The son of King Jingshi could not speak many words and called his sister "Mother". Xue Jinyao did not correct him, but held him in his arms and made him laugh. He whispered: "My surname is Xue, and your surname is also Xue. The only one left in the Xue family is Xue." We are two living people."

Xu Chu walked in with a chill all over his body, and Xue Jinyao immediately said: "Don't come over, just stand at the door."

Xu Chu stopped and asked, "Mrs. Prince Ning..."

"We chatted for a while, and I thought she was quite nice and didn't have bad intentions."

"That's good." Xu Chu smiled, not having high hopes at first, "I'm going to live outside tonight, you don't have to wait for me."

"Yes." Xue Jinyao continued to tease his younger brother. He quickly raised his head and said to King Wu who was about to leave: "Wait, there is one more thing. I will send Feng Juniang away."

"I heard that it is a home for her."

"Aren't you angry?"

"Not angry. Why should I be angry?"

"Because I made my own decision without consulting you."

Xu Chu felt that his wife's attitude was a bit strange, but he didn't think much about it and said with a smile: "The more opinions you have on this kind of thing, the better."

"That's good." After King Wu closed the door from the outside, Xue Jinyao said to the child in his arms: "If King Wu is not angry, then let's make our own decisions again."

The child just laughed and made no objection.

Xu Chu had to find another way to defeat King Ning.

It was getting late, so Xu Chu made an excuse to go to the west city for inspection. He took only a small number of guards and went to see Gan Zhao.

If you want to deal with Prince Ning, Gan Zhao is the most useful helper.

The two met many times, and Gan Zhao was willing to serve the King of Wu. Xu Chu came to see him for no other reason than to consolidate this alliance.

Gan Zhao also understood King Wu's intention, so he quickly sent away the outsiders and got to the point: "As far as I know, King Ning must go to war tomorrow. King Ning has always prided himself on being brave and will never invite the kings to fight when they go out of the city. Falling behind others, Niu Tiannu will stay and guard the city gate for her husband. This is more troublesome. Niu Tiannu has already made preparations to block all the roads leading to the city gate and build a high wall on the city wall to prevent it. The troops in the west city are not easy to defeat."

"After all the calculations, I never thought that Mrs. Ning Prince would be the biggest trouble."

"But it doesn't matter." Gan Zhao said with a smile. If things are too easy and his abilities cannot be shown, "Many generals in King Ning's army are familiar with me. As long as I go to seize the door tomorrow, they will open the passage for me. Niu Tiannu After all, she is a female, and the elite soldiers will be taken away by King Ning. She can’t leave too many people around her. Even if there is no one to respond, I can capture the two gates of the North City tomorrow, it just takes a little more trouble. "

The two chatted for a long time, and Xu Chu inevitably made many promises. After confirming that he was willing to recruit, he stood up and left.

Xu Chu mobilized a large number of troops, quietly increased the strength of Xicheng, summoned General Wu, and assigned matters. Meng Nilun, Lei Dajun and others will follow him out of the city tomorrow - King Wu must personally lead the troops out of the city and lead by example, so that the other three sides can The rebels attacked.

Song Xingcai was left to defend the city.

When the discussion was over, Xu Chu left Song Xingcai with another instruction: "In tomorrow's battle, the outside of the city is important, but the inside of the city is even more important. The King of Shu will attack the North City from the city wall, and you have to attack from the streets inside the city. , the first priority is to seize the door.”

Song Xingcai nodded repeatedly, "I have long been dissatisfied with Ning Baoguan, and finally waited for this day. Don't worry, I will risk my life tomorrow to seize the two gates of Beicheng."

"I would rather lose both of them than General Song's life. You are the most powerful general in our army. Without you, the Wu army will lose its edge."

"I'm not a strong general, I just dare to charge." Song Xingcao said with a smile, feeling very happy.

At nearly the fourth watch, Xu Chu took a nap in the Xicheng military camp. He got up at the fifth watch and began to arrange for the officers and soldiers. He contacted the kings frequently and urged them to leave the city in time to attack the officers and soldiers.

The West City was the first group, and then a group rushed out every two quarters of an hour, followed by the North City, the East City, and the South City.

If all goes well, the Jin army in Nancheng will break through the siege and find their way back to Bingzhou. King Liang will hide the main force in the city. He will also quickly return to the city to ambush the officers and soldiers in the city. In the name of defending the city, King Shu actually wants to If the northern city wall is captured, King Ning will be blocked outside the city, leaving Jizhou's sudden cavalry eager for revenge.

If everything goes well, Xu Chu will get rid of the two most powerful opponents in the rebel army and take charge of the entire army. Although there will be some losses, it will still be a powerful army.

As for the officers and soldiers outside the city, Xu Chu also had a plan. The first thing he did after getting up was to summon Meng Nilun, "General Meng, get ready. Today's battle is not a bluff. We have to break through the officers and soldiers camp and lift the siege of Dongdu." ”

Meng Nilun's eyes lit up, "I knew the ruler would not sincerely submit to Yecheng! But do we have enough troops? Do we need to call some more people?"

"No need, the officers and men's sudden cavalry must be used to surround and annihilate King Ning, and part of the force must be divided to attack Nancheng. The east and west sides must be weak. Our current numbers are sufficient. There are only two points. One is not to be timid in fighting and miss the opportunity. Second, we must obey the order. It is not possible to attack too early or too late. Attacking too early will alert the officers and soldiers and disrupt the battle in the north and south of the city. It cannot be too late. When the officers and soldiers are free, the opportunity will be lost. "

"Don't worry when you are in power. I will obey your orders. If you point me forward, I will rush forward. If you point me back, I will retreat."

"It has to be General Meng before I dare to entrust him with such an important task."

Meng Nilun impulsively wanted to reveal his plan. Wu general Wang Dian had been transferred outside the city, so he could coordinate internally and externally, making the attack more secure.

When the words came to his lips, Meng Nilun swallowed them back. He made his own decisions several times, which made King Wu extremely unhappy. This time, he wanted to wait until the matter was completed before telling the truth, so as to atone for his sins.

He didn't care about credit, he just wanted to serve King Wu.

Everything was ready, Xu Chu was slightly relieved, but only slightly, and he did not dare to be careless until the end.

The entire plan was too huge and complicated, and it relied on the cooperation of the kings and generals. It was impossible not to have accidents in the middle, so Xu Chu had to adapt to circumstances.

For this reason, he gave up many ambitions. For example, he did not seek to get rid of King Jin, but just wanted him to leave and stop secretly fighting for power with himself.

Xu Chu came out to inspect the soldiers. As soon as he left the door, he saw a high platform erected not far away. He remembered clearly that when he rested in the fourth watch, there was no such thing.

The high platform is more than a hundred steps away from the city wall, a little higher. Although it is made of wood, it is fast enough.

"What is this?" Xu Chu asked in surprise.

"This is the platform of the Incarnation built by the Golden Saint." Meng Nilun replied, he saw the platform appear with his own eyes.

Xu Chu said oh and didn't ask any more questions.

Xue Jinyao, wearing a silver helmet and silver armor, walked from the stage. It was about to break at dawn, and the camp was full of torches, making the silver armor shine even more brightly.

Xue Jinyao was half a head taller than many male soldiers. He walked towards him with his sword in his hand without showing any signs of coyness. Xu Chu praised him in his heart, but at the same time he was wondering how he dared to sleep with such a woman.

Meng Silun praised her loudly, "The Golden Saint is extraordinary. If she were a man, she would definitely become the number one general in the Wu army."

Xue Jinyao came closer and said coldly: "I want to invite the gods to come to the world, and I ask King Wu to accompany me on stage."

"Does it have to be now?"

"The Advent Army is about to fight a decisive battle with the officers and soldiers. The Advent King must come down to take a look and cheer for the soldiers. It won't be long before the King of Wu goes up to show off."

"Okay." Xu Chu didn't want to reject his wife in public, especially since the request was quite reasonable. Many people around him looked at the high platform with awe, taking it seriously.

"There is also the Advent Rod. Without it, communication with the gods is impossible."

"Of course." Xu Chu called Tang Weitian.

Tang Weitian was standing next to him, with two sticks on his waist, one on the left and one on the right.

"I don't want him, I just want King Wu." Xue Jin shook his head.

Tang Weitian came back not long ago and was not familiar with Xue Jinyao. When he heard these words, he immediately said loudly: "As long as the stick is there, I will never hand over the magic stick."

Xue Jinyao ignored him and said, "Please, King Wu, hold the stick and follow me on stage."

Tang Weitian stared at Xue Jinyao with a bulging voice. Xu Chu stretched out his hand and said: "Give me the stick of birth. When I come down, you will hold the stick to protect me."

Tang Weitian had no choice but to hand over the stick of birth with great reluctance, covering the other stick with his hand, "I want to keep this one."

Xu Chu smiled, said a few words to Meng Nilun, and followed Xue Jinyao straight to the high platform.

Below the stage were a dozen mages, shivering in the cold wind, climbing up the stairs. On the top of the stage was a large cauldron from nowhere, with high incense burning and green smoke curling up.

On the left and right sides of the cauldron stood a great mage, chanting sutras, his body shivering slightly due to the cold wind.

From the looks of it, this is a simple summons that won't last long.

Xu Chu stood on the high platform, looking beyond the city wall and seeing the dim light on the horizon in the distance, as well as the slightly closer camp of officers and soldiers.

Various preparations must be being made in the officers and soldiers camp, which cannot be seen from a distance.

Xu Chu suddenly thought of Princess Huanyan. She used to be sympathetic to him, but now she firmly refused to believe him - she was right.

"Fortunately, she's not here..." Xu Chu murmured, feeling that he was missing a powerful opponent.

"Who's not here?" Xue Jinyao asked.

"No one. We can invite the King of the World."

Xue Jinyao knelt in front of the cauldron and prayed in a low voice. Xu Chu held the birth stick in both hands and knelt beside his wife. He had no sincerity in his heart and was still calculating every detail of today. He didn't notice that the cauldron blocked most of the opposite city wall. In terms of sight, the people in the audience couldn't see him at all.

Xue Jinyao took action without warning, pushed her husband down, quickly stuffed a piece of cloth into his mouth, and then tied his hands.

Xu Chu was horrified. When he was about to struggle, he was not as strong as his wife. When he was about to scream for help, no sound came out of his mouth.

He had countless questions in his mind, which could only be expressed with angry eyes.

Xue Jinyao was unmoved, and tied the other end of the rope firmly to the foot of a tripod, and said to the two great wizards: "Someone will come to deliver the order. When the time comes, you can untie the rope and apologize to King Wu."

The two archmages were obviously insiders and nodded immediately.

Xue Jinyao knelt down and said to her husband: "If you want Niu Tiannu to believe me, this is the only way. Don't worry, I will lead the troops out of the city for you. There are people watching over King Ning. Once he leaves the city and is surrounded by officers and soldiers, he will immediately notify this side , the two great mages will untie you, and you will lead the troops to attack Beicheng. I know you are not happy, but I will wait until I come back."

Xu Chu grunted a few times. His plan was not only to betray Ning Baoguan, but also had a series of follow-ups that required him to make judgments and issue orders at any time, which Xue Jinyao could not replace.

Xue Jinyao touched her husband's cheek and said, "When I come back, you will be the emperor." After saying that, he picked up the stick of birth and stood up to step down.

Xu Chu was frightened and angry, but could do nothing. After a while, he heard Xue Jinyao's loud voice: "The King of Coming to the World left the King of Wu on the stage to watch the battle, and asked me to lead the troops out of the city for the King of Wu. The Stick of Coming to the World is here, all generals. Listen to the order! With the protection of the gods, our army will win!"

Xu Chu hoped that Meng Nilun and others would see the flaw and come to rescue him, but what they heard was cheers louder than thunder.

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