(Thanks to the reader "No Redemption for Drunkenness" for the red tip.)

Princess Huanyan made an incredible decision, but she stood aside silently, as if everything had nothing to do with her.

Ma Wei was a little out of breath. After asking the question, without even waiting for an answer, he started pacing back and forth again, faster and faster. The more he walked, the smaller the tent became, unable to accommodate his pace.

Xu Chu could only look at Guo Shifeng.

Guo Shifeng smiled, as if the whole thing was a joke and not worth taking seriously, but he still whispered: "What the princess means is this: King Liang professed his vassalship to Yecheng, was officially canonized, and guarded Yecheng in the name of Tiancheng King Liang , serve the Empress Dowager, and the princess will accompany the emperor on his own expedition. "

"Personally conquering Bingzhou?"

"No, he will conquer Yuyang himself. The emperor will win the support of the He Rong tribe in Yuyang, and then march north and south with the king of Liang to attack Bingzhou together. After success, the emperor will stay in Jinyang and will not return to Yecheng, but will send people Take away the Empress Dowager, and Prince Liang will keep the entire Jizhou."

"Can the emperor convince He Rongbu to abandon the Shen family?"

"The princess said that it was her business and she had her own way."

"Where are Prince Ning and the Sheng family?"

Guo Shifeng was called here, which means that part of Princess Huanyan's overall plan is related to Jiangdong. "The princess said that if King Ning can defeat the Sheng family, he can occupy Huaizhou and also be canonized."

Guo Shifeng laughed at this, turned to look at the princess, and shook his head gently, "Although the princess thinks highly of him, Prince Ning is not yet capable of competing with the heroes..."

Xu Chu said: "King Ning has this ability. Not only does he have it, he may have already sent troops."

Guo Shifeng laughed again, "No wonder the princess insisted on calling Mr. Xu in."

Xu Chu smiled and said: "Mr. Guo also sometimes gets confused by the authorities. Please think about it carefully, Mr. Ning, King Ning occupies Jiangdong..."

"Mr. Xu's first sentence was wrong. King Ning did not occupy Jiangdong. There are still a large number of counties and counties that support their own troops or surrender and then rebel. It will still take a long time to solve these troubles."

"Let's assume for now, if King Ning has occupied Jiangdong -" Xu Chu waited for a while, and seeing that Guo Shifeng didn't object anymore, he continued: "We have to solve the problem of 'neighbors'. Wuzhou is connected to Jingzhou to the west and Jingzhou to the north. Huaizhou is also adjacent to Luozhou, but King Liang has decided to move north to Yecheng, so King Ning's only powerful neighbors are Xi and Sheng. Coincidentally, these two families originally sent large armies to Qinzhou to quell the rebellion. According to what I know, the Xi family in Jingzhou retreated thousands of miles and even gave up the part of Hanzhou they had captured, and wanted to return to their hometown as soon as possible. However, the Sheng family here lent their army to King Liang. Jingzhou has been prepared, but Huaizhou is empty. If King Ning wants to expand, which side will he choose? "

"There is also Luozhou. With the absence of King Liang, the eastern capital is even more empty." Guo Shifeng said.

"The Eastern Capital is where the strong live. If the weak get it, it will bring disaster. Prince Ning should understand this."

Guo Shifeng shook his head, "Mr. Xu's speculation is impeccable. The only thing is that your initial assumption does not exist. Prince Ning is busy conquering Wuzhou counties and there is no accidental expansion."


"That's true."

Xu Chu turned to Princess Huanyan in the distance, "I'm afraid the princess has found the wrong person. Mr. Guo is not involved in Prince Ning's plan."

Princess Huanyan said: "Maybe Mr. Guo hid it well."

Xu Chu shook his head, "I don't think so. If you want to take something, you must give it first. King Ning sent Mr. Guo to appease Huaizhou and King Liang, and persuaded the two families to attack Jizhou north. This is exactly what is called 'giving'. Ning In order to prevent the flaw from being exposed, the king deliberately concealed the "taken" part. He first gained the trust of Mr. Guo before he could gain the trust of the Sheng family and the King of Liang. "

"Nonsense." Guo Shifeng laughed, not bothering to refute.

Princess Huanyan thought for a while, "Mr. Xu is right, Mr. Guo did not know about it. This is a bit troublesome. Prince Ning will definitely accept my suggestion, but sending someone to Jiangdong will take a long time. In the middle With Huaizhou just across the way, we may not be able to make the trip..."

Guo Shifeng said: "You two don't have to sing in harmony, Prince Ning..."

Ma Wei, who had been silent for a while, suddenly strode over and said, "Prince Ning is indeed planning to attack Huaizhou, and perhaps Dongdu."

Guo Shifeng smiled bitterly and said: "Prince Liang, don't be fooled, these two..."

Ma Wei said seriously: "I don't care what they say, I only care about you."


"You, Guo Shifeng, claim to be ups and downs in the world, but in fact you just follow the wind and confuse others with your beautiful words."

"The one who knows me is the King of Liang. But this time I am on an envoy..."

Ma Wei raised his right hand to indicate that he had not finished speaking, "But Brother Guo is indeed a rare talent. If I were the King of Liang, or you were under my account, how would I use you?"

Ma Wei leaned back slightly and stared at Guo Shifeng, looking up and down.

"Since King Liang said that I am a 'rare talent', he must be able to put it to good use and let me display it to my heart's content." Guo Shifeng said with a smile.

Ma Wei said coldly: "Of course, I will send you to confuse the heroes and make them believe that I have no ambition at all. I just want to occupy a state, and then take advantage of it and destroy it in one fell swoop. This is exactly what King Ning is doing. ”

Guo Shifeng was about to speak when he was stopped by Ma Wei, "Brother Guo, there is no need to explain. Mr. Xu is right. Maybe King Ning really didn't tell you the truth. Hey, who is King Ning? He instigated the two states to work hard for an expedition, but only for a moment." An Xian? We all know each other well. Ning Baoguan is ruthless and unparalleled. He must have a plan for spending so much money. "

"Wuzhou is not at peace, Prince Ning really has no energy left..."

But the more Ma Wei thought about it, the more reasonable he felt, "Those who support their own troops in Jiangdong are all small fish and shrimps, and they are not worthy of being suppressed by King Ning one by one. He must concentrate all his efforts on attacking the big fish and defeating the Sheng family, which will not only expand the land and the people" , It can still command the power in all directions. When the time comes, it will turn around and go south, and Jiangdong counties will naturally look forward to the wind. "

Guo Shifeng was speechless.

Ma Wei said to Princess Huanyan: "After King Ning captured Huaizhou, didn't he connect it to my Jizhou?"

The king of Liang regarded Jizhou as his own.

Princess Huanyan said: "Well, I can't guarantee anything to Prince Ning, but if Prince Ning is willing to accept the imperial canonization, he will be the king of the same dynasty as Prince Liang. The world is vast enough for the two kings to ride, but I really can't make a guarantee."

Ning Baoguan is an extremely difficult person to predict. Even when Yecheng was at its strongest, there was no way to restrict him. Ma Wei did not force anyone to do anything, and said to Guo Shifeng: "Brother Guo must return to Jiangdong as soon as possible."

Guo Shifeng was shocked, "Prince Liang really...won't be convinced by the two of them like this, right?"

Ma Wei's face darkened, "I'm not stupid enough to need to be convinced. Everything is obvious. I was a little confused before, but now I think clearly. Brother Guo doesn't need to think clearly. Go back to Jiangdong as soon as possible and explain this to King Ning. Considering the situation at hand, it would be best if he wants to unite. If he becomes the Guan Du King and just wants to compete with the heroes on his own, please let Brother Guo tell King Ning that Huaizhou belongs to him, but the Eastern Capital does not. Mine, anyone who touches Dongdu is an enemy of me.”

Ma Wei's ambitions have grown so much that even Dongdu doesn't want to give up.

Guo Shifeng was in a terrible state. In terms of eloquence, he thought he was no worse than Xu Chu and Princess Huanyan, or even better. However, King Liang was already moved. The more he spoke at this time, the more he would be regarded as "uninformed." , on the contrary, it is counterproductive.

"Okay." Guo Shifeng didn't want to make a pointless struggle, "I'll go back to Jiangdong and set off at dawn. But if I go back like this, I won't be able to win the trust of Prince Ning. The princess has to send someone to go with me, and Prince Liang had better send someone as well. , at least I can make Prince Ning believe that I’m not talking nonsense.”

Guo Shifeng looked at Xu Chu and said with a smile: "It would be best if Master Xu could go to Jiangdong with us. Master Xu's explanation is worth a thousand words of mine."

Xu Chu said: "I would like to go with Brother Guo. Speaking of which, I also want to go to Jiangdong to see it. After all, it is my mother's homeland..."

Guo Shifeng immediately changed his mind, "There is something wrong. Mr. Xu is not a minister of Yecheng or the King of Liang. He cannot speak on behalf of both parties. It is better to ask the princess and the King of Liang to send someone else."

Guo Shifeng was careless and forgot Xu Chu's special identity. If he brought Xu Chu back to Jiangdong, King Ning might kill them both in a rage.

Ma Wei said: "Pan Kai is my general and my right-hand man. Both King Ning and Brother Guo know him. I sent General Pan as envoy to Jiangdong."

Pan Kai is the most important general of the Liang Army and has always been trusted by the King of Liang. Sending him as an envoy to Jiangdong shows that Ma Wei sincerely agrees with Princess Huanyan's plan.

Guo Shifeng could only say: "If General Pan is with us, half the job is done."

Princess Huanyan on the other side said: "Fei Zhen, Master Fei is also known to Prince Ning, and my plan was discussed with Master Fei. He can go to Jiangdong with Mr. Guo."

Guo Shifeng held up his hands and said, "Please forgive me for being disrespectful. I really don't know what King Ning is thinking, but as long as King Liang takes the lead, King Ning will be willing to follow him. That's it: King Ning takes Huaizhou, King Liang takes Jizhou, and the princess The three families have to work hard to merge the state. As for the future, we will talk about it later. "

Ma Wei said: "There is also Dongdu."

Guo Shifeng smiled and said: "The capital in the east is in the hands of King Liang. Since the three families have joined forces, they will naturally not invade each other. I will set off at dawn, so I have to ask clearly first: When will the emperor go north to conquer in person? When will King Liang enter the city? How to attack the army? Will Zhonghuai explain all this?”

Princess Huanyan said: "The Yecheng army is ready. As long as King Liang gives up the passage, they can leave the city and go north the next day. Within a month, they will transfer from Yuyang to Feihukou and enter Bingzhou. At that time, it will take Liang Wang cooperated from the south."

Ma Wei nodded, "Of course, we must not give Bingzhou a chance to breathe. Tomorrow I will make way for the princess and your Majesty to leave the city. I will lead my troops into the city to pay homage to the Empress Dowager. As for the Huai people in the army, see I won't be too happy to capture Yecheng, so I won't have too many thoughts. I will give them a heavy reward, and then divide them into several groups and send them out to patrol the counties in Jizhou. In short, I will find a way to keep these soldiers. Don't let them return south to Huaizhou to help the Sheng family and become the enemy of King Ning."

Guo Shifeng bowed his hands and left.

Princess Huanyan came from a distance and said to Prince Liang: "There is one last thing."

"Princess, please speak."

"Young Master Xu must follow Your Majesty to the north."

Ma Wei looked at Xu Chu and said, "Master Xu will not surrender to anyone."

Princess Huanyan said: "I understand, but he has been involved in this matter and cannot just leave. He must wait until His Majesty leads his troops into Bingzhou before he can choose where to go."

Ma Wei thought for a while and said, "Let Mr. Xu make his own decision."

Xu Chu also thought for a while, "I have to go to Yuyang. Tian Jian offended He Rongpingshan because of me. I can't ignore it."

Ma Wei was disappointed in his heart, but there was no expression on his face. He lowered his lips and said, "Whatever, you can leave now. Take everyone from Yecheng with you, except Mr. Kou."

Of course, Princess Huanyan would not ask for Kou Daogu again, so she thanked him and left.

A group of people left Liangying on horseback and did not go far. Princess Huanyan ordered the others to go ahead and stopped by the roadside, leaving Xu Chu behind. She was in a hurry and had to ask clearly, "Mr. Xu knows Prince Liang and Prince Ning well. Will they both be convinced?"

"The King of Liang has been persuaded. As for the King of Ning, it doesn't matter what he thinks. Once the situation here changes, he will definitely accept it."

Princess Huanyan smiled slightly, feeling more at ease, and then her face darkened, "Mr. Xu didn't say a word about Fangde. What's the intention?"

"The princess didn't say a word about the King of Xiangdong and the King of Jibei either."

Princess Huanyan laughed and patted her horse to leave, but Xu Chu suddenly slapped his forehead, "I must go back to see the King of Liang."

"What's wrong?"

"There is still some time before dawn. Guo Shifeng stayed in the camp, which will definitely ruin the princess's plan!"

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