Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 356 Consecration

Princess Huanyan actually came to negotiate peace in person. Everyone in the tent was surprised. Ma Wei had never seen her, but he could guess it. He couldn't help but sit up straight in his chair. The warrior guarding the door also noticed something in the silence. Instead of going forward to search him, he stepped back in unison.

Xu Chu also didn't expect it, and was stunned there, a little at a loss.

Gao Shengze was originally a gatekeeper in the palace and recognized Princess Huanyan. When he first saw the Zhang family's descendants, he was horrified. His knees weakened involuntarily and he fell to the ground. He instantly regretted it and did not dare to get up when he thought about it. He was very embarrassed.

Kou Daogu was the calmest person. Although he had just expressed his allegiance to the King of Liang and turned around to see his old master, he did not blush at all. He bowed his hands and was the first to speak, saying calmly: "Kou Daogu pays my respects to the princess."

Princess Huanyan nodded to the accompanying civil servant and motioned for him to stay at the door, and then stepped forward. The four warriors looked at Prince Liang. They did not receive an obvious signal, but they did not dare to step forward to stop him.

Princess Huanyan took a few steps, stopped, and said to Kou Daogu: "I would like to ask Mr. Kou to introduce me to you."

Kou Daogu cupped his hands, then turned around and said: "King Qibing Liang, this..."

"No need." Ma Wei coughed, indicating that he was going to step off the stage to greet the guests.

Gao Shengze, who had always been "in tune" with Prince Liang, didn't react at this time. It wasn't until the cough came for the second time that he suddenly jumped up, ran to the stage like a bereaved dog, and hurriedly took out a stool.

King Liang stepped off the stage and glanced at Gao Shengze. The old man whimpered, filled with fear and shame, and took a few steps back, hiding in the shadows to lick his wounds and prepare to fight again.

When King Liang came, Xu Chu and Kou Daogu stepped aside.

"It's really unexpected that the princess came to discuss peace in person." Prince Liang said with a smile.

"Instead of letting others pass the message, which is a waste of time and makes it difficult to win each other's trust, it is better for me to do it myself and save a lot of trouble."

"Hey, the princess personally entered the enemy's camp and can be called a heroine."

"It would be better for the King of Liang to revive the legacy of his ancestors by himself."

Prince Liang smiled. This was what he loved to hear most, especially when it came from another "hero", "Since the princess is here in person, I won't try to hide it. Let's put it bluntly: three hundred thousand Liang Jun is here. Whether the princess welcomes him or not, I will lead my army into Yecheng within three days. The so-called peace talks are about things after entering the city. "

Princess Huanyan smiled slightly, "Understood, let me put it bluntly: the only thing Yecheng can give to Prince Liang is a pardon."

King Liang laughed loudly.

Princess Huanyan was unmoved and continued: "As a token of gratitude, not as a condition, the imperial court will officially enthrone the Prince of Liang. There will be no shortage of gold, jade certificates, royal clothes, drums and music."

King Liang sneered twice and turned his eyes to Kou Daogu, "What do you think, Mr. Kou?"

This was not asking for opinions, but asking Kou Daogu to make a choice in public. King Liang had seen enough of superficial loyalty, and he wanted a clearer answer.

Kou Daogu hesitated for a moment, then cupped his hands and said, "The crown prince of Jibei was wrongly appointed to the throne, and the throne he conferred is difficult to be recognized by the world. This is so-called false talk."

Prince Liang smiled slightly. This was exactly what he wanted to hear, "Sorry, I cannot accept the princess's kindness."

The leader of the Huanyan group looked at Kou Daogu and said nothing to him, "Please ask King Liang for other people's opinions."

King Liang turned around, glanced at Xu Chu, and said loudly: "Chang Shi!"

The old man ran out from the shadows. After a period of licking, the wound that burst from the sudden sight of the royal descendants had healed. He knelt down and kowtowed to King Liang first, then stood up and said: "Yecheng is already in the palm of King Liang." "What Yecheng can offer is nothing more than surrendering early or surrendering late. Surrendering early may save one's life, but surrendering late will inevitably lead to the loss of the head. The so-called canonization of the throne is not worth mentioning."

King Liang hummed indifferently, forgiving the old man's gaffe just now, and finally asked Xu Chu, "What do you think Mr. Xu?"

“When strong men fight, they will fight for every inch of ground.”

King Liang was a little surprised, "Master Xu also thinks that I shouldn't accept the canonization of Yecheng?"

"On the contrary, I said 'every inch of land must be fought for', which means don't give in even if there is only a little benefit. Nowadays, heroes stand side by side, and there are many kings, all of whom are self-reliant. If the King of Liang is canonized, he will be able to surpass all the kings, even if it is only a little. But this is extremely precious.”

The King of Liang laughed, "Is it more precious than thousands of troops and horses, and the city's food and grass?"

"Thousands of armies and horses can be recruited, and the city's food and grass can be seized. However, the kings with different surnames canonized by the Tiancheng Dynasty are not available just because they want to."

"Hey, as an assassin, Mr. Xu's remarks are a bit against your will, right?"

"At first, I was doing it for myself, but now I am doing it for the King of Liang. It's naturally different."

"For me?" King Liang laughed again.

Kou Daogu on the other end said: "Hasn't Ningbaoguan in Jiangdong been canonized? As long as a large army comes to the city, it doesn't seem to be difficult to get canonized."

King Liang nodded slightly, feeling that Kou Daogu's words were added in time.

Princess Huanyan said: "Ning Baoguan was not canonized. After he surrendered, he was given the title of general. This was still the case until the death of the emperor. The title of Prince Ning was still self-proclaimed. He could not produce the Golden Chamber and Jade Certificate. "

"That's because King Liang thinks that canonization is not important. I agree with him on this point." King Liang sighed softly, "I'm extremely sorry for making the princess travel in vain. I will send someone to escort the princess back to the city. Liang Jun is A king’s army must be honest when attacking a city.”

Princess Huanyan didn't want to leave just like that, "I want to talk to Prince Liang alone."

"Unless the county owner can make an offer that I can't refuse - although I can't think of what it would be, otherwise, there seems to be no need to talk anymore."

"Is King Liang worried about my assassination?"

King Liang laughed twice, knowing that this was a way to provoke the general, but he still nodded and said: "Okay."

This was a clear signal, and the people in the tent exited one after another, with Gao Shengze standing behind.

Before leaving, Xu Chu glanced at Prince Liang and Princess Huanyan, and there was no sign of reconciliation on their faces.

There were many guards outside the tent, and the entourage from Yecheng was also there. They were all surprised when they saw that the princess did not come out. The civil servant appeased everyone, then walked alone to Xu Chu and whispered: "I am the censor, Cheng Dou Mian, thank you very much Xu Chu The young master is willing to help.”

"I am the envoy from Yecheng." Xu Chu said with a smile.

"The envoy from Yecheng may not speak for Yecheng." Dou Mian deliberately raised his voice so that Kou Daogu, who was not far away, could hear him.

Xu Chu unintentionally mocked others and pointed to the tent, "Princess Princess..."

Dou Mian frowned deeply and shook his head: "I don't know what the princess is thinking. To be honest, Yecheng really has nothing to offer except canonization. You can't give up the throne, right?"

The situation was so critical that even Yecheng's own officials no longer evaded speaking.

Xu Chu's heart moved, and he vaguely guessed what Princess Huanyan wanted to bribe Prince Liang, and couldn't help but be surprised and admired.

Dou Mian looked at the tent and murmured in a low voice: "For the sake of Yecheng, the princess is really... Well, how nice would it be if the princess were a prince? Even if it is a prince, it won't be..."

He was embarrassed to say it. Gao Shengze next to him tried his best to distance himself from the Zhang family and said with a smile: "If the princess marries Prince Liang, many problems can be solved easily. Prince Liang will still come to the city, but always It will save some kindness for the princess’s family.”

Dou Mian also had this idea in his heart, but he didn't want to hear outsiders' opinions. He said angrily: "I have been castrated and erect after being tortured. I have nothing to stand on. I have no virtue in my mouth and no shame in my heart."

Gao Shengze blushed and said, "Master Dou, there is no need to show off to me. Once Yecheng is destroyed, the thing you are stepping on may not be able to be saved. You can say goodbye to it in these two days."

The two glared at each other angrily, and Dou Mian went out of the city to negotiate peace. After all, the dwarf did not dare to curse any more, so he lowered his head and walked back to his side.

Gao Shengze sneered and said to Xu Chu: "The world is full of people like this. They will never look back until they hit the wall. Once they turn around, they will surely grovel, even worse than us."

Xu Chu smiled.

"Chang Shi!" King Liang shouted from the tent.

The private negotiation had only been going on for a short while when Gao Shengze was called. He couldn't help being surprised and happy. He hurriedly responded and opened the curtain to enter the tent.

Kou Daogu approached Xu Chu and took the initiative to speak to him for the first time since his mission, "In the past, I was able to control the wind and rain, and everything was under my control. Now I am sitting on my side with my hands tied, and the changes have nothing to do with me. How do you feel?"

Xu Chu smiled slightly, "'s difficult to explain to you, because you have only experienced standing sideways and never mastered everything."

Kou Daogu was not offended by these words, "The King of Liang still has some feelings for you as an old friend, but after what happened tonight, he should wake up and understand who you are loyal to."

Gao Shengze ran out of the tent without speaking to anyone. He left with a serious face, seemingly to summon someone.

Xu Chu said: "Choosing a king is a big deal. Everyone hopes to follow the Ming Lord. I hope you will think carefully and don't rashly vote for a certain king just because you want to be my enemy."

"Don't worry about it."

"Your Excellency is also a person. I can't bear to see you disappear in troubled times."

Kou Daogu sneered, walked away a few steps, and refused to talk to Xu Chu again.

Not long after, Gao Shengze hurried back with one person.

Guo Shifeng's identity was the envoy of King Ning. Although he was concerned about the negotiations between King Liang and Yecheng, he had never had the opportunity to participate. He was very surprised when he was suddenly called. When he saw Xu Chu and others guarding outside the tent, he couldn't help but be even more surprised. He had no time to ask. Stepping into the tent, Gao Shengze stayed outside and did not follow him in.

This conversation lasted longer than everyone expected. Even Gao Shengze and Kou Daogu began to feel strange. What kind of conditions could Princess Huanyan put forward that made King Liang hesitate so much that he even called King Ning's envoy?

Guo Shifeng walked out of the tent, and no one could tell anything from his face.

"Master Xu, please come in."

Gao Shengze was even more shocked. Instead of asking his own people to come in, King Liang continuously summoned outsiders, which was very suspicious. In order to show his heart to protect the Lord, he followed Xu Chu and whispered: "I have to take a look..."

Prince Liang was pacing back and forth in the tent, and Princess Huanyan was standing in the distance, seemingly posing no threat. Gao Shengze hurriedly shrank his head and exited the tent, feeling increasingly confused.

Ma Wei strode towards Xu Chu, stared at him for a while, and after confirming that he didn't know anything, he said, "What do you think about the princess wanting to give up Yecheng and take the emperor to Bingzhou?"

Even though he had already guessed something in his mind, Xu Chu was still shocked when he heard these words.

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