Seeing a group of cavalry approaching quickly in front, Chang Yanzhi drew his sword, "Sir, I can only hold them off for a short while, run on your own."

"Put away the sword, I have my own way to deal with it."

Chang Yanzhi reluctantly sheathed his sword. After all, he was a soldier. Seeing the hostile enemy soldiers rushing towards him with swords and guns, his heart was hanging high, like an old gambler who always wanted to reach out and grab the dice when he saw them.

The cavalry drove closer and was a little surprised by the two strangers who did not hide or flee. The officer shouted: "Who are you? Where are you going?"

"Spies sent by Yuyang to check the movements of the Bingzhou army." Xu Chu replied.

Chang Yanzhi and the cavalry were all stunned.

Half an hour later, the two captives, whose luggage had been plundered and whose hands were tied, followed the cavalry on foot. While taking a short break, Chang Yanzhi whispered, "Is this the master's method? It's really useful."

Xu Chu smiled bitterly, "I thought they would let us ride horses, but I didn't expect it to be walking."

"There must be a reason for the master to do this, right?" Chang Yanzhi urgently needed to rebuild his confidence.

Xu Chu glanced at the people who were drinking water and feeding horses, "These people don't look like regular Bingzhou soldiers. It's better to wait until we get to the camp before revealing their true identities."

Chang Yanzhi nodded in agreement. He was in contact with the Jin army almost every day in Dongdu, and knew that those people paid more attention to their appearance. Their weapons and armor were always the best among all the armies, even compared with the officers and soldiers outside the city, they had their own strengths and weaknesses.

The weapons and armor of these cavalrymen in front of him were obviously old. I don't know how long they have been stored in the arsenal. The horses were also a little weak, like animals doing hard work in the homes of ordinary people.

"Their faces are not too fierce." Chang Yanzhi said, comforting himself.

Xu Chu smiled. There were quite a few soldiers with thick faces, not looking like good people.

Several soldiers searched the packages. Every time they found a valuable item, they would cheer and attract other companions to come and watch.

Chang Yanzhi could no longer deceive himself and whispered, "Are these people bandits recruited by the Jin army? It doesn't matter. The King of Jin is strict in his military discipline and will definitely be able to..."

The officer led his men to stride over, and Chang Yanzhi shut up.

The officer stood in front of the two captives, looked at them one by one, and finally his eyes fell on Xu Chu, "I saw it early in the morning. You are a pretty boy, not a spy."

"There are many kinds of spies..."

"Shut up, what spy carries so much silver and money?" The officer picked up the small package in his hand and shook it gently, and there was a rustling sound inside.

Xu Chu had never checked his luggage, so he didn't know how much money was in it. He smiled and said, "To be honest, this is my own money. In the midst of the chaos, I wanted to take advantage of being a spy to find a place to hide it, but I didn't expect to meet you first. Needless to say, this money is yours from now on." The officer sneered and stuffed the small package into his arms, "You are smart. What will you say when you see the boss?" "I am a spy, so of course I will only talk about Yuyang. I guess the 'boss' doesn't care about my family's private affairs. After the 'boss' interrogation, maybe they will let us go back to Yuyang to pass on the message. That's enough." The officer smiled and said, "It seems that you are often a spy." When they set off again, Xu Chu and Chang Yanzhi were finally able to get on the horse, with their hands tied in front of them and holding the reins. Before dark, they came to a small camp hidden in the valley. Although Jin flags were erected everywhere, there was some chaos in the camp. The riders were running around, and those who were almost hit cursed, and the knights laughed loudly. No matter how you look at it, this place looks like a bandit's den.

Chang Yanzhi was a little frightened and whispered, "No, where did these bandits come from in the Jin army?"

"Maybe they are short of people." Xu Chu said.

The officer came over and said, "If you are lucky, you will be sent back to Yuyang at that time. If you are unlucky, you will be sent to the camp tomorrow. Answer carefully, understand?"

The two were taken to a corner of the camp and tied to a wooden stake with their backs.

It was getting dark, and no one sent food and water. Chang Yanzhi said, "I think you might as well tell me your true identity."

"Let's see who the 'boss' is. If he is a real general of the Jin army, I will tell him the truth."

"Yes, it just rained here, and there is mud under my feet. If I stand like this all night, my feet will be soaked. I am fine, but you can't stand it. Ah... someone is coming."

A team of torches gradually approached, and the military boots stepped on the mud, making a loud noise.

A young general stopped in front of Xu Chu, and his armor and expression showed that he was a real Jin general.

The young general had a gloomy face, "How many soldiers are there in Yuyang? Who is the garrison commander? Why open the city gate?"

"Yuyang has 30,000 soldiers, and the garrison commander is General Yang Tongcai of the Left Wuhou. Open the city gate..."

"Ha!" The young general's laughter interrupted the spy, "Do you think I don't know anything? Yang Tongcai is now in Qinzhou, leading the Jizhou army, thousands of miles away from here."

"This general doesn't know that General Yang has returned to Jizhou and just arrived in Yuyang yesterday."

"How is that possible?" the young general blurted out.

"This... I don't know the details, but I recognize General Yang. He must have been the one who entered the city yesterday. I thought at that time that Yuyang could be saved this time..."

"Yang Tongcai is incompetent and can't save Yuyang."

"I don't know whether General Yang is capable or not, but I think General Yang will not come to Yuyang alone. He may have a large army following him."

The young general's expression changed slightly, and he thought for a while, "Go call Fanjianglong and ask him to send the spy to the camp immediately."

"Yes." Someone answered, and the young general turned and left, holding his head high and trying not to look at the chaos in the camp.

There was no one around, so Chang Yan said: "Did he just say that he was crossing the river dragon?"

"It seems like, what's wrong?"

"Master, have you forgotten?"

Xu Chu suddenly remembered that when he led the Wu people to guard Runan City, there was a leader under his command named Fan Jianglong.

Fan Jianglong once participated in the assassination of Xu Chu. After the failure, he fled.

"Could it be him? He is from Wu and should have fled back to Jiangdong."

"It should be that Fan Jianglong is a nickname, and many people call it it."

The two felt a little relieved.

Chang Yan said again: "Master, why don't you tell the truth to this young general?"

"He can't control the people in the camp."

Not long after, another person came from a distance. One of them had a loud voice and was cursing as he walked. He was not afraid of being heard. "What a bullshit general, he is just a young boy. Just because his surname is Shen, he dares to point fingers at me." The heroes from all sides are defecting to King Jin, not the children of King Jin’s family.”

Someone advised: "Okay, you have to be a soldier. Since you are a soldier, you have to obey the orders from above. We are not heroes. We have no choice but to make a living."

Fan Jianglong cursed again, "As soon as the Incarnation Army arrives, I will be the first to defect to them."

Xu Chu and Chang Yan were back to back, otherwise, they would have looked at each other in confusion now, because from the sound of the voice, it was indeed the Fan Jianglong they knew.

Chang Yan had known Fan Jianglong for a long time, and he immediately recognized the man's voice and whispered: "Master, don't speak, let me deal with it."

"You are right, I should reveal my true identity to that young general."

"Fan Jiang Long is really making trouble. The young general really can't suppress it. Young Master bows his head."

Fan Jianglong led his men to the front, without looking at anyone. He stood there cursing, and asked his men to untie the captives and put them on horseback, with his hands still bound.

Fan Jianglong was originally an important leader, but now he only has about thirty people left. They all followed him out of the camp and escorted the prisoners to the main camp.

Less than twenty miles out of the camp, Fan Jianglong sent an order to rest, and specifically ordered the prisoners to be tied together to prevent escape.

Fan Jianglong was born as a water bandit, and he couldn't change his old habit. He gathered people to drink as soon as he got on his horse, and didn't send anyone to look out. He was going to be on the road soon anyway, and no one had been in this area for a long time.

"Fortunately, he didn't recognize it." Chang Yan whispered, breathing a little relieved.

But he felt relieved too early. Fan Jianglong came up alone, carrying a knife in one hand and a wine bag in the other. He came to Chang Yan and kicked him gently, "Do you want to drink?"

Chang Yan lowered his head as much as possible and said vaguely: "I won't drink." He hoped that with the cover of the night, he would not be recognized.

Fan Jianglong raised the wine bag, took a sip himself, slapped the prisoner's face twice with the blade of his sword, and said with a smile: "Why, you don't recognize me? At least we all got to know each other. At the beginning, the people in Jiangdong were not willing to follow the seven tribes. , as long as we are willing, it can be considered a bit of friendship. "

Chang Yan couldn't help it, so he raised his head and looked for a while, then smiled and said, "It turns out to be you. Forgive me for my poor eyesight, I didn't recognize it at first."

"I don't blame you, I didn't recognize you either. A brother said he looked familiar to you, but I still didn't believe it. What are the children of the seven tribes doing here? Aren't you following King Wu to conquer the world? How much territory have you seized now? Have Jiangdong been recaptured? ?”

"Brother Fan is joking, King Wu has abdicated long ago."

"Who is your brother Fan? Call me Fan Jianglong."

"Fan Jianglong, I have never offended you, and I can't do it..."

"Bah, all the people who followed King Wu offended me. I heard that he abdicated and hid in Yecheng. When I followed the Jin army southward, the first thing I did was to take King Wu out, chop off his head with a knife, and replace Qianjin Scale them for revenge."

Xu Chu lowered his head, and now he really regretted not telling the truth to the young general in the camp.

When Chang Yan saw that Fan Jianglong did not recognize Xu Chu, he felt relieved and said with a smile: "It's not that I underestimate you. Judging from your appearance, you are just a small leader in the Jin army. If we really attack Ye City, it won't be your turn." Kill the King of Wu. The King of Jin and the King of Wu are sworn brothers. He gave an order not to touch the King of Wu. How dare you disobey him?"

"Why don't you dare? I, the King of Heaven, can't control me." Fan Jianglong looked at Chang Yan again, "I really want to stab you to death. What are you doing here?"

Chang Yan is not as good at lying as Xu Chu, "I, can't I travel around the world?"

"Ha, you? Traveling around the world? You don't go to so many good places, and you have to be brave to go to a place without fighting. To be honest, I am not a brat of the Shen family. It's not that easy to deceive me. Who is this person? ? Is he also a descendant of the Seven Clans? "Why don't you speak?"

Chang Yan said hurriedly: "I also come to join King Jin!"

Fan Jianglong ignored him, and only looked at the other person carefully. He felt familiar, but couldn't remember where he had seen him before.

Xu Chu raised his head and said with a smile: "Fan Jianglong, why don't you kneel down and pay homage to your old master?"

Fan Jianglong screamed, took a few steps back, threw away the wine bag in his hand, and crossed his sword in front of him, his expression suddenly changed.

A subordinate said from a distance: "Fan Jianglong, is something okay? If nothing happens, let's get on the road. Get to the camp as early as possible, and we can rest for a while."

Fan Jianglong stared at Xu Chu and said without looking back: "We are not going to the Jin army camp."

"Where to go?"

"Go north to the He Rong Department. We are going to make a fortune."

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