Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 317 Returning Home

More than a dozen Fan Sect disciples gathered together to drink. It was originally for entertainment and fun, but the drinking turned into venting their dissatisfaction.

"As soon as Mr. left, we all became abandoned. Siguo Valley was occupied by outsiders. With so many fellow disciples, no one could take it back."

"Senior Brother Kou, alas, it's hard to describe in one sentence. Senior Brother Yin, alas, let's not mention it. What's sad is that among the hundreds of disciples of Fan Sect, apart from these two senior brothers, no one can stand up to defend the orthodoxy."

Everyone was in mourning, and even cried bitterly. The sadness helped the wine, and the wine helped the sadness. The more he talked about it, the sadder he became.

Yu Zhan was famous for his violent personality in the sect. When he saw all his fellow disciples weeping, he couldn't help but became furious and struck the table. He shouted loudly: "Good man, you are worshiping a famous teacher today and learning the ways of sages. How can you be like this?" Women usually cry? In fact, I have already figured out that the failure to recapture Siguogong has nothing to do with the debate. It is all because there is no one above us. Even if Xu Chu loses to us verbally, he may not be expelled. Once, a demon grass appeared in the valley, clearly showing Xu Chu's crime. What did Yecheng do? They sent an old Taoist to eliminate the demon, but they did nothing sincerely. "

Although everyone looked drunk and resentful, no one dared to answer the question at this time.

Yu Zhan became even more angry and sneered: "When it comes to Ye City, are you all afraid of this? No wonder Fan disciples have never been reused. The way of sages is used to rule the country and bring peace to the world, but we are stuck in the ditch..."

An Chongqian was the host of the gathering and advised: "Junior brother Yu, please say less. It is normal to seek military force in times of chaos and to use literature in times of governance. What's more, aren't the two senior brothers Yin and Kou already in the court? ?”

"Senior Brother Yin's job is a sinecure, which is like a pension. Senior Brother Kou has even lowered his status and is willing to be a staff member in the Prince of Xiangdong's Mansion, no different from a servant." The alcohol fueled his anger, and Yu Zhan could no longer control it. Shut up, "Let me tell you, the growth of demonic weeds in Siguo Valley is a warning to not only Xu Chu, but also the entire Ye City, and even the entire Jizhou: Chicken Sichen, sooner or later it will cause weeds to grow in the city..."

People on both sides stood up hurriedly and covered Yu Zhan's mouth. An Zhongqian's expression changed drastically, and he kept saying: "Junior Brother Yu drank too much."

The banquet ended hastily and everyone left one after another for fear of getting into trouble.

Yu Zhan was taken home by his servants and fell asleep. In his dream, he was angrily scolding himself. When he woke up early the next morning, he could not remember what he said yesterday, but the anger was still in his heart. He thought about it and did not consult with his fellow disciples. , he rode on a donkey, took some practical things with him, ordered his servants to guard the house, left the city alone, and went straight to Siguo Valley.

The master of Fangde County appeared unnoticed in the valley. The officers and soldiers at the outpost had just been reprimanded for this, and people entering and leaving were strictly checked. Even if Fan Guan was resurrected, he could not enter the valley through the main entrance without permission from the superiors.

Yu Zhan was stopped outside, so he found a place outside the guard post, tied up his donkey, took out a backless chair, sat on the roadside, read a book, and read aloud.

Originally this was a trivial matter. Yecheng always treated scholars favorably. Although the officers and soldiers did not allow him to enter the valley at will, they did not expel him. However, in the evening, the trivial matter gradually became more serious.

Rumor has spread that the demonic grass has invaded Siguo Valley, and people often come to take a look. Now that the officers and soldiers are not allowed in, these people have to stop outside, and are almost immediately attracted by Yu Zhan who is reading loudly.

Yu Zhan ignored everyone and just read the Analects of Confucius in his hand.

Someone recognized him and volunteered to "explain" for him, saying to others: "Disciples of the Fan family have come to think about their past. Although Mr. Fan has passed away, the integrity of the disciples has not been lost."

After nightfall, Yu Zhan still didn't leave. He couldn't see the words in the book clearly, so he recited them.

Some people respected this Fan disciple and built a simple shed for him.

Yu Zhan slept on the floor. When he woke up early the next morning, he found some food around him. He didn't ask who brought it to him and continued reading after eating.

With more and more onlookers, the officers and soldiers at the outpost began to feel uneasy and sent people to ask their superiors for instructions.

A civil servant was sent from Yecheng, and he came up with the idea of ​​sending a soldier into the valley to inform him. If the people in the valley recognized Yu Zhan as a visitor, they would let him in. If not, they would politely invite him back to the city. .

Xu Chu admitted that this "fellow disciple" was a guest, and Yu Zhan was allowed to enter the valley. However, he was not satisfied with this. Instead, he raised his requirements: "I am not the only one, everyone who comes is a guest. Besides, Siguo Valley has never prohibited anyone from entering, Xu Chu Since we claim to be orthodox, we should not change the old rules.”

The civil servants could not make the decision, so they whispered to the other party to stop, but Yu Zhan sternly refused.

When he left the city alone, he already had the intention of never coming back. In the past two days, he had received quite a lot of support. Not only did people set up tents and send food to him, but they also admired him very much. No matter how old or young, familiar or unfamiliar, they all respected him. To bow down.

Yu Zhan's determination became more and more determined. This was no longer a reckless act by him alone, but represented the will of everyone.

He stayed outside the post for another night. The simple shed was expanded several times, and five young scholars stayed with him.

On the third day, An Chongqian, Yan Wei and other Fan disciples came to express support and persuasion.

"Junior Brother Yu has done something that the disciples of the Fan Sect should have done long ago." An Zhongqian said a few words of flattery as a senior brother, and then said: "Now everyone understands what Junior Brother Yu means, and the government has given permission. Junior Brother Yu Why are you still here?"

"Siguo Valley is the center of knowledge for the Fan sect, and now it is also the location of the tomb of our late master. As disciples of the Fan sect, we can come in whenever we want, and leave whenever we want. Why do we need 'permission'? Our late master is here, and there is a constant stream of people seeking knowledge." Bujue, why did the master refuse to see you? I am not here to show off. I want to restore Si Guogu to his old appearance. I am not an opponent when it comes to eloquence. I am as light as a feather when it comes to backing. I am stubborn. I won’t fight or grab, but I won’t take a step back unless I die.”

"Junior Brother Yu, why bother? Even if we use this method to regain Siguo Valley, what will happen?"

"What?" There was a trace of contempt in Yu Zhan's eyes, "I don't have the ability to carry forward the teachings of my ancestors, but I can't give in and watch outsiders occupying my ancestors' old house, right? Senior Brother An, you don't have to persuade me, you have someone in the city. If you have a family and a career, you should act cautiously, unlike me, who has no relatives or friends and works only for one person."

An Chongqian was quite embarrassed and looked at Yan Wei, hoping to get help.

Yan Weixiang was known for his eloquence, but at this time he remained silent, lightly shaking his head to his senior brother, not intending to speak out.

An Chongqian had no choice but to say goodbye and return to the city to admit to the government that he was powerless. To his surprise, the three Fan disciples who came with him actually chose to stay.

The sheds on the roadside gradually spread, and there were fourteen scholars sitting inside. Onlookers came and went continuously.

On the fourth day, the officers and soldiers at the outpost finally removed all obstacles and allowed everyone to enter and exit.

This was a small victory. Everyone cheered and moved to both sides, asking Yu Zhan to be the first to go in.

Yu Zhan was not polite. He held the book in one hand and led the donkey in the other, striding towards the valley. After these few days of experience, he was ninety percent sure of retaking the valley. He only regretted not taking this move earlier to let Xu Chubai Zhansi. It’s been more than half a year since I passed the valley.

The lush wild grass in the valley is still eye-catching, but it is not as "monstrous" as everyone imagined. Yu Zhan has been here before, and he is even more surprised.

Although there were many cheerers, only one Yu Zhan was really willing to take the risk. He entered the valley step by step, and the followers behind him gradually slowed down and got farther and farther away from him.

Without looking back, Yu Zhan walked through the grass path and entered the valley. He saw a familiar old house and an unfamiliar scene: the place where many Fan disciples used to practice rituals has now become part of a huge venue, with horses on it. Galloping, instead of the sound of reading aloud, there was a burst of high-pitched shouts.

Ten knights were playing polo, while several others stood nearby and watched.

Yu Zhan was shocked at first, then furious. He stood there speechless for a long time.

Xu Chu was one of the bystanders. He walked up to Yu Zhan and said with a smile: "I informed you the day before yesterday that I just arrived today. Where did you go?"

Yu Zhan remembered his purpose of coming and said coldly: "I'm not here to visit you."

"Well, your Excellency is here..."

"Si Guo Valley belongs to our ancestors and to many Fan disciples. I am 'going home', and I want to pay homage to my ancestors and guard the house for three years."

"Okay, welcome. There are still vacancies in the valley. You can choose one."

The more easy-going Xu Chu became, the more vigilant Yu Zhan became. He tied the donkey to a nearby wooden stake and walked towards the study, "My master's room is my room."

When Yu Zhan walked away, Xu Chu turned around and looked at the people looming in the grass, and said loudly: "Do you want to stay in the house for three years? There are not enough houses in the valley."

No one entered the valley again, but retreated step by step and disappeared into the grass.

The old servant came over and whispered: "That's the master's study. Are you just... letting me out?"

"That's Mr. Fan's old house, it's not mine."

"Young Master has the final say. There is one more thing. Do you count his share of the cooking?"

"Well, I have to show some hospitality."

"The young master asked me to prepare tea and wine a few days ago to entertain guests, but only this one came. It seems that he doesn't think he is a guest." The old servant shook his head and walked away.

Yu Zhan successfully entered his master's old house. Looking at the old seats that had not been replaced, he felt filled with emotion. Looking at the messy desk and piles of books and papers, he couldn't help but feel sad and angry.

When Xu Chu entered the house, Yu Zhan was reading the military newspaper. He raised his head and said angrily: "The houses of sages are polluted by these useless things."

Xu Chu smiled and said, "Your name is Yu Zhan, right?"

"Why, are you pretending not to know me?"

"When Mr. Yu entered the valley, did you thank the officers and soldiers guarding the valley?"

Yu Zhan was stunned, "I was blocked by them for several days for no reason, why should I thank them?"

"It's no wonder they acted according to orders. It was quite magnanimous to let them go in the end. Mr. Yu should thank them to show that Ye City respects the virtuous and respected people, and it can also win some favor for himself."

Yu Zhan was stunned again, and then sneered: "I am willing to be defeated in trying to figure out what is better."

"Please take a seat." Xu Chu sat down first, "I learned the art of 'guessing' from Mr. Fan. I'm just a beginner, and I'm not yet proficient in it."

Just as Yu Zhan was about to sit down, he immediately stood up and said, "The sages and sages before me didn't learn this kind of thing, let alone teach it to you."

"Master Yu, there is no need to be angry. You can enter the valley. Firstly, the rulers of Yecheng are generous, and secondly, they have lost their patience with me. They will soon send people to punish me severely. Master Yu is about to 'repay his great revenge', and return You can see if I’m right.”

Xu Chu had a smile on his face, and he definitely didn't look like he was going to be "heavily punished." Yu Zhan said, "You are a distinguished guest of the ruling party in Yecheng. Who dares to touch you?"

"Want to make a bet? I can't tell you in three days, someone will definitely come from Yecheng and they will do harm to me."

Yu Zhan didn't think too much and blurted out: "If Yecheng did this, I was wrong before. Not only do I have to admit defeat to you, but I also have to confess to the government!"

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