Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 318 Complaints

Zhang Shiyu, the prince of Jibei Province, was also a playful person. He saw a group of people playing polo from a distance. Not feeling the need to play polo, he rode over and said loudly: "My sister made a good shot. Stop and take a rest."

Zhang Shiqing was indeed a little tired, so he called everyone to stop and rode up to the Crown Prince, "Why are you here, brother?"

"Not for you?"

"Humph." Zhang Shiqing's face darkened. She had not yet forgiven her family for their "betrayal."

"Look at you, your face is tanned."

Zhang Shiqing ignored his brother, drove past him, and said to the maid who had just entered the valley: "You came just in time. I have a few things that I couldn't find..."

"Princess..." Binfen cried.

"Why are you crying?" Zhang Shiqing jumped off his horse and dragged Binfen to look for something in his room.

Zhang Shiyu smiled at Chang Yan and said: "General Chang is very good at golf. If he uses his full strength, my sister will never be his opponent."

Chang Yan got off his horse, cupped his hands and said, "I'm just relying on my strength to barely hold on. In terms of playing skills, I'm far inferior to Princess Fangde."

"Haha, you're welcome, General Chang. I also like polo, how about we compete?"

"If you can get advice from the prince, you can't ask for it."

"Okay, you take a break first. I think the venue is big enough. How about we play seven versus seven?"

"It's all up to the prince's arrangement."

Zhang Shiyu turned to the many followers and said: "Look, I said it is not superfluous to bring utensils. Old Liu, you choose five more people, including the two of us, to fight with General Chang later."

The follower "Old Liu" took the order, quickly designated five people, took out the equipment, and prepared to play ball.

Zhang Shiyu was not in a hurry. He dismounted and walked to the study. He smiled at Xu Chu who was standing at the door and said, "Which side will you join, brother-in-law? I can make room for you here."

Xu Chu shook his head, "If your golf skills are crude, you won't be embarrassed."

"My brother-in-law is very resourceful but not very good at playing football. He can use tricks."

"Haha, when manpower is eventually exhausted, there will be times when strategies are useless."

Zhang Shiyu had already walked closer, his face darkened slightly, "You can use it if it doesn't come in handy, but don't transfer it to your own family."

Xu Chu nodded, "I'm lucky about this. I'm alone and don't have any 'family' in this world."

Zhang Shiyu smiled again and walked directly into the study, followed by Xu Chu.

"Brother-in-law, are you angry? Don't believe those rumors. You and my sister are still married to a famous matchmaker. Everyone knows it. Nothing can change this."

"It's not impossible to change it a little bit."

"Haha, my brother-in-law really loves to joke. Did He Rongpingshan come here a few days ago?"


"What did you say?"

"It probably means that he can 'change' many things."

Zhang Shiyu snorted coldly, "Barbarians, ignorant of etiquette and arrogant, really treat Yecheng as a tribe outside the Great Wall, thinking they can get whatever they want."

"Looking at the current situation, He Rongbu can really get whatever he wants. I'd better keep these words in my heart for the time being."

"Brother-in-law is not an outsider, that's what I'm saying." Zhang Shiyu paused, "The matter has not been finalized yet. Marrying my sister to a barbarian is definitely not the intention of our family, but... it is the intention of the Empress Dowager. She didn’t want the daughter of the Emperor of All Things to marry far away, so she wanted to use my sister instead.”

"He Rongbu would also be more willing to marry the King of Jibei."

Zhang Shiyu said with a smile: "There are many rumors that I want to proclaim myself emperor. Does He Rongbu believe it? My brother-in-law also believes it?"

"The emperor is still in Jiangdong. If the prince doesn't want to bear this reputation, don't mention it."

"No, I must say, it's better to say it to your face than to be talked about behind your back."

Xu Chu smiled and asked the prince to sit down.

Zhang Shiyu saw the military reports on the table and on the ground, "Huanyan sent someone to deliver it?"

"At your sister's request."

"Huanyan has been involved in more and more things lately."


"Brother-in-law, have you heard that when He Rong Pingshan came to Yecheng, the person he wanted to marry the most was actually Huanyan. Huanyan kept saying that she wanted to rebuild Tiancheng, but at this time she couldn't let herself go. She said that her father was old and the Empress Dowager was weak, so she had to stay. She wants to serve her, so she can’t marry in another country. It’s all nonsense. In fact, she can’t give up the power, so she uses my sister to please the barbarians.”

"You just said it was the Empress Dowager..."

"This is the same thing. Now the Empress Dowager only listens to Huan Yan. She wishes she could pass the throne to her. It's a pity that she is a woman... hum."

Xu Chu didn't say anything. This was the first time he heard Zhang Shiyu say disrespectful words to Princess Huanyan and the Queen Mother.

Zhang Shiyu also knew that this move was abnormal, and added: "Brother-in-law, do you think I am ungrateful? It was all Huanyan who was prepared in advance for the fall of Dongdu, so that our family could gain a foothold in Yecheng. But Huanyan's ambition was greater than anyone expected. Big, she treats our family as... exotic goods, waiting to be sold, no, as livestock, waiting to be fattened, skinned, shaved, and then drank blood and eaten meat. "

"The prince seems to have a complaint."

Zhang Shiyu smiled bitterly and said: "I have said it so straightforwardly, but I still complain about it? If I don't complain a few words, I will almost die of suffocation."

"It's better to keep this kind of thing in your heart than talk about it to the outside world."

"I treat my brother-in-law as one of my own." Zhang Shiyu suddenly stood up, looked at the door and the window a few times, and after confirming that no one was eavesdropping outside, he came back and continued: "I know that my brother-in-law has some thoughts about Huanyan... But you don’t know how much she has changed in these days. Everyone said that she seems to be possessed by the Emperor of All Things, and the two of them are getting more and more..."

Zhang Shiyu smiled awkwardly.

"What a coincidence, I have also had the experience of being 'possessed'. If she can dance her long hair, I will believe that she is possessed by the Emperor of All Things." Xu Chu said with a smile, rather disapprovingly.

Zhang Shiyu, however, looked very serious, "Brother-in-law, don't take it seriously. Do you think you live in Siguo Valley because you are protected by Huanyan? Wrong!"

"Isn't it her?"

"'s her, but it's not all her."

"How do you say this?"

"It is true that Huanyan allowed you to live in Siguo Valley, but he had ulterior motives. My brother-in-law is not interested in worldly affairs in the valley, and he thinks that abdication means abdication. I don't know how much weight the word 'King of Wu' has. Huanyan declared to the outside world that you are by her side. Staff, give her advice."

"She really claims that?"

"At least when others said this, she didn't deny it. In front of the envoys from various states, she would say 'what Mr. Xu thinks' from time to time."

Xu Chu smiled and said, "What are the benefits of Princess Huanyan doing this?"

"The heroes thought that Yecheng was sure of victory, so why did the states come to Yecheng one after another? It actually has a lot to do with my brother-in-law."

"Your Majesty, you can boast too much."

"I'm not praising you, I'm just reminding you..."

Zhang Shiqing's voice came from outside, "Hey, do you want to compete again? Everyone is waiting."

"Come right away." Zhang Shiyu stood up, "There are some things that I can't explain clearly. I brought an old friend of my brother-in-law and let him tell you later. I'm going to stretch my muscles."

Zhang Shiyu walked to the door, suddenly turned around and said: "Have you two... consummated your marriage? In that case, things will be easier, He Rongpingshan..."

Xu Chu shook his head, "I think Shi Qing is my sister."

"Hey, it's not easy to be her brother." Zhang Shiyu sighed and went out to play ball. The sound of horse hooves and shouts soon came from outside.

Xu Chu sat in the study and waited for a while. Someone came in and bowed, "Young Master, you are fine."

"Mr. Qiao?" Xu Chu was startled and hurriedly stood up to greet him. He recognized this person as Qiao Zhisu, a close aide of General Lou Wen. When the general was killed, Qiao Zhisu was looking for the six sons of the Lou family in Hanzhou. The building was blocked, so he escaped a disaster. Unexpectedly, he also came to Yecheng.

Qiao Zhisu looked much older, but still had a gentle smile on his face, "I never thought that Young Master and I would meet here."

"When did Mr. Qiao arrive in Yecheng?"

"A month ago."

The two sat down, and Qiao Zhisu said: "I have always wanted to come to see the young master, and I also wanted to visit Master Fan's tomb, but... I just didn't mention it. I just saw a scholar in front of the tomb, and he seemed..."

"Yu Zhan? Well, he is one of the last disciples around Mr. Fan. He is very worried about me living in Siguo Valley. He just moved in the day before yesterday and claimed that he would stay in the house for three years. He stayed here for one night and said that There have been too many changes and there is no trace of the ancestor, so we have to build another house in front of the tomb. How is the progress?"

"We're weeding, and we don't even have the wood yet."

"I admire him very much." Xu Chu said.

"If he could use this stubbornness in other things, he would be successful, but it's a pity that he won't be able to use it at the right time."

The two chatted for a while, and Xu Chu said, "Mr. Qiao is working as an aide to the King of Jibei?"

"Exactly. Young Master must be wondering, everyone in Yecheng is vying to surrender to the King of Eastern Hunan, why should I go to the King of Jibei alone?"

"I'm really confused."

"Actually, it's simple. There are already many talented people around the King of Xiangdong. When it comes to strategy, there is Sun Yalu. When it comes to knowledge, there is Kou Daogu. When it comes to fame, there are Yin Fu and Fei Zhen. I asked myself, who is not as good as these people? Instead of striving to be the queen of cattle, It’s better to be the chicken head.”

"Haha, Mr. Qiao is open-minded, but... don't let King Jibei hear it."

Polo was being played in full swing outside, and the noise was endless.

Qiao Zhisu said with a smile: "The King of Jibei doesn't even want to be the 'Chicken Head', but he is the heir apparent, and he is quite ambitious."

"Everyone says he can become emperor in the future. What ambition could be greater than this?"

"The true emperor."

Xu Chu smiled and said nothing. Today's meeting was more and more beyond his expectation.

"To be honest, the prince... is indeed not the best choice to be the emperor, but there is an advantage. He can be used by people, and he is a descendant of the Zhang family. As emperor, he can allow his ministers to fully display their talents. The prince is someone who has been there before. I don’t want another emperor of all things to appear in the world.”

Xu Chu still didn't respond.

"When I came back from Hanzhou, Mr. Lou Liu was still there. He was guarding a county. With the help of the Xi family in Jingzhou, he would be able to regain the whole state soon. Both Mr. Lou Liu and the Xi family thought that the King of Eastern Hunan and his daughter were not suitable to be in power. The King of Jibei Father and son are the ones everyone hopes for. If they can ascend the throne, they will be supported and the world will be restored to peace."

"Mr. Qiao, please stop talking. If you come to persuade me to come out of the mountain again, please give up this idea as soon as possible. I will not leak the secret, and I will not follow the old path again."

Qiao Zhisu said seriously: "I am indeed here to persuade the young master to come out of the mountain again, but not to follow the old road of the 'King of Wu', but - the 'old road' of the Eastern Capital earlier."


"Princess Huanyan hopes that the prince will persuade Princess Fangde to return to the city. The prince and I hope that the young master can take one more step to eliminate future troubles forever."

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