Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 209: Each doing his own thing

Before the battle, Xue Jinyao held the Advent Stick in his hand and suddenly wanted to lead his troops out of the city on behalf of King Wu. The officers and soldiers of the Advent Army cheered, but the people of Wu were confused.

Tang Weitian was the first to not believe it and ran towards the high platform, "Where are the governors? I have to ask..."

Xue Jinyao reached out and grabbed one of Tang Weitian's arms, pulled it twice, and pushed him back to where he was. "Mortals are not allowed to approach the altar of the God of Descendants."

Xue Jinyao was a woman, and Tang Weitian was so thin that he didn't expect the opponent to be so strong. In the end, Xue Jinyao had the upper hand. Tang Weitian didn't get through, so his momentum decreased slightly and he turned to look at the other Wu generals.

Meng Nilun stepped forward and said: "The ruler promised to personally lead the troops out of the city, why..."

Xue Jin shook his right hand to hold the knife, pointed to the sky with his left hand, and said proudly: "The King of the Coming is here in person, and he wants to help the rebels defeat the officers and soldiers with his boundless magic power. Therefore, he stays for a long time. The ordinary body cannot bear it. It must be the King of Wu. The King of Wu is the King of the Coming and closes the door. Disciple, I have to pass on the mantle. Apart from him, there is no other person in the world who can keep my soul for a long time."

Xue Jinyao turned around and looked at the descending army in the camp, "Maitreya Buddha protects us, and the descending king is here to supervise. Our army will win. You can move forward bravely, the living will be rewarded, and the dead will ascend to heaven. Those who are afraid of shrinking will fall into hell forever and will not be able to transcend. "

"We must win!" "Go forward bravely!" The descendants of the World Army echoed loudly. Even the soldiers of the King of Wu were affected and shouted even harder. Meng Nilun and other Wu generals looked at each other with doubts in their hearts, but they couldn't ask anymore. Neng frequently looked at the high platform, only to see green smoke rising, but no figure of King Wu.

One mage brought the mount, and two mages carried the long spear. Xue Jinyao inserted the world-coming stick in his waist, mounted the horse and held the spear. Several mages came on horseback, each holding a flag with various talismans of the religion painted on it. , although rough, it can inspire military morale.

Xue Jinyao said to Meng Senglun and others: "Either follow me out of the city to fight, or stay and wait for King Wu, it's up to you."

When Xue Jinyao said "stay", his tone changed slightly, as if he was ridiculing General Wu for being timid. Everyone could not bear it. They all mounted their horses and picked up weapons to follow the Golden Saint out of the city. Even Song Xingcai was eager to try.

Meng Nilun was confused and uneasy, but the King of Wu and his wife seemed to be deeply in love, and they did not even stumble over each other's lips. As an outsider, he could not guess that the enemy was facing a formidable enemy. : "Golden Saint didn't say that King Wu wanted to change his plan. You stay and act according to the original plan."

Meng Senglun called Tang Weitian again, "You also stay and look for an opportunity to climb to the high platform to see what is going on with King Wu. If anything happens, come out of the city to find me immediately."

Tang Weitian wanted to go out of the city to join the battle, but for the sake of King Wu, he had to reluctantly nod, "As soon as you leave the city, I will find a way to get up."

Xue Jinyao has already led the team out of the city. According to the order, Wu will follow closely. Meng Nilun hurriedly chased after him. He thought about it and quietly observed the expression of Jin Shengnu. On the contrary, it was safer. Thinking about it this way, he became less suspicious.

It would take some time for the army to leave the city. Tang Wei was impatient by nature. As soon as the general in front disappeared, he ran to the high platform to go up and check the situation.

Several mages stopped in front of the wooden ladder and shook their heads at the same time.

"I am the Grand Governor's personal guard, and I will always be by his side."

"King Wu didn't take you up there at first, and you can't go up now." A mage replied.

"I also have a magic stick here. If you don't give way, I'm going to hit you on the head."

The magicians didn't take this "relative" of the Jishi stick seriously. Someone said: "It's useless for you to go up. The current King of Wu is not the King of Wu, but the King of Jishi."

"What about the people from King Wu?"

"The soul falls asleep temporarily and gives up the body to the coming king."

Tang Weitian was also from the Avatar Army, and he quite believed in this kind of thing. He took two steps back and looked up, "The Avatar King has already ascended to heaven, why are you back?"

"Of course it's to help the Advent Army defeat the officers and soldiers."

"When he was alive, he ran away as soon as he saw the officers and soldiers, but after he died, he became more capable?" Tang Weitian couldn't figure it out.

A judge scolded: "Don't be rude. King Jingshi traveled to all directions to spread the Buddha's decree. When did he run away at the sight of officers and soldiers? Didn't you see that the Jingshi army was getting stronger and stronger, and he also captured the Eastern Capital?"

Tang Weitian curled his lips. He had just come back not long ago and had not experienced many changes after the death of King Jishi. He still lacked respect for Xue Liujia as before.

Tang Weitian slowly circled around the high platform, but the mages were protecting him tightly and the platform was very high. There was no way to go up except climbing the ladder.

Someone came running up on horseback and said anxiously: "The King of Shu sent me to ask: What's going on? Where is the King of Wu?"

Song Xingcao had already led his troops out of the camp and was preparing to attack Beicheng in the name of patrolling the streets. The remaining general was Dai Pohu. He was from Jingzhou and loyal to the King of Wu, but he did not want to meddle in other people's business. He stretched out his arm and pointed: " There, the descended king entrusted the king of Wu to cast spells to help the battle, and the golden saint personally led the troops out of the city. "

The visitor looked confused, "Can you let me see King Wu? Just say a word."

Dai Pohu was helpless, and a mage guarding the platform loudly said: "No, no one can go up. That is not the King of Wu now, but the King of the World."

Gan Zhao's subordinates were all members of the Incarnation Army. They were too trusting and suspicious of such things, so they didn't dare to persist anymore and left.

After him, the three kings of Ning, Liang and Jin all sent people to inquire. They were all urgent. The envoys of King Liang and King Jin were not from the World Army. They especially insisted on seeing the King of Wu. The Master was even more insistent and refused to give in.

The messenger had no choice but to leave.

Tang Weitian, on the other hand, took advantage of the chaos and found an opportunity to pass between the two mages and hurried up the ladder. After only taking a few steps, several hands grabbed his ankles and dragged him down.

The magician was very angry and said to Dai Pohu: "The King of the World is attached to the body of King Wu, which is extremely dangerous. If he is frightened, the King of the World will not be able to return to heaven, and King Wu will also be hurt. Who will bear this responsibility? If someone trespasses on the altar again, we can only blame you."

Dai Pohu had no choice but to apologize repeatedly, called Tang Weitian aside, and whispered: "Stop making trouble, wait for King Wu to come down by himself."

"I'm a little worried."

"The King of the World descended personally, and the Golden Saint led the troops personally. What are you worried about?"

"I have known the King of the World for a long time, and I am not very confident about his magic... Although the Golden Saint is strong, she has never led troops, and I am even more worried. I really don't understand why King Wu..."

"Can we understand the affairs of the gods? If you are really worried, why don't you go up to the city to see how the battle outside is going."

"That makes sense." Tang Weitian ran away, as fast as usual, and soon arrived on the city wall.

There were not many soldiers on the city wall. They were all looking out and making various noises, whether they were surprised or happy.

Tang Weitian looked into the distance and saw that the rebels and the government soldiers had already fought, and the battle was difficult to resolve. Xue Jinyao, who led the troops for the first time, at least did not lose.

Tang Weitian was slightly relieved. Just as he was about to leave, a man ran up the city wall and grabbed him, "Are you the guard of the King of Wu?"

"Yes, my name is Tang Weitian, and you are the subordinate of the King of Shu, your name is Tie something."

"My name is Tie Yuan. Come with me."

"Where are you going?"

"The King of Shu is looking for you."

Tang Weitian hurriedly ran north with Tie Yuan. After a few steps, he turned his head and looked at the high platform in the city. He vaguely saw the King of Wu sitting by the tripod, motionless, and the green smoke seemed to be coming out of his head.

Tang Weitian was frightened and thought that the King of Wu was really possessed. He didn't dare to look closely and chased Tie Yuan. "The dead are really more powerful than the living. Look, the King of the World has really come to the world."

"Hey." Tie Yuan also looked at the platform, but couldn't see clearly either, so he didn't say much.

Gan Zhao, the King of Shu, was extremely anxious. When he saw Tang Weitian, he immediately showed his joy. "What's going on with the King of Wu?"

"Lending a body to the King of the Incarnation, didn't you already know?"

Gan Zhao knew, of course, but he didn't believe it at all. "Then what?"

"Then... just wait, wait for the King of the Incarnation to use his divine power. Logically, he should also cast a spell. He finally came to the world once, he can't just watch."

"You don't know anything about the King of Wu's plan?"

"I know, to fight the officers and soldiers. The Wu army has all left the city, leaving only General Dai and General Song..."

"Is Song Xingcai in the city?"

"Yes, he went to patrol the city."

Gan Zhao felt a little relieved, knowing that Song Xingcai was going to cooperate with him to attack the North City, but he still couldn't be completely relieved, and asked his generals: "What's going on with the King of Ning?"

One general replied: "Just got the news that the King of Ning has fought with the officers and soldiers, and the two sides are evenly matched. The Liang army has left the city, and the Jin army is about to leave the city."

The officers and soldiers were really patient and did not immediately send elite troops to besiege the King of Ning.

Gan Zhao was scratching his head. Without the support of King Wu, he was quite skeptical about the original plan and did not dare to attack North City. Suddenly, he thought of a way and said to Tang Weitian: "You go to North City immediately and meet Niu Tiannu."

"Why do you want to meet her?"

"Uh... She is Huang Tieniang's confidant. Huang Tieniang may have asked King Jiangshi to tell her something. No, no, King Jiangshi does have something to say to her. You go and ask Niu Tiannu to come to the altar."

Tang Weitian did not understand. Gan Zhao said seriously: "You are King Wu's guard, right?"


"You want to see King Wu as soon as possible?"

"Of course."

"Then find Niu Tiannv, she and Jin Shengnv have a mother-daughter relationship. If she wants to go on stage, no one dares to stop her, and you can follow her. "

"Yes, I will go now. But what if Niu Tiannv doesn't come?"

"Then come back to me immediately and I will find a way for you."

"Okay, you have many ways."

Tang Weitian turned around and was about to leave, but Gan Zhao stopped him, "Don't go up the city, there is a wall in the middle, go down the city."

Tang Weitian was fast and didn't ride a horse. He ran down the city to the north city. On the way, he met Song Xingcai, who was also waiting for orders and was at a loss. After hearing about Tang Weitian's purpose, he urged him to go faster.

Tang Weitian ran as fast as he could. When he arrived at the gate of the north city camp, he couldn't get in. He could only shout and claim that the king wanted to see Niu Tiannv and brought a few words from Huang Tieniang.

His shouting was actually quite useful. Niu Tiannv came to the camp gate in person and replied in front of all the soldiers: "Please go back. Huang Tieniang has told me the whole story in her dream. It is inconvenient for me to see the spirit of the king again. Please go and apologize on my behalf."

Tang Weitian had no choice but to run back. Song Xingcai complained about him on the way. When he arrived at the Shu army, Gan Zhao was not angry, but just sighed, "The situation is gone, and the king of Wu will fail."

"Who said it's gone? I don't believe it."

Gan Zhao didn't want to say more, but just shook his head and said to his generals: "Be prepared, keep an eye on him at all times. "I will follow the movements of the North City. If King Ning returns to the city, tell me immediately." The general obeyed the order, but Tang Weitian became more and more confused, and felt bad. He grabbed Gan Zhao's arm and said, "King Shu, you have to explain to me clearly, what is going on?" "To put it simply, the kings are doing their own things. King Jin will not come back after leaving the city. No one can guess what King Liang is thinking, but King Ning will lead his troops back to the city without waiting for the outcome of the battle, and then attack the West City, seize the high platform and the King Wu who is not sure whether to live or die on the high platform." "Then let's go and fight King Ning first."

"No, without the King of Wu, I can only protect myself and will not send a single soldier. Go inform General Song and tell him to be careful."

Tang Weitian scratched his head, "Then let's go and rob the King of Wu first."

Gan Zhao smiled bitterly, "Whether we can rob him back is another matter. If the King of Wu needs someone to save him, then it's better not to save him."

Tang Weitian didn't understand even more. He only understood one thing, he couldn't hesitate any longer and had to climb the platform.

He didn't discuss it with others and turned around and ran. Gan Zhao ignored him. While assigning soldiers to guard the camp, he was thinking about how to negotiate with the King of Ning later to save his life and the army.

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