and asked: "Did you send King Wu here?"

Fan Jianglong pushed his way to the front, "I brought them here to present the King of Wu to the He Rong tribe. These people are my subordinates."

"Well, you're very good. What reward do you want?"

Fan Jianglong was overjoyed and said, "He Rongbu will give you whatever reward you think King Wu is worth. We won't choose."

"Okay, come with me to receive the reward."

Fan Jianglong glanced at Chang Yan, his pride was palpable, and he led his excited men to follow Mr. He Rongbu to receive the reward. He flattered him in every possible way along the way, but the other party ignored him and refused to even reveal his name.

Chang Yan's heart sank again, and he murmured: "How much blessing does it take to suppress such a great disaster."

Xu Chu was taken to a large tent, which was covered with large and small blankets. Many people were sitting or standing, eating and drinking. There were several women among them. As soon as he came in, everyone looked over. .

Xu Chu saw He Rongpingshan at a glance.

King Zuo Shenwei was in a very embarrassed state, standing like a servant, holding a pottery that was more than a foot tall in both hands. It was unclear whether it contained water or wine. Looks good, and there are a few scars on his face.

The person who can be served by He Rongpingshan is certainly not ordinary.

He was a middle-aged man in his thirties. Mr. He Rongbu was very strong. In comparison, this man looked thinner. He had a full beard and was turning his head to look at the woman beside him.

The woman was about the same age as him, and was feeding two very young children with meat torn into thin strips. The children's faces and clothes were covered with grease, and their mouths were open, waiting for the meat to come in like fledglings. Don't care about anything at all.

Xu Chu was pushed from behind. He took a few steps forward and faced the bearded man in the middle. He knew in his heart that this was Yu He Rong, the new dan of the He Rong tribe. This man had a strange name and little was known about him in the Central Plains.

He Rongqiangji finally turned his head and looked at the guest.

He Rongpingshan said carefully: "He is Wu King Xu Chu."

"Do you recognize me?" He Rongqiang asked, speaking more fluently in Zhongyuan than He Rongpingshan.

"Your Excellency is Shan Yu He Rong's strong arm."

When his name was mentioned, He Rongqiang was not annoyed, "Since you know who I am, why don't you kneel down when you see me?"

"If you are an enemy, I don't want to kneel. If you are a friend, I don't need to kneel."

He Rongqiang smiled, still not angry, and pointed at He Rongpingshan, "King Zuo Shenwei was harmed like this by you."

"I only met He Rongpingshan once and have no contact with him anymore. I don't know how to harm others."

"Your servant, Tian Jiang, escaped twice. There was also Tiancheng's princess, who was supposed to marry King Zuo Shenwei, but also escaped, all under your instructions."

"Tianjiao is not my servant. I said nothing when he was captured, and his escape was not ordered by me. As for Princess Fangde - I don't know why she escaped or how she escaped, but I know that she and He Rong Pingshan is not worthy.”

"Who doesn't deserve whom?"

"He Rongpingshan is not worthy of Princess Fangde."

He Rong strengthened his arms and laughed, and He Rong Pingshan glanced at him with two angry looks.

"I heard that the princess was your wife before?"

"I paid homage, but it doesn't count. She doesn't admit it, and neither do I."

"Then you still speak for her."

Xu Chu bowed his hands and saluted for the first time after entering the account, "I don't speak for Princess Fangde, I speak for Shanyu and Yecheng. Since ancient times, marriages are based on the name of the family. The princess of the Central Plains must marry the lord beyond the wall. I don't know He Rongpingshan What are his plans for the future, but his current status is not worthy of a princess."

He Rongpingshan's face changed slightly, and when he was about to speak to defend himself, he glanced at Shanyu and did not dare to speak.

"Do you think the princess should marry me?"

"If you must marry outside the Great Wall."

He Rongpingshan turned to the woman beside him and said, "Someone advised me to get a new wife."

The woman glanced at Xu Chu quickly and continued to feed the two children, "There are many such treacherous people in the Central Plains who rely on their words to deceive their masters and alienate their monarchs and ministers. Such people are called counselors, also known as counselors." Lobbyist. This person is not the king of Wu, but a lobbyist. His intention is not with the princess, nor with the king of Zuo Shenwei. If he continues, he will definitely persuade Shanyu and Bingzhou to break up."

Xu Chu understood that the woman must be from the Shen family and was a powerful opponent.

He Rongqiang's face darkened, and he raised his right hand, "The sky has sent me a good omen. On the first day after entering the fortress, I will be the king of the Central Plains. I want to return the gift and thank the sky."

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